
Bored can be dangerous

Open family!



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
11-15-2020, 10:54 PM

Tyrfing was finding he was quickly running out of very interesting things to do. Occasionally his hummingbird friend would pop by and lead him to something fun and exciting, but the little guy hadn’t yet shown his face around the den. It was nearing afternoon and if Fin didn’t find something new and awesome to get into, then he’d return home for the first time without an exciting tale of wonder. He couldn’t have that.

Without any ideas of his own, the purple-tinted pup decided to go in search of a partner in crime. Someone ought to be lurking around the densite, and whether it was one of his parents or a sibling or someone else meant little to the tiny bored viking boy. He tiptoed through the grass, arching his head up and down and side to side in search of someone else to harass and bother. Maybe if he was lucky he could convince someone into accompanying him in some good old mischief.


table art by nightauctor
[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.



2 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeanceCritical Fail!Critical Hit!1K
11-24-2020, 07:27 PM
There were very few trees on the knoll entombing their barrow and Skadi was familiar with each and every one. She was as happy in a tree as she was on the ground and out of all the places she liked pouncing from, the trees were by far her favorite. But - and this was very important - Skadi wasn't in a tree anymore. Sure she'd started out in one, but the moment she spied her brother prowling nearby it hadn't been good enough to pounce from because he was likely wise to her tricks by this point. She'd leaned over to her owl buddy - a boy from her Pabbi's companions - and whispered a fun little scheme into his feathery ear. The youthful owl lacked the sense to object and now Skadi was flying.

It took all of her willpower not to shriek with laughter as the flying duo glided after Tyrfing. Their strange, blobby shadow cruised across the ground in front of them. Any second now and it would pass over her brother's head. Hopefully he wouldn't notice so she'd get the max amount of surprise, but even if he did, if the shadow was the only clue he got that something was amiss it would be too late.

3...the owl dropped lower...2...Skadi stretched out her front paws superman-style...1...and she was falling!

The ground rushed up too fast for her liking and her heart leaped up into her throat, but there was no taking it back. She was weightless and dropping fast. Some things slowed way down, the sky and the trees seeming to freeze all around her, while others like the ground seemed to speed up. Tyrfing was right there and that was enough for Skadi to toss her fear aside. He was going to be so surprised! She was hoping to land squarely on his slightly bigger back. No thought had been given to safety - or the lack thereof. All Skadi could think about was making Tyrfing wet himself.



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
11-29-2020, 04:03 PM

No matter how hard he looked, Fin couldn't find his family anywhere. It was almost time to turn back and go find some other Fireside member to convince to cause chaos with, and when he came home and shared the stories with his siblings he knew they'd be sooo very sorry that they weren't around to be involved. The owl's shadow passed over him and Fin's first instinct was 'great, dad's home!' Surely the toothy man would be up to taking his son for an adventure. His head shot up and purple eyes roamed through the grass, expecting to see his father's towering form at any moment.

When Skadi landed upon his back the purple pup yelped like he'd be shot, and then damn near cried. The sky was falling! The Gods were pissed, they could read his mind and they were not cool with the things he had planned for the pit-Viper, and now they were throwing boulders down from the heavens to put down the viking pup before his life could even really start. He threw himself to the ground, hiding his face and curling himself into almost a ball. Whether the weight left his back or not he didn't notice, he could only think of making himself a smaller target for the Gods wrath. His tail tucked and he began to beg for his sad, pitiful life. "I'm sorry, Gods! I won't fill Viper's pit with snakes, I promise!" He yelled into his paws.


table art by nightauctor
[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.



2 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeanceCritical Fail!Critical Hit!1K
12-02-2020, 10:04 PM
Though she remained quiet on the outside for maximum stealth, on the inside Skadi was bursting with maniacal laughter. She got him good. It wouldn't surprise her in the least bit if there was little puddle of pee growing under him right now, because it sure looked like she'd scared him enough for it. Tyrfing flopped over taking Skadi with him and rolled up like one of those weird grey bugs she liked to roll up in pairs and race down logs. He made it very hard to hang on but, using her claws, Skadi did her best. Because the - literal - flying tackle couldn't possibly be all, could it, Skadi then sought to wrap her paws around her brother's neck while biting and twisting at what she could reach of his ears. And then, because she had limbs doing nothing and that was dumb, she pulled up her back paws and sought to bunny kick the back of Tyrfing's head.

Wait what about pits and snakes? She loved snakes and pits! Skadi stopped kicking and biting to peek over Tyrfing's ears. If his eyes weren't covered she would try to make eye contact and, if they were covered or closed, she would use a paw to try to pry one open. "'Won't' alike you haven't? Does that mean you still want to?" Hopefully he'd forgive the assault because that sounded like a blast! If not and he did it without her it would make her mad and she'd just have to fight him for days, wouldn't she?



Expert Fighter (210)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Overachiever
Snake EyesCritical Observation!1KCritical Hit!
12-03-2020, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2020, 07:45 PM by Tyrfing.)

Fin was quaking in his boots, almost entirely ignoring the feeling of movement upon his back up until the claws came out, and then the biting and bunny kicking. Confusion rocked him initially - after all, Fin was not important enough that the Gods themselves would come down from the heavens to kick and scratch and bite him - and it wasn't until Skadi lifted his eyelid with a paw that he clued in. "Skadi!" He chastised. "You had me thinking you were the wrath of the Gods you stupid sister!"

Although his tone was serious, his lips were already beginning to tug upwards in the ghost of a smile. Damn, she got him good. Fin could appreciate a solid execution of a damn good prank. "Of course I still want to!" He attempted to shoulder her off of him so he could stand, but realistically if she stayed clung around his neck he'd likely still been able to manage it to his feet anyways beneath her. "We can go right now! But we should probably find some snakes first."


table art by nightauctor
[Image: Tyrfing_Chibi1.png]
Tyrfing has feline paws (with an extra toe on each foot), small horns, and amethyst saber fangs. These features may not be visible on all his art.
He has a black-chinned hummingbird companion named Coach and a mini emperor penguin named Private, and unless otherwise stated, assume the hummingbird is with him at all times.