
8 rules for dating my teenage (adult) daughter

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-04-2020, 10:45 AM
With his mother’s age looming over him Rhyme didn’t let himself fell old very often. His very young children helped with that as well, they wore him out, gave him more stress than he’d ever felt, but he loved and adored them and they kept him feeling young. However, his older… he couldn’t call them children anymore but his daughters liked to make him feel incredibly old every time he saw them. Despite her self doubt Theory was becoming a wise and respectable leader that Rhyme was more and more proud of everyday. Seeing Poem step up into a high ranking role alongside her sister made Rhyme feel like he’d done something right in his life filled with mistakes.

He hoped those mistakes wouldn’t be repeated in the next generation and with the introduction of Sparhawk he had hope that they would not in at least one daughter. He’d seen very clearly the adoration between them, especially in the way they seemed to hold back their affection. Even if he wanted to protest, there would be little he could say to argue the feelings that were plain as day. Still, he wanted to know Poem’s suitor better before they moved on to the obvious next steps. Just to make sure that Poem’s best interests were at the forefront of everyone’s minds. She looked the happiest he’d seen her in a long time, and she deserved every moment of her life filled with that emotion.

Rhyme wasn’t particularly sure where to find the mountain of a man so Rhyme made his way to his once favorite place in all of Abaven’s lands. Now it was a marker of the graves housing his first born son Darilnor and his mother Tana. Making himself comfortable (and somehow making it all the way here without a tiny follower) he called out for one of the newest wolves in the pack and the man very likely to marry his eldest daughter.



6 Years
Extra large
12-08-2020, 07:18 AM
So much had happened so quickly. Sparhawk was now a member of Abaven, a pack that meant so much to the woman that he loved. He had enjoyed seeing the look of utter surprise on her lovely features as Theory had announced him. Sneaking around behind her back with her sister had all been worth it. Now they would be together. He would be able to commit himself to her and to those that she loved. Sparhawk would protect all that Poem held dear and, in time, he had no doubt that he would hold all of it dear as well.

There was one matter of business though that the redwood man needed to attend to. He was a bit old fashioned. It was customary for a bachelor to present his intended's father with a gift and ask their permission to marry. Sparhawk had thought long and hard about the gift that he would bestow upon Rhyme. After much trouble and toil, he had finally chosen. The next thing was to find the man. With three large territories to cover, it wasn't easy. In the end, Rhyme was the one that called for him.

Having taken the package in his jaws, Sparhawk moved off at a lope in the direction of the howl. There was a little flutter in his belly as he thought about what he might say to the father of Poem. Sparhawk was no young man. He had lived quite a bit of his life before finding Poem. He wasn't a simpering, uncivilized little hooligan. He wasn't some fresh lad. He hoped that he and Rhyme could speak man to man rather than one man looking down upon another as lower simply because of their positions.

Big paws led him to the seated form of the older wolf. The corners of Sparhawks ruby eyes crinkled in a smile though his mouth was full. Padding forward, he sat the gift between his own paws for now. "Is an nice coincidence. I was looking for you too." Now he pushed the gift forward. The soft fur was thick and warm. Its color was a strange whitish gold. It was tied with a twine and there was another item within. "A gift. Custom where I come from." He was trying hard to speak properly and was mindful of the k's that he tacked onto the ends of words. Once Rhyme opened the gift, he would explain the nanulak fur and the jar of honey within.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2020, 08:25 AM
Life was a lot different these days, Rhyme found joy again. His children brought a light to his life and he found it worth living again. His days of darkness and sorrow were behind him, due to many different factors. Without Samara he was sure that he wouldn’t have made it so far. Those thoughts were always a ghost at the back of his mind, but they were easier to live with now. Life continued on, and there was no bigger truth to that than the man that Poem brought home. His daughters were adults now, and they were moving on to the next steps of her life despite his wish they slow down. They were forced to grow up quickly, but even after everything he was glad to see life finding a way.

He wasn’t forced to wait long before the wolf he sought out appeared before him. Sparhawk was thicker than Rhyme, but they both boasted the same impressive height. Rhyme tilted his head curiously as the man padded forward, a package in his jaws as he offered an almost smile in greeting. Rhyme wasn’t quite sure how to feel about him yet, he didn’t know the man but he couldn’t deny Poem’s infatuation.

As he placed the package down Rhyme greeted him in a friendly tone, despite his obvious intentions with Poem he couldn’t find a reason to give him a cold shoulder. However, if he did hurt his daughter, Rhyme would hold back nothing. ”Thank you for coming, Sparhawk.” He spoke as the gift was gently pushed forward. He hadn’t been expecting this, but it seemed like Sparhawk was fully prepared to meet him. ”I wasn’t expecting this,” he told him outloud before revealing the contents within. ”I suppose you’ve guessed why I called on you.” But he had only barely gotten to the punch line first. ”Thank you for the gift,” he added as blue and lavender eyes inspected the fur and the honey wrapped within. ”If you treat Poem half as well as this I don’t think I can offer any objection to continuing your relationship.” Hopefully he could offer Poem a stable relationship that she could rely on for the rest of their lives and she wouldn’t feel the pain of Rhyme’s mistakes.



6 Years
Extra large
12-15-2020, 10:56 AM
Though Sparhawk was no spring pup, Rhyme was almost double his age. He deferred to the man, nodding when given thanks and minding his manners. Not that he didn't always mind his manners anyway, he was just more aware of them in this case. "Let me explain gift," he rumbled good naturedly. "The nanaluk fur is from bear that I kill myself. I turn the fur into sack that I carry from place to place." He smiled again and gave a little shrug. "Now I'm here with Po-em where I will stay, so I give my travel fur to you. The honey is gift to show my skill. I brew and sell mead. I mold clay." He was trying to prove that he wasn't just some lazy wolf. He had a skill set and he was a hard worker.

Rhyme spoke again and Sparhawk grinned. "I was searching for you too. I wanted to..." He broke off for a moment, searching for the right words in Rhyme's tongue. "Wanted to getting your blessing." That wasn't right, but it was close enough. "I want to ask Po-em to marry. I want to keep her safe and love her always." Dark ears flicked forward as he fixed the older man with his intense ruby stare. "I wanted to ask you first." He continued to stare at Rhyme hopefully.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-16-2020, 04:45 PM
Sparhawk seemed respectable at the very least. Minding his pleases and thank yous as they talked. Rhyme wasn’t great at telling ages, especially the older he got, but Sparhawk was a bit older than Poem. He knew his daughter was more mature than most, and he would be blind to say he didn’t see the emotions there. Everyone had. Sparhawk already managed to warm most of the hearts in Abaven just by his introduction. He was quickly winning over Rhyme.

Dark silver flecked ears perked forward as Sparhawk explained further the gift. Rhyme was touched, and even more couldn’t say no to the request. He’d pull his weight and he’d do his best to bring Poem happiness. There wasn’t much else Rhyme wished for. He tried not to be surprised at the speed in which Sparhawk was going, but like Rhyme he was older. His time waiting for the right moment were over. The present was the right moment.

”You have my blessing and you never needed my permission. Its plain as day you’ll devote your life to her. That’s all I ever wanted her to find.” No repeat mistakes.



6 Years
Extra large
12-21-2020, 05:33 PM
The blessing was given and Sparhawk couldn't help the lopsided grin that crossed his features. Rhyme was a decent wolf. The situation was a little awkward, but in time he imagined that they could be on friendly terms. The big man nodded. "Today I prepare and tonight I ask Po-em to be with me." His grin widened, teeth flashing for a moment. "I hope yes is her answer."

It wasn't lost on Sparhawk that the man was essentially giving his daughter away to become a woman. A married woman. "Poem is strong. Capable of takink care of her own self, but I will take care of her too. This, I promise you." As he spoke Sparhawk found his paws. There was so very much to do. He had to collect clay, collect enough wood for a fire. Collect special items. Craft everything. Find the perfect spot. So, so much to do.

"Thank you, Rhyme," the redwood man dipped his head. "I have much to do. Much to prepare." By this time tomorrow, he hoped that he and the woman in question would be engaged to be married. If she said no... well he would deal with that then. But for now, there was a pep in his step as the striped man took his leave of his loved one's father.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem