
Ignis Mystery Litter! [CLOSED]


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-22-2020, 12:57 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 08:13 PM by Ignis. Edited 1 time in total.)

Yep. Ignis is about to be a dad! Well, sort of. He found a litter of pups on Ardens Glácies, the volcanic island that practically lies on Winterfell's coast. He doesn't know why they were left there, or who they belong to, so just in case, he watched them for a day to see if their mother would come back. She didn't of course, so they were assumed abandoned. Despite his own internal hardships, he refused to leave them to die. So, with the help of his companions, he's bringing them home with him to raise them as his own. Or maybe he got shit faced drunk and did a thing with a stranger once upon a time and that was all a dream. Idk. For magic mystery purposes, the litter is biologically his.

Now, I have plenty of ideas for juicy plots with Ignis. Since his obsession with Corvus has caused him to change, it's likely he'd raise the pups differently compared to how his uncle raised him. He'll more than likely raise these pups to be strong, loyal, and devoted to his name, meaning no weaklings among them. (Don't worry, he'll still love them in his own way). Now, I won't be opposed to the idea of a softer pup provided it's a really good app/plot, etc. And Ignis wouldn't kill or cull the undesirable(s), but he would be inclined to be harder on that sort because he wouldn't want them to go through the emotional turmoil that he did or whatever. That being said, he's starting to make his own spin on the religion that his ancestors followed (details to come!) So these kids are expected to learn and follow that as well. Also, (spoiler alert!), should he decide to become a leader, then his kids would get priority when it comes to grabbing the heir rank. Now, that won't be an easy feat. Only the strongest of his children (related or adopted) will have a chance at getting that coveted rank. And to do that, they may have to compete against each other and prove they're capable of taking it and defending it.

Adoption Details

- I'd prefer if names are related to fire, Latin, or possibly demon themed. Ignis is Latin for fire, so there's plenty of choices!
- Designs provided by me are to remain with the character, as well as any art and purchases in the event they are reclaimed. These designs are to be used exclusively on Ardent! You are welcome to provide your own design, and of course, any design you provide yourself goes back to you should these pups be reclaimed.
- I would very much like to see these guys active! Whether that be in or out of the pack. If you feel like you have nothing to do with them, I am more than happy to provide threads/plots. If the adopt is not posted for two ooc months OR if they are set inactive, I reserve the right to reclaim with or without warning.
- Alignments can range from just about anything. Ignis himself is a Chaotic Neutral, though the Praetor family has kinda been all over the alignment spectrum.
- Regarding purchases & discounts; I will purchase extra pup passes for this litter so don't worry about that. These designs, will, however, require odd colored markings/abnormal color passes (or alternatively, open character passes). I will check with the other staff to see if there are any discounts for this litter. I can also possibly help with purchases if need be.
- Since this is a mystery litter, any size and any mutation are welcome!
*NEW* - forgot to add, Ignis has dissociative personality disorder! He has his regular personality and his alter ego who goes by the name Blödhgarm. Mental disorders do run in his family line such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, etc. His family history has shown some pretty heavy violence due to the fact it was long believed that demons inhabited their bodies. Ignis' father Elias had schizophrenia & dissociative identity disorder as well. His uncle Acere overcame his "demons" though on rare occasions may still have an outburst but mostly suffers with PTSD. Ignis' older brother Cloudburst also suffers from schizophrenia. Other family members suffer from various things as well, and a full family tree can be found on Acere's profile if you'd like to take a look!


I am personally using this lovely design! made by Resin! And I am open for the idea of twins as well!

(made by Fox)

(made by Resin)

(made by Resin) Claimed by Cloudy!

(made by Resin)


<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b> -- Praetor
<b>Appearance:</b> (Include potential height & build; site minimum is fine)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum is fine)
<b>Brief RP Sample:</b>
<b>Anything else?:</b> (ideas, maybe plots, goals, etc.)
Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



5 Years
12-22-2020, 01:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2020, 05:30 PM by Iza.)

OOC Name: Naddel98
Character Name: Eimyria Praetor ( Possible Nickname: Emy (hates that one), Ember)
[Image: Ignispup1.png]
Appearance: large (36 inches), light, female
Eimyria would be considered a large wolf by any other standards if it weren't for her father and one or two siblings. Despite not being the largest of the litter, she knows how to handle herself around her rougher siblings and the rigorous training of her father. As she grows her body will become more streamlined and lithe, built for running and hunting more than brute strength. Long graceful legs carry an ample body, her face is rather fox-like, the fur long and thick keeping her warm during the cold winter
Her fur reminds of a wildfire,  her paws and the fur under her eyes are the color of ash, while  Eimyrias base color is that of burnt wood.  Her back, forehead and upper tail are clad in fiery oranges and reds. Burnt Amber's fly across her shoulders,  back and tights. Her eyes are of a cold turquoise color fitting her enticing but cold Personality.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Personality: overachiever, graceful, sensual (when older), envious ( of the heir of if she feels as if ignis favours anybody)
As a mere babe Eimyria craves knowledge,  as soon as she can crawl she will try to explore the world and the more she could take in about her surroundings the more needed to know.  Her at first playful side will later turn into a twisted game, with time she will learn to play her peers like a fiddle make them dance for her until she discards them. her graceful looks and way of moving helping her a lot.  The only one she is really loyal to is her father,  she would do anything for him and tries to please him whenever possible.  
To everyone else Eimyria will be a mystery,  she will use them to her advantage, even her own siblings won't be an exception.  there may be one or two who she will feel closer to, but if they ever become Ignis favorite, Eimyria will soon become envious of them.
As Eimyria grows older she will notice that she can sometimes see a dark shadowy shape, wich she soon will call mother. A manifestation of her brief psychotic disorder. She will belief that the reason only she can see the shade is that she is destined for greatness.
Brief RP Sample:  

Eimyria jawned as she woke up from her slumber, the cold body of the guard next to her. A self satisfied grin showed on her face, it took long enough for the bafoon to fall for her charm and yesterday she finally git the chance to kill him. Over was the time where she had to play the role of the sweet loner girl that feel in love with the ruggish warrior. pah, what bullshit as if she could ever love someone as boring as this guy.
Out of the corner of her eyes she could make out the well known shadow. " I know mother,  work is calling. " shaking the loose bedding out of her fur, the red and black female gathered everything she knew before taking the knife out of the dead males neck. ' well, time to do fathers bidding. ' she thought as she walked to the gates of the camp. It was midnight so most of the pack was sleeping and with the on duty guard being out cold. She giggled at her own joke,  the pack was practically unprotected. The only thing she had to do now was to call her troop and let the mayhem start. Finally she could show father thst she was worthy of his name.
Anything else?: future Praedator (rank with same meaning) or Praefactor, brief psychotic disorder
will maybe have one or two pleasure slaves, if that fits into the pack

[Image: izanew1.png]



3 Years
12-22-2020, 08:01 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2020, 08:39 AM by Jane.)
OOC Name: CloudyNight
Character Name: -- Vulcan , Pyro Praetor
[Image: Ignis3.png]
42inches(Ill need help purchasing this) .
Vulcan would grow to become a giant in coparission to others of his species with 42inches tall and a weight or 190lb he will stand out on a crowd. But not only with his size he would have the chance to stand different. His coat would show two colours. It being divided by the dark and light. From his head down to the middle of his body he will be painted in a very dark red almost black. And the other half to his back legs and upper tail will be a lighter shade of red. In his face a bright red marking can be spotted, only found on his right side of the face. His eyes will be melted steal as they will be silver like little moons that against his red coat they would stand well.

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Vulcan will show a undaying devotion to his name and line, as he grows he would show an outstanding interest in learning and adopting the costumes his family had gotten through the years. As such, he would seek his father to get from him the knowledge and training he would need for one day becoming the best representative of the Preator bloodline. He will work beyond tiredness to become what his father wished for him to be. Strong and capable of standing for himself, he won't allow others to step over him or depend enteraly on others for his own well being,

He will despise any weakness not only out but also within his family. He only wants his family to strive and become the best Boreas had ever seen. He though will love his family and will give his life for them.

Becoming a workaholic to their cause he wont find as much time to build strong relationships with others. Not like he would deny any chance for friendships but he would certainly forget relationships does exists. And sometimes he would even put his training above his own well being and above any bonds he would ever construct.

He wont be incecesarily violent or prompt to rage outburst but if his family is on the line or if there is no way of a better path he would be as cruel as he could be, ready to destroy anyone who dares to put a paw on his loved ones and on his cause.

He will fight for what he wants, he wont wait for others to do it for him. He wants to work for his goals, he would rather win his ranks than them being handled to him.

Brief RP Sample:
Vulcan sat there in his den, watching the outside world in silence, in silence as he was thinking about what he would do today. An obvious answer would be of course training and doing what he must to get himself better each day. He always wanted to follow into his father’s paw steps, he always wanted to be the best Praetor he could be and no one would knock him off the path he had chosen, from the destiny he was aiming for.

As the evening went, the sun slowly died within the horizons as the young wolf stared at it. Another day had ended, a new night was coming. This was life’s endless circle, of waking up and of sleeping down. And the pup only wished to rise, to grow and be the world’s next rock star, the next hero of his own story, of his own existence and he trusted his family to help him reach it. They were his everything and he wanted that what could be his could also be theirs, be Praetor.

Anything else?: Ill get him Hunting and Fighting, I want him to be taught by his father and reach any high ranks either be on Winterfell or in any Ignis Future plans.

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
12-26-2020, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2020, 06:53 PM by Dragon Mod.)
Since Ignis is stealing Winterfell from his cousin, these kids will be raised in his new pack and have priority to be heirs! Again, lots of plot potential with this!

Also, I'm willing to help with purchases (height/color/mutations, etc) and whatnot for these kids. Feel free to dm me with what you want for them so we can try to work something out <3 Just keep in mind should they be reclaimed then all their purchases and stuff go with the character in the event they are taken back and readopted out k thnx!

- One more thing (because i suck and keep forgetting shit) 25% off height purchases up to 42" as well as 25% off RED colors from Ignis!



1 Year
12-26-2020, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2020, 12:49 AM by Astraea.)
OOC Name: Kyu
Character Name: ‘Calida’ or ‘Pyrosvestíras’ Praetor
Design:[Image: imageedit_21_6686602697.png]
⊰-23’, Small, Light build, Female, Bi? -⊱
will rewrite with length later on
Being born to a large wolf the young pup was indeed surprised when she had not grown to a medium or even to his exemplementry size. The young girl stood at a measly height of 23in, something that shook her to the core with her own anger. Though in thought her height would allow her to be swifter than the rest, overpowering would be quite the test. With size tossed aside she would claim to be a fetching thing, one of unnatural beauty for her coat was kissed by fire’s. Oh yes bright hues of red graced her in dominance before bleeding off into a more scarlet base, but the scarlet was not alone as black would soon claim it’s place. An even balance had been achieved in the end. Though something would stick out among the blazing colors of her fur, for a set of eyes graced by the moon would ensnare all that would dare to look into them.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Evil

⊰-Brazen | Feisty | Flirtatious | Sadistic | Schizophrenia -⊱

Calida in nature was a brazen female, boldness embodied her in more ways than one. With the way she would walk she stood tall looking down upon others while voicing her thought’s shamelessly to all that would be around. Truly caring not for who would be hurt by the words she would say. For what wolf of power would crumble by such useless syllables? None that would earn the respect of the small girl, which would only allow her feisty nature to come into place. Though those would not describe her alone for a flutter of her lashes her mood could change, when a handsome brute or darling fae would walk her way. A flirtatious nature would come about offering words of silk to attempt to wrap them around her paw. Alas if they would fail? Then her hidden sadist would come out to play. Malicious in nature, with tortuous ways of which she would not say of their origin would be shown. A dementied smile would appear as she could swear demons were near pointing her way.

Brief RP Sample: The morning rays of fire birthing light felt ever so nice upon a young pups back as she lingered in its reach. Oh how she loved the warming rays upon her danity frame for it truly made her feel alive, if she lingered too long she could pass out from heat exhaustion or move too quickly something would stumble in her path trying to find shelter in the shade. Oh how they could tumble with a simple mistake, their paws working overboard to keep their meaningless lives. The thought allowed a bit of laughter to fall through parted lips as she had finally decided to move for the sight of a hare fleeing the scene caught her silver touched eyes.

Oh how a meal could appear and cause her hunger pain stomach to give a growl of unease as it attempted to turn without a feast inside. But deep inside she knew the demons that would flash into her gaze would wish for an offering of sort’s, maybe something like that of the hare’s own life force to kiss the ground marring it a sickenly sweet scarlet red scented thickly with iron. Oh the thought alone made her stomach give a renewed growl of hunger as she started a trotting gate, in hopes of catching the hare unseen.

A fair chance at the game of chase for she was smaller if not the smallest of her fathers litter, her speed could possibly go unmatched if she issued a challenge of a race. But that was the last thing on her mind as the hare had finally taken notice of her increasing pace. It had given a squealing set of screams to alarm all others of it’s kind that could be near. oh tasty little rabbit you think you can save them all~’ was the morsel of the thought before she moved to strike, her mouth opened as far as it could as she went in for a killing blow. With a quick turn she gave her final push before pinning the squealing hare into the dirt stricken ground, its feet moving to push away to tear from her grasp.

Alas it was all for not as with a swift twist of her head the hare’s neck gave a sickening snap that had the young girl puring as she felt the first licks of iron trickling against her mouth. Oh she was simply pleased with her small bit of a quest so much so that she thought of her father, would he be proud of what she had done? There was no shame in bringing him the hare if just to boast before fleeing with it hanging from her mouth as she let silent laughs fill her head. Yes that was her plan for now at least. ’Now to find father~’ she thought to herself before taking off to find the male who was working on raising her siblings and her.

Anything else?: a few ideas would be over the years of her life she would start to descend into a madness that would twist her mind further into a demented place that no one would wish to go. Though that would not mean that she would come off as a purely mad wolf, she can play to parts a demon gone mad and a sweet little angel who loves to flirt with all the boys and girls.
Plots are always an open book for they can be ever changing!
Goals: I want to see what will happen with her ’I wish for her to have a long twisted life no killing her off, but I do wanna see if I can get her up to a Berserker skill or Beast Master both are very interesting to me!
[Image: dckun0h-1bf58dac-c732-42b1-9b1c-4a64f368...UWk2K_EKD4][Image: dchuz07-24d33635-5486-4308-b39f-27a17d7b...cKewH3iJr0][Image: dckumoi-019122f3-7afa-4f71-b98f-0516e565...scwHNz3r40]

Ruaisar is a morning dove who will be present at all times unless there is a battle.



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
12-26-2020, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2020, 04:01 PM by Magnus.)

Inferno / Pyrros Praetor
twin - 42" - heavy - male - fighting/hunting - chaotic neutral

Much like his father, Inferno towers over others easily and with his thick build, appears even larger than he really is especially from a distance. Built of muscle and strong bones, he is powerful even as a pup and won't know his own strength until he gets much older and learns to restrain himself a bit, when he can anyway. Large paws as a pup are only a warning into how large he'll really get and there will be a time when it may look like he'll grow even taller than his father, but his growth spurts will end as quickly as they began and he'll stop before he gets too large.

A mixture of equal parts crimson and soot, Inferno is an interesting looking wolf. His base is crimson, darkening in places along his paws and tail tip. Soot takes over his underside and reaches over his eyes to the shells of his ears, leaving the inside red but the outside's black. A single band of black wraps around the lowest point of his neck, but three more accompany them on his torso and have a slight curved shape to them. Bright red eyes stand out from the black, even brighter than the crimson, and hardly show any emotion at all.

There isn't a lot different between Inferno and his identical twin, Ifrit, except for maybe the most noticible one. Surely setting him apart, Fern is afflicted with not only schizophrenia, but also a new disorder among the family; tourettes. Oftentimes seeming to talk to himself, he is more likely to be talking back to the single voice he hears inside his head, a violent beast attempting to coax him into doing bad things. He's unfortunate second disorder has him often twitching and shaking his head, his skin crawling across his back, and his lip curling into a snarl.

Inferno isn't exactly the most friendly wolf you'll ever meet, but he's not mean or antisocial either. He's more quiet than anything, stoic at best. He only chooses to speak when he needs to, or when the beast makes him, but otherwise holds his tongue. His thoughts are harsh, always judging others and having ill things to say about them, although he is prone to blurting things out at times and struggles with it while he's younger. As he ages and grows, he'll learn to hold his tongue better and not let what the beast wants to say out, though there are times still even as an adult that he loses the battle. He's more open with his family, especially Ifrit, though still isn't the most talkative of the family by any means.

Brief RP Sample:
The tics were bad today. Worse than yesterday even, which he wasn't sure was possible until now. His siblings had left the den long before him this morning, leaving him alone to deal with his issues on his own. That was fine, really. He wished Ifrit stuck around, though, but he was sure he'd find him off training with their father or something. The others were probably off doing much of the same, to be honest. He didn't want to be left out, he wanted to train with them, but maybe today wasn't a good day for that. He still didn't understand how to control these uncontrollable movements, and training today would only make him angry. He didn't want to get angry. Beast would come out if he got too angry, and that was something he liked to keep inside if it was possible.

He forced himself from the den anyway, his skin crawling and lip curling aggressively. It was hard to think with it all going on, but he felt that Ifrit was with their father, so he set off in search of them. Maybe if he distracted himself with other things, the uncontrollable movements would subside. He could only hope anyway, otherwise today would be another long day like yesterday.

Anything else?: I know i can get the name pyrros since they've been inactive/mia since 2014, but the preferred name is inferno, which tea has had inactive/never posted with since may 2019.
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



1 Year
12-27-2020, 12:31 AM
OOC Name: Arden
Character Name: Kore Praetor
Design: tba
Size: Extra Small
Build: Heavy
Height: 17"
Appearance: tba
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Personality: Controlling, Brutally Honest, Attention Seeker, Ambitious, Practical, Cynical, Punctual, Disciplined, Tolerant, Conceited

More to be added when I can format this correctly
Brief RP Sample:
Anything else?: Kore will create her own little cult of her offspring. this is under construction... i lowkey have an idea that I hope you'll join me on :> She'll be following Ignis' spin off religion, though probably will pick and choose :> Also she'll be having a teenage pregnancy :eyes:



2 Years
12-27-2020, 02:47 AM
OOC Name: NachoMumma
Character Name: Astoreth/Astarte Praetor

Height: 18”, Build: Medium, Mutation: Ram horns

A runt from the start and sporting only half a tail, the rust coated ball of fuzz never really seems to grow into her full potential. At first it will appear as though she has bumped her head as her horns begin to emerge,  eventually growing and curling to sit down along either side of her face by the time she reaches 6 months of age. Her coat is laced with rich russet and red undertones that blaze in the sun, only muted by a few patches of dark guard hairs. Puppy blue eyes will deepen and darken to a rich purple, that almost shine pink in the light of the sun. Her vision is hindered as a result, and the girl thrives on overcast days and under the cover of night, (embracing her namesakes association with the evening star). White splashes her legs and undersides, marking clear spectacled outlines along her cheeks and under her eyes. As if to make up for her diminutive size, she moves with grace and a purposeful stride. After all, a princesses work is never done.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

~Love and War~

dedicated (to self), driven (to further own advancement), vengeful, covetous, hedonistic

Every emotion the girl feels, she feels with all of her being, running hot one minute, and cold the next. Her affection is a fickle thing, fleeting like the moments between twilight and nightfall. Her anger is explosive, though often forgotten once the words have left her mouth at all. One could say she has a chip on her shoulder in regards to her height, but if so it has only driven her to strive in her fighting studies so that she might overcome any future challenges faced. The girl is a hedonist, seeking pleasure and avoiding suffering wherever possible. She takes what she wants, when she wants it, and discards it when it no longer brings her joy. She is not a creature for grand titles or high position, though she may seek the benefits that come with such a role. The girl is unreliable, and places none so high in regard as she does herself.

Brief RP Sample: (18 months - 2yrs)

The Praetor shook her heavy horned head. Sometimes she felt sure she looked utterly ridiculous, a tiny frame supporting such a crown... Then again, maybe her head was made to wear it. She bowed down, vertebrae cracking in her neck and spine satisfactorily as she stretched, indigo eyes squinting against the last rays of the day. Soon it would be dark enough to venture out, but until then, well she might as well clean her den. A leg shot back sharply, connecting with the ribs of... did it matter? Her eyes rolled and she barely glanced long enough to register the colour of the other wolfs coat, never mind if it was a man or a woman... “Leave me.” Her voice brokered no argument, and left no question as to just how much regard she gave to used up toys... An ear didn’t even turn to catch the rustling sound that would indicate the other leaving. With any luck, it was one that knew the routine by now. She was in no mood to train another pet right now.

Her company forgotten, her red head tilted, as if straining to hear something just beyond earshot and a lop-sided smile tugged at the edge of her lips. Yes, her body seemed to scream, while no words at all left her lips. A small tune left her throat in a hum as she stepped out into the cooling night air. Yes.

Anything else?: may develop bipolar/schizophrenia down the track but it won’t become evident until she is at least a year old.
[Image: 9Fr76Pv.png]

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
12-29-2020, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2020, 09:59 PM by Dragon Mod.)
Okay, so because I am way too excited for this, I'm closing this early!

Congratulations to Naddel with Eimyria, Cloudy with Vulcan, Skelle with Inferno/Pyrros, & nachomumma with Astoreth/Astarte!
I will be purchasing any extra pup passes that are needed, and can also help with other purchases so DM me if you need help <3

For those who didn't get selected/still want to try for a pup, don't fret! There is another litter coming soon with Kairi x Ignis (and possibly others) so keep an eye out! Feel free to copy your apps over to that one when I put it up <3