
we are honey and the bee




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
10-30-2020, 08:03 AM

Poem couldn’t believe she had Sparhawk beside her, seeing Theory and him standing there together had been one of the greatest moments of her life. She couldn’t remove the grin from her features, and her heart soared higher even than Edgar could fly. As they walked together she bumped his shoulder affectionately and Theory’s conversation returned to her over and over. His return truly proved that he loved her, enough that he’d commit himself to the pack she devoted herself.

She walked him forward into the territory, she’d show him all of the important destinations, take him around the borders, and then she’d take him somewhere special. A place that hurt her still, but she felt like he needed to see with her.

”So what do you think so far? Of Abaven and my sister?” She chuckled softly, only barely resisting the urge to nuzzle into his neck and stop right here in the plains. Poem wouldn’t shirk her duty, but once the day was through she most looked forward to inviting him to stay with her in her den tonight. Her cheeks flushed at the thought as she tried to focus on her job. ”Food stores are right over here.” She mentioned as they passed the root cellar like storage.



6 Years
Extra large
10-30-2020, 09:00 AM
Seeing the joy on Poem's face as she realized what was happening made all of his sneaking around very worth it. He couldn't stop his tail from swaying back and forth during the entire interaction between the three of them. When they took their leave of Theory, Sparhawk waited until they were out of sight before he turned and took Poem into his arms. Raising one paw up to her cheek, he directed her lips to his own. The big man peppered his woman with kisses across her muzzle, her cheeks, her eyelids. "I have been waiting to do this," he chuckled softly, a smile on his face.

When they started to move again, Poem asked after the land and Theory. "Mmm, this land has much I like," he answered cheekily. Sparhawk would live in the middle of a volcano if Poem was there. Any surroundings were ideal as long as she was by his side. The lands of Abaven were lovely, he imagined. He only had eyes for the woman before him, however.

"Theory is a nice lady. She love you very much." He chuckled, garnet gaze glinting. "Very suspicious of me for a minute. I think she likes me." Sparhawk beamed. He was a likable kind of guys these days. At least he thought so. Again he kissed Poem, this time on her cheek. "She want me to find out where you keep the hearts you steal so I can tell her." The man chuckled and winked for good measure.

When Poem pointed out the food stores, Sparhawk merely nodded. He was hungry, but it wasn't for food. Good thing for Poem, he was a gentleman and would do things the right way. Actually... he didn't even know if her parents were alive. Might as well ask. "Your father, he live here with you? Your mother?" The mans blocky skull titled slightly. He would like to ask her parents for their blessing before he... did what he was going to do.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
10-30-2020, 10:47 AM
Poem squealed lightly in surprise as Sparhawk wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her like he’d missed her as much as she missed him. Life was brighter when he was next to her, and he chased all of her sorrows away. He kissed her all over and she grinned brightly as he confessed to his long desire to do so. She returned a few of his kisses before reluctantly returning to her duties. They would have plenty of time to enjoy each other’s company now that he had joined her here in Abaven.

He told her that he liked the land thus far, but she had a feeling he was talking more about her. They could have lived anywhere, and she knew that he would be content to brave the future beside her. Their pace was slow, but only because they couldn’t keep their eyes from each other and keep their feet on the path. She hadn’t thought that she would be so distracted. She smiled along with him as he spoke of Theory and the moments leading up to when she’d been called in for the surprise.

”What? Me? Stealing hearts?” Had she stolen Sparhawk’s heart? The question not even need asked, but she’d argue that it was him stealing her heart. Sparhawk was just as interesting in learning the lay of the land as she was, and it was an odd turn the conversation suddenly took. Poem did her best to hide her emotions about the statement for now. Shesmiled over at him softly. ”Yes, my father lives here with us.” The answer was easy, and she was ever grateful to Samara that she could say that about her Tato. He was busy with her little brothers and sisters these days. They were keeping him very busy, but that was a good thing.

Poem hadn’t planned to take him to the rapids quite yet, but maybe it was better to get it over with sooner rather than later. ”We should go meet my mother now.” Her sadness crept in but Poem remained mostly unchanged as she veered directions and led him outside of Abaven’s borders. They were supposed to be temporary borders, but she hadn’t had the heart to ask Theory when they would return. She grew quiet as they walked and leaned more heavily against him as the approached the old oak tree. Shaye and her aunt Vail were both here.

”Hey, Mom.” She whispered softly before leaving Sparhawk’s side to press her forehead to the old bark. Tears had already sprung to her eyes, but she blinked them back and looked up into the full canopy. ”This is Sparhawk.” Poem continued, chancing a glance back to Sparhawk, hoping he didn’t get too confused about him introducing a tree. She started truly crying, the tears wet her cheeks and she returned blue and lavender eyes to the grass beneath her feet. ”I love him.” Though she was filled with sorrow and still desperately missed Shaye, a small smile returned to her lips as those perfect words slipped from her dark lips.



6 Years
Extra large
10-30-2020, 05:45 PM
Poem seemed to feign surprise as he mentioned that she was a stealer of hearts. As though it could be doubted. The woman had his heart firmly in her grasp. She held the heart of her sister for sure and no doubt many others within Abaven. Poem was a lovely, kind woman. She brought love with her wherever she went and love found her in return. She instilled that kind of devotion in others without even trying.

The slate and snow woman said that her father did indeed live here in Abaven and Sparhawk smiled. He was eager to meet the man that had created such a lovely daughter. There was a sadness to her though as she spoke and the striped man really wanted to know why. It wouldn't take long for him to see the reason. They were going to meet her mother.

As Poem led him out of the territory, the big man stayed close, his shoulder brushing hers periodically as they moved. In time they came to a large tree. The area around the tree seemed to have been well cared for. There were no weeds or any sort of strange debris. This tree was important, he could tell. The words that met the mans ears broke his heart. He felt for Poem so, so much. Her mother was dead and, to him, his mother was as well. His whole family was dead. Poem told her mother that she loved him and he could do no less.

Moving forward a pace, Sparhawk bowed his head low, ruby eyes closing momentarily. "Hello, Miss Po-ems mother." The man raised his head and continued. "You raise a veeery good woman. I promise to take care of her. She never be alone, so don't you worry." Sparhawk cast a sidelong glance at the beauty beside him. "I love her very much." Again he bowed his head. "Thank you." He didn't see it as strange that he was speaking to a tree. Just as Poem was, he was speaking to the spirit of her mother. Even if the woman wasn't there, he would speak to her memory.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
10-30-2020, 06:51 PM
Sparhawk easily allowed her to lead him wherever she wanted him to go but he offered his support in his strong shoulder until she moved closer to the old tree that marked Shaye’s resting place. She grew quiet, Sparhawk stepped forward to say his own respects. Poem didn’t think she could love him more but in that moment her assumption was proved false. He bowed his head as hers was now and spoke softly to the spirits on the wind. Shaye wasn’t with them anymore but they could speak to her still. Maybe she could hear them, maybe she couldn’t, but Poem felt better bringing him here for Shaye’s approval.

His words made it hard to think she was so overwhelmed with emotions. Here at her mother’s grave she felt the saddest, but brought the source of her joy counteracted how much it still hurt. Poem met his gaze as he looked over, his words soft and honest. Despite how sad she still felt she could smile softly at her love. It was such an odd feeling to accept, but it was the truth and she wouldn’t deny it. She’d admitted it in front of Shaye’s grave and she wasn’t going back on it.

Poem smiled at him, tears still in her eyes but her grin genuine. ”I’m sure she would have loved your smile.” The girl offered him softly with a nuzzle before pulling away slightly. She let silence settle for a moment longer as she summoned Shaye in her heart, but nothing she did would ever bring her back.

”We should not linger. I have more to show you.” She leaned over to steal a comforting kiss before leading the way back to Abaven’s borders.



6 Years
Extra large
11-01-2020, 08:30 PM
So in tune was he with the lady beside him that he felt her tears before he even saw them. Sparhawk pressed his side against hers, simply letting her know that he was there. He understood the emotion flowing through her. Mothers were important. Maybe one day he'd tell her about his own. She had been terribly important. Until she wasn't.

Poem's words met his ears and that big man grinned. "You thinking so? I am very charming, yeah?" He tried to cheer her up with a bit of humor. He was sure that Poem's mother was a lovely lady. She had raised a lovely lady, so how could she not be? When Poem leaned into him for a nuzzle and suggested that they go, he simply nodded. Once she kissed him, Sparhawk smiled. He bowed his head to the memory of Poem's mother once more. "Farewell, Miss Po-Ems mother. We will be seeing you again soon."

They turned and began walking away from the grove and Sparhawk reached out to nuzzle behind one of Poem's ears. "Thank you," he said softly. "Am honored that you wanted me to meet your mother." Once they were away from the grove, he stopped her with gentle pressure on her side, then pulled the woman into en embrace, both big arms wrapping around her as he sat on his haunches. "I mean what I say, Po-Em. I love you very much." Already an idea was stirring in his head of just how he would show her this love. It was going to be a big commitment.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
11-30-2020, 09:13 AM
He was so sweet, even in this place where she was the most weak he propped her up and held her on high. Poem couldn’t handle the high and low at the same time though, and even through Sparhawk’s humor she was ready to move on and regain her breath. ”Very charming,” she assured him with a smile though her eyes were still misty from her sorrow. She would never stop missing Shaye, and the place in her heart her mother left would never be filled.

The pair of them moved together, and Poem leaned in lightly against his gentle touch and took comfort in his sweet words. Shaye was one of the most important wolves in her life, and even though she was gone Poem wanted Sparhawk to know her. He went on, telling her again how strongly he felt for her. Poem’s heart swelled, she knew he meant them and especially here in the shadow of her mother’s grave she felt them even stronger.

She stopped with him, her body more in tune with him than her mind was, but she let him take hold of her without hesitation. She leaned into his embrace, her eyes filling with tears again as he whispered and held onto her tightly. Poem sobbed lightly, knowing that if anyone could understand her feelings it was the man she loved. There was no question about her feelings now and she’d shout it from the volcano how much she adored the dark man. ”I love you Sparhawk.” She whispered back, pressing her features into the thick soft fur of his neck. ”Thank you.” For being so understanding, for going along with her and supporting her in her sorrow. For being everything she ever needed or wanted. How had she been so lucky to find him?

She didn’t want to let him go, but she still had plans. Now that they’d seen to the past it was time to look towards the future. Would he want to find his own den or would she be able to look forward to falling asleep in his arms as soon as tonight? ”Would you like to see my new den?” It wasn’t really a new den, but if they were going to be serious then she had every intention of raising their children in the den that she had been born in. The one dug out and perfected by Shaye’s own paws. ”I haven’t even been there since Abaven moved, but I thought maybe you could help me make it home again.”