
My Promise To You


06-12-2014, 01:53 PM

These woods were exactly how Adelaide remembered them. Her memories from that night were blurry and distorted, but she still remembered the unnerving darkness within. Her snowy coat glistened in the moonlight, her sapphire eyes wary and unsure. This was not the kind of situation she wanted to be in. Adelaide had always been an independent creature, free to make her own decisions based on sound logic and instinct. And right now, every instinctual thought in her mind was begging her to run. This was not safe. She should not be here. But she had a promise to keep.

So the woman drew in a breath of cold winter air and tried to calm her thoughts. After tonight, this would all be over. She had nothing to worry about, really. Kristoffer was a man with a good head on his shoulders. He held pride in his family name and knew better than to commit any heinous crimes. He would not hurt Adelaide. He would spend this night with her, and then he would never see her again. That would be their new promise.

The maiden came to rest in the center of the woods, not far from where they had spent their first encounter. Her eyes closed and she sighed tersely through her nose before lifting her head to the sky and sending a call into the night. She had offered one more night for the exchange of her safety. Adelaide always kept her promises. Unfortunately.


06-12-2014, 02:27 PM

The man was not a busy one in the least. He heard of a cure for the plague, which was nice. But, the illness did not catch up to his cocky arse. The boy had been lounging about in his packs territory without a care in the world. He had met a few girls along the way, flirting with them all. But, he did not find one to cease his craving yet. The man did like Kellen a lot, yet he did not even bed her, which was odd for him. Kristoffer had odd ways of working and thinking but they seem to have got him pretty far. He slithered away from his brothers grasps and walked into a new, sexy, pack of his own. The leaders consisted of bad bitches with lovely pelt colors. He would oh so very enjoy nuzzling his head into a patch of purple scruff. Though, his thoughts were cut in half as a call for him was let forth into the brisk air of winter. His core began to tingle as his eyes slipped open and his paws met the ground. Kristoffer headed over to the woman he had bedded once before, meeting her for another night of enticing fun. The man slithered in with a tilt of his rather large head and a roll of his massive shoulders. His silver eyes reigned down on the oddly striped girl he had seen once before and let forth his baritone voice. "My Mistress did not forget about me, good girl." The man slithered closer to her, reaching only a foot away as he smirked. "How has this little pearl been?"



06-12-2014, 02:42 PM

The gentle wind tossed her pristine coat about as she waited for the gentleman to arrive. He did not take very long, despite the way his steps moved lazily through the trees. The beast seemed to always be at ease, no matter whose presence he was in. Adelaide admired that somehow, and gave him a polite smile as he rested a short distance away and murmured a flirtatious greeting into the air. He hadn't changed a bit. But Adelaide would not be the same this time around. Tonight she was in control of her own thoughts, with no terrible herbs to intoxicate her. Her movements were sure and proud, abandoning the frilly innocence she had displayed only weeks before. That innocence was gone now. And Kristoffer, sadly, was to blame. But she would not hold him to that crime, taking advantage of the maiden when she was incapacitated. Such was life. She would move on.

"How could one forget a royal brute like you?" She asked coyly, batting her blue eyes sarcastically in his direction. Adelaide wasn't sure if the man would appreciate her brand of humor. Perhaps not. It didn't matter anyway. "I've been better. What with this plague spreading around, I'm a bit worse for wear. This is a hard time for healers. The cure seems to be working, though." She sighed once more and looked off into the distance, her mind going out to the lands of Ebony. Going home, like she wanted to. But her eyes soon returned to the sleazy argent stare that Kristoffer possessed, the stare that made her feel tainted and pure all at the same time. It was refreshing and disgusting. She wasn't sure how to react. No brute had ever given her such a lustful look before. None but him.

"I assume you remember our little agreement?" Adelaide flipped her tail around her hips and awaited his response. Of course, she knew that he would remember their night together, perhaps he was even looking forward to their second meeting. Her words were meant to drag the moment out, make it longer than it needed to be. Why jump into things? She was in no hurry.



06-17-2014, 07:02 PM

The man was a gentle giant, most of the time. But, when he got his claws on a nice bitch he went savage. He admired her small form and nimble appearance. Her off markings upon her lovely face and the black that adorned her other various appendages. A respone to her question was heard and he let forth a baritone chuckle. He rolled his shoulders. Another round of precious vocals were heard from the girl and Kris listened silently. "I've been better. What with this plague spreading around, I'm a bit worse for wear. This is a hard time for healers. The cure seems to be working, though." The royal man nodded and licked his lips. "Some in my Pack have grown ill as well, I am glad my leader found the cure." He smiled softly before he saw the flick of her hips. His smile soon turned into a deadly smirk. Her tones were heard once more, "I assume you remember our little agreement?" The man nodded softly and moved closer to her. He nipped her lip before speaking into her ear. "I could never forget such a promise." He then brushed passed her and nipped at her hips before he began to climb onto her arse. He wrapped his legs around her hinds and growled, taking her scruff into his mouth. The man then began to give her all of his will and might. Without a single fuck in the world.

