Forever Lost In Time
Kefka, Relm
The days seemed to grow longer especially as Kefka started to take the pup out of the den. Agria still remained inside her den, not only bound by her injuries but by her whole mental state. She had never felt this way before and it was something unknown and devastating to her. She wished that she could have leapt off the cliff side when she had the chance, but even now she would still be too weak to do so. She once once such a strong woman, maybe she still was. But the thought of depression and regret lingered over her and it made her feel fragile.
She'd raise slowly, a cracking in her leg as it deformed from the unattended break, she'd make her way outside of the den for what felt like the first time in years to her but only really a couple months. She'd only make it a few steps out before losing the strength and falling back onto her haunches and again her stomach. She'd see in the distance as her children were in view. Relm prancing through the grasses and Kefka smiling greatly down at her. It made her sick. And all she wanted to do was crawl back into her den and die. Kefka would turn to see her outside the den but her mind would see through him, as if her body had already ascended into the next world or she was a ghost of this one.