
I could show you what you wanna see.


06-11-2014, 05:32 PM

Since her encounters with many creatures strange and unknown in a different land, sne was satisfied to be home, where she had been born into the world, though her thoughts led her elsewhere, instead of returning to her birth pack, like most wolves who had been gone for a period of time. Hah, the Glaciem wolves do not know that I still live. I doubt my albino father even gives a shit... Venomous words hissed as they seemed to drip onto the floor of a cave, which was her adopted home for the night, in the cold months of Winter. Coral pads rested upon the cold stone, her lithe frame coiled neatly on the ground, champagne pelt groomed neatly.

Why do I even bother with my own blood. The lot of them... Words would pour from coral lips as the albino tempest closed her ruby gems and neatly crossed her paws, lying down and resting for the moment, should no brute aggravate her to th point of showing any dominance should she need to. For the night, this strange marked cave was hers and hers only. Any of lower bloodline may as well step away from the mountainside, as no purpose would serve them.




06-11-2014, 09:01 PM

The tri-painted mass would stalk the earth, snow brushing beneath large paws as his dual flecked gaze watched the snow fall, dancing across the sky around him. The beauty of it all somewhat disgusted him, but the ice and snow was his domain for it was frozen much like his own heart. He cared for little, save for his immediate family. Mostly his sisters. His Mother had been scarce, his father as well. (For he assumed his Father was Isardis, yet whenever he tried to find out nobody was truly clear to him.) He wondered, however, why his supposed father was never around. He wanted to be a great warrior like his mother. Unsure as to whether or not he wanted to be like the albino beast. He hadn't heard of his feats, but his mother of course he knew. She was a Knight true and bound, and he wanted to be like that if not better. The chaotic beast, however, turned out quite different then his siblings. Kasai possibly being closer in personality, for they were both fiery and hot tempered. Even so, the boy would achieve what he so desired.

He would leave the lands of Glaciem, away from nothing that happened there in search of something to happen. For this, he would trek across the land in search of that very thing. He knew not what or who he would encounter, but he was a fearless individual. Claws would unknowingly strike upon a surface harder then he had been walking on. Scents lingered about, and as his icy and red flecked gaze looked around, he could scent those who had been here before. He would stare hard ahead of him, for a moment wondering if he had seen nothing but a ghost, but the scent suggested otherwise. It was fresh, unknown yet held a bit of something underlying. Did he know this wolf? Perhaps not. But he would command into the darkness, demanding the other to reveal herself. "Reveal yourself!"



06-13-2014, 01:36 PM

The voice was strong and powerful, and the scent was familiar. Glaciem. A slick smile would fold her mouth into such a delicate shape, as she would speak. Ah, a newer Glaciem wolf to welcome my return to these lands. I don't suppose the man could reveal himself first? Lyrics dripped like honey, slick and hushed, to beckon the figure forming nearby, approaching through the thick flurry of the wind's creation. His red and black tones were unfamiliar, yet seemed to look such as another. He was an Armada, seeded from one of the younger... but which one, perhaps? It would be no matter to the champagne pelted woman as she rose, giving only obedience to the reddish brute and approached in turn, leaving the shelter of the den. And Armada, I don't suppose? Which creatures are you the delicate spawn of?

She would waste no time with this questioning, as venomous words began to slip from her tongue. What creature would speak to the long-lost spawn of the Glaciem king? Her princess-hood would be returned soon, she should hope, when she decided to settle down from her traveling to see what had changed and what new children had been given to the Alacritian world. Such alacrity drew her to reunite with the Glaciem wolves, but still yet, another allure would bring her away, seemingly causing her to orbit the empire. Someday, if she would please her father doing so, she would gain her own empire, which should stand strong with that of Glaciem, and both should be superior to all others, filled to the brim with honorable and powerful fighters, to rule over the Northern kingdoms.




06-14-2014, 05:33 PM

Feminine voice lacking the tones of a divine angel would reveal itself to his presence. The brute would watch with narrowed gaze as the pale ghost materialized from the darkness, to approach him and question him. He knew not who this pale beast was, but her splendor and glory were quite different then those he had come across thus far. The brute would size up the woman, for they were both approximately the same height...for now. He would soon to grow to his full height of forty inches, and it would not take long for him to attain such stature. "Armageddon. Only those deemed worthy may call me 'Raw', and you a stranger in my eyes." He would respond accordingly, uncaring towards who he pissed off. He didn't know her, and so would not stoop to the level of polite exchange until he learned more about this creature and if she was worthy of such a pleasure.

She would ask who his parents were, and a wry smile would slip upon his stained maw as the boy smirked. "Argent and Isardis, of course." Of course not. He had no idea that Isardis was not his true father, but instead his son Taurig. The pack had done well to keep that information from his siblings, however. For it was not something mentioned upon the winds. He would eye her, relaxed yet ready should she attempt something of criminal attempt. However much honor was important to him, he would not hesitate to throw it away and play dirty should another show such lame attempts. Icy and red flecked gaze would bore into the crimson of her own, the color of her pelt quite attractive for such purity was seldom achieved. "And your name, darling?"



06-15-2014, 09:07 AM

The Armada (Raw) would speak in reply, voice washed of any kindness, but were harsh and darkened by the pride of himself. He acknowledged himself as Armageddon first, before revealing his true name. As he spoke of the name, a coy smile twisted the pristine tempest's maw, as she would mouth the name, but no words would elicit from her throat. The red brute would then speak of his sire and dam. Argent and Isardis, hm? I'll be the judge of that. A cackle would come from the angelic vixen's coral lips, before parting once more to welcome a barrage of speech, if she should finish.

If I am correct, neither of your parents have such vibrant hues of blood upon them. I insinuate your parents are not whom you think. My sire is Isardis as well, but clearly I am of age of three years, whilst you seem young, and I do not recall any spawn of Isardis after myself, but I could be wrong. Rubies glimmered in the pale ghost's mask as divine words fluttered from her lips, sickened by venom. Delicate coral pads carried the tall and pristine woman toward the reddish brute, inspecting him a little bit closer. Indeed this male could not be the child of Argent and Isardis. He only bore the marks of Argent's eyes, and several others, but no mark shouted out to her as the spawn of the Glaciem King.




06-23-2014, 01:24 AM

"I'll be the judge of that." Laughter would ensue shortly after her statement. The brute would raise a brow, what was with this woman? Was she even truly who she said she was? Had yet to meet an Armada that seemed a Perhaps it was an Albino trait, to be unright in the head. He scoffed slightly, should he ever have albino children he would probably kill them if they were going to come out this way. He would smirk slightly, head tilting a bit towards the side as he eyed her. The pale girl would continue to speak, while he would think her crazy...if she wasn't already.

"Do you claim me a liar? He has had many children. If you do not recall, Isardis fucks many, and the result is more of us spread throughout the lands. I cannot even begin to tell you how many of us; his children, live within Glaciem. And if I'm not mistaken, I recently met another by the name of Sibelle who also carries the russet pelt. Though not as good looking as I, of course. My sister's Kasai and Sol also bear the colors. Do not believe me? Why not take a trip to your once called home, and see for yourself? I assure you, you will clearly see that I am right." He gazed at her, as if challenging her to take this dare. She dared question him to begin with, telling him he was a liar to his face. The boy could almost laugh at her naivety. For one of the former Kings spawn, she didn't seem to be very bright. Tail would sit high over his haunches, stance firm as he awaited her retaliation.



06-23-2014, 09:34 AM

The champagne bitch had spoken, and in reply she was met by the challenge of truth. Rubies hardened in a cold stare, as she would be challenged, her hackles rising. 'This young male dares to challenge me, for the truth?!' A snarl would rise from her throat as she would approach the brute threateningly. If it was a challenge he wanted, it was a challenge he would get. Should he make a move on her, she would not hesitate to slice him to pieces, or at least give him a scar. This male was obviously not of Argent's spawn. Why didn't the idiot understand?! No creature from either side of his supposed seed were of such vivid reds. No matter if you think so or not, you are not the child of Isardis and Argent, even if my father does fuck many powerful women, you bastard. A growl ripped from her champagne throat, awaiting the red bastard's next move.


ooc. Sorry for crap post, I'm really tired and not feeling good.



06-24-2014, 01:09 AM

He did not sway nor falter or flinch in his steps are her supposed threatening steps. One brow would raise at her bold inquiry, but he was not afraid. He laughed at her, voice hard and cold. Oh what a fool she was. He Was indeed the child of Argent. It was obvious in his lack of fear and his strength of heart, just like hers. "If I am a bastard, then you are a bastards bitch. Isardis is not loyal to any, all women are his pawns...including you." Dual flecked gaze bored into her, should she choose to fight now he would not hold back. However, she would be a fool to do so. Common sense obviously didn't seem to be a strong trait of hers. "If you do not believe me, why not ask Argent yourself? Unless you're scared? You're naive," He would scoff, growing irritated at her irrationality. She really was not right in the head, and his assumption that it was due to the albino deformity was seemingly more correct. "You act as if you know the lineage of those you know nothing about. You, who has chosen to abandon the ones you claim to know."



06-24-2014, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2014, 07:49 PM by Impra.)

Words would be met by violence, rubies flaring with anger, as her stilts would rise upward, standing upon her toes to seem larger, a growl building within her throat. One more fucking move. The sensations of blood dragged her toward the bastard child, rubies snarling pure hatred. Mind you, bastard child, I was once the Sentinel of Glaciem, and there is credible proof within our family. She had about had it with the bastard child. You bastard child, you are nothing but a sin to the Armada name. Bitches held great power within the Armada lineage as well as bastards such as you. Isardis is much different from you. Her hackles flared up to the sky, trying to appear larger, as the young bastard spoke more. 'Keep running that goddamn mouth, bastard.' Her lips gave way to a fierce snarl, one that burned at her throat, clawing its way out of her coral lips. Naive?! How about you, you asshole?! You believe what you were told. You are no son of my father. The only children Argent has had after Athena and her siblings was you and your contingent of buggers, and she did not have them with Isardis, you ass. Ask her yourself, maybe she'll tell you herself. Again, to her speech, there were more words from the russet bastard. I did not abandon the Armada name. I know many Armada at blood already, contradicting your statement, brute.




07-03-2014, 12:13 AM
ooc// I believe at the start of this thread, Impra wasn't in Glaciem I think. Although I'm not sure, so i left that vague.

Laughter. It was all that would bubble from his throat as the pale bitch continue to flare in anger. It was oh so amusing, and only causing him to smirk more as he enjoyed the fact. My, someone was getting much to defensive. Perhaps it was because she knew he was right. Rolling laughter would escape his jaws in silky tones, teeth flashing threateningly as she seemed to be pushing her luck. And it had just about run out. "Hahahaha, keywords there, wench. You Used to be. No more, which means you are nothing except for one more bastard spawn to walk the lands." He watched as her hackles rose, his toes and claws flexing as they scraped into the dirt. His tail fur flaring as he silently prepared. She would continue to speak about his lineage, and how the fuck would she know about that? She had left to some foreign country. She knew nothing.

"You swear up and down you know everything, you who abandoned your home and family to leave with some kitty cat, or so rumor has it. You have no place to speak to me as such, and your actions will suffer consequences. And just because you know Armadas by name, doesn't mean you are loyal to them. It doesn't mean anything, those who abandon their family are nothing but worthless scum. You." He was fed up with her string of naive insults and disrespect. He cared not for who she was, whether she once held power or was once a favorite. She was not in Glaciem, and as far as he was concerned, she was nobody to him. It was without warning, he would rush forth, from a standstill to a full on charge as he aimed to close the distance between them.

As soon as he charged, all his defenses would slide into place with ease. Ears plastered to his head, eyes narrowed, body lowered slightly as his knees bent, tail aligned with his spine as it became used as a rudder for quick turning, teeth bared, hackles raised, chin tucked, head lowered over his throat, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, toes spread, claws digging into the ground for traction. He was taller then her, if only by an inch or so, but even so. His charge would aim to set her off balance and damage her porcelain features. Left shoulder jutting forward to slam into her right center chest as he came head on, while his gaping jaws sought to grasp at the right side of her neck, and with this he would attempt to gain control, to cause her to lose air, though not kill her. He simply wanted to give her something to remember him by, win or lose, she would not forget him no matter whether she returned to her once home or left forever. Simultaneously, his left paw would strike forward to try and hook around her right paw, an attempt to cause her to lose balance while she was distracted with his frontal attack. With this, his weight would become distributed as much as possible with his remaining grounded limbs, and the fight was on.

Raw VS Impra

For Dominance

Round 1/2

Attacks: Aims to slam left shoulder into right center chest. Aims to bite right side of her neck. Aims to hook left paw around her right paw to unbalance her.

Defenses: Ears plastered to his head, eyes narrowed, body lowered slightly as his knees bent, tail aligned with his spine as it became used as a rudder for quick turning, teeth bared, hackles raised, chin tucked, head lowered over his throat, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, toes spread, claws digging into the ground for traction. weight would become distributed as much as possible with his remaining grounded limbs.



07-04-2014, 08:37 AM
// ooc // Yes, Impra had yet to join Glaciem in this thread.

He was a bastard child. It was time for him to repay for his words. Noone was to insult the spawn of the Northern King. Death would come to him if he continued. Her hackles flared upward, her knees bending low. Coral lips peeled back in a snarl as her brows creased, narrowing her eyes. Against her skull, veldt auditories flattened themselves to the fur. She moved her legs outward, squaring them off should the bastard try to take the first move without warning. Her long banner rose skyward, aligning with her now lowered skull to create a strong bar of strength. You surely will come out with a wound, bastard child. Angry thoughts roiled from her mind, as she tightened her core, a snarl ripping from her throat, but she said nothing, rubies cold and hard, staring at the red bastard. All of her body language spoke of death. How she longed for the feeling of blood on her pelt. This bastard would be just wonderful to shred to pieces. This was no child of Isardis. He was the child of a asshole.

His red figure suddenly shot forth, an expected attack from such a stupid bastard. His defenses had slid into place, as had hers, in the nick of time just before he moved. A growl grew in her throat, rumbling her body. Her claws drove into the ground, to grasp the soil for traction when she would move out of his reach. Her porcelain frame lowered slightly, her shoulders rolling, threatening to charge and collide into the bastard. The allure of bloodshed drove at her coral nostrils, begging of her to go into a savage combat style as the the male was using. He is a stupid bastard, nothing more. Her bodice swung just out of reach of the bastard's assault. His jaws would swing toward the direction of her neck, toward the right side. His red jaws clamped onto her scruff, rather than the bone and skin of her neck. Her own mandibles would drop open as her crown lunged for the rump of the bastard, a ripping noise sounding as she tugged herself free of the vice grip, blood seeping from the scar. Should her attack land, she would bite down hard, and her head would shake violently to increase the wound's intensity. Her tail would flare behind her, to her right side, so the male at her left could not reach the crucial part of her defense. She felt a paw worm over to her own, hooking around her hind legs, to the left leg. A growl flared from her as she would violently kick that coral pad. It was a risky move, unbalancing her slightly, but she made sure to lean on the red bastard, to perhaps shove him into unbalancing himself. She would not lose to this bastard. She would present her bloodstained pelt to the Northern King, the blood of a canine whose words had caused him trouble.



Quote:Hackles raised, knees bent, lips peeled in snarl, brows creased, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, spreading legs, raised tail for balance, lowering head, claws gripping the ground for traction, rolling shoulders, tail held opposite of Raw.
Quote:Aiming to bite at his rump, on his left side, kicking against Raw's paw, leaning on Raw to knock him over.
Quote:Moderate scarring on the right side of her neck.



07-06-2014, 12:43 AM

It would seem she too would charge towards him. However, her movements were clumsy. His teeth would latch onto her scruff instead of her intended target, and he would show her today that she was as naive as a child. She knew nothing about him, she had never been around, how the hell could she? He seemed to scoff through his teeth as blood seeped upon his tongue. His paw would seem to grasp her hind leg, while she lunged forth towards his rump. With a hissing growl, he would side step away to his right, tail tucking should she decide to go after that instead. He would feel teeth bite his rump on the left, though she would fail to keep a hold on him as his body would pull from her grasping teeth. Her canines had managed to leave a bite wound just two inches long, for he managed to skitter away before her ugly maw did too much damage. He felt pressure upon his shoulder, and yet it was with his motions of his sidestepping that he would position himself in a T form, his head now striving to latch onto her center spine as he positioned himself on her left (his right). Jaws unhinged as he sought to bring teeth down upon her spine, not to completely immobolize her, but to cause enough pain and damage to deter her and remember him. As he did this, he would thrust his body forward in an attempt to unbalance her, to push his weight against her body as she had tried to do to him to topple her--to send her to the ground in submission.

Throughout his efforts, the male would keep defenses intact: Ears pinned to his skull, eyes narrowed, jaws unhinged to protect his facial features, brows furrowed, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, claws digging into the ground for traction, toes spread, tail tucked, hackles bristling, abdomen tightened, chin was tucked, although he was striving to go for an attack that required his head to be at a higher position, his rolled shoulders would protect the sides of his neck as well as his throat. He was smart enough to keep himself as protected as possible, and was striving to balance his attacks and defenses. All the same, he would evenly distribute his weight should she choose to try and topple him again. A growl would rip through his throat, determined to win. And yet, would not be discouraged if he lost. All he wanted to do was show how stupid she was, be it scarring her pretty little face or causing some sort of damage to her otherwise supposed flawless features.

Raw VS Impra--For Dominance

Round 2/2



07-06-2014, 05:58 PM

A stupid bastard he was. He was of a savage combat style, embracing the brute strength so apparent in his frail looks. He was a weakling amongst the Armada line. He could not possibly the spawn of Isardis and Argent, as so he spoke. Coral mandibles had latched upon the bastard's bloodied rump, yet he moved as if it were so easy. Rubies were stone-cold and hard upon the crimson brute's body, every motion captured as if a camera captures a moment in life. The cardinal swung about, positioning himself in a T-form, his jaws unhinging to reach her central spine. No way in hell would he interrupt her flawless appearance with such a savage move. Her champagne figure swung about, aligning herself with the male just as his jaws clamped shut, landing near her neck, at her brachiocephalicus muscle plating, somewhat near her shoulder. The sensation of blood upon her pelt and adrenaline dulled the pains, her coral lips parting in a snarl of pure hatred, ivory fangs bared. The bite would leave a scar about Her crown jerked forth, with restriction of speed by the brute biting into her neck, snapping toward the direction of the male's own brachiocephalicus. Should her assault land upon the cardinal, she would bite hard, and would not let go until the crimson bastard begged for mercy. Already she could feel bruising from the male's sternum driving into her own. Even if her attack did not land, her sternum would thrust forth, intending to push against the cardinal, to bring him down to submission to the superior and perfect of the Armada bloodline.

Even throughout her assaults and counters, defenses remained set: ears pinned, banner raised as a rudder, crown lowered, shoulders rolled, core tightened, joints loosened to absorb shock, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, brows creased, muzzle contorted into a snarl, toes spread, rubies locked on Raw; enabling her an entry to rather minimal injuries. Defense was to be embraced so much more than offense, and offensive attacks were to be strong and not in many of number, which could be confusing for the attacker, rather than the opponent. She knew how to fight, unlike the stupid cardinal-hued bastard.



Quote:Second paragraph, at the beginning.
Quote:Attempting to bite Raw's brachiocephalicus, pushing against Raw's chest, to counter him
Quote:Moderate scarring on the right side of her neck, moderate scarring on the left side of her neck, just beyond her shoulders, bruising on sternum

// ooc // Yay! The fight is over! It was a good one too, and I'll get it into Judging for us.

The Judge


07-13-2014, 06:57 PM

Raw v Impra for Dominance

Round 1

5 for clarity--2 where on the right side of her neck his he trying to grasp? -2how will latching on there cause her to loose air? -1 you still need to specify that it's her right 'front' paw he's aiming to hook

6 for powerplaying.-2 need attempt phrase for the shoulder slam -2 for "while she was distracted with his frontal attack" you can't assume she was.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack.+2 for shoulder slam (-1 for pp) +2 for jaw attack (-1 for clarity) +2 for paw attack

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Total: 37


0 for clarity--3 she swung which way? how? -2 what angle is she approaching his rump at? -2 where on his rump is she aiming? -2 what damage did she receive from him biting her scruff? -2 what part of her is she trying to lean into Raw? -2 what part of Raw is she aiming to lean into? -2 what is she hoping to achieve by kicking at his paw?

3 for powerplaying. -2 "when she would move out of his reach" you need an attempt phrase here -2 you need an attempt when you kick at Raw's paw -1 "and her head would shake violently" you're assuming the attack landed, you need to attempt this. -2 you need to attempt to lean against him

7 for defenses.+1 for each found, -2 for not adjusting her balance upon attack

4 for attack.+1 attack to rump (-2 for clarity issues), +2 kick at paw (-1 for pp). +1 leaning against Raw (I'm not sure I believe this attack to be effective if she's simply leaning into him rather than shoving or doing something to increase her momentum.

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 24

Round 2


2 for clarity--2 how is he in relation to her when he forms a T? -2 which shoulder does he feel the pressure on? -2 what is he pushing against her? -2 where on her body is he intending to push?

6 for powerplaying.-2 you need an attempt to move into a T position. -2 you need to address Impra's kick to Raw's paw.

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for jaw attack, +2 trying to topple her (-1 for clarity)

8 for injuries.-2 bite to the butt

Round two Total: 29


0 for clarity- -2 which way is she swinging? -2 I wouldn't consider the brachiocephalicus near the shoulder. Be more descriptive of the injury, is it deep? how long? moderate? slight? -2 how did she move so that Raw's jaws ended up on her neck vs her back? -2 where on her neck did the attack land? -2 which side of her neck was hit? -2 which side of his neck is she attack -2 where on his neck does she hope to bite? -1 how intense is the bruising to her sternum?

8 for powerplaying. -2 you need to attempt to line up with him

8 for defenses.

3 for attack.+1 bite to neck (-2 for multiple clarity issues) +2 chest bump

6 for injuries.-3 wound to neck -1 bruising to sternum

Round two Total: 25


Raw: 66/100

Impra: 49/100

And the winner is...

Raw! Impra must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Bruising and minor lacerations will take a few ooc days to heal. Moderate wounds and deeper bites will take an ooc week to heal or depending on severity..


For Sasuke You're improving! Just work a bit more on your clarity.

For StarryClarity is a huge problem for you in this fight. It might help to stick to one attack for awhile until you get the hang of it. Really focus on saying exactly what your character intends to do and where on another character they are aiming for.

- By [Lunarcat7]