
Shaking Up The Snowglobe


06-12-2014, 03:22 PM

The massive brute stepped lightly through the snow, his paws tender and careful despite their size. This place appeared to be a sort of meadow, a place that should have been teeming with life. But while winter had stolen away the color, it only bestowed a new sense of beauty. Even dead flowers can be beautiful...

Series snickered at his unusually poetic thoughts and made an attempt to launch his body into a huge pile of snow. The white flakes sprayed every which way, some clinging to his sandy fur. Those that landed on his nose, however, melted on contact. Series stared as it happened again and again, his golden eyes crossed as he focused on his nose. Once he became bored again, though, the male would kick his legs into the air and roll in the snow. Muscular body would squirm playfully against the frozen ground, a youthful laugh breaking through the silence. Some wolves dreaded winter, but Series found in it a new way to play. Now, if only he had someone to spend such a snowy day with...




06-12-2014, 04:08 PM

The woman had been watching the location of her paws dutifully as ever as she crept almost silently through the snow as she had been trained to do for almost a year. If you listened very hard you might hear the soft pat pat pat of her paws striking the ground like a toothpick strikes a block of diamonds. She found herself in a gulley with a rather loud wolf near her. Well this should be fun. She convinced herself as she pushed her way towards the man as she was careful to keep it silent all the same. He was playing in snow, something she had never done because it was rather childish and futile all the same.

She had an indignant look on her face for a second before a mischievous smirk caught her. Yes, she would have fun with this one. She crept behind him, the wind blowing against her face making it more difficult for her scent to be caught by anyone in Series? direction. She used her paws to scoop snow and throw it at him before she rushed back to her hiding within the gulley. She snickered to herself but made no sound as she disciplined herself not to make a noise.


06-17-2014, 01:56 PM

The laughter continued in an unending stream from his lips. This was how the man lived his everyday life. For what was the point of life without a little fun? As the massive brute wriggled his way into the snow, he felt the cool sensation on his back and heaved a sigh of relief. After several moments of this, he grew bored once more and rose to his feet. Big clumps of snow dropped from his fur, none penetrating the guard hairs of his pelt. Just as he had shaken himself clean, Series felt another ball of snow strike him in the face. Dandelion eyes looked around in confusion. Who was the culprit? At first glance there was no one to be seen. But that could not be. The sandy boy began walking forward, looking around for who it could've been.

Then he peeked around a tangled bush, and his golden eyes caught a flash of fur. He darted forward in an attempt to pounce on the perpetrator, paws digging clumsily into the fresh white powder. "Who goes there? Friend or foe?" Series called out, his voice harmless and playful. Whoever it was that had thrown the snow at him was obviously in the mood to play. And play they would.
