
White Walker


06-11-2014, 03:23 PM

She had to be cautious as she went around the caverns. She never knew who knew of the nameless one and who did not, therefore if she met an old ?friend? she would surely have to do one of those flight or fight response things or whatever it was supposed to be. Her eyes were soft as she silently crept about, making no sound as her paws hit the earth, barely gracing it at fast speeds. Here fur blended into the rocks apart from her white fur belly. She shouldn?t have washed it because if she had left it dirty than no wolf would find her. Her eyes were closed as she blended in against the wall. She was waiting for her next victim.

The wind walker had pushed herself forward towards the cave entrance, thinking about a meal to be in her clutches soon enough. Would she dare try for something bigger like a deer or an elk or would she simply take a smaller prey like a vole or a fish or a squirrel. Her eyes flashed towards the back of the cave with the soft sounds of scuffs on the floor. Was that the noise of a rabbit? What would a rabbit be doing in a cave? She'd find out she supposed. Carefully she stalked her prey, watching it hit at the floor with its giant feet. She leapt atop it and murdered it with one blow.

It looked like the bandit girl wouldn't have to steal her next meal after all. She settled down and started to chow down on it.



4 Years
06-11-2014, 04:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2014, 04:41 PM by Aislinn.)

There was perhaps a whole network of caverns and tunnels in the north. Climbing deeper down from the Northern Mines, surely the two connected? But the lady couldn't be bothered with such things, she was merely more interested in exploring the caverns. Perhaps the caverns would be her home forever? Seeing as she was a follower of the shadows, the mines would make a perfect home for her. But the underground passages were untested, and she would stay alert, on guard. Yet the caverns seemed so eerie and lifeless. Surely the lady wouldn't meet anyone down here, would she?
She opened her jaw, stopping to taste the air. Blood, she scented that straight away. Not wolf blood, rabbit blood. Rabbits do not die on their own, something would have to have injured that rabbit. Someone...
She was no longer alone in the lifeless caverns, but grinning in the darkness, the lady just had to meet this mysterious wolf. The wolf had obviously ventured into the caves after its meal. Following the scent trail, she continued to trek deeper through the winding tunnel networks. She admired how this wolf had the strength and courage to adventure down in the caverns, as she didn't pick up the scent of fear. And the wolf was excellent at hiding herself, perhaps she blended in well with the surrounding rocks? Yet the lady would find her in a heartbeat. Narrowed blue eyes searched through the endless black, her speed swift and smooth. She had snuck up without the wolf noticing, leaving a few tail lengths between them. She opened her jaw to speak.
"Hello dear,"
She disguised her voice in a sweet tone, but she couldn't help but to grin after. Her teeth and claws longed for the taste of blood. But she would approach this girl calmly, or would she?

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-11-2014, 05:18 PM

The words made her tense up and then proceeded to make her skin crawl. The sickly sweet voice was so familiar yet it was not at the same time. Her eyes danced around the cave in search of the wolf who owned the mysterious voice only to find her eyes locked on another fae in the caverns without life. The soul stealer rose swiftly, a fast little bugger as usual, and gave a small hiss. She was quite protective over her food, especially given the times of the day. It was the winter months and she would surely starve if the rest of her meal was taken from her by some large brute. She exhaled through her nose loudly in a snort as she pushed herself away, taking her rabbit and heading away from the scene and towards the inner territories of the cavern system.

With a breakneck pace she rushed through the tunnels she had been exploring as she headed towards the central cavern. The other wolf was large, and if the woman truly wanted her food than she would have to find the Queen of the Thieves first, a trick in itself. Bandit would surely be much faster than the other wolf that had made her presence known because she had a small frame and she was particularly fast compared to the others. Her eyes followed her every movements as she worked her way through the caverns with a strange precision. She was just trying to think on her feet and protect what was rightfully hers. It was probably the only thing that was rightfully hers. Even her name was stolen.



4 Years
06-12-2014, 02:58 AM

A chase was this now? But for what? Observing the lady well, Aislinn knew she had to be protecting her freshly caught rabbit. Quite frankly, she had eaten only a sunrise ago, she was in no rush to eat. But of course, food is scarce during the howling season of winter. Yet Aislinn had no intention of stealing the lady's rabbit. But a chase was a chase. But mind you, of course not the rabbit. For what? That, Aislinn did not know. And she would follow the lady without hesitation. Where to? That is yet to be decided.
Aislinn quite admired the dame's speed and agility, it had been quite some time since she had come across a wolf that was not useless on its four paws. Should she be cautious how this wolf has such unique and swift abilities? Swift and agile, there is only one type of wolf that is one for adventure and tricks. A bandit. Could she be facing a wolf of such trickery? Thoughts raced through her mind as she elegantly sprinted into a narrow tunnel, leading her paws into a completely different track. But that was alright. This was the way she came. And she knew this tunnel lead to the same cavern the bandit was heading. And with a bit of strategy, why, the bandit might even land right in her claws. That is if the plan was to go according to her thoughts, and she couldn't be quick to judge. But she could certainly be quick on her paws.
Around the caverns, through winding tunnels and mines, Aislinn knew it would be up ahead. The bandit was cunning, light as a feather as she bolted smoothly through the straight tunnel. And she reached the right area where Aislinn needed her. Where? A dead end.
Her tunnel nicely connected to the one the bandit had been running through, and she emerged into the massive cave where the bandit searched for another exit. But the bandit faced her, hissing.
"I am not going to steal you're food, dear. And relax yourself. I will bring you no harm."
A word was a promise, and she promised no harm would bestow the lady. And now she would wait. Wait for a response. Is the bandit hostile or neutral?


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-12-2014, 09:42 AM

It frustrated her that the woman seemed to be able to catch up to her. Was she so out of shape that she could be caught by a large wolf in size? She tried to calm down the aggravated soul stealer, promising that her food would not be stolen and that she would not come to harm. She relaxed a little, turning with a wicked look in her eyes. ?I?ve heard that one before too dear. You?ll need to try better than that.? She hissed at the female before backing up slightly, close to the wall but close to yet another cave tunnel. If she needed to she would dart once more but not until she was forced to. She held soft breathes, her eyes locked on her surroundings as she examined them for something she could use to her advantage.

She was shifting between her feet, keeping them lightly touching the ground. ?Oi, how did you manage to catch up now wolf? ?Aven?t you heard ?bout the dangers surrounin? me? I didn?t get the name soul stealer for nothing.? She challenged, the words flowing smoothly from her muzzle as she tensed up a little bit. Her eyes were narrowed ever so slightly as she waited for some sort of reaction. The white walkers were about; pure white wolves with the evil inside of them to even turn a bandit from their path. She was worried about them to be honest for never had she faced such evils. Lord Helios of the sun, please bless my travel. Artemis, goddess of unmarried woman, the hunt, and the moon please watch over my nightly travels. Hermes, patron god of thieves, please aid me in my heists. She told herself as she plotted out her plan.



4 Years
06-13-2014, 05:59 AM

A bandit and a soul stealer? What next? A magical horse? Yes, she was aware that this wolf was capable of many dangerous abilities and tricks. But every wolf had their own surprises a long the way, why, even she did. But I can't tell you that, why do you think it is called a surprise?
She had to try better than that? That was what the wolf had informed her wickedly, and she had to agree with her. Of course she could do better. Why, tricks and talks are not only the best abilities she has. Unleashing her claws, baring her teeth and turning the world into a battlefield would definitely have to be what she is best at, what she loves to do, and what she was born to do.
"Of course I can do better," She replied, flexing her claws. "But we wouldn't want that, would we?" Her eyes glimmered evilly as she finished her statement. What a challenge this bandit-soul stealer was, but nothing too hard that she couldn't handle. Why, she loved challenges. Stimulates the mind and claws, don't you think?
How did she catch up? Well that's quite simple to answer. She used her paws beyond the limits to deliver her something called speed. Also, she was larger than the bandit, longer legs lead to swiftness and power to push through. She could go on for days, but she isn't a sickening vain wolf. And finally, she did know the abilities of a bandit, and as she said before, perhaps those abilities will be a challenge for her? And what damages did this wolf bring? Perhaps not this very wolf, but maybe her kin or other fellow bandits and soul stealers. Or maybe it is this very wolf, then cautious she will be. Like she already is.
"I am aware of you abilities and damages. And you should be aware of mine." She spoke calmly, yet in a reminding tone. This wolf was a complete stranger to her, and she did not know who she was. But if they were both to get out of these caverns, then one thing the bandit shall remember, is the abilities of the dark follower.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-13-2014, 04:13 PM

She listened carefully, her ears pricked to hear as much as she could. She had strong ears, though that sounded strange to the tongue it was an ability she developed from years of the heists. The woman did not seem to pay attention to her move closer to another tunnel and so the wind walker thought about making the girl go on another chase to test her abilities. If she liked the girl?s abilities than perhaps she might consider talking to her in a peaceful way but if not it was adios to the nameless woman before her and hello to an exit to the caverns and hello to new lands. The bandit-masked girl continued to contemplate it when the woman stated that she (Bandit) should be able to determine her (Aislinn?s) skills.

?Oi! Course I can, for what kind o? bandit would I be if I didn? observe wolves to know their darker talents?? She asked the woman in a questioning tone. She had been observing the entire time, picking up on small things she might be able to use to her advantage. The way she talked, breathed, sat, they were all close as to what the woman could do. You just had to be skilled enough to find them. With a small wicked grin she spoke again. ?Let?s put some of yer skills to the test then.? She stated slyly as she took off through another tunnel, her nimble limbs carrying her across the distances with overwhelming speed, faster than before when the woman had caught up to her.



4 Years
06-14-2014, 04:45 AM

What a stubborn creature the bandit was. Pure mischief. Though the bandit was weak, Aislinn could feel it. The bandit only ran, never faced her challenges and opponent. Running from your fears is a strong sign of weakness and suffering, running from your past life will get you nowhere, and your past memories will haunt you forever. That is until you face those memories. And Aislinn once felt the feeling of running and hiding, and yet those memories creep to her. And underneath the armor of the warrior's shield and claws, is the emptiness that will change the dark hunter forever.
Was this all? Tricks and mischief? Couldn't the bandit show her claws and show some real pride? Leave a few battle scars? But nope, she would run. And where Aislinn didn't know. To an exit, an ambush, a dead end, she didn't know. The lady would follow the keen bandit, taking risks with every step she took. Surprisingly, the bandit was traveling faster down the tunnel than ever before.
Her skills are being put to the test, now? By who? Fellow runner ahead of her? Right, the bandit clearly was just putting her off. If the bandit wanted a true test, then she should accept a true fight, and show some true fighting. But it was the bandit's choice to run with her tail between her legs.
Swiftly dancing through the tunnels, the bandit was certainly traveling through the caverns faster than before. Thundering not far behind, the golden wolf follows her to wherever she may be leading. Her eyes flicker evilly, she would have her claws around the bandit's neck in no time. But with a burst of speed, the bandit zooms ahead, only leaving Aislinn to growl like wild and chase her on.
Oh now you decide to go full pelt! Aislinn thought bitterly to herself, cursing the bandit at every chance she got. She did approach this wolf in a calm tone, and she nicely spoke to her. If this was how the bandit was to go around her, then Aislinn had no choice.
Let the bloody beast emerge.

"Talk." Think

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-14-2014, 08:41 AM
Feel free to determine how many rounds and if it is dominance or dispute, ect but please no maim or deathmatch

The bandit knew the tunnels well for she had been exploring them for days, week perhaps and it was directly into a trap of her own advantage that she was leading the female into. A small smile when the female would lose distance like the soul stealer thought that she would. The woman was not very observant as to why she had not taken the last turn but the second one. It was a loop that she could use to her advantage and with a small growl not making its way into her throat and out to be heard she exited the tunnel right as the woman would be reaching the path that she took, leaping out at her with a fierce snarl and crazed eyes to reflect that of a diseased raccoon. Her hackles were raised and so were her haunches as her fur bristled along her spine. Her nose was flared and her neck was scrunched up to protect it as her shoulders were pushed forward and her head was down. Her eyes were blazing with anger as she narrowed her eyes and prepared herself while running. She'd win this.

The woman was to the back left of the female and so when she leapt, putting all the power she had into her moves, she would aim to grip on to the back of the female?s neck right between her shoulders by the point where her neck ends and her back begins. While she would attempt this she would do two more things to further aid her in her fight. She?d try to get her claws in contact with the woman?s left leg to tear at the fur and skin and she would try to push her down with all her weight, though not very effective if she managed to be able to push the woman down because the woman was bigger and heavier than she was. The bandit had to try either way.

Round 1 of ? for In-Character Dispute?

Attacks in 2nd paragraph

Defenses set in 1st paragraph

No injuries - First Round

No reactions to Aislinn's attacks - First Round



4 Years
06-14-2014, 05:45 PM
OOC: Is two rounds good? And yes I believe this is an in-character dispute

The chase was useless. Aislinn would have to battle down this bandit. Which she was quite comfortable in doing so. Yet she kept alert, her eyes scanning the caverns for any abnormalities. She observed the bandit carefully, her paws and mind were racing as this was a difficult task. Her keen eyes spotting different body language, Aislinn was sure the bandit would soon attack, and her mind raced through her defenses. She raised her hackles, bristling as she protected her scruff. Her paws were evenly spaced apart as she pelted for the bandit. Her lips curled as she exposed her teeth, her claws dug into the dirt. Her muscles tensed as she prepared her defenses, her claws out and her ears back. If this bandit was preparing a fight, then Aislinn would have to protect herself. She was ready.
Her eyes never left the bandit, yet all of a sudden, the bandit became a blur of brown hues. Alert and ready, the bandit sprung into action. Her eyes locked onto Aislinn's neck, her teeth bared. She attempted to grip Aislinn's neck, successfully piercing into Aislinn's skin, thrashing wildly as she attempted to pierce deeper into the flesh. Though Aislinn's raised hackles protected her neck from the teeth piercing deeper. Aislinn roared and violently shook the bandit off before her teeth could sink deeper. Thrown off, the bandit successfully made a comeback, raking her claws down Aislinn's left leg while attempting to push her weight to the ground. An advantage Aislinn has is that she is larger and taller than the bandit, thus attempting to bring her body to the ground would be useless and ineffective. Catching the bandit off-guard, Aislinn slammed her weight into the bandit before her left leg flung the bandit a few feet away.

Round 1 of 2 for in-character dispute

Attacks: Aislinn will attempt a frontal paw strike, swiftly aiming for Bandit's face, cheek or muzzle. If this is successful, Aislinn would have caught Bandit off-guard, attempting to grip her teeth into Bandit's shoulder, pulling her to the ground to expose her underbelly.

Defenses: Stated in first paragraph

Injuries: Teeth piercing in neck from Bandit's first strike. Multiple gashes in frontal left leg, fur torn off in some areas.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


06-18-2014, 07:48 AM

The demon was bloody fast as she swiftly shifted backwards away from her opponent to miss all of the attacks, especially the one named at her face. A small but sly smile encroached on her face in a demeaning way. The woman had failed to take into account her speed and reaction times. The bandit was never off guard and she was always on edge, especially when fighting.

She quickly countered with an aim to grip her back left leg with her canine teeth in an attempt to tear at the muscle so that the woman would not be able to fight as well as she had thought she could. A hiss through her teeth when she leapt meant that she meant business. Her eyes narrowed softly as she also attempted to slam into the woman?s side. This attack would be after the attempted move on the back left leg. The bandit was cunning as she worked her way through her moves.

She quickly reset her defenses.Her hackles were raised and so were her haunches as her fur bristled along her spine. Her nose was flared and her neck was scrunched up to protect it as her shoulders were pushed forward and her head was down. Her eyes were blazing with anger. Everything was the same as how she had first started the fight defense-wise.


Reactions: Paragraph 1

Attacks: Paragraph 2

Defenses: Paragraph 3



4 Years
06-19-2014, 04:00 AM

The fight had heated up. Her narrowed eyes missed none of the action. The bandit was fast, speed and agility was on her side. What was on Aislinn's side? Strength and power. Strength and power was what would win her battle today, and would win her for many wars to come.
The bandit had avoided her attacks, definitely swift she was. The bandit had now decided to lunge at Aislinn with some new attacks, but this time she was prepared. The bandit aimed for her hind left leg, her teeth bared in a hiss. Aislinn knew the bandit would attempt to pierce into her leg once more, and she could not let that happen again. Effortlessly dodging the bandit's leap, the only damage the bandit was able to do was claw Aislinn's leg before tumbling to the ground in a cloud of dust. Yet she was quick and she leaped to her paws, fur bristling with rage and regaining her bursting energy in no time. With all her power and energy, the bandit slammed her weight into Aislinn's side. With Aislinn's defense tactics, the slam was only a mere nudge. Balance had helped her now, as the bandit's tactical slam was no match for Aislinn's large and heavy size. Surprised, Aislinn was, did the bandit forget this note from her previous attempt to bring Aislinn's massive body to the ground? As the bandit thrusted her weight into Aislinn's side, Aislinn yowled with defiance before slamming the wolf off her side. The wolf tumbled in a cloud of dust once more, unable to be identified where she was. Through the roar of the voices, Aislinn held her ground firmly as she waited for a reaction from the fallen wolf. Through narrowed eyes and powerful pants, Aislinn watched the stranger after she had successfully knocked her off. Her eyes flashed wildly, roaring for more. Would there be more bloodshed today? Why, she would wait.

Round 2 of 2 for in-character dispute
Attacks: Second paragraph.

Defenses: Paws and legs evenly spaced apart, bracing herself for Bandit's second attack. Paws splayed out, claws dug deeply in the dirt for balance. Keeping previous defenses, ears flattened, teeth bared, hackles raised for neck and scruff protection. Eyes always narrowed and head aligned with tail and spine. Muscles constantly bunched and tightened.

Injuries: Bruise in side from Bandit's second attack. Claw marks on left leg from Bandit's first attack.

"Talk." Think

OOC: Sorry if short, in a rush right now. Think the fight's done. Hopefully I can inform the staff to judge it soon. Well done.
[Image: 4LyHbab.png]

The Judge


06-19-2014, 06:56 PM

Bandit v Aislinn for Dominance

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 struggled to follow your post. Bandit lept? Where did she intend to land? -2 ?She?d try to get her claws in contact with the woman?s left leg ? front of hind? Which of Bandit?s paws is she attacking with? One or both? Please specify. -2 ?she would try to push her down with all her weight ? how did she intend to push her opponent down? Though her bite or through her paws?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

4 for defenses. +1 for each seen

4 for attack. +2 bite to back of neck +1 an area of control +1 clawing at leg

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Bandit Total: 34/50


9 for clarity- mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. -2 ?thrashing wildly as she attempted to pierce deeper into the flesh? Bandit didn?t mention thrashing in her post. -2 ?violently shook the bandit off before her teeth could sink deeper? you can?t assume she released her grip, you must attempt to throw your opponent off. -4 ?Catching the bandit off-guard, Aislinn slammed her weight into the bandit before her left leg flung the bandit a few feet away? you must attempt to do anything that relates or makes contact with the other character

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. +1 slam +1 push with leg

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Aislinn Total: 26/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- -2 I struggled to follow what happened in your first paragraph

10 for powerplaying. none seen

4 for defenses. +1 for each one seen

5 for attack. +3 for bite to leg +2 for body slam

10 for injuries. none received

Round two Bandit Total: 37/50


9 for clarity- -2 ?before tumbling to the ground in a cloud of dust ? who tumbled to the ground?

6 for powerplaying. -2 ?slamming the wolf off her side ? you must attempt to do this ?The wolf tumbled in a cloud of dust once more ? you cannot say how your attack affected your opponent, this is up to your opponent

1 for defenses. +1 for every one seen (you must redo your defenses in your post every round)

1 for attack. +1 for knocking down

7 for injuries. -1 bruising -2 clawed

Round two Aislinn Total: 24/50


Bandit: 71/100

Aislinn: 50/100

And the winner is...

Bandit! Aislinn must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Bandit - None

Aislinn - Scratches that will take 1 ooc week to heal. Bruising will heal in a few IC days


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Elisandra
Eli, you did a great job of attempting to do things. I would suggest you work on your clarity and your defenses. We look for 10 different defenses or more. If you like you can message me with questions! Some other things to note is we do prefer if you take damage from attacks, I didn?t dock you points on this this time.

For Millie
Millie, a few things to work on would be powerplaying. You need to use phrases like ?attempt? and ?try?. For example ?Bob attempted to throw his hip into Tim?s shoulder and push him away?. As well expand on your attacks a bit more. Go for a bite or a grab, try and trip your opponent rather then just shoving them away. Lastly defenses don?t carry on from your first post, you must reset them with each new round in your IC post. If you have any questions as well feel free to message me!

- By [Dione]



4 Years
06-19-2014, 09:06 PM

Silence, there was. An eerie silence.
Perhaps it would be best if she awarded this battle to the younger wolf. After all, everyone wanted victory, what could be better than letting the bandit have the prize? Aislinn would leave the bandit to herself, doing whatever bandits do best. And Aislinn would get herself out of these awfully tight caverns and perhaps stalk in the lands of solitude once more. She would give the victory to the bandit, but of course, there is a catch.
She sat up, straightening herself, letting the blood from her leg drip. She ruffled her dust-coated fur before opening her jaw to speak.
"I must say your skills are quite remarkable. But tell me, what is your name?" Would she say this in a nice tone? No, more of a calm, deep tone. Azure orbs glimmered in the darkness. She would now leave these caverns, disgusted by how many times she found herself in them. Lifting her head up in a marvelous fashion, she flicked her luxurious tail and headed for the way she came. If the bandit heard or not, she did not care. She stopped just before the shadows had swallowed her up, a grin coming to her jaw. Her eyes flashed wildly and thoughts rushed through her mind. Turning her head to only glance at the bandit once, she growled in a dry and cold tone.
"Keep your eyes open. Keep your ears pricked. Keep looking behind you. Because the world isn't a pretty place."
She took a final glance of the brown wolf. A chuckle came to her maw and her eyes flashed insanely.
Was this defeat?
She would be back, her ancestors decree it.
She slowly stepped forward before being welcomed into the shadows once more.
-exit Aislinn-

[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


07-03-2014, 02:14 PM

The woman dropped the attacks and a small smile formed on the muzzle of Bandit. She had proven herself a foe that cannot be beaten in speed and strength and that was all she needed to know. It made her feel complete to know she had taken on a large wolf and won despite the obvious adversity that was present in the situation. She watched as the woman ran off and so she raised her tail high as she continued to go through the tunnels that she knew somewhat well. All was going to end well for her it would seem and for that she thanked the mighty Athena for her battle strategy and Ares for his love of war.