
Another Child Is Slowly Taken




8 Years
Chrono I
10-23-2020, 12:20 PM
Walk | "Agria" | "Kaine" | Think

She stayed in her den most of the time, Kefka kept her fed and taken care of even though she refused for the most part to keep up with her health. She had never felt this internal brewing emotion before. Depression maybe? She wasn't sure. But she hoped every day that he would get tired of her and end her, especially before she gave birth probably to more demonic children. Her leg made it hard for her to get around but the constant headache from her skull fracture was enough to make her want to die everyday, if not for the other reasons.

It was dark but the fireflies around the lake lit up the mouth of the den where she could see Kefka sitting outside. He did most nights if he was there. But there was no use in her trying to run and she knew that. A couple fireflies fluttered inside the den and she focused on those as she pushed what she had inside out.

She was relived to when there was only one, but she laid on the floor without and motivation to get  up and help the tiny creature. She didn't have a best mother award but she was certainly not interested in even attempting a loving relationship with the bastard incest child. She found her way pushing off the ground and finally laying her eyes on it only hoping that it had major deformities from the incest and that it would either die or just be fucked up enough for Kefka to kill it. But her hopes were crushed as she saw there were no physical deformities wrong with it and Kefka had gotten what he wanted.

She glared down at it, a little twitch in her body as she thought about just grabbing it by the head and ripping it off, but she was instantly pulled away from the thought as her son's massive shadow overwhelmed her. She only flashed him a look before dropping her eyes back down to the ground as if in shame. There was nothing to say.

The feeling of his giant paw touched her shoulder to lay her down and she thought it was finally time for her life to end. A sigh of relief was then choked up as she felt the little pink bastard nursing and nestling on her stomach. The flop of Kefka beside her made her strain. Her suffering wasn't over yet.



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
10-23-2020, 12:39 PM

He didn't know much about pregnancy or giving birth and he had been taking extra care the last couple weeks standing outside the den and waiting for his children to arrive. He wasn't disturbed by any unusual noises as he thought he would and to his surprise when he looked inside the den he could see that there was a pup beside Agria. When he walked in, he had seen her attempt at almost lunging to kill it and a sting of panic ran through his body. But he eased as he was pleased that his presence was enough to force her into submission. He viewed the little pink girl, a new feeling and desire boiling inside him. His expression held that of a loving father, happy to lay eyes on his offspring regardless of how he had obtained her or that he felt the complete opposite emotions towards his mother. He couldn't ignore he was disappointed that she only birthed one, but perhaps it was best considering this would be the first child he raised and preferably on his own.

"A daughter." As if that would help ease Agria at all. But she had only birthed Meph and himself, and though he truly hated her, he felt like it would help her in the last couple weeks he would keep her around. He pushed her body onto it's side and took his other paw to scooch the pup up to her teets, seeing through that she would start her life as was expected for any pup. He knew he had to keep Agria around to keep her alive. He'd lay down beside his mother though not pushing into her as if a lover because he wasn't. But he kept a watchful and loving eye on his daughter as she thrived. And he knew he'd probably be stuck in this den with her for a while to make sure Agria didn't kill her when he wasn't looking.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

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