


06-09-2014, 10:32 PM
Sibelle is now the ruler of Arcanum. This pack meeting is mandatory for anyone who wants to stay within the pack. The first round will end June 16th. All rounds are mandatory because Sibelle will be explaining new ranks and new rules.

The pack was hers. The decision had come from nowhere, she had never expected such a thing to happen. But the silver Queen had passed on the throne, and Vi had placed her upon it. Creamy limbs carried her away from Covari and towards the Arcanum lands. She would take her time, mulling over her new reign and what she planned to do with this pack. She knew automatically that the pack would be closely allied with Covari, but she would need to travel to other packs and establish their standing with them. The pack would be militaristic, constantly training and keeping their skills sharp. Healers would be able to not only heal with herbs, but poison. Warriors would be the best of the best. Hunters would be able to bring down anything. Power began to roll through her veins, it made her toes tingle, and her skin hot. A smile curled her features as she crossed the fading border and into the territory. She would travel along the river until she came to a break in the trees.

The woman would stop, looking around her. Dusk was settling in slowly but surely. Russet crown would tip back as a summoning howl left pale lips. Her voice would ring across the land, summoning anyone and everyone in the pack. She wanted them to know who was the new Alpha, and if they wished, they could stay. But she also called to the those in the area, now was the time to freely enter the territory and join. As her call came to an end, haunches would recline, tail tucking around herself. Now it was time to wait. Tattered audits swiveled, listening to all the foreign sounds around her. This place was new, she would need time to adjust, just as the pack would need time to adjust. Verdant gaze swept across the forest, the river behind her. The new Queen could only hope that they would come quickly.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
06-09-2014, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 11:26 AM by Ekko.)

The dame never roamed far from Sibelle, she had just fallen a few paces behind her mistress as she took in the new area around her. Her slinking form had easily fallen behind the much taller female, and it took the female's summoning howl to catch her attention. Ekko snapped to attention and pulled her long legged form to full height so that she could catch up with the dame, her master. Once she came into view she dropped low to the earth again, whining softly in apology. The rusty dame did not speak though, as she had not been spoken too. She just took to standing in her slouched manner behind the new queen, awaiting the other wolves to join them. Did Mistress Sibelle wish her to do anything in this pack? She had been kind to the broken slave so far, and she listened to her willingly. Not that she had it in her to disobey, but it made it easier to listen to commands.

Ekko took this break to let her pale sapphire eyes roam along the lands, taking in the scent. The boarder seemed to be marked, although it was fading fast. Had everything fallen into disarray when the sickness fell upon the wolves of this land? From where Ekko came from, there had been no sign of this epidemic. Her lands held tales of fire and earthquakes, which is what drove her to these lands of Alacritis. But was it the right decision, with a sickness such as this reproducing in the very air they breathed? Sighing softly the small fae lowered her head, her one hearing ear alert to the approach of others. Let it begin...
[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]


06-10-2014, 08:04 AM

The howl that echoed over the lands of Arcanum was not her mother's, but it held the commanding strength of a ruler. With the death of her sister due to the plague heavy in Senka's thoughts, she reacted automatically, following three nose to its source only because of its strength. The apathetic creature want entirely sure how to mourn for Zaria. She hardly knew the wolf that her sister had become, and they had never been all that close anyways. There was no point in morning the dead - they were dead after all. But there was still a foreign emptiness in Senka's thoughts when she considered never conversing with her sister again.

The gray wolf came to a stop when she reached the russet female and her companion. The new ruler, it seemed. Senka inclined her head towards the two, coming to a stop before the russet female. Neither looked familiar, and Senka could only assume that they had become important after Senka left. Friends of her mother, perhaps? If they were stepping up to lead Arcanum, Senka was sure that her mother had chosen as carefully as possible. She would not have handed off hey oak to strangers, right? Of course, Senka had to face the fact that she didn't know her mother as well as she might have had she stayed around, and so could not properly predict her mother's decisions. Maybe her mother would surprise her yet.

Not bothering to raise her voice and speak to the strangers, Senka settled back on her haunches. She waited silently for the one that had summoned Arcanum's members to her to speak. No point in eating her time by doing questions that she was sure the russet female would answer.




5 Years
06-10-2014, 06:23 PM

D?gmar was in good spirits as she strolled through Arcanum. Despite everything that happened she was finally back to 100%. And soon it would be time to start another training session. She'd been fairly pleased with the turnout against intruders but there was still more to be done to whip the troops into shape and rules about trespassers needed to be set. It seemed to be a game to most of them. Running up and poking a sleeping bear. Well now it was time for the bear to bite back.

Half-way back to the main densite she heard a call. Eyes narrowed sharply. The call was not that of Cataleya nor of any other fae she recognized. The mottled charcoal femme stalked in the direction of the call and soon came upon an unfamiliar ruddy fae as well as two others, on of them being the unusual fox-wolf. D?gmar grinned for a moment but it passed as she eyed the ruddy woman.

"I'm patient. I'm sure you'll explain why you've called us and not Cataleya." D?gmar moved to take her seat and waited all the while wondering if the silver queen had fallen to the illness or left in her grief. Not that D?gmar particularly cared. Her loyalty was strong but fickle and belonged currently to Arcanum regardless of who was ruling it.



06-10-2014, 10:26 PM

Maija had not been aware of Arcanum even existing; that was the honest truth. After being brought to the mainland with Sibelle at her side, she had taken refuge near Covari with her five children. The plans that had worked themselves out while she had gotten used to the unfamiliar surroundings ended up with Sibelle becoming a ruler of an unknown pack. The news would have been enough to knock out a regular wolf's breath, but Maija was not a regular wolf. Her reaction was of surprise, but not completely to where she would be bowled over. Sibelle's reign was to be expected, even if the timing wasn't foretold.
The golden goddess carried herself with silent confident, solemn expression remaining on her face. Her leaf green eyes remained icy as she looked around at the new landscape that was unfolding in front of her. Of all the places she had seen in her travels, Arcanum looked like it would be a good spot to continue raising her children. Pandora stood out in her mind, for the young girl was definitely going to be a spitfire. Her other babies were not as determined as the colorful babe, but she knew they all had their own desires and goals. Each one would get their chance here.
Her nose was hit with the familiar scent of Sibelle...and a few unknown strands. It was obvious that her sister had called a meeting and those unknown wolves were there to prove their alliance. She softly smiled, but it quickly faded as she broke through the trees nearby on Sibelle's right. Golden tresses flowed in the wind that lowly blew around her, making her leaf green eyes flash against her pelt. From where she stood, her gaze locked on Sibelle before she slowly walked towards her. Ears perked politely in Sibelle's direction before she found herself a seat close to the female's right side. One of the unfamiliar wolves inquired about why she called and Maija wanted to openly scoff. Such a dumb question. Instead, she just watched Daegmar before glancing at the others that surrounded them. She knew that her children would be along shortly. If any of them missed this meeting, there would be consequences.

Talk like this


06-11-2014, 02:01 AM

The babe would follow her mother to a place she had never been to. They left the island, deserted the place from which they were born. Abandoned it like their father had abandoned them. Though usually quiet, the girl had been unusually so since her father disappeared again. She had played less, mostly sitting at the edge of the shallows along the rocks that dotted the beach with her Dolphin friend. And yet, even when her companion tried to play, Higinia simply did not feel like it. She would instead, choose to sit there in silence as the waves lulled her into a trance. Distracting her from the seething anger she felt within her chest. Why did her Father leave? She had always believed they were the perfect family, but it was proven to be untrue. She could see the pain and hurt in her mothers eyes, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. And yet, Higinia herself had managed to hide it with solitude.

But now, she would come out of hiding. Her strides some feet behind her mother stiff yet purposeful. If her destiny was not at the island, then it would be here with her family. Aunt Sibelle, her brothers, her sisters...she would find her purpose and destiny here. Her Mother and her Aunt now, were her only guides in life. For she had kept herself away from civilization, the only ones she really knew were her family and her marine companion. Did she want to see the world? Perhaps. But all the same, she felt unwilling to feel betrayed again. Her father broke her heart, and for that she held resentment and unwillingness to trust. What a cruel world. The babe would seat herself near her mother, tail lightly touching her mothers haunch as she gazed at the other few already gathered. She adopted her mothers hard stare, the kind demeanor seemingly having dissolved some time ago. Were strangers always this mouthy? Seriously, her family would never speak like that to one another. Such blatant disrespect. When one called, you answered. No questions asked. At least, that's what she thought anyway. "Mother, will more like that come?" She would whisper in an undertone, only for her mother and aunt's ears to hear.

Talk like this



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-11-2014, 08:18 AM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
The answer to Higinia's quiet question would inadvertently come in the form of the rather large, rather irritated spike-furred beast we know to be Hati. His gold eyes glared balefully about him, trying to decide which of these strangers had dared call together the pack. And speaking of, what the fuck were all these trespassers doing here anyway? Where was Cat, or the duke, or anyone else? Hell, where was Akemi? Had there been a war he hadn't gotten to participate in? Was Arcanum no more?

His eyes flitted over the clearing, finally picking out one who seemed to stand out with more authority than the others, and as he stalked closer to the group growled out a hoarse, "Who the hell are all of you and what are you doing here? Where's Cat?" As was his usual, Hati didn't bother with niceties or really even any sort of manners at all. He was a fighter, a brawler, hell even a teacher sometimes but he was no courtier and he never would be.

But his dark gaze landed on Daegmar, who seemed more at ease than he, and he relaxed a notch, changing his course to take him beside her. If Daegmar were here and calm, things couldn't be that bad. If nothing else he'd have someone he trusted to watch his back in this sea of strangers if things turned bad. Between the two of them they could probably fight clear if they needed to...

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



4 Years
06-11-2014, 11:50 AM

It had been some time since they had been taken from the island, and while it was still the only home Freya knew she wasn?t to upset about it. They had gotten to see Auntie Sibelle more, though her russet aunt couldn?t replace the gap that her father had left? again. That had wounded the girl most, she couldn?t understand it, didn?t want to! But she had refused to be broken by that, the world would not end just because her daddy had once more disappeared. Still the golden child had not failed to notice any changes in her siblings, particularly Higinia.

As Freya trotted after her mother to some unknown location she bumped into her sister, giving her a small smile as she pulled away. As Maija drew up off to the side of her aunt Sibelle Freya picked up her pace. Her sister settled herself on Maija?s one side, so the runt placed herself against her mother?s other side. Pushing into her gently, and gazing up at the golden woman for a moment. Then the yearling was scanning the other gathered wolves with curiosity.

Talk like this

[Image: wrqQfHn.png]


06-11-2014, 01:12 PM

If Eon had arrived before her, everyone that knew about Taurig would know he was his son. Instead, Pandora was able to take the spotlight for this meeting. She didn't realize it until she had made her "grand appearance". Her frame had been walking around the new lands, taking in the scenery and pondering how her life would turn out from there. Her Aunt Sibelle had called for those wolves present and she didn't know why. Perhaps it was because it involved her mother, but she didn't bother to think on it for long.
The gathering of strange wolves would surprise Pandora. She had thought only her family would appear for Sibelle's call, but she had been wrong. As she continued to stand in the shadows, far from the group, she pondered why they were all there. At first, she thought about simply slinking in the shadows until she reached her mother, but the presence of her siblings made her change her mind. A smirk appeared on her face and she flicked her tail before she deeply inhaled and took the plunge.
With her fur well groomed and smooth, Pandora confidently stepped out from where she stood. Her gold-dipped front paws led the way as her head remained high in that same confidence. The markings on her shoulders and the zebra stripes on her hind legs shimmered in the dusk's light as she walked with slow, graceful strides. Her turquoise blue eyes scanned the others as she walked past them, giving off vibes that she wasn't anyone they had met before.
When she walked past Senka, she felt a vibe from the girl and immediately wanted to stop. There was something about the stranger, but she knew better than to just halt and ask questions. Instead, she would seek her out later and proceeded to get closer to Sibelle's location. Her eyes met the vivid green gaze and she gave a soft smile before picking up her pace. Pandora raced towards her siblings and openly greeted them in Romanian tongue.
"Nu stii fericit eu să te văd!" Her eyes were brightly lit with happiness as she didn't hesitate to run her face against Bella's cheeks. Even though she had been with her siblings since they left the island, Pandora had been more adventurous upon reaching the mainland. She couldn't help but want to feel Bella's fur and skin, to know that she was real. Her sister had become more withdrawn since Taurig had disappeared again and Pandora felt a good bit of guilt for not being there to pull her out. As she licked her cobalt sister's cheeks, she softly whimpered and promised, "Vom petrece mai mult timp impreuna dupa aceasta, promit."
Pandora then looked to Freya and she moved over to nuzzle her sister in the neck. Her golden fur contrasted greatly to her own cobalt pelt, making the colors significantly stand out. She pulled back to look at her with a smile before walking around her to nestle between her and Aunt Sibelle. A light bump was given before she excitedly murmured, "MA intreb ce se va intampla aici ... " She knew that her mother could understand her perfectly, so a firm glance from her direction was met with a cheesy grin. Maija's tail swept behind Freya to pop Pandora's own plumage, so Pandora leaned against Freya to show her temporary resignation. Silently, she continued to wonder where Eon and Fakira were. If they didn't show up, Maija would be mad.

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06-11-2014, 01:50 PM

It was high time that she found a home. The Celestial had given up on finding any of her pack's members. She had searched all over Alacritis and even farther out past its borders and yet she had no luck. She came across this pack mostly on accident during her search, but she recognized the scent of it from when she had met that male in the scrap yard. After she had given up on her search she had come back to this pack, wondering if maybe this could finally be the pack she had been looking for. Her ears perked up as she listened to the call for a meeting and she realized this could be her chance to finally take the plunge and join. She rose to her paws and, with a steadying sigh, padded forward to make her way toward the meeting.

By the time she arrived there was a good gathering of wolves there already, though the noticed that a large portion of them were female. She golden and black fea made her way into the group before taking her seat among them. Of course, she didn't know a single soul, but she also hadn't really made the effort to meet many, if any, wolves since she washed up on Alacritis's shore. Her split-color gaze shifted to the russet woman that had apparently called the meeting and she waited patiently, hoping she would get to learn more about this pack before deciding to join.



06-11-2014, 02:05 PM
PM me if I'm mistaken about this being after the plague ends..

She had heard the call and ran to answer it. The plague was over, Covari finding the cure and in turn giving to to Arcanum as the packs were close. As she saw it, she did not care who the leader of Arcanum was, she only cared about healing and she was sworn to Arcanum. Whomever played the game of thrones was no concern to her and therefore she would remain within the lands of the pack and she would not fear how the leadership would shift from time to time, though she hoped not too often. She arrived at the meeting with a small smile on her muzzle. She did not know who the woman in front of her was and she had no knowledge of the leadership shift before this time. She made assumptions based on the fact that the meeting was called by her that something had happened to Cat.

It wasn't something she felt she should smile at but she smiled anyway. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am. Though I do have to wonder who you are and where Queen Cataleya is as well."


06-11-2014, 05:43 PM

Akemi was certainly confused when the call went up. The call for the pack, though not from the silver woman who had brought her into this pack. Cataleya... Had been that woman that had her own brother spar her. She hadn?t seen Hati since then, and honestly the young woman worried for him greatly. She had never seen her brother so intent on hurting anyone, let alone her... She had been scared... Worrying truly for a moment that he was going to make an attempt on her life.

Akemi would move with purpose in the direction of the call. Whoever this new woman was that was calling, well, she was surely calling for a reason, and as a new member of the pack it was Akemi?s duty to answer the call. She would pad on, until finally she would reach this woman and a couple others. Even Hati. Gaze would flick to the russet femme, the one she assumed had made the call, and a nod was given of respect. Hopefully things would be cleared up soon. Then gaze would flick to Hati, the small girl coming up alongside him. ?Peace... I?m sure she will explain in time.? Akemi would look to him, a soft look in her eyes. As if the events that had transpired before them hadn?t happened. She thought no less of him. He was still her big brother, her hero, and her idol. That would never, ever change.



06-11-2014, 10:06 PM

The titan would follow the scents of his family. He had remained near the shores of the beach, waiting for them to one day follow. And it seemed they had, and since then he had remained with them. They were the only ones he knew, save for another boy he had met not too long ago. The cobalt and gold titan followed his mothers trail, following some distance behind as he regathered himself. He had been quite distant lately. Having reunited with his father for such a short time before, once again, he had disappeared. Now it was just his mother and his siblings, as well as his Aunt Sibelle. The only ones he was really close to. He wasn't sure how to feel, though now he felt numb. Empty. Silent. Perhaps more, though he refused to believe that such events would change who he was...or what he could possibly be. The summoning howl had rang out for those he didn't know of. He would walk in silently, remaining in the shadows for a time until he saw his sister Pandora walking forward with such confidence. What the hell was he doing here? He had no other reason to stay hidden. He was a Prince, and his family was royalty in his eyes.

Stepping from the shadows, he followed Pandora's example. Head and tail held high, mothers green eyes scanning those who had arrived while he lurked behind. He portrayed confidence now, unafraid of nothing. Even the ones who spoke against Sibelle's claim of leadership. They were mistaken if they thought her unworthy...he would lay claim to those who thought otherwise, make them see that they were completely wrong. Insulting his family was not forgiven, and he would do what he had to in order to defend their honor. The titan now at his full height of 42" stalked forward on silent paws, eyes straying from the crowd to land upon his family. He would seat himself on the other side of Sibelle, brushing his tail against Higinia's back, then his mothers, then Pandora's before sitting. He wanted comfort, just a bit. His family had always been there for him, and he would always be there for them. He would wait quietly and patiently, eyeing those sitting before them. The cobalt titan sat tall, wondering if others would show to make their unhappiness at the situation known.

Talk like this


06-11-2014, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2014, 10:14 PM by Lekan.)

Lekan knew what had happened. He was one of the few. His master had gone, leaving the golden brute confused and alone. Completely purposeless. What was he to do now that Cataleya had left him? Arcanum had a new queen, one that Lekan had never met before. Did she want a slave at all? Perhaps not. Slavery was an acquired taste, not one he could depend on this new woman to have. But he was as obedient as ever when the call entered the air. He arrived as promptly as he could, though his steps were slower than usual. Maybe this was what depression felt like. An abyss of emotionless shadow from which there is no escape. How wonderful.

The young man had never felt this way before. His life always marched on, no matter what the cost. His heart was strong as his mind was not plagued by unnecessary emotion. But now, even in a sea of emptiness, one emotion pushed through. He wasn't sure it could be accurately identified, though. It certainly wasn't heartbreak. He was far too trained for that. No emotional attachments to your master. That came first. Unwavering loyalty, yes, but no real ties. No real attraction. Even if your master is a gorgeous, independent woman with a coat of silver and eyes like roses.

Not even then.

Amethyst eyes would burn, and Lekan would blink in surprise. This was ridiculous. He had to get over the fact that Cataleya was gone. He would just have to find a new master elsewhere. These thoughts were firm in his mind as he walked upon the scene, unnoticed in the confusion and chaos. Just the way he liked it. He stayed silent as others asked what was going on. After all, Lekan knew what had happened.

He was one of the few.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-12-2014, 04:27 AM

His mother had gone...his sister...gone. The boy felt cold. Empty. A mere ghost wandering the lands. What the hell had happened? The sickness ravaging the lands seemed to have torn apart what he sought to keep. First his father...then his sister...and now his mother. Head would shake back and forth in a fit of denial. Had he done something wrong to deserve this?? Did his mother hate him so much that she wanted to leave him behind? What about Senka? Was she leaving too? A call. He almost didn't care to register it, but it was clear to him who it belonged to. A woman he had met briefly when he stayed with his father on the island, and so he wondered what she was doing here. The boy would almost absentmindedly walk towards the summons, and it wasn't long until he arrived.

He stopped at the edge of the clearing, icy blue eyes casting a glare from one wolf to the next. The familiar forms of Hati and Daegmar; two he didn't really care about to begin with. And another he didn't know, as well as a few more. Then, the familiar blue and gold pelts of his half siblings were very much recognizable, along with the golden pelt of what he supposed was his Step-Mother. Gaze wandered onto Sibelle then, noting that it was she who had summoned those of Arcanum to gather. And then finally..."Senka?" Had she stayed? Had she not decided to leave with their mother? Had she been left behind with him as well? Slowly, he would slink from the shadows. Massive form making a beeline straight for her, as gently he would touch his nose to her cheek before sitting next to her. It was the only form of emotion he would show, for mere seconds later his gaze would wander towards the ground; cold...empty.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



3 Years
Extra large
06-12-2014, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 05:20 PM by Neios.)

He had been cured. With his sisters constant care and the proper herbs to battle against the illness he had been cured within a few days, his health greatly improved although his mind still quaked with uncertainty. He had not seen any signs of Cataleya or Kylar in a weeks, their scents nonexistent within the grande though it still lingered faintly in soulless forest. Cataleya was the only reason he had remained a part of the pack this long, if she had disappeared there would be nothing left in Acranum for the crazed man. A call would ring out across the forest, the voice unfamiliar although it summoned everyone in the pack to attend. Something was up, and Neios was going to find out. "Sister, lets go." He would bark to the babe before rising to his paws, the behemoths head almost smacking the dens roof as he rose to his full height. Tail would flick out behind him as he slipped from the dens opening, his dear Nausica following directly after him to come beside him. He would aim to press into her side, his head raised toward the heavens and his tail curled proudly above his hips. His body language screamed nothing but supremacy, emotion nonexistent on the mans face as he approached the gathering group of wolves. There were familiar and unfamiliar faces here, a russet woman standing before them all whom appeared to be the bitch who had called them all here. The beast would aim to slither silently toward the russet wench, frigid amethyst gaze narrowing as he attempted to come feet from where she stood. "Who the fuck are you? Have you done something to my Cataleya? My sweet Cataleya..." His voice would trail off as his lips curled above his rows of pearly whites, salmon hued tongue rolling angrily within its cadge of fangs as he snarled irritably. Who in the hell did this bitch think she was, and what had she done with Cataleya?



06-13-2014, 01:00 PM

The vixen had been helping her dear brother with his recovery ever since she stumbled upon his grossness within the weeping woods. She had mended him with herbs and care. Prayers to nonexistent Gods. Neios was the single person Nausica cared for and she would never live the day to see him die. The woman lost him once and she would not loose him again. So, when she heard the call her rather large head would turn to the direction of the song then swerve to let her eyes meet his. As his voice rang out the fae nodded silently before letting her lovely vocals enter the air, "Of course, my love." The Saxe babe got up and follow his huge body towards the Rio Grande. She would stick by his side. If he wanted to join this pack then the woman would follow without a care. Though, as they walked him the woman would let him take charge. The girls hackles would be raised and her tail would be slightly erect to show she was dominant. Nausica was in fact dominant, her confidence was slightly inflated due to her killing her first Wolf. It gave her a taste for bloodshed and destruction. She would stand a few feet away as he sauntered to the russet bitch he beckoned them forth. His serpentine words flew into the air with such intensity he could just feel the tension amplify. The girl would sit, watching with keen violet orbs. If a fight broke out the huge girl would be there to aid. If he walked away, she would follow. The woman was devoted to her brother and it was obvious.



06-13-2014, 08:50 PM

The spy that she was, once Liste got the idea of joining a pack into her mind she had made a point of doing a bit of eavesdropping. She learned which packs had gone soft, which were lacking, and which were forces to be reckoned with. What she wanted was a place that was neutral but would accept her violent tendencies for what they were (though she had come to terms with the fact that she would have to follow some rules guiding where her violence was directed). Liste needed a home where she could continue to be her reserved, maniacal self and still survive, and of course she desired power. She would have all of those things in due time, of that she was certain.

This day would get the ball rolling, so to speak. The demoness had heard that this pack's leader had left and had remained in the area to await the call of the new one. She understood that this meeting was where the new leader would declare her position and rules, thus it would be the perfect opportunity to decide if this would be the proper place for her. If she chose to remain, she would go through the formalities. She would bow to the ruler (though not as dramatically as she had to Jupiter) and swear her fealty and promise to obey every rule. Joining etiquette had once been a thing that made Liste nervous with excitement, but now it simply seemed exhausting.

As silently as possible, the shadow crept through the dusk to the edge of the meeting by the river. Her golden eyes pierced every creature in attendance before she settled in the back of the group and set to cleaning her paws to pass the time. From what she could tell, many of the wolves here appeared tolerable but the only way of truly knowing would be to engage them. What a joy that would be.

Talk like this


06-14-2014, 12:25 PM

Red nymph's skull would lift at the sound of the howl, strong echo of her friends voice reverberating even through Covari's lands as their neighbours were called to order. Arcanum had a new queen... Vi had no regrets about handing the pack to Sibelle other then that fact that already she was missing her friend, missing her company. Funny how they had started off complete strangers and yet had become so close. The resuest woman was a sibling to one of her first friends outside her family and that blood tie made Vi like her even more. But still she would be missed. Hopefully all would run well in Arcanum, Vi hadn't even asked Sibelle what she planned to do with that place when she had headed to the neighbouring pack. Might be interesting to find out... Vi lifted herself, shaking out ruby coat before setting off toward the orchard. It was the closest Arcanum territory to the range so their usual meeting point. But this time Vi wouldn't stop to howl for entrance, instead she would slip over the boards and head within.

Long legs carried her towards the sound of the river and the rapids, towards where Sinelle had called. But as she approached she slowed, slender form clinging to the shadows as she observed from a distance for a short while. Everyone seemed confused. Had Cat not told everyone that she was leaving? A frown furrowed her brow and after another moment of listening she would peel herself from the shadows and head forward towards the only wolf she knew other then Sibelle. Lekan. Though as she drew closer to the male some other familiar faces found their way to her gaze. Maija and her kids were here? Vi had always thought Maija was too light hearted for a pack like this... Was she wrong? Still paws would carry her to Lekan's side, smiling easily as she seated herself beside him. "I think I'll take you up on your offer. You may return with me to my pack with me following this..." Words were neither a question nor a demand, simply... A statement... Other then that she would not speak, sitting back to see what Sibelle had to say.


06-18-2014, 08:56 PM
Second round is mandatory and will end June 25th, if you do not post by then, I will assume your wolf is NOT staying in Arcanum.

First to arrive would be Ekko. The small girl would settle in beside her, saying nothing as usual. A girl she didn't recognize would follow, however her markings were similar to the Ex-Quens. A child perhaps? A dark fae followed, questioning the new Queen. "I'll explain soon enough." A smile graced her features as her sister in law took a seat beside her, followed by her children slowly but surely. A man would approach, irritation evident in his face. "You will find out soon enough." Her tone was mentioned, hiding the mild irritation that flared in her chest. Verdant gaze flickered to a yellow female that silently approached, taking a seat amongst the growing crowd. A pale fae would approach, much more pleasant that the rest. "I'll fill everyone in shortly." A tiny woman approached, seating herself beside the angry ebony man. A petite yellow man silently approached, his posture low, as though he hoped to remain unnoticed. Her gaze flickered to what appeared to be another child of the ex Queen. Hackles would bristle as second ma would approach, hostility written all over his face. Lips curled back to reveal ivory daggers. "Cataleya left." Her words were cold as stone, her gaze unforgiving. She would wait for the man to leave before allowing her attention to shift to the two that kept the shadows. One she would know anywhere, Vi, the other a stranger.

"I am Sibelle, the new Queen of Arcanum. Cataleya, along with her mate and child, left. She passed down her crown to me. Now if you wish to leave, do so now, otherwise you are welcome to stay." Her gaze would sweep the crowd, waiting for a few minutes, giving time for those who wish to leave before she continued. Once they had all left, she would continue. "There will be a slight change in the ranks. I am the Clandestine, and my secondary will General. Regents will be betas, and Senator will be my advisor. Commanders, Lieutenants and Medics will be lead warriors, hunters and medics, beneath them grunts, scouts and nurses. Loyalists will be those who don't have a designated rank, and juveniles will be anyone under the age of 2." She would take a breath, surveying the crown once more. "I intend to keep this pack neutral, taking in the good and the bad so to speak. Now, for those of you who have stayed, I'd like to know which ranks you had, and where you would like to be placed." The Queen would fall silent, giving the pack a chance to speak up and state their wants. "Also, after this, challenging for ranks is accepted, except for the rank of Senator, they will be hand selected by me."

"Talk" "You" Think