
Oh Deer

Hunting anyone?



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-31-2020, 10:48 PM

He hadn't been to the Eastern lands since he had moved to live in Winterfell. Since his mother had abandoned them. Since Abaven had become nothing but an unpleasant memory. He wasn't sure what drew him this close to Abaven, but this was perhaps the closest he'd get in a long time. Perhaps part of him ached for the memory of his mother. Or perhaps he ached for some sign of his father. Whatever the case, he felt discontent as he walked through the brush. The eastern lands felt strange compared to the Northern lands he had gotten used to. Magenta gaze scoped out the area, the ground was lush with vegetation and he picked out several paths that seemed fresher than others. Prey had been through before, and as his stomach rumbled he was reminded that he had yet to eat since the day before. The young Knight decided then that he would pick a path and follow it to his next potential meal. And what unlucky soul would be at the end of it? A whitetail. He picked out the scent of a doe that seemed easy enough to follow. Judging by the trail she left, however, she was a healthy one. He frowned for a moment, wondering if he'd be able to catch her on his own or if he'd need some help. If she were lame or injured, possibly even sick he was sure he could do it on his own no problem, but healthy prey was another matter. They weren't as slow, and he had to admit, he relied on his strength more than his swiftness...this could be a problem without help...




5 Years
12-10-2020, 12:41 AM

Large prey was always easy, well as easy as anything she could catch in recent times as the world around her got dark and blurry, even as the sun attempted to leak through the trees overlaying canopy that hid the forest floor that was infested with bugs and vermin that fed on the plants that seemed to overtake the forest floor. The little brown wolf licked at her black lips as her body held itself close to the moss-covered ground as her body inched closer and closer to the prize that seemed so close her mouth watered. Her ears perks as her eyes trained themselves on the small doe that sat in front of her. She never really knew where she was only when the terrain under her feet changed and the scents changed, she was somewhere new that was always the life of the unclaimed, the ones who didn't know what life settled with others meant. It had been days since her last meal and her belly grumbled twisting in its own painful ways as the voices in her head screamed at her to hunt.

Hunting always easier in the dark pelted lupines younger days when those clouded over eyes that filled the space in her skull weren't as blinded to the world around her, easier to keep track of the smaller prey when you could see where they darted off to right? she learned to adapt. Going after the larger prey, they had less chance of escape, easier for her to grab something that she couldn't lose in the depths of the underbrush. Her ears pinned as that ever so stinky scent of another of her kind filled her nose, causing the black nostrils to flare in protest. Addison's tiny brown head poking out from the underbrush as she tried to find where the other had come from, though her attention only broke for a second before the doe picked up on its soon to be fate, its attention shooting in the direction of the pair that stood many feet apart before darting off in the opposite direction. "Why.." the little brown fae grumbled to herself before taking off after the blurred blob of the creature. Every muscle under the faes pelt rippling under the light that leached from the spaces between the high rise leaves, bolting after the animal as it ran for its life only for the speedy brown canine to quickly catch up behind the semi-large prey.

"Dont be to careful"