
Wonderful Life




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-23-2020, 11:10 AM

He wasn't normally one to wander away from the pack lands this late in the evening, but sleeping didn't really feel like it suited him just yet and his paws were itching to put some distance under them. Ever since he came back to Abaven after his injury, he found himself exploring more and more. That exploration and appreciation of the land itself was something he had picked up from his mother's pack during his time with them and he didn't have a problem with continuing that tradition in himself. He liked the space it gave him to think and the new sights and sounds to break up the monotony - even if it was places he had been to before.

Since the sun was beginning to set he didn't want to go that far from his home since he'd need to get back before too long, but the Redbud Nook was pretty close by and at least offered a change of scenery. This place shifted so much with the seasons and he always enjoyed coming back here to see how it had evolved. Now that summer was in full swing the pink blooms had fallen away from the trees and they were in their prime of leafy foliage. The sound of crickets and cicadas sounded from the trees around him and occasionally he'd see a firefly catch his attention from the corner of his eye. The evening was warm, but still very pleasant and he found himself smiling softly at the peacefulness of it all.




7 Years
Chrono I

09-24-2020, 06:18 PM

Location: Redbud Nook
Aranea was returning back towards her pack after a venture out in the eastern lands. She preferred her herb hunting in the east or south though it seemed a good number of other packs resided here and also seemed to be growing. She was careful to avoid them all, she didn't want to get in a bad position while so far away from home. She liked going through the redbook nook on her way back since it seemed so peaceful.

She was caught in a routine as she entered, and when the stranger was a little more than in view her body snapped into attention and she came to a halt. She stayed for a moment, sniffing his extra familiar scent. Abaven. And though it wasn't like she was an outcast of them, she felt a little bit of disgust to the smell. Her short days in Abaven were something she would much rather forget, the memories sour in her mind. She'd gently move forward though towards the stranger, thinking that a wolf from Abaven wouldn't purposefully cause harm to her. Her quiet footsteps padded on and she only paused to give the man a nod with the intention of continuing on back home. With the sun setting she wouldn't be back until late in the night but it wouldn't bother her much as she was a night owl anyway.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-28-2020, 05:48 PM

The soft, almost unnoticeable sound of paws pulled his attention and his bright eyes landed on the form of a smaller woman that seemed to be quietly passing by. While he wasn't completely familiar with a lot of the pack scents, especially with the newer packs that had popped up around his own recently, but hers was one that he remembered. He wasn't exactly sure what the name of her pack was, but it was at least one that he remembered passing at some point in his wandering. He supposed that was one curse of keeping mostly to himself - he was never really sure who anyone was or where they came from. Either way, he was kind of excited about the prospect of having a bit of company, but her quiet nod told him that she wasn't really intending to stay. He returned her nod and tried not to feel disappointed. He certainly didn't want to keep her from getting home since it was already getting pretty late. And yet...

He wasn't sure what had gotten into him today with his spur of the moment exploring and his sudden confidence to walk over to a pretty woman, but something about this atmosphere was really bringing out the most forward parts of himself. Just as she was about to slip away out of sight he pushed himself to trot after her, quickly catching up and slowing to match his pace with hers. His similarly blue eyes found hers with a warm, slightly apologetic smile. She really was lovely with her simple, soft colors and striking eyes. Sorry to bother you... It's just been such a quiet evening and I need an excuse to stretch my legs. Do you mind if I walk with you for a bit? I'm Allegro." It was a lame excuse to try and get her attention, but it was the best he could come up with at the moment so hopefully it was enough for her to give him the time of day.




7 Years
Chrono I

09-28-2020, 06:23 PM

She felt relieved as she started to wander back towards the pack without being bothered, even though she was much more interested in strangers compared to her pack mates. And not to mention this man was quite striking by the markings and colors of his coat. But the scent from Abaven, it really put her off.

He would come to jog up to her, his large strides meeting up with her quickly and she had to bite her tongue to keep a god-awful expression off her face. "Um, yeah sure." She'd respond as kindly as she could, not willing to just reject him for no reason. "I'm Aranea," She introduced in return, turning her head to look up at his more taller and darker frame though keeping her short strides in the pace of conversation. "Abaven, is it?" She questioned without letting her sour feelings flow through her voice.

She'd walk on in silence if that's what followed, but not necessarily a sign to say "back off" or anything alike. More so his charming attitude she was trying to brush off though she had to admit if only to herself that she did crave the attention and honestly probably would have been upset if she scared him off. She'd come to a gentle halt, eyes looking out towards the west as the sun came to an early set and the blossoms grew more rosy to the lighting, then her gaze to his face "I have a long way back to Lirim, but I'm not sure how late I'll return." Though her tone was much rather just stating the fact, it was a silent offer as if he would either invite himself to walk her back or even just to stay behind for a bit before he returned to his own pack and she could find somewhere to rest for the night. But certainly he wouldn't walk her all the way back home and then go back to the other side of Boreas, that would be silly.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-29-2020, 06:48 PM

It was pretty obvious that his presence wasn't entirely welcomed, but she also didn't reject him right away either. He certainly wouldn't press his luck if she didn't want him to bother her, but since she agreed slightly readily and introduced herself in return he thought that he might have just a little bit of a chance to have some company for a while. "A pleasure to meet you, Aranea. That's a lovely name," he replied with a polite dip of his head, letting his steps keep a slower pace to match the smaller strides she had. When she questioned his pack he nodded to confirm the fact that she had picked up on. "Indeed! Although I only just recently rejoined the pack a season or so ago if I'm being honest." He gave a small shrug, letting his eyes turn away from her to look at the ground in front of them to watch where they were going for a moment. "But at least a portion of my family is there so it's home." At least that's how he saw it. His family had always been his main focus so staying in Abaven had felt like a natural fit.

Before he could ask her about her vaguely familiar pack, she came to a stop and he followed suit, letting his curious blue eyes linger on her as she observed the setting sun. The warm hues of the sunset played nicely across her pale fur, giving her a soft outline of sunlight and an almost etherial glow. He had to imagine that with the cool tones of white and gray that she wore she'd be even prettier in the moonlight though. His wayward train of thought was disrupted when she turned back toward him and mentioned how she had a long walk back to Lirim - indirectly answering his question about which pack she belonged to. He noticed how she stopped and lingered and he couldn't help the curiosity and interest that came through in his bright gaze.

"It's going to be awfully dark soon," he commented thoughtfully, looking down at her and searching her face as he began to test the waters to see what she was looking for. "I'd hate to have you traveling by yourself all that way in the dark... I certainly wouldn't mind staying here for the night if you want the company. It's a beautiful night out." In all his years he'd never really let himself have a moment of wild spontaneity like this - especially not with a lady. In reality, he'd never really let himself explore the possibility of being with anyone before. Something about this warm summer air and the soft sounds of the night was bringing out a very peculiar side of him, but he kind of liked the thrill it brought.




7 Years
Chrono I

09-29-2020, 07:07 PM

Though he hadn't been in Abaven long and Aranea couldn't truly say she knew the bloodlines of the Destructions at all really, it was still off putting to her. But she relaxed as they spent a little more time together, trying not to let her judgement of the pack fade his chances.

He would allow him to grab her gaze if even a few seconds before she shyly pulled her chin back to the ground, listening to his offer that she had intended him to pull. "Oh, no, you don't have to." Only to be kind though the tone in her voice may have secretly suggested otherwise. "I make the trip all the time." But seeing that he wasn't so lenient in dismissing her, she'd go to turn to move back in farther to the Nook as if the search for somewhere to rest. But the night was still young and she knew she wouldn't fall into sleep so easily.

As they wandered back into the blossom covered floor she wasn't sure what else to really talk about as she had spent so much time out in solitude and socialism was lower on her perks now-a-days. "I was with Abaven at some time, a long time ago." It wasn't something she had shared with, well, anyone. But it seemed just accepting that being a part of Abaven in her declining and start of depression days was taking one step into recovering. Because keeping hidden from the world certainly didn't help her, and it took her a long time to come to terms with that.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-30-2020, 09:01 PM

He smiled a little at the endearing way she shyly looked away even though it meant that he couldn't see her lovely gaze any more. Even though she told him that he didn't have to follow through with his offer, he could tell from her tone and inflection that she didn't really mean it - or at least he didn't think so. He thought of himself as a pretty good judge of character and thought he was able to pick up on cues pretty well, but he'd been proven wrong before. "Oh, I really don't mind," he replied earnestly, giving her a warm smile. He almost commented on how he was usually lonely most nights, but he didn't want to come off as desperate so he kept the thought to himself. Without another denial or a turn to leave he made the assumption that she wouldn't be leaving right away so when she began to move through the Redbud Nook again he followed along, his tail wagging gently behind him.

He didn't mind the quiet company as they walked together, but he wasn't bothered by the attempt at conversation either. He gave her a slightly surprised look when she said that she had been a part of Abaven at one point. Abaven as a general rule was pretty large and covered a large bit of land so he wasn't exactly surprised that they hadn't crossed paths - especially since his time there had been spotty at best. "What a small world!" he commented with a soft chuckle. "I joined with my father when I was still pretty young, but I've been in and out for the most part. Last year I accidentally broke my leg down near Auster and found my way to my mother's family by chance and stayed with them till I was able to make the trip back... That kept me away for almost a year I think. I just came back about a season or two ago."

His gaze had drifted from her to the world around them as they slowly wandered through the trees, but once he finished his little blurb about his history with his pack, he brought his attention back to her. "What got you to move packs?" he asked with a genuine curiosity. He liked learning about others as a general rule, but she seemed particularly interesting for some reason. The subtle expressions and hints in her voice made him pay attention to pick up on them and there seemed to be something hidden under the surface that he couldn't quite make out.




7 Years
Chrono I

09-30-2020, 09:57 PM

As she started to warm up to him, his consistent chatter wouldn’t bother her. She too liked to hear the stories and wonders and even grievances of others even if her current lack of socialism seemed to show otherwise. She was generally a kind and generous wolf though now-a-days it may have taken some time for others to notice that.

She listened carefully to his history, coming beside a thicker trunk of one of the redbud trees. "It’s been about 5 years since I’ve been in Abaven." not sure if they had been in the pack together at that time though she wouldn’t remember anyway since she spent most of her time with Tyranis and occasionally Sparrow. She’d pause only a few seconds to continue, ”I was also in a pack in Auster for a bit too." as if she was trying to shrug Abaven off her shoulders and move on to something else. Her time in both packs was short but somehow they left a big impact on her and in different ways.

She came to a seat, curling her tail around her legs and tucking close to her stomach. She wouldn’t even notice as the evening had faded and the dark but glittering night had surrounded them. Her heart sank as he asked about why she had left the pack and she left him on hold for a good minute or so. "Young, dumb, and naive I guess." she had only shared her true past with Torin and no one else and she didn’t feel comfortable beyond that. Not only was it hard for her to let out those emotions and memories, but she also felt like she’d become a burden to others. Especially the handsome and kind brute in front of her. She expected to work through her problems on her own and didn’t want a knight in shining armor to come rescue her.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-30-2020, 10:25 PM

Even though her explanations and stories were far shorter and lest descriptive than his own, he didn't really mind. It did kind of make him want to start gently peeling back the layers that were clearly laid over her past so that he could peek at what she was trying to hide, but it was a silly desire. He barely knew her beyond her name and the fact that she had once lived in Abaven a long, long time ago. There was no chance that he would have remembered her from five years ago if they had even been in the pack at the same time at all so at least he didn't have to worry about maybe knowing her at one point and just not retaining the knowledge. He'd never really thought about moving packs so it surprised him to hear that she had not only just been in Abaven and Lirim, but also another pack in Auster. The more small nuggets of information he heard from her just made him more and more curious about this small, simply marked woman that he had just happened to cross paths with.

When she settled next to one of the larger tree trunks he would as well, sitting on his haunches near her while his gaze lingered on her curiously. He wasn't insistent or pressing in his questions, but he did wish - perhaps unrealistically - that she would share more about herself with him. It had been a long time since he'd really tried to get to know someone outside of his family so he wasn't as used to getting to know a complete stranger. Her answer about her reasons from moving from pack to pack was cryptic at best and made him even more curious, but he wouldn't ask about it again. It was clear the topic wasn't exactly a favorable one so he let it drop... for now. "We've all certainly been all of those things at one point or another," he replied simply, offering her another smile.

As the darkness began to settle over them and the tone of the light shifted from the warmer hues of the sunset and dusk into the subtle light of the moon and stars he let his gaze drift off toward the sky for a moment, peering at the night sky through the branches of the tree beside them. "It's a beautiful night," he commented, his eyes following a firefly that drifted past before bringing his eyes back down to hers again. When their blue eyes met again he silently decided her eyes were much more interesting than the night sky could ever hope to be. "Not as beautiful as you though," he dared with a slightly bashful grin, his mismatched ears flicking from the slight embarrassment at his own silly compliment.




7 Years
Chrono I

09-30-2020, 10:53 PM

His ongoing curiosity wasn’t necessarily ignored but not noticed as it was what Aranea received most from others. And they either bugged the hell out of her or just let it be, not that she was even willing to bend a little bit for their enjoyment or desire to help.

She may have understood that everyone in their youth or after had made mistakes and regrets but somehow it felt like a weight crushing on her chest and she felt guilty to think her problems were more severe than others. Perhaps she felt like she couldn’t catch a break and life just decided to beat her to a pulp only to a point she was still breathing.

Aranea would too look up at the stars through the light branches as Allegro announced the beauty in it and she couldn’t disagree at all. She could feel his gaze locked on her but she wouldn’t gift her own immediately but act as though she hadn’t noticed. When she finally gave in to to the tension she felt, she actually allowed him to grab hold of her gentle, sad eyes. And she wouldn’t know what to say as he generously complimented her. She’d again leave him hanging, a silence continued from her as if he probably just insulted her or scared her away. After a long lock in their crystal-like optics, her eyes let go and moved down to his paws. She was sure he would be disappointed, but her intentions clearly changed as she scooted in closer to him, aiming to lay her head into his chest or shoulder. Not necessarily expected from a stranger you just met, but she couldn’t deny the attention she craved. And he didn’t seem to just want to run away into the distance.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
09-30-2020, 11:44 PM

For a moment he really believed that perhaps he had gone too far with his spontaneous compliment had gone too far. If anything, he had kind of expected a smile or a polite decline to his advances, but she didn’t really respond besides just looking up at him with a surprisingly sad gaze. His smile lingered, though it grew more faint as concern touched his expression. She was quiet so he was as well, simply watching as her gaze fell away to drop down and look at his paws instead.

Allegro was just about to apologize for his comment and offer to leave her be when she shocked him even more. His eyes widened with surprise as she moved closer and rested her head against his chest. For a moment he wasn’t sure what to do. He blinked with shock, but that confused expression quickly softened into something closer to gentle compassion as he peered down at her. Without a word, he brought one of his gold-banded forelegs up to gently rest it around her shoulders and hold her against him. He made sure not to fully wrap her in his embrace just in case she decided she wanted to pull away, but as long as she wanted to remain there he would let her.

There was no real way to know what she was going through or how she was feeling, but he was happy to offer her any comfort he could give her - no matter how slight it might be. He gently rubbed her upper back with his paw and let his claws lightly trail through the thicker fur on her scruff. She seemed so small and delicate, but there was also a quiet, brooding sadness and a subtle strength that told him she had been through much more than he could probably guess. Part of him wanted to ask her if she wanted to talk about it, but something told him she didn’t so he just kept quiet and let her have this moment.




7 Years
Chrono I

10-01-2020, 09:46 AM

It was satisfying to think that Allegro would understand what to do. A gentleman at his best, and the fact that he would just stay there in silence as Aranea would only want to be held by him was perfect. She had been rather spontaneous lately which she had been throughout her whole life but more so when her depression hadn't consumed her. But none-the-less it was one of her hidden perks perhaps a view of her young self that she wished she could return to.

She would sit a while as he rubbed her though for not long before her nose gently rose, sliding up his chest and neck to pull her face back to look up at his darkened frame and crystal eyes. She expected nothing more than him to just share the longing gaze with her, this time not her usual saddened eyes but with a burning desire swirling inside. She wanted more, she thought of her one night stand with the young man Noir. It had been her only since Tyranis and yet she felt like it filled a void inside her. Perhaps the longing for a man's affection and attention she chose to pull herself away from for so long. The no strings attached perhaps made her feel that she couldn't get hurt or hurt others. And it was hard for her to resist pushing forward onto Allegro. His attitude was much different than that of Noir, and she couldn't help but think that she would end up hurting him like she had Torin.

Still keeping her eyes locked onto him, she'd try to offer, "We can go find somewhere to rest for the night if you want." Her voice a calm question though she was fighting back the strong urge to push on to kiss him. She wouldn't force herself onto him though.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-01-2020, 12:52 PM

Eventually she did pull away from his chest, but she didn't go very far. When her eyes caught his again he saw something far different from the sadness he had seen before. This was an entirely different emotion that he was far less familiar with. He was surprised by the change in the energy between them, but it certainly wasn't unwelcome. He couldn't look away from her and the way she kept him entrapped with her gaze felt like electricity. Her offer to find somewhere to rest for the night held all sorts of promise to things he had very rarely experienced in his life and he felt like he'd be a fool to turn away such a lovely, delicate, gentle soul. At the same time though, he didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of her. She was clearly in some sort of rough place emotionally and he could certainly understand the need to drown out those things with more pleasant thoughts or company, but that wouldn't help in the long run.

He hesitated for a moment, but the longer he let his eyes search hers the more he knew the decision had already been made. With a soft smile he replied, "I would like that very much." In the end he would let her make the final decision of how their night together went, but he was at least happy to be her companion for the night and just let them see where the night took them. He was about to get up again to see where they might find some shelter for the night, but separating from her without giving in to the obvious desire to kiss her felt like a crime. He leaned down to close the small distance between them and placed a gentle kiss on her muzzle, feeling a flutter in his chest and stomach when he did so. He gave her another sweet smile before rising to his paws and leading the way to find some place to stay.

He found his answer in the form of a small cluster of trees that had their branches crossing over each other to form a small canopy of sorts. It wasn't exactly a fully enclosed den, but the weather was so nice that he didn't feel like they needed it. The trunks of the trees and the fairly tall bushes around them offered a good bit of privacy and a pile of leaves that had collected between them gave them a surprisingly soft bed. He couldn't have asked for a more romantic setting with the stars peeking through the branches above them. He turned to face her once they were in their secluded piece of the Redbud Nook, letting his eyes catch hers again. "How's this?" he asked softly before daring to dip his muzzle down to hers, lightly brushing his muzzle against the side of hers and across her cheek. It was certainly more forward than he would normally be, but something about this atmosphere and this unusual connection between them felt like it called for it.




7 Years
Chrono I

10-01-2020, 01:40 PM

She wouldn't refuse as he leaned in to kiss her, the thought of rejection for him a backwards step that wouldn't happen. She leaned into him as he pulled away, as if the kiss wasn't enough and she was longing for it to last longer. His smile met with only a small one in return and she wouldn't hesitate to trail after him.

She was more focused on him than their surroundings now, and as he would ask about the rooted and blossomed den she would have to pull her gaze away from him to even notice his choice of the overnight bed. She wouldn't look at it long before peaking back at him still with an alluring desire. She'd stalk into the den and feel the odd sense of comfort and romance inside, her nose smelling the floor and twisted roots surrounding them, turning back to him as he already had eyes on her "Perfect." He had seemed to be trying awfully hard to impress her and though it didn't take much she had not the best intentions for the outcome of the night.

His touch too made her flutter though it was not an unknown feeling to her and therefor didn't feel as special as it should have. But still she'd pursue to feed her own desires, not considering the damage she could do to him in the long run if it was even something that he'd allow to hurt him. Her lips and teeth moved to nibble on delicate skin by his jaw bone and she would pull back gently to go into their rather short kiss from earlier. She wanted it to heat the moment if he allowed, and honestly hoped he wouldn't mind. But as their kiss in the quiet darkness of the night went on, she felt the need to abruptly stop. Her eyes stayed closed and her head lingered for a moment before dropping her chin to point towards the ground. "I don't really know you and I don't want to take advantage of you." She had to admit out of slight guilt. She even felt embarrassed to look back at him. He was lucky enough though that there wouldn't be tears. Those were hard to come by these days.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-02-2020, 09:03 AM

He gave a small, proud grin when she turned back toward him and confirmed that his chosen spot was sufficient. He would have searched the Nook high and low for a good den for them to spend the night in if it hadn’t been, but it seemed the romantic atmosphere of the trees and stars won out in the end. He was glad when his touch wasn’t rejected and was even more glad to feel her give some of her own in return. The light nibbles along his jaw sealed away any possibility that he might reconsider going through with whatever she wanted and her kiss stoked the fires of his own, less known desire. These weren’t feelings that he’d really let himself indulge in often enough to be familiar with them and it caused them to be even more dazzling and wonderful now.

Just as he was fully melting into their kiss she pulled away and when he blinked his eyes open he saw her head dipped down toward the ground. He frowned and for a moment he feared that he had done something wrong, but it seemed that it was the opposite. Hearing her echo his thoughts from earlier confused him since he couldn’t imagine a world where she was the one to take advantage of him. It made his ears flick uncertainly and he wasn’t really sure how to respond for a moment. All he really knew at this point was that he wanted her. It was certainly true that they really knew nothing about each other and maybe it would be a mistake to be so intimate with a stranger, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Attention and affection had been so scarce and sparse throughout his life that a small taste of it was like giving water to someone lost in a desert.

He took a small step closer and settled on his haunches so he could gently drape his foreleg around her shoulders again, offering her himself to lean on again if she wished. He looked down at her and didn’t force her to look up at him, but looked for her eyes all the same. "And here I was worrying that I was going to be taking advantage of you,” he finally replied softly with a slight chuckle. He trailed his claws through the fur of her scuff absent mindedly, letting his dark claws part the pale fur and gently scritch her skin in the process. "I only want what you want. If you want all of me then you’ll have it. If you just want to have a companion to sleep with tonight that’s fine as well. If you want to turn around and leave now and go back to Lirim I won’t stop you.” He peered down at her curiously, searching her face for answers. ”I’m whatever you need me to be tonight.”




7 Years
Chrono I

10-02-2020, 07:19 PM

She very willingly pushed into his form as he offered her more comfort, her nose still pointed towards the ground. But as he let out that he was in fact worried about taking advantage, her head rose gently to look back at his face with a light, almost humorous smile.

As he spoke about everything he was willing to do for her tonight, her head pushed towards his neck and jaw line, rubbing much like a cat. She would wait to hear all the offers as if in thought, but really in thought of how far she wanted to go tonight. For the sake of him but maybe even the sake of her.

She’d back away from his form, out of his grasp, but wouldn’t turn away from him as her eyes looked back with an alluring gaze, "Would you like to lay with me?" more an answer than a question. Her legs slid down and curled into to each other as she laid down and expected him to join beside her.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
10-02-2020, 11:16 PM

He found himself leaning into her touch when she rubbed into his jaw and neck and it took all of his self control to not hug her tighter to his form at the same time. He let her process the range of what he was willing to give her and for a moment they were quiet. Having her this close and letting her absolutely overwhelm all of his senses made him hope and wish that she would decide to go with the option that she had been hinting toward all this time, but he kept himself from getting too wrapped up in the idea just in case she decided it wasn't what she wanted. When she began to step away from him he thought for sure that was the case and he prepared to hide his slight disappointment at the development. However, as soon as he caught the look in her beautiful eyes he realized that his initial guess had been wrong. She settled down into their chosen bed for the night and invited him to join her, the thought alone sending that intoxicated flutter through him again.

He got to his paws and walked over to where she had settled, his own eyes and expression mirroring hers. Before he moved to her side, he brought his muzzle down to hers and gave her a lingering, testing, desire filled kiss. When his lips parted from hers he let his eyes find hers again and he replied quietly, "I would like nothing more." He went to lay beside her then and nuzzled his face into the pale fur of her scruff, letting her scent and presence fully envelop him. A small part of him hoped that this wouldn't be the only time that their paths crossed, but even if this was destined to be their only meeting this was a wonderful evening that he intended to make one they wouldn't soon forget. He wasn't sure what was motivating her to give into these desires or what sort of gap he was filling in her life, but for now he would help her forget whatever it was.

Gentle kisses and nibbles covered her ears, jaw, cheeks, and neck as he slowly and tenderly covered every part of her in affection and attention. He'd been worried that he wouldn't know what to do or what she would like, but it all came back to him easily and he just let himself go with his quickly building desires. He wasn't sure if all males were like this, but he got just as much enjoyment, if not more, out of making her feel wonderful as he did anything else. For a while his entire focus was put into making sure every single inch of her form was given the same amount of attention. For this moment at least, they were no longer strangers in his mind. At least for tonight, they were lovers and he was going to treat her as such.

Eventually he found himself with their forms tangled and mingled together and he looked down into her eyes with one last questioning glance to give her one last chance to back out if she wished. As long as he didn't find any concern or hesitation there then he would finally give in to the longing and desperate desire and would melt into her entirely. The lines where she ended and he began were blurred and the world outside of this little segment of the Redbud Nook they had claimed fell away till he wasn't entirely sure it had ever existed.

- fade -




7 Years
Chrono I

10-03-2020, 06:32 AM

He wouldn’t hesitate to join her, and as he bathed her in kisses she only moved the parts of her body into him. Flipping over she’d look forward to him with a longing eye, a much different expression than her normal sad or awkward looks, and soon engage in yet another long kiss.

This felt a lot different to her than her night with Noir, perhaps because neither one of them were drunk and if she had to be honest with her self, Noir was truly taking advantage of her while Allegro seemed to have the same sense of longing that she had. Even if she wanted it both times. And still, this was even unlike her moments with Tyranis. She always wanted to please him and then Noir but something about the love and affection from Allegro was new and different. And her mind wouldn’t even graze the idea of her previous lovers.


She felt like she had slept better than she had in many years, at least deeper. A more satisfying amount of her tiredness drained. But it all fell apart as she suffered her nightmares. Her body may have twitched a few times but in the end a whole jolt came through her in the dead of the night. There was a strange silence around her as she glanced around the room, her eyes settling on the stranger but not so much a stranger anymore. Whether he woke or not she would just lay her chin back between her legs and nestle in closer to him. Pretending to sleep if he even tried to prod or help her.

-exit Aranea via sleep-

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead