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High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-30-2020, 10:11 AM

Rudy was a dreamer, the sort of wolf who had decided once you know what you want in life you have but to strive towards it to obtain it.  Rudy wanted knowledge and ability.  He wanted to be able to master every job there was to master and no one telling him it was impossible would stop him from the dream or his attempt to make it a reality.  The pup had accepted Resin’s advice that he could not learn all at once and he should work on only one thing at a time.  Ok, mostly he had learned that, sort of.

Rudy was ignoring things like healing or crafting things at the moment.  His primary focus was learning to hunt for now as he found it would help teach him some useful things about spying.  Already he had learned the importance of staying downwind.  He wasn’t able to always do so as the wind was a tricky thing, but at least he knew what to focus on in that area.  Someday those stupid rabbits would not escape him.
Rudy also felt a need to make time for fighting lessons.  It wasn’t enough to just spar with Arty or he’d start losing to his brother all the time.  Art was sure to be getting a lot more practice in so Rudy would have to try and keep up as much as he could.  It was the responsibility of a brother and best friend, right?

With those in mind he still felt drawn to learning more about being a leader.  He wasn’t sure if Resin would offer him lessons on that while doing hunting since she had said one thing at a time but, Rudy could think on what made a good leader on his own.  Mostly he knew a leader needed to be confident and well, lead.  Rudy was nothing if not confident.

The pup was currently working on hunting skills.  He had found a dumb rabbit on their side of pack land though they weren’t too far from the boundary line.  Rudy figured himself smart for getting to where he was between the rabbit and the exit to make sure when it spotted him it didn’t leave the territory.  The pup had well learned the lesson of obeying his parents in regards to not crossing the pack line.  So now he walked between some brush slowly turned the prey.

Rudy got to a spot where he imagined about three more steps would get him to where he should lunge out from before the rabbit took flight.  Rudy chased it but then felt frustration when the rabbit turned tightly and bounded out of pack territory.  The pup paused at the end of the boundary line, frustrated when he saw the rabbit stopped farther off.  It wasn’t super close but rabbits were pretty dumb to let him still even see it.  He needed an adult to let him go hunt it.

Leaving the pack border he went on a search of an adult.
