
Forever Lost In Time

Kefka, Relm



8 Years
Chrono I
11-06-2020, 09:15 AM
Walk | "Agria" | "Kaine" | Think

The days seemed to grow longer especially as Kefka started to take the pup out of the den. Agria still remained inside her den, not only bound by her injuries but by her whole mental state. She had never felt this way before and it was something unknown and devastating to her. She wished that she could have leapt off the cliff side when she had the chance, but even now she would still be too weak to do so. She once once such a strong woman, maybe she still was. But the thought of depression and regret lingered over her and it made her feel fragile.

She'd raise slowly, a cracking in her leg as it deformed from the unattended break, she'd make her way outside of the den for what felt like the first time in years to her but only really a couple months. She'd only make it a few steps out before losing the strength and falling back onto her haunches and again her stomach. She'd see in the distance as her children were in view. Relm prancing through the grasses and Kefka smiling greatly down at her. It made her sick. And all she wanted to do was crawl back into her den and die. Kefka would turn to see her outside the den but her mind would see through him, as if her body had already ascended into the next world or she was a ghost of this one.



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
11-06-2020, 09:42 AM

He was happy to get his adventurous daughter out of the den from time to time, he felt like she was still too young especially to wander out on her own. But he wanted to give her the most freedom that he had craved as a young child and there on after. He felt like he was bound in chains for nearly his entire life, and he certainly didn't want to put that on Relm.

His eyes would chase her as she pranced around attacking the grasses and insects as a little hunter should, and he looked nothing far from a joyful father and felt this way as well. His view would only be bothered by the sight of Agria laying outside her den to his surprise. She hadn't left since he carried her back from the cliffs and it was definitely something beyond odd for him to notice. He'd glance at his playful pup before going to approach Agria, not entirely sure what his own intentions were.

Relm would follow behind him to little acknowledgement to him but it was no matter. For him he seemed to forget most things at her age but still he wasn't that worried about what she would see or what she would hear. His attention fully on his mother which hadn't been since she gave birth to the rape child, his whole world revolved around her since she was born. Now it was as if she never existed in this moment. Agria remained in her position, lost in her own head it would seem. Her bright eyes looked faded and ghostly as if she weren't even here anymore, only the observation of her breathing or the fact she remained upright would tell she was still alive.

He'd take his giant paw to her shoulder, as he had many times in the last season through his dominance and strength over her. Though now as she seemed inside the den for the last couple months, her form was nearly lifeless as it gave into him and laid on it's side. Her eyes not even blinking in real time. He'd lean his muzzle into her ear to whisper, "I will relieve you now." As if it was a kindness what he was about to do to her. And in fact it was. Her spirit had left her long ago it seemed, and this was after all what she wanted after he raped her, impregnated her, and then forced her to birth his child. It felt in slow motion as he wrapped his teeth around her throat, pulling easily and ripping it apart in a matter of a couple seconds. Her body would twitch to the blood loss and what could have been pain, but her eyes wouldn't change even as she passed over. He would truly believe that she was only stuck in a limbo spiritually until he did this to her, and it wouldn't be false to say that there was a feeling of sadness that rushed over him for even only a second.

He'd turn away, looking down at Relm as a light tear fell from his dark eyes not to his acknowledgement. Though his expression was stern and maybe a little angry in response. "Follow, it's time we leave this place." And he would go to march forward, towards the north. Expecting his daughter to follow close behind him.

-Exit Kefka-

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details:



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
11-06-2020, 10:00 AM

She had been having a lot of fun lately, even if she didn't really have anyone to share her time with. The lady in the den never spoke and almost never moved, but her father had stayed close almost all the time and he was a lot more fun than the lady. Especially when they went out of the den. Kefka may not have played with her all the time, but he still let her out and adventure and pounce on the crinkling grass if there was nothing else to chase.

She'd be in her own little world as Kefka turned to leave but when she noticed he was heading back to the den, she would lope to catch up to him as a good little girl should. She'd bump into him as she didn't realize how close she was on her blind side but wouldn't go tumbling over or anything.

Seeing the woman outside made her eyes pop out of her head, it movesss! And her little excitement would cause her to bump into her father again as he loomed over the woman. Their interaction wasn't anything new or scary to her, Kefka was forced to hold her down from time to time to make her eat or feed Relm. But as the silent scene escalated she couldn't deny that it was a little scary. Blood dripping down her father's lips, not the kind he seemed to lap up as he would after a meal. And the body jolting in response to his kill. It was definitely a bit exaggerative to her tiny child mind and would probably be engraved into her head for a long time if not forever.

If that's not what could have traumatized her or left an impact, it would be when Kefka turned to her with tears in his eyes, her nose following as one fell. Still, through the scary and gruesome and apparently sad scene, she kept her composer. Not really understanding what happened. Agria after all was never described as her mother and they had zero personal attachment to each other. As Kefka would turn to leave, Relm would only look down at the now lifeless body of the woman who birthed her, blood in a pool outside of her body. She wouldn't linger long though, running up fast behind her father to obey and follow. She wouldn't understand any of it. The kill, the move, but as long as she had her daddy she knew everything would be okay.

-Exit Relm-

Walk "Talk" Think



8 Years
Chrono I
11-06-2020, 10:29 AM
Walk | "Agria" | "Kaine" | Think

Outside her body wouldn't be aware that Kefka was now standing over her, her loose stare looking out across the lake. She felt old, defenseless. And though she may have felt like she tried her best to keep Kefka from the outside world and mold him into a better wolf, she failed. It would have been her greatest accomplishment in life and perhaps her only. And as she felt like he was being controlled under her, he proved her wrong.

The whisper in her ear still wouldn't make her move but inside she was rejoicing to the fact. This was it, it was time. The suffering and pain was over and she wouldn't have to look up at her demonic son or down on their little rape child ever again. Where had she gone wrong? What did she do to deserve this or make Kefka this way? She wondered if Mephistopheles had been better or what he was even doing now. She wished she could have gone back and stayed in the empire or left with only herself. She wished she could go back and kill Kefka. There were many ways she could have fixed this or at least left herself out of it. She could have moved on by herself. Or she could have stayed with Kaine, maybe they could have fixed him together. She would never know. It was far too late.

She would feel relief before he even went through with it. His jaw around her throat though her shell still remained lifeless outside. Whatever pain she might have felt through death was not felt or ignored. And if anything she would rejoice to his saddened state as he watched. He deserved to have a feeling to this. He hadn't in every crime against her, and she hoped it would haunt him until the day he died. At least it would feel like some kind of closer on her end.

-Exit Agria via Death-



4 Years

Promptober 2019
11-06-2020, 10:03 PM

Yurei had come to collect herbs as she often did, and this time she visited a new place. A place she never saw before, and that caused some concern as by not knowing where to go she feared getting lost. No, that shouldn't be good, what would Casso think of her if she did? She knew he didnt have ill thoughts about her but she still wanted to be a better wolf for him, to stays out of trouble if she could. But duty called for her and here she was.

As the wind crossed through her white coat but the wind brought a scent with it. Blood and it was fresh. There a chill crawled through her spine and soon her heart started to pound harder, fear was taking over her. And there she saw a den, and a figure was seen at the distance leaving.

Ears folded and tail tucked, but noticing they disappeared into the distance she turned her green gaze back to the entrance of the den. Scared but hoping no one was severely injured she attempted to approach slowly and with a side of her screaming, telling her to run. But as she poked her head inside the scene made her jump back in fear. A dead female wolf lied there with a pool of blood around her. Was she killed? Shallowing dry she couldn't take her eyes away from the lifeless body. Her limps felt rigid and she just wanted to run. Panic soon took control of her head. But what could she do?


[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.