
Burn, Baby Burn... Ouch

Seasonal Skill Prompt



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-26-2020, 03:00 PM

The sun blazes overhead as Meadow makes her way through the hot springs. Since the forming of the pack, the small healer has been hard at work building, helping others and patrolling. This has led to a lot of time spent out in the summer sun. Normally the earthen hued wolf is cautious about spending too much time in the heat and makes sure to hydrate. However, there is one thing that the wolf did not consider. Sunburn. All the time she has been wary about dehydrating she forgot to consider the long-term effects of the sun.

That is why she finds herself, nursing a sunburned muzzle. The tender flesh around her nose is red and sensitive. The flesh looks like is starting to peel and it burns while itching at the same time. Resisting the urge to scratch the hurt flesh, Meadow quickly makes her way to her healing hut. Thankfully she has some things that might help with the sunburn. Pushing past the fur doors of her hut, the small healer quickly grabs a bowl and container of water, pouring out a good amount of the liquid.

Once the water is in the bowl, Meadow puts down the container and eyes the cool liquid. Holding her breath. She dunks her aching muzzle into the bowl of water and rests there for a moment. It helps sooth the feeling that her muzzle is on fire but, after a couple minutes, she has to remove her nose from the water in order to breathe. It helps dull the ache and, with a grateful sigh, she moves to one of the tables with salves and herbs lining its surface.

Shifting through the containers, Meadow pulls out a jar of with oats. It is kept on hand for its ability to heal and make a good a meal for those that are having difficulty eating. Taking the jar with oats, the small healer grabs another container with water and moves outside. There is a smoldering fire that the small wolf keeps going at all times near her hut. Placing the objects down, Meadow feeds the firepit some wood and stokes the flames to give it life.

First, she must prepare the oats for what she is about to do. Retrieving a bowl and semi flat rock from her hut, Meadow places a portion of the oats into the bowl and picks up the rock. Working the tool over the oats, she crushes them until she has a fine powder. It takes some time and hard work but, in the end, the small wolf is left with bowl of oat powder. With a nod to herself, she moves to the waiting fire.

A rack hangs above the pit where the flames live and a pot to place food and herbs in to cook hangs from it. Carefully, so as not to burn herself, she places the powder of oats in the pot first before adding the water. Sitting back, Meadow allows the fire to do a work, using a wooden stick that has been cleaned, she stirs the mixture every now and again. When the powder and water start to thicken, Meadow sits and allows the paste to finish coming together.

By the time the substance has thickened enough for Meadow to remove the concoction from the heat and place the pot on a tree stump nearby to cool, the small healer has grown restless from her stinging burn. While she waits for the temperature of her mixture to come down, the small healer returns to her hut to gather some Aloe Vera leaves. Once the plant is grabbed along with a sharp knife and bowl, Meadow makes her way back outside and to a nearby flat rock.

Placing a leaf on the surface, she uses the knife to cut the end off of the plant. With careful strokes, Meadow separates the flesh of the leaf from the gel in the center. Once the gel is in the bowl, the small healer dips her paw into the soothing balm and applies it to her sunburned nose. The relief is immediate and the cooling sensation spreads through her nose and muzzle. With a content sigh, the healer returns her tools to her hut and checks on how the mixture is doing. When she can safely dip her paw into the paste of oats without burning herself, Meadow scoops a healthy portion out of the pot and coats her muzzle with it.

As it touches the aloe covered burn, the paste stings slightly but soon adds to the relief. The oats will help moisturize the skin, protect the skin barrier and has anti-inflammatory properties to stop swelling. She might look silly with the thick paste covering her nose and muzzle but it will keep it from getting sunburned further. With a happy sigh, Meadow starts to clean up the mess she has made.


Four days later and the peeling sunburn has stopped itching. The burn no longer hurts and the only sign she has had a sunburn is the darker red flesh around her nose. She still applies aloe twice a day to help heal the sensitive skin but no longer uses the paste of oats. While the burn was an annoying, at least it wasn’t worse. At least it the incident has taught her some more ways to help others. For that she is grateful.

WC: 902

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm