
Balancing Act


06-10-2014, 01:15 PM
Im terrible at starting :/

She was Queen. It was been a total surprise, completely unexpected. But she had taken the silver woman's throne, with the promise of returning it should she ever return and want it back. Creamy limbs pulled her out passed her new lands, passed the borders that she was slowly but surely marking. She wanted to survey other lands, see what was in the area, what would be to her liking. Around her, the grass slowly got taller, until it tickled her belly and shoulders. Verdant swept across the grassy plain, the sun big above her. Winter still had a hold on the land, bringing snow and rain regularly. And she was still in heat, much to her dismay.

Nostrils quivered, inhaling every little thing around. The pack was fairly small still, and she hoped others would come. Mostly, she hoped Archaic would come, she had taken a liking to the man and hoped he would return. Her mind wandered far and wide, she had much to do and much to establish for herself. Ekko, her sweet little Ekko, had faithfully stood by her side, even though they had just met. Sooner or later she would want to the know the girls story, she was so quiet and fearful and the Queen wanted to know why. Tattered audits swiveled, listening to the grass rustle softly. Coming to a halt, russet haunches reclined slowly as she settled in to think. She was essentially the new kid on the block, and needed to think carefully about her actions. A name needed be made for her pack, everyone needed to know about her. A small smile played on her lips as she absorbed herself into her own little world.

"Talk" "You" Think