



5 Years
Extra large
06-11-2014, 02:50 PM

The large brute found himself well once again, the sickness had been long and energy consuming. Despite his need to bite everything Scorpion had not eaten much during his sickness. It showed over his already thin body. Bones were sticking out and patches of fur were missing. His eyes were blood shot and crazed as his form sought out one being. As soon as his conscious had returned the man was off in search of the mother of his children. Her scent was stale, she'd left after he'd gotten sick obviously. A rage would boil in the pit of his stomach as situations brought themselves into his mind. What could have possessed her to run off? Had he not made it absolutely clear that he owned her. Even through the sickness his claim still lay upon her.
He would follow as best he could, feeling relief as her scent was completely devoid of Crucifix's stench. Scorpion worried that he might try something again, he knew he would taste blood on that day. Following the irresistible trail of Othello's aroma he would find himself in the fern gully, the sensation becoming stronger as he advanced. A loud bark would sound out, she was here, rather close.

baby you're all I need



8 Years
06-11-2014, 03:22 PM

The dame had wandered away from the pack when Scorpion had grown ill, the only other being that kept her there was Orchid and she was too busy tending to their man. So she had met up with Ellis, another pregnant fae and they had shared and grown together, their similar states making them easy friends. Ellis was very close to having her pups, and Othello was a bit further behind. Since the last time she had seen her lovely Scorpion her belly had nearly tripled in size, she could feel the little ones move and squirm within her belly. She wished that he was here to share it with her, and even though her moods have been worse the longer she carried them, she wanted him here.

Apparently she wouldn't have to wait long, his bark sounded close to her and Ellis's hollowed out tree trunk. The heavily pregnant dame made her way out into the open, waddling her large form towards him. He was here! Picking up the pace she raced to his side, and slowed only when she nearly collided with his form. Whines and kisses were soon showered upon the beasts form, until they fell short when she saw just how skinny he was. Her happy mood easily sloughed off and was replaced by worry and frustration. "Why are you so skinny? You need to be healthy for when the babies get here. I am going to need you're help with them." She said, her voice crackling with sudden emotion. Woah, what was going on with her? Emotions flew like a revolving door, but she was mostly happy to have him back. Reaching up and touching noses with Scorpion she breathed in his scent. Ah, was it ever amazing to have him back again.

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



5 Years
Extra large
06-11-2014, 03:36 PM

Finally she was within his sights, her rotund form galloping towards him. His brows would furrow, a growl welling up within his chest. She had left him, left the protection of the pack, and endangered herself and his pups. She would nearly collide with him, and had she not he might have offered his anger to her. Eager whines would slip past her lips as she reached up to kiss him, her alluring aroma surrounding him. He would show his teeth, but her presence would soothe his anger slightly. She would pull away as he nipped at her fur, bright violet gaze taking in his thin form. "Why are you so skinny? You need to be healthy for when the babies get here. I am going to need you're help with them." He would growl again, the turn of her mood causing his own to sour again. Her own emotions were fluctuating so badly, anger just took hold of him. He would show her his teeth, but still she would lean in to touch his nose. He would calm alightly, a deep breath leaving his dusty lips. "What do you expect, I've been sick." he would say darkly, "You left." He'd look into her eyes, the fury swirling in his own.

"Scorpion's Speech"
"Othello's Speech"



8 Years
06-11-2014, 04:02 PM

His anger was not lost on her, but she tried to soothe him with her kisses and touch. But still he showed his teeth, still he growled and told her that she left. Othello backed up, her own teeth flashing at her beloved. Her hormones made any emotion she felt double, meaning her purple eyes flashed with his anger, feeding off of his own rage. "You expect me to stay in a pack full of sick wolves? I was doing it for our children." She spat, her elongated tail flickering behind her like an angered cat. "I couldn't see you, they wouldn't let me. They made me leave your side when you were sick for the safety of your heirs" Othello's vocals dripped venom, not even a dash of fear showing as her hackles raised. She cared not if Scorpion was mad at the moment, her own rage was consuming her robust form.

Othello's nose crinkled as she fought to calm her emotions, but she couldn't help it. He truly wanted her to stay within the limits of a pack that held sickness? Unborn pups are easily effected by their mothers surrounding, and she didn't want to risk losing one of them. "I tried to visit you, I attempted to sneak in and visit you when you were ill. Every time I did you thought I was a duplication of Orchid. Never once did you ask for me." Hurt laced her poisonous words. She wasn't there the whole time that she was sick, but whenever she was around him he didn't even recognize her, didn't even ask how she was while she was standing right before him. Creamy fur was on end now, tears welling up in her fierce eyes. "I have spent night after night in the cold winter while your pups grow within me, trying to cope with the fact that their father may be dying. I had to live on and protect myself while sickness racked your body, and you wanted me to stay around that? Did you even think of me while you were ill Scorpion? Because I did. Every night I prayed for you to be healed, I sat and stared at the stars and wished for you to return to me. I haven't slept a solid night since you left, because I am not the same without you. But just once, did you ever ask for me? Did you ever ask how our pups were fairing?" Othello didn't allow a single tear to fall, although they threatened her.



5 Years
Extra large
06-11-2014, 06:56 PM

He would see her anger starting to mirror his own, her steps retreating from him as she flashed her teeth. "You expect me to stay in a pack full of sick wolves? I was doing it for our children. I couldn't see you, they wouldn't let me. They made me leave your side when you were sick for the safety of your heirs" His ears would fall to his skull, anger still brewing but not for her. The illness had driven them apart. She had not left by choice. The mention of his children would cause hims lips to settle back over his teeth. He would really see her now, fur bristled and that flame of anger flickering in her eyes. He would breach the distance between them, he almost wanted her to lash out and bite him...
He had no recollection of the sickness, it just seemed an awful blob of nothing had overcome him for the last month. He would see her real devotion in her words and what she had done during his decommission. "I tried to visit you, I attempted to sneak in and visit you when you were ill. Every time I did you thought I was a duplication of Orchid. Never once did you ask for me." This was the first account he'd gotten of the time he was gone. "I have spent night after night in the cold winter while your pups grow within me, trying to cope with the fact that their father may be dying. I had to live on and protect myself while sickness racked your body, and you wanted me to stay around that? Did you even think of me while you were ill Scorpion? Because I did. Every night I prayed for you to be healed, I sat and stared at the stars and wished for you to return to me. I haven't slept a solid night since you left, because I am not the same without you. But just once, did you ever ask for me? Did you ever ask how our pups were fairing?" She would yell, her voice piercing through his fog. As she quieted he would bring his features closer to her, his nose nudging her cheek lightly as he took in her scent once again.
He felt his anger for her fall from his being as the curve of her shoulder was pressed into his chest. He had never before realized the ferocity of her loyalty to him. "You are magnificent Othello," his voice was cool as he kissed the rim of her ear slightly. "I was away from you for too long. I.. don't really recall any of the sickness." he would kiss her again, "Thank you for keeping... our pups safe."

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



8 Years
06-12-2014, 02:02 PM

The range of emotions that flitted between the two was vast, it was difficult for the dame to keep track of who was feeling what way. Her lips remained pulled back and her hackles raised as she watched Scorpion start to calm down. She was not ready to let go of her anger, she hadn't felt this much emotion since Scorpion had gone away. He nosed her cheek and she snapped her jaws, not aiming to bite him but showing him that she wasn't ready for his soft touches. He moved closer to her anyways and she let out a growl of warning, her ears laying flat against her skull, poking her nose sharply into his chest. But still Scorpion pressed on, kissing her flattened ear. The dame huffed out a sigh, her back still arched like that of an angry cat.

After a few more rumbling growls she gave up, leaning into Scorpion slightly. Her lips settled, but her hackles were still raised as his praises showered down on her. Grunting, she roughly rubbed her head on his chest, still angry but loving the feeling of his fur on her. "I'm still mad at you you stick pot." She mumbled, nipping at his skin. Flopping to the side she sat sideways, her large belly making it hard to really get in a comfortable position. She sighed, knowing that it wasn't his fault that he didn't remember. She was hurt that he thought that she would just wander away like that. "Do you even know how much I care for you, my dearest Scorpion?" She said softly, her creamy fur finally settling down to a calmer position. 'Do you even know that I love you?'



5 Years
Extra large
06-12-2014, 11:36 PM

Othello was viscous. Her fur was on end and she was growling dangerously. She would snap at him, but he wanted to feel her teeth within his flesh. Instead he would get her nose as he moved closer, not caring about her abrasive behavior. With his words though he would feel her soften slightly, her nose pushing in more gently into his fur. "I'm still mad at you you stick pot." She would nip at him, her body flopping over as she sat before him. The rest of the anger dissipating from him. She would sigh, and he would gently nip at her nape. His teeth would mirror her action along the back of her neck and ears. "Do you even know how much I care for you, my dearest Scorpion?" He might not have known before hand, but now after those words left her lips. After she told him about the sickness and everything she had endured. Her loyalty was unwavering, he could see that with ease. Maybe he hadn't been so sure of it before though.. "I don't know Othello. The plague really mixed up my head." His voice was quiet, the closest to an apology she was likely to get. His voice was lowered, the sound eliciting a tinge of desire in his lyrics. "I'm glad you're in my paws again though. I had no intention of leaving you for so long unattended."

baby you're all I need



8 Years
06-13-2014, 12:14 AM

His nips sent a familiar shiver down her spine, her ache for him growing even stronger from their long time apart. She wanted to be closer, no matter how grumpy and irritated she may be. She fluffed up her fur in hopes that he would miss the shutter, to deny him that feeling of making her feel high off his touch. Silly man. He said that the sickness was at fault, and she didn't bother to argue. She knew Scorpion, and Othello knew that those words were the closest thing to an apology that she would ever squeeze out of this man. When he spoke next his thoughts were laced with that same desire he had for her, and she snorted up at the brute. "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." She said softly, even though she did miss him being around her.

Falling silent Othello finally allowed herself to fully enjoy having her Scorpion back, her nose greedily taking in his scent. "Do you want to go and hunt for something? You're awfully thin and momma Othello just can't have that daddy." She teased, nipping a bit harder on his chest. She missed this, the back and forth thing that they had always had.



5 Years
Extra large
06-13-2014, 10:35 AM

He would notice as her fur became poofed up, a perfect distraction from the shivers that ran down her spine. He'd feel himself craving them, he wanted to feel her again. He had been denied her body for a month, and as he felt her warmth and let her aroma fill his senses he wanted her. She would continue to put him off though, she would snort at his words, "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." And though he was still nervous about her being away from the pack lands he would drop the subject. As she grew silent he would wrap himself closer to her. She would elicit a deep feeling of desire, one that hadn't been sated in a month. He craved his Lady, more than ever at that moment.
As he nibbled at her ears a bit more a husky growl would emanate from his chest, an obvious testament to his need for her. "Do you want to go and hunt for something? You're awfully thin and momma Othello just can't have that daddy." She would nip at him harder, and she should have known over all other wolves that food was the very last item on his mind. He was focused on her body, and the primal needs of his own. He'd been with pout food for this long, he'd survive. Othello was with him now, gorgeous and just as in need of him as he was of her. "There are much more pleasing activities I can think of than hunting right now." He would whisper these words in her ear as he grabbed her and pulled her into his grasp. A playful growl would leave his lips as he nipped at her alabaster audits.

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



8 Years
06-13-2014, 08:47 PM

That growl sent such a rush down her spine that not even her fluffed out creamy fur could hide it from the great beast. Her growl followed, and no matter how much she tried to sound mad a hint of desire drew a whole other note from her. It was hard to deny him, even in her pissed off state she could feel her body burning for him. This was a desire that she had never had to deal with, not until she met this multi-hued demon. Burning purple eyes glared up for him, her anger mixing with lust to make her into a whole other creature. "There are much more pleasing activities I can think of than hunting right now." The demoness growled at her counterpart, her claws raking down his leg with a bit of aggressiveness. It was not hard enough to make it bleed, but perhaps it would break the skin.

Scorpion pulled her closer to him and her ears flashed back, needy nips showering upon his chest. Othello pushed against his chest with the full force of his, squaring up to him like a raged bull. A whine mixed with a growl, a muddled sound slipping past her ebon lips. As rage and desire mixed, the beast within her stirred after a long rest. She needed him now, and she needed him hard. Her heart pounded in her chest and she reared up onto her hind legs, twisting away from the beast so that her tail was facing him. Wiggling her long appendage she urged him on with growls and whines, her large hips swaying so. "What's stopping you?" She panted, bowing to the earth so that her hindquarters rose even higher towards him. Would her being pregnant make him hesitate? She highly doubted it, plus she was wide enough that he could easily grip onto her flank. Yes, she needed him now.

"Scorpion's Speech"
"Othello's Speech"

Scorp's half <3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.

Duis nec pharetra leo. Vestibulum viverra nisl magna, quis lacinia sem tincidunt sit amet. Vestibulum tempus euismod lacus, sed sollicitudin metus convallis quis. Donec tristique, est sit amet accumsan dignissim, nibh nibh suscipit mauris, sed suscipit purus magna at turpis. Morbi dapibus dictum elit a tempor. Nulla condimentum neque urna, pellentesque accumsan felis pharetra nec. Curabitur eu interdum purus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur euismod auctor metus id venenatis. Duis tempus tincidunt enim eget rutrum. Nam eu venenatis metus. Morbi mauris metus, porta hendrerit lorem sit amet, aliquet commodo metus. Donec dictum odio dapibus lectus euismod elementum. Praesent condimentum facilisis dapibus. Ut a faucibus est. Sed semper ipsum ac quam dignissim eleifend. Fusce imperdiet purus justo, quis vulputate mi luctus eget. Integer euismod, orci eget vehicula luctus, nulla libero mattis ligula, at iaculis mauris lacus eget elit. Praesent at dolor ornare, pretium ligula ut, dictum nisl. Vivamus sed risus erat.

"Scorpion's Speech"
"Othello's Speech"



5 Years
Extra large
06-15-2014, 10:57 AM

She would try to growl back at him, she would also try to keep herself angry but he could feel her aching desires through her sounds. She would draw him in, and his skin would alight with the familiar fire she caused in him. There was a fire in her violet eyes as she glared up at him. Ebony lips would twitch into an expectant smirk as words left his jaws. She knew exactly what he meant, another growl would bubble from her chest as she raked her claws against his leg. He would snarl, as she was drew in her nips would send tremors of desire over his body. Her own chest coming to square with his, her fiery gaze staring him down as her need broke her down. A greedy whine would filter through her viscous growl, her body begging for him.
The lustful sounds she filled the gully with would further cause the flame within his own for to ignite and rage. He grew hot with desire as her form lifted and would twist, offering her magnificent hips to his disposal. She would urge him on, growling and waving her tail to offer him a peek at her prize. "What's stopping you?" She would chide, her front half lowering to the ground as she offered herself up to his dominance. As her display would cause him to loose his meager grip on restraint a he would grab her. His rough handling of her would cause no harm to their young, he made sure. That tiny bit of rationality would stay with him as he unleashed their previous fury on her needy form, he would take her.. and he would be anything but gentle as a rough growl left his lips and he joined their bodies violently.


"Scorpion's Speech"
"Othello's Speech"