


06-11-2014, 09:07 PM

The day had already started, making the wintery atmosphere shine with its bleak sun. Pandora was not used to being out in the sunlight, especially when there was hardly anything to hide under. Shade was lost when the leaves of the trees fell to the ground, making the branches bare and ugly. Pandora always loved spring, particularly when the leaves first appeared, fresh and green. Her earliest memory was studying a leaf with Aunt Sibelle, definitely a happy time for the child. Now, as the cold weather had made the trees hibernate, Pandora was not fond of seeing the sun firsthand. She wanted her shade back!
Nevertheless, it did not stop the cobalt beauty from being herself. As she walked across the land between Arcanum and Covari, she realized that she was completely alone. No one else was around and the only scent she could smell was hers. A smile began to creep across her pretty face and she began to increase her pace towards the Covari boundaries. Oh, she was going to have fun. Discord was something she didn't mind sending out into the world.
As soon as her front, golden-dipped paws found the first line of boundary trees, she bravely stepped over the invisible border. They didn't even exist in her mind and she intended to prove that it wouldn't change for her. The darkness of the many branches bending over and under each other made Pandora feel more excited about there being some kind of shade present. Her frame, vibrant with color from both parents, slowly moved through the tightest spots of the closest, neighboring trees. Feeling the bark against her skin and fur made her shiver and she moaned in soft delight. Pandora moved like a snake, taking her time to feel the ground beneath her paws, while having her body find the perfect angles for her curves to be touched. Line after line of trees were gone through, and soon, Pandora found herself where the trees spaced themselves out even more. It was so quiet and she was so alone...her scent smelled of Arcanum, but her own, pleasant smell curved around it. She continued onward, thinking of how one of the pack wolves would react if they found her.

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5 Years
Extra large
06-12-2014, 10:32 AM

Scorpion was on the mend, his body was beginning to fill back out and his average weight was close to being attained. He wasn't an incredibly large man but he was tall. He knows how to throw himself around as well as being able to rely upon his agility. He felt restless still, his pups were due in mere days. Worry was not an emotion he usually held, but deep down he could feel a nervousness within him. He didn't want to think about something happening to his Lady or the children within her womb. They were precious, and he would not see them harmed.
So the large brute would find himself patrolling the borders. One way to keep his offspring safe was to make sure the fence around them was secure. He still felt sore about Othello finding herself beyond the borders for so long, but nothing had happened at least, so forgiveness had been found easily. With the pups residing within her she had grown considerably. Her irresistible sleek form had been ruined for the time being. He tried not to think about her bloated form, but still couldn't help but wanting another woman for the time being.
His path would be disturbed, the sudden sound of paw steps would cause him to halt. His vibrant yellow eyes would come to rest on the delicate form of a gorgeous she wolf. She would come dangerously close to the border, then simply would step over the line. He would withhold a growl as he watched her a bit longer, a feeling of desire welling up within him as her hips swayed through the thick trees. The feeling of bark on her skin would cause a moan to be released from her lips. A shiver would run down his spine at the sound, now that she was trespassing she was all his. A wicked grin would come over his features as she moved on, his silent footsteps after her.
He would creep behind her, silent and focused as she enjoyed the view. He'd use the cover of the dead brush to bring himself close enough to pounce. Strong hind legs would propel him forward as his arms would extend to wrap around the girl's shoulders. He wanted to pin her to the ground, and feel her warmth beneath him. He would wait to say a word until she was squirming beneath him.



06-13-2014, 11:38 AM

Pandora may have been alone and trespassing, but she was far from being stupid. As she sauntered through the openly divided trees, she took her time to smell the roots of one nearby. When her nose started to twitch at the "scents" (for there was nothing there), she heard paw steps that were slowly coming closer. An unfamiliar scent (most likely Covari) reached her working nose and a small smirk appeared on her hidden features. She was tempted to move to the side when she heard him get ready to pounce, but why give up the game when it only started? So, she ignored the curiously large tree trunk and attempted to take a few steps away to further push herself into Covari's depths.
Ah, but the attempt was surely futile. After counting to three, she felt a large mass tackle her and wrap its arm around her shoulders. She fixed her face so it was one of shock and the two rolled until she found herself beneath the male. Adrenaline pumped within her veins and her turquoise blue eyes twinkled as she covered her head with one front, gold-dipped paw. Since she lay on her back, she was able to keep her face covered without much effort. Pandora wanted to chuckle beneath her breath, but instead she made it come out in soft whimpers (did they sound afraid?). Her ears flattened against her head, showing off only a bit of their gold backs as she felt his weight press more onto her own being.
When he lowered himself enough over her, Pandora continued with her role. "Ohhh nooo," she said softly, tones scared and shaky. "Please, pleeease don't kill me. I..I didn't know I did anything wrong. I was just...exploring." She kept her head covered with her paw, but her tail had slowly risen to meet his. It moved like a snake until it reached his inner hind legs. As she continued to come up with useless excuses, she let her cobalt tail grace its tip around the most sensitive spots a male of his caliber could possibly attain. The mischievous glint in her eye was hidden beneath closed eyelids, and she waited to hear his reaction.

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5 Years
Extra large
06-15-2014, 10:37 AM
WARNING: Mature language
p.s. scorpion was totally silent in his last post yo

His leap would connect with the shorter girl, her mass easily being caught up within his roll. They would skitter across the patchy forest snow, the eventual stop resulting in the girl being belly up beneath him. She seemed startled, her ears would fall against her skull as whines would pour from her cobalt lips. Shaky voice would continue, her folly evident in her lyrics. "Ohhh nooo, Please, pleeease don't kill me. I..I didn't know I did anything wrong. I was just...exploring." She must have known she was doing something, he had not even confronted the girl yet. His suspicions of her actions would continue as her tail would caress his sensitive parts.
He would suspect ill intent less as the demon of desire would rear it head. A growl would ripple through his chest as he leaned closer into her. Their chests would meet as he drew back his lips to show off his incisors. Did this girl even know what she was getting into? Obviously she held a hint of want as well, having the guile to arouse him in such a manner. She would practically beg him to fuck her. "I've no intention of.. killing you. Some harm may occur though." His voice was rough, commanding as he repositioned himself slightly above her. "You realize what you're asking for?" His deep voice had turned dark as his muzzle reached down to her neck, the words whispered in her golden gilded ears as his tongue slipped from his lips. He would caress the golden fur as another primal growl would fill his chest.



06-15-2014, 11:31 AM

The male had realized what she was doing and reacted how she figured he would. Pandora decided to stop acting coy and she slowly removed her front paw from her face. Her eyelids pulled up, revealing the vibrant turquoise blue eyes that showed her mischievous thoughts. She had never been with a man, but she knew that it would probably be fantastic. After all, why else would so many women have puppies, if not for the game before the conceptions?
Her golden-tipped eyes slowly blinked as she met the male's gaze, unafraid of what may happen. Internally, her heart beat rapidly, causing the blood to pump faster throughout her curvaceous body. Pandora continued to watch him as she rolled onto her stomach, arching her back against his stomach. She raised her head next to his on his right as she looked at him on the left with her slowly blinking blue eyes. "I knew what I wanted before I knew you existed," she softly retorted, tones laced with lust with a hint of excitement.
Without saying another word, she slipped from underneath him and sauntered off in the direction she had been walking. Golden-backed ears had perked by that time and she felt her smirk reappear on her face. She looked over her shoulder and blinked a couple of times before saucily saying, "Besides, how do I know you have what I need?" She gave another flick of her tail (which made her zebra pattern shimmer in the light) before she continued to walk through the shadows of the nearby trees.

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5 Years
Extra large
06-18-2014, 10:05 PM

Her alluring gaze would be revealed as she batted her long lashes up at him. He could feel her quick heartbeat through her skin, their close proximity letting him feel the heat rolling off her body. Her movement were somewhat awkward as she rolled over, pushing herself into his stomch. He would smile evily, she'd not much experience it seemed. That was perfectly fine though, he'd shown other females the way before. "I knew what I wanted before I knew you existed," She was a charmer on his level certainly.
She would crawl from his grasp, and he would wonder if she really wasn't as ready to commit as she thought. He was happy to help her along though. He would growl, completely unamused that she would dare continue trespassing after he'd caught hold of her. He would follow her, his chest to her rump as she tried to walk off. "Besides, how do I know you have what I need?" He would feel another rumbling growl bubble through his chest. "You don't know what you need." he would whisper as he nipped up her spine, his teeth grasping hold of her scruff rather harshly. "And if you know what's good for you, you wont take another step." He would mutter through clenched teeth, if she couldn't decipher his words his bite would clearly paint the picture that she shouldn't try to move any farther.




2 Years
06-25-2014, 03:26 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2014, 03:29 PM by Crucifix.)

The Alpha boy was doing his rounds in the Range, checking the scent boundaries and ensuring all was well within Covari. As he moved along the borders of the Range he would catch a scent both strange but with a touch of familiarity, there was Arcanium and Vi and even Sib all so subtly intertwined with the scent of a stranger. It was a slight leap, but he could guess something of who it was who had tread into Covari. This, coupled with the knowledge of certain wolves that where allowed free passage into Covari gave him all the knowledge he needed.

Crucifix would pick up pace and take an easy stride in the direction the wolf had taken, the scene would unfold before him as he approached, with Scorpion gripping the girls neck and warning her about further steps. A grow would slip the Alphas throat and he would fall into a threatening crouch as he moved closer. ?Unhand her, Scorpion, she has the right to walk Covari? he would say, he would step closer, his hackles raised in warning. ?She is Vi?s adopted niece and Sibs niece by blood? he would continue, warning the boy of this girl?s importance to both Vi and to Arcanum?s Alpha ? too important for this boy to mess with. More than that, it was a great disrespect for the woman that carried his children, the woman that Cru once had loved. He had not met Pandora officially but she had been described to Cru and told of the relations and freedom to set foot on Covari.



06-25-2014, 03:59 PM

(Before Crucifix appears)

Scorpion had approached her faster than she had anticipated. Before she knew it, he had bumped his chest into her hind flanks and grabbed ahold of her scruff. The foreplay had been over short than she would have liked. Oh well, maybe for another time. Rather than beg for him to release her, a low laugh from her chest rose through her neck and out of her lips. Her eyes flashed at him dangerously as she stood there, gold-dipped front paws gingerly pawing at the ground. "As a matter of fact, I do know what I need. The question is, are you able to contain such a drastic amount of my sustenance? Besides..." she whispered the last of her words, "it's not my steps I am worried about, but your own actions."
(After Crucifix appears)

The Alpha of Covari appeared, someone she was not familiar with. Yet, with how he carried himself and spoke, she knew that he was of great importance. His face scrunched up into a snarl as his words were directed at Scorpion. Before she knew it, Scorpion's grip had lessened and she took the opportunity to intentionally step on his front paws with her own golden-tipped mitts. "Oh, I am so sorry," she said, turquoise eyes blazing into his own lanterns. They held so much emotion in them -- anger, amusement, and snobbery -- but the spark she had felt showed itself before she slowly turned her face towards Crucifix.
"I apologize for not making my presence known, sir," she said, tones indicating honesty that had immediately been conjured up. Her turquoise blue eyes were wiped clean of the emotions she had showed Scorpion, indicating innocence. Once she was a few steps away from Scorpion, she shook her fur out all over and made a gentle bow. Her vibrant designs shimmered in the afternoon light as she began to speak. "Pandora Selene Artenie, daughter of Maija Artenie and niece to Viridiana and Sibelle." Slowly, she rose from the ground and flicked her tail in the "rude" male's direction before approaching Crucifix. "I was hoping to catch my Aunt Vi around these parts, but disappointment found me instead." A light sigh escaped through her lips as she watched Crucifix with interest. "May I ask your name, sir? Aunt Vi hasn't gotten around to telling me about those in charge here yet." All the while, an ear perked in Scorpion's direction, silent laughter evident in the vibes she sent towards him.




5 Years
Extra large
06-27-2014, 10:02 AM

She was such a temptress, her every word would beg him to take her then, and he wanted to. She would whisper to him, quite cryptic as he tasted her in his mouth. She would become sour as Crucifix found his way to their little meeting. He would speak, ?Unhand her, Scorpion," commanding him to let the she wolf go and some other bull shit. It had to be him that had happened across them didn't it? Before he would willingly release his prize, his teeth would sink in further, puncturing the skin and letting him taste her blood before he would drop her flesh.
She would paw him back easily as her paw would cover his own. He was sure to Crucifix it had looked like she had stomped him, but he could see the mischief and the desire that welled up within her eyes. This wasn't over. Her attentions would return to Crucifix, her paws carrying her closer to the stand in alpha. She would speak to him, but he'd already tuned her out. Obviously they would not be copulating this go round. He would smirk as he lifted his tail over his back and set out on his way. He would offer no apologies or explanations. He'd been protecting the border from intruders, Pandora was not part of Covari.
As he stepped past the girl, his teeth would graze her hip once more, a fleeting promise to come before he would bound away, continuing the patrol of the borders.

-exit Scorpion-




2 Years
07-02-2014, 06:28 PM

Crucifix would growl again as Scorpion, waiting for the boy to unhand their guest. With seeming reluctance, then as through he could not care less he would release the girl and turn, and he would then stroll away. The Alpha boy would shake his head, it would seem that him and Scorpion had gotten off on the wrong foot, and nothing that either did would change that, only worsen the hostility between them.

He turned from the boy that slunk off further into Covari territory and instead turned to their guest. Only know would his hackles lower. The girl had apologised for not making her presence known, but with a sigh he would let it pass, after all people with more authority then he had allowed her entrance. ?I am Crucifix, temporary Alpha well Vi delivers the cure to all the packs? he would explain as the girl asked, but he would watch her closely. He knew what type of boy Scorpion was, but he could also swear she gave little hints of encouragement, it would perhaps he prudent to keep an eye upon this girl. ?Now that you see that VI is not here what will you do?? he asked, wondering if she would then stay or depart.


07-02-2014, 06:54 PM

She figured that since Crucifix had walked in on her and Scorpion, he would be wary of her actions. Plots rose in her mind as she tried to figure out what she would do next. Nothing too extraordinary appeared, so she simply copied his actions and rolled her slender haunches to the ground. "Pleasure to meet you, Crucifix," she said gently, tones showing off her Romanian accent. "I'm happy to see that Aunt Vi has chosen someone with a firm paw to keep an eye on Covari..." Her eyes blinked, long eyelashes glinting in the light.
"Would there be a possibility to see more of Covari? I only showed up to the mainland and have no idea of what lands Aunt Vi has claimed for her home." She really was interested in seeing other parts of Covari, especially since she was thinking of joining her aunt's ranks. Arcanum was a crown jewel, 'tis true, but something about Viridiana's hold on the pack drew the young girl to her. It could have been the power behind the red female -- something Pandora desired, regardless of her mood -- and she wanted to learn from the best. Her horizons had to expand, and what better way than to train with both her aunts and Maija?
She rose from her haunches, eyes breaking away from Crucifix and looking around at their current location. "However, if the task is too much for one wolf right now, I would be more than happy to return when it's more convenient." Her gaze returned to the temporary Alpha and she tilted her head to the side. "Please don't take my words as rude, Crucifix. I just don't want to intrude on your duties..."




2 Years
07-03-2014, 02:44 PM

The girl would speak again, her honeyed tones uttering the pleasantries, the pleasure it was to meet him and what a firm paw he held over the land. The boy made no comment to this, and seemed she did not expect him to, because she would open her maw again and more words would flutter free. She would express and interest in Covari and its lands, admitting she did not know what Covari had claimed. ?Of course? he would say politely, and he would rise again in preparation to show her about these lands. She would rise also and explain that she did not want to burden him, or get in the way of his duties. ?It is no matter to me, I can show you or we can wait? he said simply.


07-03-2014, 02:49 PM

His seriousness did not faze the young babe. Instead, she seemed more enthralled by his business-like nature, making her smile widen. Sparkling blue eyes watched him as she watched him stand and make to walk in front of her. She wasted no time in falling into step with him, making sure she would take in all the details. After all...she was seriously thinking of joining and needed to know every nook and cranny of her new home. "Take the lead, maestro."
-EXIT Pandora-
