
A Mistake That You Can't Undo

Seasonal Prompt



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
12-10-2020, 04:18 PM

Somehow coming outside Fireside had felt harsh. She was more than eager and ready to get out of the pit prison and though she wasn't expecting to be let free she wouldn't take the chance at Tyrian changing his mind in letting her go. She'd hit the horizon swiftly without a thought to look back because maybe she felt like if she did, she would want to wander back and confront Jupiter again. Not that the thought was at the forefront of her mind but it was hidden deep in the feelings she tried to ignore. Anything other than survive was all she knew until recently. Do what she wanted, and what she had to do to make it the next day.

But it was weird to think she was on her own again. Sure Fireside hadn't treated her kindly in the pit prison, maybe just enough to let her live but she was out again looking for the next way to get a meal or the next make shift den to call it a night. It was so natural for her before she found herself in the pit to just scurry around like a lost hobo and it was weird that it seemed like it wasn't the right thing to do anymore. She felt uneasy, maybe a small part of her craved the comfort of a pack or a group even though she had spent the last few years fending for herself without seeing a fault in her solitude. She was struggling greatly with her new emotions of fear of rejection and self consciousness. And no matter how much she tried to shove them through her body and out the other end, they still lingered and boiled beneath.

As evening dropped she knew the northern lands at least of this area pretty well as she had resided in them for a long while after her escape of Ruina. She was never good at actually making herself a den and instead would curl up in some brush or an old, worn den. Tonight as she found herself in the Col, she would search for a cave to find the comfort she secretly craved. Maybe she liked the caves because of her first original home of Waterfall Peak, not that she would chose to realize it. But if there was ever a happy time in her life it was when her family was all cozied up together in Tyranis' den. Even if she was still a giant butt with her attitude towards her parents, brother, and pack mates.

She peaked into a tall deep cave without really stopping for a thought. Her body was still cautious though her mind was care free as she tiptoed inside with a twitched nose. She'd crawl to the back as it was barren of any life at least to her acknowledgment. The daylight faded outside the mouth of the cave in the short distance as she started to get comfortable. She was just thinking she probably had some time to get a meal before she found the cave for the night, but it was a little too late now. She still felt like she had the whole night to just lay here and stare at the wall. Nothing new.

As the hours passed, she laid against the cold stone surface of the cave floor and walls, her chin laid on her paws though she wasn't asleep. Her ears flicked to the sound of a low grumbling. At first she wouldn't stir in her resting state, but as the rumbling went on, her eyes would lazily pull open one at a time. She wouldn't notice that the small amount of light from the moon in the mouth of the den was obstructed. She would almost go to close her eyes back and try to fall into her slumber. But just as her lids squinted into the whole darkness, she spotted the shadow that moved from just inside the mouth of the den.

Her neck rose but all not quick enough as the beast swung it's giant paw to whack her across the floor. Her skin felt soft and fragile as it went across the floor of the cave, blood forming in the scrapes from the jolted surface. She yelped before she could find her footing, rising into a growl as she faced her competitor. Her hackles raised as she searched through the lime light to make out the beast, but all she would find was another swoop towards her. This time she lunged forward, her jaw gaped to grab hold of anything she could to take on the beast. She'd meet the flesh with a taste of blood but the monster was too big and strong for her to take down herself. She wasn't one to give up and she held on to the fur the best she could. She was thrashed and swung around until she was forced to lose her grip. Her body would fly across the medium sized cave, her shoulder hitting the wall aggressively. She struggled to find herself off the floor as her brain seemed to rattle around inside. Still, she somehow mustered the strength to pick herself up and scurry outside while the beast was on the prowl for her body on the floor. Even if she felt like she was blind on the way out from the damage and thrashing.

The bear would come thumping to the outside of the cave with a raging roar. But luckily it wasn't out for the kill as she ran out of view and went tumbling down the slope into the forest below. Adrenaline would push through as she reached the bottom in a whole ball of Viper, in a hurry to rise to all fours and keep moving forward into the forest. She wouldn't feel the bruises and scrapes and scratches again until she settled. But would she even find a new den for the night? It seemed her bad luck would continue to pour down on her.

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