
The mighty battle for glory




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-28-2020, 11:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2020, 11:04 PM by Kotori.)
Walk | "Talk" | think

Kotori roamed the tall grass, imagining himself patrolling the boundary like one of the adults.  Maybe he didn’t find any dangerous strange wolves, or overly large predators charging in.  He still defended the place from mice, ground birds, lizards, and tortoises.  Kotori had thought he’d caught a lizard earlier but been surprised to find only the tail was dangling in his mouth.  The mice always seemed to dart into some hole or crevice before he could get to it in time.

Kotori’s new companion seemed to have no issues with catching prey.  While Kotori chased another mouse until it fled down a hole he looked up to find the mongoose companion grinning at his antics.  Kotori scowled at the mongoose, “What are you so happy at Fang?”

The mongoose dropped the smile and snapped back with a variety of snarly sounds that were hard to interpret but mostly seemed to be about not liking the name.  “Well, if you could talk properly you could tell me your real name.”

The mongoose gave him a glare then disappeared from his sight, mixing in with the grass easily.  Had his new pet ran off?  The pup thought he’d made it clear the mongoose was now his.  He started moving in the direction the mongoose had been determined to make sur it didn’t think fleeing was acceptable.

‘Fang’ popped up after another two minutes, a mouse hanging from his jaws, making sure Kotori saw it before dropping it.  Fang didn’t attempt to it, making a point it was only for showing off in a boast that he had killed the mouse.  Maybe he’d eat it later.

“Don’t run away!” Kotori wanted it to respect him.  Why was it staying with him if it didn’t respect him? “Fine, I’ll kill something better than a dumb mouse.” What would he find? Kotori sniffed the air and then the grass searching for some bigger opponent.

The mongoose who was refusing the name of Fang followed along for a bit but then turned off sideways, waving a paw for Kotori to follow after him, looking towards the desired direction.  Kotori thought of saying no but wanted to know what it was Fang had found.  A bit away, hidden by the grass till one got close was a hole in the ground with fresh dirt kicked up around it.  Kotori glanced at the mongoose then with curiosity got close to the hole and after watching it for a few moments put his paw next to it, lowering his head with plans to look in.
Fang was grinning, and surely laughing inwardly.

A groundhog leaped out of the whole, sharp teeth snapping at Kotori who leaped back in shocked surprise.  He was too busy to glare at Fang.  This furry thing actually chased him a few strides before Kotori thought of what he allowed to chase him.  He spun around to snap at the groundhog he got a good look at its long rodent-like teeth.  Was it a rodent?  Did he care right now? Kotori stepped back from the sharp teeth, ears flat snarling at it.

The groundhog decided it had Kotori back far enough and turned around to get back to its den, Kotori lunged in to bite at its rump and his teeth did get more than fur but the groundhog was fast at spinning and its clawed hands slashed across his muzzle getting a yelp of pain from the pup.  He could feel blood on his face!  The small creature had dared to injure Kotori Fatalis!! How could he face his parents and admit this?  The injured pride outweighed the injured muzzle.

The groundhog and pup had a staredown, both aware now that they could both hurt the other.  Kotori thought of commanding Fang to help but this was now a matter of pride between him and his enemy.  The pup was going between fear and anger and pride.  This would be his moment of glory!  He would also prove to the mongoose how Kotori was worthy of being his master, and it should be honored by that right!  That thought in mind Kotori attempted to circle to the animal's rear but it was circling with him.  Kotori would lunge in and the groundhog would meet his charge so that Kotori had to back off if he didn’t want the small animals' large fangs in his flesh.

Kotori was if nothing persistent and wasn’t about to back down.  Finally, in another showdown the groundhog surprisingly turned its head away from the pup appearing shocked.  Kotori lunged in, teeth connecting with the side of its face, biting through flesh but certainly, it wasn’t a killing blow.  

The groundhog swung around and Kotori spied Fang behind it which explained the animal no longer fully able to focus on the pup.  Kotori’s tail rose and started wagging more, confident with help finally coming into play.  When the groundhog faced Kotori then Fang would snap at its rear, and when it turned Kotori came in again for a bite.  The groundhog tried to flee but Fang was blocking the path to its hole.  The moment its full back was on Kotori he lunged in, teeth connecting directly with the back of its head and squeezing down so hard his eyes shut.  The groundhog screamed shrilly, thrashing about as Kotori gave the thick creature frenzied.

Kotori had to change his grip up a few times before he got a killing bite in but it had been a clear victory.  When he looked at the corpse he spotted more than one bite from the mongoose’s small but sharp teeth on it.  Fang had kept it distracted but allowed Kotori to make the true kill!  Kotori had forgotten the bloody muzzle and the pain that came with it was a badge of honor.

Kotori gripped the corpse in his teeth and started hauling his prize home.  Mom and dad had to see what he killed!  He would have to admit Fang had helped but it was still a great battle, right?  Kotori was quite sure Fang had known he was propelling the pup into a fight earlier, and he was glad of it.

WC: 1034
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]