
The most beautiful time of the year



3 Years
11-27-2020, 03:03 PM

It would seem the purple lady was drawn to the southern area and she had always come back to this place, the orchards. Nature was plentiful here and she loved the fall time, the leaves had a nice ' crunch ' beneath her large paws. The lady was at peace here, feeling no threats. Though she as sure this place held a lot of beauty, it was rather overgrown and unkept. She was surrounded by overgrown vines and plants, which if one weren't careful could easily i find themselves tangled up. She was careful where she stepped, not wanting the foliage to embed into her curly purple locks. She would again survey the area, listening to the prey animals scurry along the floors picking up all the loose berries for the harsh winters ahead. As she continued to walk these animals quickly scurried away until she were out of sight. The golden sun would peak from the ashen clouds, the rays hitting softly on her frame, she had no dount it would rain soon. It was late afternoon and the woman debated where next she would go tonight, out of sight and out of trouble. For the moment she would relax, sitting beside a large tree, her eyes closing momentarily to listen to the sounds around her.

"blah blah blah "



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
11-27-2020, 03:12 PM

There was new found freedom in having a companion. Dagrún could wander just a little bit farther. Ok, so she didn't have an actual rule on this and she was sure her parents did but she completely forgotten about it. She sat on the border of the Range and the Orchard. At first she carefully stepped one paw over the border and then another. When nothing bad immediately happened she bounded over and towards the nearest tree. It was gorgeous here, the leaves of the trees weren't green but a myriad of golds and auburns.

Her kestrel companion landed on the lowest branch of a nearby apple tree. Sperla, the kestrel, glanced down at her charge. "Don't go too far from the pack border but I think we can find some nice branches so you can make your own little travois."

Dag looked up with a grin. "Oh yes, please! I can find sticks. I'll find the neatest sticks!" She started scouring the forest floor until she found a few fallen branches that were small enough she'd be able to manipulate them. Hmm… she felt she needed one more, just in case one broke. She scampered over to a nearby tree then suddenly realized there was a woman on the other side of it. She poked her head around to see a lady with a purple pelt. "Wow!" she blurted, "you're so pretty! How come your fur is purple?"



3 Years
11-27-2020, 03:36 PM

Adelphie was content in her position, her eyes remaining closed and focusing on the noises around her. Before long, she could hear some noise and rustling close by, though the steps were quick and light, if not a little clumbsy? Her ears would flicker at the noises, before a voice finally broke the silence amongst them. The tone was young and youthful, slightly high pitched... a pup? This quickly perked the purple ladies interests and an amused smile was perk her lips, though this amused her she would assumer her parents would be close behind her tail. Just as Del got up to turn and see what the commotion was about the girls were face to face. Before given a moment to speak, the girl was quick to beam with joy, commenting on her fur. An amused laugh would leave Adelphie's ebony lips, her eyes fixating on the youth. Such innocence, such happiness... Del couldn't help but wonder what it was like to be a mother. She would clear her through, her  head lowering to speak to the youth.

"Well... you see... I guess the greater beings got a little bored and decided the lands needed more colourful beings! "
She would laugh, though she too wondered why she appeared so abnormal from the rest.
"But you pretty lady, have been blessed with ebony and grey hues, it's been told wolves who possess such beautiful colours are destined for greatness"
She would wink,  the energy the pup bore did not fail to amuse her, it would seem her parents had an adventurer on their hands. Though as they conversed, it was growing clear that her parents were indeed not about, was she lost?
" Do you need help finding sticks? I'm assuming your parents are close by little one? "
She would tilt her head, before looking over her shoulder.
" My name is Adelphie "



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
11-27-2020, 03:56 PM

Dagrún wasn't sure what greater beings were but she assumed it was mommy and daddy stuff. It made her wonder if mommies and daddies picked the colors of their babies. She'd have to ask her parents why they picked the colors they did or maybe it happened if a pregnant lady ate certain foods that were different colors.

Her ears perked up as the stranger continued to speak. "Wow, really?" She did want to be a great warrior like both her parents some day. "I hope to be a good fighter some day so I can help protect my pack."

She nodded at the mention of sticks, her little tail wagging. "Oh, yes! Sprela was going to teach me to make a…" Her mind suddenly drew a blank and she looked up in the trees at the little kestrel. The bird flew down and landed at the girl's feet. "A travois, a way to carry items." Dag quickly nodded once to the bird then again to the pretty lady's question.

"Yup! They're right across the border in Fireside. There's a guy there that's blue, he looks like he's covered in stars. I've seen him around but I've never met him." And of course Halla had red markings but nothing quite like this woman. It was then Dagrún spied the perfect stick. She pounced on it and brought it back over to the stick pile with the rest of her sticks.

"I'm Dagrún Finnvi, by the way!"



3 Years
11-29-2020, 12:50 PM
Adelphie would continue to look upon the innocent one as she had gathered all of her sticks. The pup would look up in awe and excitement in her words and del would continue to giggle. " Oh yes and a great fighter you shall be ! " She would reply with the same amount of excitment. So it would seem the pup came from parents who were glorious fighters to protect a pack, perhaps it was wise to get to know a little more information. The little girl would then mention her companion, which Del had failed to acknowledge, she too would look up toward the bird who seemed to guide the pup, explaining exactly what their mission of their day was. " A Travois? How interesting. It seems you're already well on your way to be quite the handyman." She would nod in approval, before the girl would spill some more information about a man whom owned the pack lands. Covered in stars he was... and blue? Perhaps he too stuck out like a sore thumb like she. " I See, and what do people say about this leader?" It seemed rather strange that she was away from borders and had not yet met the one who ruled. She would release her name and before Del could say anymore the girl darted forward suddenly, pouncing on the perfect stick. A grin would pierce her mask. " And so it is! you beat me to it !" She would look into the direction of pack lands, and then back to the companion. " The borders are close, though there are always dangers out here, perhaps I should make sure you get home okay?"

But before they would go, an idea would spring to mind, her tail would flick at her heels. " But first, lets play a game." She would pause, waiting for her reaction " I have been rather bored as of late, and you are very adventurous little one. I give you the task to find me something beautiful, to represent myself, a flower... a token, anything... something that'll make me remember Dagrun, future warrior of the lands." Though, this was quite the task, perhaps the pup would need time to think of what would be beautiful. Whenever she had played this game, it always amused Del of the simplicity of the gifts pups would come up with, it was rather adorable seeing them bounce and finding the first thing they see.



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
12-05-2020, 03:58 PM

Dagrún looked over to the kestrel who instructed her to pick out the two longest sticks and position them so they crossed at one of their ends to make a rough triangle shape. She quickly did so, positioning the sticks. Once they were in position the kestrel picked up strands of leather and tied the sticks together. Dagrún then added two cross beams and the kestrel tied these into place as well.

Dag grinned and nodded eagerly. "Yea, I can pull it and use it to put things on so I can carry cool sticks and rocks and bugs and things back and show my siblings." She couldn't wait to go through the orchard and add all kinds of neat things to her collection as she wandered through. She also wanted to find a buffalo patty. Sperla said you could like them on fire.

The last thing they'd need for the travois would be to tie on a piece of hide but that could wait. A travois could be made with sticks alone it really depended what one wanted to carry. She could maybe use her new travois to carry a bunch of sticks back. She suddenly remembered she'd been asked about Tyrian. "He's my uncle and he's a mighty warrior!" At least she was pretty sure he was her uncle. They were related some how but she couldn't quite remember.

Dagrún cocked her head as Del described the game and then nodded. "Sure, I'll find something neat!" She bounded through the orchard and started her search.