
Are you insane like me?

for Outlaw



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
10-02-2020, 05:34 PM

Eyrún was nearly silent as she moved swiftly beneath the willows, fully entranced with the scenery around her. Dusk was rapidly fading, the sun finishing its slow descent beneath the horizon, and the brilliant colors that danced across the sky - at least what was visible of the sky, between the far-reaching boughs of the willow trees - was quite the sight to behold. Pinks and oranges splayed across the vast expanse above, casting the world in an ethereal pale glow as darkness threatened to engulf the world. The pale light that remained was short-lived though, and soon the sky was dotted with stars whose glow grew stronger as night settled in.

What tonight had in store for her, she wasn't quite sure. Her two raven companions were out scouting up ahead, as far as she knew, and so for now Eyrún was on her own. She paused at the edge of one of the pools that wove like a ribbon beneath the roots of the willow tree, marveling at how the tree still grew, regardless of the natural forces that tried to uproot it. Partially concealed beneath the tree's branches that nearly touched the ground, she lingered there for a long while before emerging and navigating onward.

WC: 208



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-02-2020, 09:16 PM
It wasn’t that Outlaw didn’t pay attention to what was going on around him so much as he was overly observant to whatever caught his fancy.  Right now he had a tree where a portion of the roots stuck out and the tree itself was tilted as the center of his attention.  His head was poking in, trying to determine what it was he could see moving in the back.  Something alive for sure, but it was so darn dark! The german-shepherd mix’s tail was wagging frantically in excitement.

Outlaw pulled his head out just far enough to slip a paw in and scratch at the dirt.  It was a mistake apparently, he yelped and pulled his body out, looking sadly at his bleeding paw and watching as the shape of a weasel fled from the tree and ran off.  Outlaw licked at his paw and decided after a moment it wouldn’t kill him.  The dog had only wanted to play, why did it have to bite him?

Outlaw forgot about the weasel and after a lick or two about his paw.  He watched as the sun was setting and the beautiful colors showing through the strange leafy trees that were in this place. Willow trees they were called, funny things and he liked them.  It was hard to keep the dog upset for long, he was almost two years old but to him, the world was still too wondrous a place to let minor things bother him.  His hat was only on him now due to the string, the hat portion dangling from his neck.

Darkness was coming and Outlaw hadn’t decided where to sleep for the night yet.  With the hat fixed he took off running with a happy-go-lucky expression as he curved here and there, leaped part of the stream, paws getting soaked as he left.  Certainly, he was making no secret of his presence as he searched for a spot to sleep.  So it was he would run straight into Eyrun’s path with that same wild abandon only to stop on his breaks realizing there was a wolf here! “Oh, Hi! I’m Outlaw, nice to meetcha.” Pure joy and assurance no ill will would be found.