
Indomitable Spirit


06-09-2014, 02:58 AM
OOC//kasai is inexperienced, so this would possibly be a spar either soft or rough to toughen her up as well as teach her.

The girl was full grown now, since leaving Glaciem some time ago to wander on her own, she had found nothing. She sought now, to better herself somewhere, anywhere, to find someone perhaps who would help her bring out her full potential. Though she had lost her tail and part of her right ear in the Earthquake, she still contained the fiery spirit she was born with. Although she felt alone at times, and often missing her mother and her siblings, she felt like she could not return to Glaciem for she feared being seen as a traitor. At one point, she might return...for she missed her siblings most. Her sisters and her brother were a great part of her life, and she would perhaps take the chance to seek them out in the future, but not before she attained the strength she so desired beforehand. She would not falter in her ambitions, and so she would find out what she could today. Head would tilt back in a howl of summons. Who would appear to find a "defenseless" young kid to mess around with? One? Or several? It would be most interesting to see a battle ensue over who would get to try their hand at her, but even then she would only choose to spar the one who would prove to her that they were worthy of her time. The one who would prove that they could get her where she wanted to be, for she would not settle for anything less. She would not fall inferior, no. She wanted to be superior, and she would make it clear.



06-10-2014, 11:59 AM

?? ? Awaken shook his head off. What was he even doing here? Just a week ago he'd been hit in the head, had a concussion and God knows what else. He paws hit the dirt firmly, with a tinge of anger to his pace. Er, well, less anger than irritation. He'd worked so hard to remember, but once again, he was forced to forget.?
? ?His ears perked to a howl of summons. He battled with himself, wether to take it or not. He hadn't fought (or hadn't remembered fighting) in so long. That, and he wasnt as young a he used to be. Running on 6 is was starting to show his age abit. However, he remembered Gargoyle was damn near 7 and was going strong. He kept his head low hand headed to the source of the howl.

"You call for a spar?"

He inquired, his body language remaining neutral, but his green eyes bored into her. The outcome of this, was a total mystery to Awaken.?

//ooc:four rounds sound good?
Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


06-16-2014, 03:04 AM

The babe's head would turn at the sound of a voice. Ghostly white eyes would stare at the creature, much older then herself. Her optics would feign blindness, but she was very much intact with her sight. The now tail-less girl would turn her body to face the older male, stance tall as her remaining intact ear swiveled towards him. The half of her other one, remained as erect as it could stand. She was no more then a year old, and already her appearance was scarred and frayed from the earthquake that had ravaged the lands not too long ago. The fire colored girl would raise a brow at the males question, her tongue working before her mind. "What else would it be for old man?" She was much too fiery for her own good, her tongue often moving faster then her thoughts which often, would get her into trouble. She was both excited and afraid to fight, for she had no experience, and was afraid that due to the lack of her once beautiful and full tail, she wouldn't do so well.

But it was her passionate spirit and determination that would drive her forth, to be brave and fearless. She had been somewhat broken before, her confidence shattered when the loss of her tail and other injuries happened; all without her mother to be there for her. But now, she wanted to regain the confidence, and hopefully she would learn today what she could do. It would be a long road to travel, but she was ready(or so she hoped), to walk the path. She would stare at the stranger, wondering if she should introduce herself. Wondering even, how to proceed. Would he attack first? Or should she? Her knowledge on the matter was completely absent. But she would learn. "Um...My name is Kasai Armada, who are you?"


Nuthin But A Reject by The Dead Rabbitts on Grooveshark