
Champagne and Orange Juice



8 Years
06-12-2014, 03:01 PM

Closer, closer. Days worn on and her stomach moved, the life growing inside her stretching and rolling around. They were fighting to hurry up and grow, to see the world that was ready for their little forms. It was driving their carrier insane though. She just wanted to kick the little devils out of her womb and be able to move around and actually get shit done. She was stuck, she even had to miss out on one of the first large pack hunts. Othello held the rank of Okhotnik, a hunter. And what was she doing while her pack hunted? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The dame grumbled and lashed out at the snow with a single creamy paw, cursing her current state. She was useless, making her stray away from the lands that Covari laid claim to.

Purple gaze roamed around the snow covered land, her gait slowed as her robust stomach swung. It made her waddle instead of walking like a normal being, and she looked like a goof. Scorpion thought she was sexy while she was pregnant, but she just felt fat and ugly. It was like she decided to swallow a deer whole and it was just sitting there, stretching her form into a much larger beast. Gruff and scruffy, her paws kicked at the white powder as she marched no where in particular. Walking was just about the only thing she could do these days, the pups making her look like she was about to burst. According to Orchid she didn't have that long at all, less than two weeks at the most. Good, cause then she could do normal things. Like running, and sleeping. Oh yeah, and actually hunting for her pacl. That would be nice...



06-12-2014, 04:20 PM

The gulley indeed was so very full of life, crammed with verdant greenery at every rock and the lot. Pristine figure would move through the darkness, delicately balanced upon two stilts. Ruby gems would sharply contrast against the paradise of green, as well as her pelt, causing the tempest to stand out uncomfortably against the ground. If she should be attacked, she will be sure to face her foe, and battle a long and hard fight against her assailant. Champagne auditories would flicker up as twigs snapped, leaves crunched, and grunts would break the serenity of the forest.

Her past neatly shaped face became contorted into a snarl as she approached the source of the noise, parting the bushes and finding an alabaster hued vixen swollen with young in a clearing. No other wolf could have such a large bulge for a stomach, unless they had crammed a full elk into their belly. However, she would not speak, instead relaxing, licking her hackles to smooth them down casually and lay down, banner neatly curled about her hind paws. Enjoying pregnancy? She gave a small and playful chuckle. The albino tempest had seen what carrying children could do to a female, turning them into pathetic excuses for mothers until they are born, and they are just the most wonderful thing to have around. If I'm going to be that fat if I ever get pregnant, I don't think I could bring myself to even address the process required to do so. She scoffed, coral lips widening in a sly smile, rubies gazing at the amethyst eyed woman.




8 Years
06-16-2014, 05:15 PM

A strange voice reached her audits, her face turning as she glared at the pale female. Her lips curled up to flash her ivories at the new woman. What did she know about growing life inside of her belly? She had no idea how much she wanted these little devils out so she could actually move around. Plus Othello was not the largest female, but the size of her stomach made her feel like she was going to give birth to like... ten puppies or something. The dame then spoke again, causing Othello's hackles to rise as her lips folded into a sneer. "You may think you're the shit, strange albino bitch, but you don't know living until you feel the love of a man." Not that her and Scorpion were really in love, she was in love with him and she knew that she meant a lot to him, but love was simply not in his vocabulary.

Othello sighed, she knew that the hormones were causing her to be a cranky little pansy but wolves seemed to just get under her skin as of late, and this other fae was pissing her off. She scoffed at her just laying there like she had the world grasped in her pink hued paws, like everything was going to be handed off to her like she was the queen of the world. Othello had to fight to be where she was today, she had to hide herself and make herself into something she was not just so that she could survive. Purple eyes narrowed at the pale one, not moving from her position. She didn't want to get closer to this stranger in fear of lashing out, she had a feeling that they would be attacking each other with their words. As long as no physical fight broke out, she would be a happy camper. Well... mostly.


06-16-2014, 06:03 PM

Rubies swept over to the white vixen as she gazed upon her stomach. Exactly how many ? more importantly, whose ? was she going to give birth to. The woman reeked of the hormones from pregnancy, as champagne audits would rise ? not fall ? to meet the vixen's words, a low growl building in her throat. She was the thorn amongst roses, and she would not allow this cranky bitch to speak to her in such a manner. You bitch. Love means nothing in these lands. There are only cold-hearted creatures who seek the blood of others. Her muzzle would contort into a twisted snarl, as her hackles would rise. The champagne tempest would show this bitch who she was. You will most certainly die with that kind of fuckery that you speak of. She stood at her full height, on the edges of her toes, mouth curled in a pure look of hatred and anger. You are a whore. Just because you are pregnant and about to burst, doesn't mean I won't fucking kill you.

Threatening steps would be taken toward the white vixen, rubies staring cold and hard into her own, before she would speak again. I will spare your life... For now... she would mouth, but no such words came from her coral lips, rubies disappearing as the champagne tempest turned, beginning to stride away, stopping and sitting down, mouth still contorted, but slowly it would return to a smooth and well-chiseled maw.
