
to the beat of my own drum




8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
09-23-2020, 11:18 PM
Armando was fleeing the beach as quickly as his little legs could carry him. Whooo buddy he needed to get out of town and he needed to get out fast! He'd made a killing on the beach among the drunks. The goods were stashed high up in trees and well hidden from view, and the only thing left to do was run and hide. He would wait out the heat and then come back for his hard earned goods once the wronged canines had given up and gone home. Heh.

In the early hours of his escape Armando had stuck to the trees. Only later once he felt sure no one had been able to pinpoint his trail had he moved to the ground. Even then his time there was sporadic. With legs as short as his he had to fight the terrain. In the trees, too wide spacing was his nemesis. On the ground it was too tall grass and stupidly big debris. Oh, to be a long-legged and nimble beastie.

For now he was on the ground and moving at a steady march. The spacing between the trees was simply too great for him to travel by bough. Had he been a few pounds lighter, maybe, but a steady diet of "fast food" with too little bamboo meant he was a tad on the chunky side. If the only thing connecting the trees were the sort of branches his stupid Tit could perch then, well, to the ground with the fat panda.

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.


09-24-2020, 08:16 AM
She'd been a little too late to the area to join the previous nights festivities, but Ouse figured that she could pick up scents that might lead her to one pack or another. There she could ply her trade; swapping stories for sanctuary and sustenance. A little bird had told her of the party, so she was on her way to the beach, picking her way through a pretty little place full of greenery and songbirds. Here and there she saw deer and rabbits. This place was surely thriving. It was a nice change from the desert-like area that she'd gone through recently.

As the painted woman padded through on long, spindly legs, her pumpkin-orange eyes picked up on movement up ahead. Lumbering movement. Reddish fur. Hmm, interesting. The storyteller's strides became a little longer as she sped up to intercept whatever strange creature was up ahead. Ouse loved seeing new types of animals. The world was an amazing place and she knew it. During her travels with Jynn, she'd seen a few water cows and some strange fish that blew water out of their heads. What would she find here?

"Halloooo!" Friendly tones, heavily laced with a Scottish accent called out as she came closer to the creature. Whatever it was, gods... did she ever love its fur! It looked so plush and soft. The woman wanted to rub her face on it. Wanted to give it a squeeze. The pallid woman stopped her approach, tilting her painted face downward to look upon the small but hefty creature. "And what might you be, then? Handsome for sure." She chuckled in her good natured way, the corners of her eyes crinkling.