


06-08-2014, 07:45 PM
no one understands how much I hate starters -_-
Scuffed and raw paw-pads displayed the ramifications of her ceaseless journey in pursuit of her misguided brother; and yet, no longer was their delayed reunion the sole desire left to plague her. The Elysius tyrant had always possessed certain ambitions--had always craved for more than what she had already obtained, and age only inspired her to achieve that of which she had been denied. The covetous deity sought power above all else--an iron throne and golden embellishments to proudly adorn for all to admire and bend the knee to, yet she understood that she would never fully grasp satisfaction until she could share her potential wealth and limelight of success with the scattered few of her bloodline. Cerberus and Nephele ( her hellion and her dove ) had found their rightful places secured beneath her protective wing, though the whereabouts of the remainder of her siblings ( to which she remained a devoted hound to even in their absence ) were unknown to the former queen. Thus, she had resolved to relentlessly scavenge--and yet, even she ( the eager wraith ) had begun to believe her efforts were futile. Her brother's whore had promised that Ares had taken to the southern region in pursuit of temporary solitude ( although it was but a deceitful tactic on Devya's part ), but still the paladin could find no trace of the recreant. Once or twice had his perceived demise crossed her mind, yet they were quickly vanquished by faith in her family's fortitude; her siblings would not perish so easily--they couldn't.

That fraction of hope that she could sway her wayward brother into returning to his family's side was what gave reason to the phantom in continuing her haunt of the south; yet she had no intention of returning to her former stomping grounds after having been swarmed by negligent pretenders. No--she was but a lonely leaf, subject to travel wherever the wind blew her in hopes that fate might have her cross paths with her lost sibling at last.

Ares 1


06-09-2014, 09:56 PM

Large paws would carry him from Devya's side, though he was loathe to do so his curiosity would overwhelm him. Artemis was searching for him. In the South, mostly because of what Devya had told her. Of course he could have been there for all his mate had known. Lips would turn up slightly, leading his sister on some wild goose chase. As curiosity pulled him the hunting trip he was taking would turn into quite the journey. As long as he came back with something he had to assume Devya wouldn't notice his absence as much.
He was ready to turn back, he'd crossed the battlefield and the sun was beginning its descent into night. Vivid purple eyes would come to rest on a white form. Tilting his features curiously the slightest whiff of her tainted aroma would fill his senses. He would inhale deeply, unsure of his next actions. She was a bit of a ways off, but with little effort he would call out to her, a deep howl would bellow over the grasses to her.

I can talk!


06-13-2014, 05:41 PM
The wraith is oblivious to his looming presence as she traipses aimlessly through the thick vegetation that swarms the field, muzzle barely sweeping above the grasses as her nostrils fruitlessly attempt to pinpoint her brother?s tainted scent. The effort is futile; however, her ears are more inclined to detect any trace of her wayward kin as he unleashes a beckon for her that is long overdue ( in her biased eyes, anyway ), ensnaring her attention immediately as the phantom deity registers its familiarity. Skull ascends to its full apex as her cryptic gaze ravages her surroundings for his pallid form, trepidation flaring within her broadened chest as her pupils lock upon his behemoth physique. Relief washes over the queen of carnage as she scrutinizes her littermate from afar only to find that he is unscathed--and yet, this only fuels the paladin with further curiosity; why had he fled from the proximities of his own whore? Unwilling to wallow in unanswered questions any longer, the Elysius tyrant pushes onward, destination clear.

She holds no authority--retains no crown and occupies no throne--and yet, her adopted poise emanates sheer confidence, chin held high and breast inflated with self-imposed pride; though her immaculate stance is entirely effortless. Although intense emotion swarms beneath pallid flesh as her mismatched gaze remains stagnant upon her brother?s form, the porcelain folds of her scarred countenance retain little expression--she has been hardened by her past encounters with her brother and knows not what to expect. As she approaches him, her velveteen nostrils flare as she indulges in his familiar scent, contempt minutely prickling beneath her skin as she takes immediate notice of Devya?s repulsive stench that has been intertwined within his own; so he had reunited with the whore prior to this meeting? A frown threatens to tug at her frayed lips and yet she surpasses it in favor of maintaining an indifferent facade, robust limbs refusing to propel her any further once she had breached a close enough proximity to her sibling. ?Ares?? the paladin murmurs, uncertainty shrouding her thoughts as she contemplates the impending conversation. ?Ares, I?? she tries again, and yet, no matter how many times she had pictured this reunion in her head, she is lost for words.

Ares 1


06-17-2014, 02:03 PM

His vibrant gaze would keep its purchase upon her as her pale form took notice of his position. She would glide over the distance, her power evident in her pristine form. She held herself with the usual confidence simply dripping from her frame. He still was unsure what to expect from such a meeting, he'd not held conference with his littermate in so long. Truth be told he'd almost avoided her in reaction to past meetings. He wondered still if she might hate him for his heinous acts against their mother.
Still he would stand confident, he had lost his ability to care. He only wished for the safety of his offspring, he would not regret any action taken against him. At her approach he would lift his features, eyes bearing into her soul. She seemed sure of herself until lyrics poured from her maw. Artemis would utter his name, becoming lost as she would finally face him yet again. "Artemis." Her name was a greeting, still he felt as though he could be treading upon eggshells. He was undecided if he should speak to her of the ripening of the fruit of his loins. How would she react to such news? Did she even have a right to know? "I'd heard you've been looking for me." Despite her removing his name from their family line their blood would be passed into his children. "there's also something you should know. Devya is carrying my children."

Talk like this


06-18-2014, 10:45 PM
He is as breathtaking as he had been in his youth; the potential he harbors is engraved into the porcelain folds of his countenance and robust musculature, and yet, he wastes it away on a desperate plea for the affection he had been denied by their mother. The wraith wants to pity him--she wants to fall subject to his brotherly embrace once more, however, she knows that she cannot. She cannot admire him as she admires the remainder of their family--not when she looks upon his stony features and can only view blood that is not truly there, the blood of their mother that will forever stain his jaws no matter how many times he attempts to cleanse himself of it. He could detach himself from Devya?s covetous grasp and slide into her own, he could attempt to mend the familial bonds that had been frayed as a result of their mother?s untimely departure, and he could spit upon their father?s grave alongside her, but the Elysius deity knows that she will never find the strength within her to forgive him of the heinous crime he had so impulsively committed. And while she cannot entirely forgive him, she cannot loathe his existence any longer; he is her brother, if not in name, than in blood, and she cannot pry this birthright away from him too.

The tone he adopts whilst sharing her presence is not one of reverence, but one of total indifference, and the phantom cannot help but succumb to the displeasure this insinuates within her. A hollow manifests within her chest cavity as he speaks her name with an obvious lack of warmth, and although she is saddened by the poor state of their relationship, her visage retains its vacancy as her mismatched gaze searches his own lavender for a gateway to his intentions. He does not enlighten her with emotion, but informs her that his whore had actually adhered to her demand and had passed the news of her unwelcomed visit onto his ears, unlike that of which the phantom had expected. Brows knit together in contemplation over the sable woman, uncertainty clouding her diseased mind as she ponders why Devya felt an inclination to obey her, and her ravenous jaws fall slack with the promise of incredulous speech. However, her brother?s speech nullifies her own, and triangular ears careen in his direction as he indicates his desire to share paramount news with her, piquing her interest immediately.

As his speech pollutes the tense air surrounding them, the wraith only wishes she had not granted him the opportunity to vocalize; his news is utterly dreadful and causes her stomach to tighten uncomfortably within her abdomen. Silence encumbers the paladin as thoughts run rampant through her twisted mind, mismatched silver and violet gaze narrowing in vexation as she frantically attempts to digest his revolting announcement--he was going to be a father. This fact, however, hardly fazes the Elysius tyrant in the slightest; but it is with whom he will father children that truly perplexes her. Her negative standing with the whore is hardly a secret--they are the best of enemies--and it repulses the wraith to know that the sable brat?s blood shall taint the supreme Elysius genetics of her potential nieces and nephews. Vaguely, she wonders if Ares had intended to procreate with the subservient girl, and cannot help but allow an imperative question to erupt from her jaws. ?Do you? want them?? she questions slowly, suggestively; if Ares does not want the whelps developing within Devya?s soiled womb, the paladin will have no choice but to terminate them before they enter this world--not that it would be a complicated endeavor to execute. If the Elysius family were to expand, the wraith was determined to see the next generation as an improvement rather than a downgrade, and Devya?s genetics certainly did not fit Artemis? criteria.

Ares 1


06-21-2014, 09:16 PM

He'd never been any good at predicting his sister. He was almost hesitant to share the news, wondering how she would take it. Would she react violently? He could hardly deny the horrid relationship she shared with his mate and addiction, Devya. How could she possibly feel about their blood mixing? She would spill forth her first thought, bringing a scowl to his features. ?Do you? want them?? She would draw out her words, and he couldn't be more horrified. "No, I most certainly want them." emotion would be found in his voice, it was determined and almost prideful. If he could ask her to do anything for him right now, it was that she not harm his offspring. "I'm sorry I started off so strong, why... Why were you looking for me?" He had to doubt that she just wanted family bonding time, and she did not summon him at the battlefield this occurrence. What did she have to talk to him about? His haunches would coil beneath his sturdy frame, finding it almost odd how he could get so comfortable around her still.

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07-05-2014, 01:11 PM
wow, super delayed response -- sorry! i still want to continue this though ~
And in destructive thoughts she wallows, enticed by the prospect of traumatizing her adversary and yet her brother is none too keen on sharing her malevolent desires, the scorn he harbors thick upon his lashing tongue as he denies her the opportunity to obliterate. Abhorrence floods her interior as the Elysius tyrant contemplates the tainted life festering within Devya?s womb, though her brother?s resolve is enough to quell her MURDEROUS intent-----however minimally that is. Triangular ears sew against the contours of her sloped crown in discontent though the phantom refrains from persisting upon the matter any further, breast inflating with a melodramatic sigh as she reclines upon her haunches and tentatively puts to rest the lingering thoughts of her potential nieces and nephews. The apology that pours from her sibling?s jaws is enough to ensnare her attention and intrigue her accordingly, mismatched amethyst and metallic gaze searching for his own lavender as she abruptly diverges into poignant memories, frayed lips contorting into a firm expression of practiced indifference. She remembers the reason why she had pursued her wayward sibling -- she knows that this conversation will not be an easy one to have and that her words might infuriate; but her mission is of utmost importance to one who thrives upon familial bonds like herself.

?I want--? she begins hesitantly, trepidation writhing through her interior quite uncharacteristically for one who is typically swarming with justified confidence like she. ?--to know.? Her words are firm -- demanding as her pupils loiter fixatedly upon his own. ?I? don?t want to hate you anymore, Ares,? she confesses, sincerity pooling within her mismatched gaze although the emotion is entirely absent from her marred countenance. She is uncertain as to whether or not her brother feels similarly to her, whether he feels some sort of inclination to her like she has always felt for him -- whether he loathes her for reasons that remain undiscovered to her. ?But I have to know why.? And the intensified emotion seeps into her broken speech though she is unwavering from her stoic composure, breath bated now as she looks upon her kin. ?Why I wasn?t worth sticking around for. Because when you left, you didn?t just leave your mother -- you left your sister. You left me.? She does not crave his pity -- she does not need it; she simply craves the knowledge as to why she was unworthy of his time, why he abandoned her side in favor of an outsider?s who had always been deemed innocent in comparison to the pallid tyrant. And while she had physically scathed the sable brat it was an unwavering belief of hers that Devya was equally to blame for the Elysius siblings? falling out, and entirely to blame for Ares departure. ?And I want -- need to know why, Ares. Tell me. Please.?

Ares 1


07-14-2014, 07:25 PM

He had not often, if at all, seen his sister stumble over her words, the perfect tyrant she was. These words would however bring surprise even as she stuttered them, questions of why. He thought it had been obvious at first, their mother had failed them and he had found that he craved the company of those that were so different from his siblings and mother. Seraphim had offered him something so completely bizarre to the Morphine raised boy that he had become ensnared like a drug. He had never hated his sister, only hated that she and Devya were enemies. That the two women that meant most to him wanted to rip the life from the other.
He would stand before her silently for a moment, just watching her and digesting the burning questions that had left her throat. He didn't and wouldn't feel bad about his decisions, those actions were in the past and nothing they did now could change that. Maybe there was hope for a future though. I left to find our father. I needed to have another view, another way to look at life. His vocals had softened now, as had his features as violet gaze w=would rest upon her. Turns out it suited me better than I would have ever expected. He was so different now. The urge to rule the world had all but been snuffed out, all he would desire now was giving Devya and their unborn children a good life. He didn't have to have a crown for that. Do you really wish to relinquish your hate? He could not forget that he had slain their mother over their father's dying body. How could any of his siblings forget that? All hope of joining the Elysius family again had all but been abandoned.

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