
Mythological Stories


06-08-2014, 04:35 AM

He would travel from the lands beneath the land towards the East. Going nowhere in particular, save for searching for those who left before him. The druid would march on, insistent on his mission and allowing nothing to stop him. It was somewhere around midday, the sun cool as he traversed terrain that was ever changing around him. Winter would set the weather tones cooler then what he was used to, but it did not bother him much unless it froze his paws. Tongue would stick out in disgust at the thought, for who didn't dislike frozen paw pads? He certainly didn't...he would sigh, suddenly missing his beloved sister Myth. He missed the fun they used to have, especially when it came to talking about the same things they frozen, frostbitten paws. Oh how he adored and missed his erratic sister, the pair had always gotten in trouble together, but the memories were completely worth it.

Lost in his thoughts, he would not realize where he had wandered into until the ground beneath his feet would turn ice cold. Shivering, he would stop where he stood to gaze about his surroundings. Another cavern? What were the odds of that...? It seemed he was a magnet for such places nowadays. Except these ones, instead of holding within it, the glowing mushrooms he had encountered in the other one, this one seemed to carry upon its walls the colors of clay along with the smell of dirt. And although the entrance from which he wandered into wasn't as large as the last one, it still accommodated him well enough. He would decide to remain here at the base of the earthen walls, perhaps to sit and rest from his travels. With his back to the outside world, he would sit and listen to the steady echoes of dripping water that seemed to come from deeper within the caves depths..
