
New beginnings


06-10-2014, 08:39 PM

Another day and another pack. From what she had heard, Vi was spreading the knowledge of the cure far and wide, though she imagined that the red Queen wasn't going to just give it away without getting something in return. The thought made her chuckle, she still needed to get the cure of Vi for the wolves within Arcanum. The woman would come to a halt several feet from the border, verdant gaze sweeping across the foreign terrain. Nostrils quivered, taking in the strong stench of pack. Her crown would tip back, a call fall free from her lips, calling for the Alpha of this pack. She knew very little of the packs, as she never imagined herself as Queen. Haunches would recline as the woman settled into wait. She was forming most of these alliances blind, basing her decision on what the Alphas told her. She hadn't heard anything bad about any of the packs, which she guessed was a good thing. Patience had come with time, she often spent some time at the borders before being answered, which was no problem, she knew about busy rulers could be. Tattered ears swiveled, listening carefully.

"Talk" "You" Think



06-10-2014, 08:47 PM

Maija had taken it upon herself to be around Sibelle as much as possible. Since the Queen had recently claimed her throne, she was not used to having the responsibilities that came with her new job. The golden dame had been a ruler only for a short time, due to Isardis threatening Taurig and then her own husband disappearing after her babies were born. The Armada men didn't really seem to have good reputations, except Taurig had been disowned and was now an Artenie...What did that say for Maija's future generations? She was not sure.
Such thoughts ran through her mind as she walked next to her sister-in-law. The contrasting colors of russet and gold stood out against the wintery atmosphere, something Maija did not mind in the least. She secretly adored Sibelle, even if she wouldn't just come out and say it. A small smile appeared on her face when Sibelle tossed back her head to summon the ruler of this pack. Firm legs brought Maija to a smooth halt as she looked around from where they stood. Any signs of movements that were suspicious, and she would defend Sibelle with everything she had. Her upper lip curled into a silent snarl, revealing pearly white teeth as she continued to look and smell. Finally, she let her top lip relax and her stony expression returned.

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Katja the First


8 Years
06-12-2014, 09:22 AM

The illness, this plague sent by the gods to punish them for... what? Katja was sure it was to punish the non-believers of this land for their blasphemous ways, but she had grown quite fond of Raisa and her children and had no wish to see them struck down in such a way, so she had spent long hours fasting and preparing herself. She wished to offer herself to Raisa as a sacrifice to the gods for the life of her sick child, but Raisa had been hard to find lately, her time worn thin in trying to lead the pack through this hard time, so Katja had made the sacrifice on her own.

Tracking just beyond their borders she had come across the scent of a big, vicious boar, and brought him to bay. They would battle, she and the boar, until one or the other were dead - or both. The gods would take what they wished as sacrifice, and if it were her life that would be lost so be it. But in the end she had prevailed, though barely and with many wounds inflicted by the dangerous animal's tusks. Surely the gods had found the wily old creature to be an acceptable sacrifice?

Despite her wounds she had taken it upon herself to drag the hefty beast back into Ebony's territory. The pack had been growing lean and hungry of late, the healthy members of the pack wearing themselves to the bone in an attempt to both care for and feed the ill members, and the large amount of meat on the boar would be a welcome feast. It took her a good amount of time, though, with many rests. Blood loss made her light-headed and unusually giddy.

She'd gotten the boar quite close now, over the lake's border and approaching the main pack territory at the rock garden. That was when she heard the call, a howl summoning Raisa in her official capacity as alpha. Immediately Katja dropped her hold on the boar. It was her duty to see to Raisa's safety, and though she swayed on her feet from exhaustion and was covered in mud and blood - both hers and the boar's - she would answer that call.

But as she approached, her sharp eyes detected no sign of Raisa - only the two strangers waiting on the border. Not a good ambassador would she make in the shape she was in, so stopping out of sight Katja rolled around in the reeds to remove the worst of the gore marring her silver-ticked coat. Without a dip in the lake she would not be fully cleansed, and the wounds sustained in her fight were still leaking blood... it offended her dignity to be seen in a state of such disrepair, but it was better than leaving them to cool their heels until Raisa was able to pull herself away from her daughter, and who knew what trouble the pair could get up to in the meantime.

Standing and starting forward once more, she made her slow - because she was still swaying on her feet and feared simply tumbling to the ground if she attempted a faster pace - way toward the pair.

"Heil," she greeted. "The empire of Ebony receives you. Katja Finnvi, a high lady of Ebony, am I. Something you wish, is there?" The title of high lady rolled strangely off her tongue, the first time she'd claimed it and she would have felt much more comfortable claiming her previous rank of ebon knight had she not felt her current one would appease these visitors more. Despite her dizziness and the discomfort of her wounds, despite the gore that had not been completely scrubbed away, she held herself with dignity and authority as she regarded them both with her mercury gaze.




5 Years
06-16-2014, 02:19 PM

Raisa was in a strange humor. It was a dark sort of thing, grumbling about inside of her. Now that the cure had come, she was left with nothing but the empty void of winter. It was a hungry, lean time, and crueler as they clawed their way back from the grips of illness. When the call rang out from the border, Raisa was half tempted not to answer. Of course, that would not be very queenly, would it? So she rose, sighing, and began to lope away. Koros was nowhere to be seen, and she did not lament his absence. She was liable to be crass with him in such a mood. As she drew close however, he interest focused into one singular point. She smelled blood. Prey blood, but also the blood of wolves, and a familiar wolf at that. And strangers. Gods all damn disruption! she thought to herself with a snarl, grinding her teeth before picking her lope into a sprint. She came upon Katja facing down two strangers, the former coated in blood and grime, the latter in pristine shape. What on earth had happened? This was not a time to be cordial, and Raisa paid the strangers no mind. "Katja! What on earth happened to you?" The strangers did not seem aggressive, and they had howled out their arrival. The queen did not see them as a threat, not yet at least. She only hoped they would excuse her poor manners in favor of tending to her dear friend. Raisa began to sniff over the woman's wounds, attempting to derive their origin.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


06-16-2014, 02:31 PM

It would not take long for someone to greet them, but when they were greeted, she was rather astonished by the appearance of the she wolf. Blood from her pelt and from fresh wounds inflicted by an unknown attacked. She would introduce herself as Katja, High Lady of Ebony. A polite smile graced russet features as peered over at Maija before returning her gaze to the woman. But before she could speak, another would arrive. The woman immediately greeted her friend, ensuring the the High Lady was well, entirely ignoring her and Maija. For a moment she would say nothing, before speaking to address the first woman's question.

"Hello, I am Sibelle, Queen of Arcanum, and this is Maija Artenie, my second in command." She had yet to formally tell her sister that she would be made Secondary Alpha of Arcanum, but what a better time then now. A smile grace her features as her gaze skipped from the bloodied woman to the second woman, that she hoped was the Alpha. "I do hope you are okay?" Concern etched itself into her face as peered at the injured wolf, her crown tipping to the side slightly.

"Talk" "You" Think



06-18-2014, 02:04 PM

Maija had been watching the other parts of the land, waiting for others to appear after Sibelle had called. Lo, and behold, someone did show up before she realized it. When the stranger approached from the other side of the boundary lines, she saw blood and who-knows-what-else on her frame. Maija's nose gave a slight twitch before she took in the details of the woman's fur. Silently, she looked up to the woman as she introduced herself, also wondering if the Alpha would be around as well. Maija didn't have to wait long.
A female of dark gray fur appeared with her eyes blazing. Maija noted how she spoke to the bloody female, care laced in the words that were emphasized with emotion. Maija shared a look with Sibelle before her sister spoke again. Sibelle introduced herself, as well as the golden vixen as...her what? Maija immediately looked back at Sibelle, leaf green eyes showing a soft glint of shock. Secondary? When did this come across Sibelle's mind? Maija was tempted to ask her, but she knew this was not the time.
As Sibelle voiced her own concern for the female, Maija looked back and observed her once again. The news of the plague had been avoided by the isolated female, but she didn't say anything about being na?ve to it. Maija gently blinked before tilting her head to the side in silent observations.

Talk like this

Katja the First


8 Years
06-18-2014, 02:28 PM

Katja continued to hold herself with dignity despite the strangers' strange looks - until Raisa suddenly appeared to sniff at her wounds. Katja blinked at her, somewhat disconcerted that she'd snuck up so easily. "A sacrifice to the gods," she answered Raisa's question gravely, "for Val, and the others. All will be well now. We can feast on boar tonight knowing your children will be well."

She turned her attention once more to the strangers, surprised that her attention would have wandered at all, but content now to allow Raisa to deal with the diplomatics of the meeting as she did so much better, to concentrate herself on guarding Raisa as she did so much better at. The stranger's question earned simply a dismissive wave of the tail. "It is nothing," she rumbled before going silent once more, in posture and stance obviously deferring to Raisa.
