
Midnight's late reminder

fall seasonal (solo)



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-28-2020, 09:43 PM
You should see me in a crown;
Watch me make 'em bow, one by one!

Winter was coming. She could feel it in her bones, her life lived in the far northern climes of Nanrua - a continent somewhere north of Boreas - gave her an acute awareness for cold. The winters back home often got so bitter that even the darkest of hearts in Mirovis found one another to huddle with, trying to stay warm in the stone halls of home. Lurid did not often allow herself the time to get homesick, the entire span of her time in Boreas had been divided between Kichi and making herself better for Mirovis. Tonight, while she had the opportunity, she could finally think about what had happened and where she would be going. Alastor had taken Kichi out exploring, Kefka was probably busy with Relm or patrolling, Relm was most likely tagging along with her father, Ilyn was sleeping after gorging himself on elk meat, and she had sent Samael off with word to her remaining pack members that home would be prepared for them soon.

Lurid had found herself alone, for the first time since arriving in the redwood forest, she was alone. It was a strange feeling for one who was used to the buzz of life around them. She had grown up as the pack's cherished heir, surrounded by fawning wolves who both feared and loved her like the goddess she was. It was odd to not be surrounded by others, but there was peace at the moment as well. Unfortunately, it also meant she couldn't hide from herself, there wasn't anything to distract her. The last year had been such a whirlwind, Lurid hadn't even realized that it had come and gone! She found Kichi, Alastor found her and gave her the rundown on current pack affairs, she had foolishly broken her leg in a mystical cave, lost her virginity and she had found others who would follow her.

Motherhood had kept her on her toes, teaching Kichi how to hunt and how to behave was a challenge in and of itself, but there were rewarding moments. He was at the halfway point between becoming a yearling and being a puppy, which was always a challenging time, but he did it gracefully. His recent rash behavior was starting to concern her, though. Running off from Ilyn by itself would be enough to make her cross with him, but the most recent escapade had nearly stolen him from her. He could have died! Of course, as a mother, she should have known better than to leave him with Ilyn, especially at night. So far, the bear had proven he was a one-trick type, and that trick was not babysitting. Lurid made a mental note to find a wolf who would be alright watching children, Relm included. Until she found someone for the role, Lurid would simply have to double down on Kichi to ensure he didn't repeat his most recent mistake. His training would have to begin as well, though she had no doubt Alastor had been helping him with that.

Her thoughts again began to drift toward Mirovis, wondering just how many of her pack members remained. Her siblings would have remained, at least she hoped they did. She wouldn't admit to the pain it caused her to think any of them would leave her, but she had been away for a long while. There was still work to be done, Lurid was feeling the pressure now, her leg had slowed her progress. Mirovis would come to Boreas, there was no stopping it, but there was much to be done to prepare a place for them. The territory was needed, and she had to make up her mind on what she wished to do. If she challenged for a pack she would have to scope out who to challenge, which meant traveling and learning who was who. It was doable, but not in her current condition. While her leg was mostly healed, she was still not in prime condition, however. There were risks to challenging for an established pack, loyalists and revenge were only two that would be present. Lurid was a stranger in these lands, and she had kept herself out of the spotlight thus far, to challenge and keep the pack she would have to know the wolves and they would have to know her. Raising Mirovis from the ground would be less risky, but she could still have her rule tested. There would be those who would challenge her simply to see if she was fit enough to rule. With a pack like hers, Lurid knew the many faces of demonic and wicked entities and knew they were dangerous. The pale queen was mentally prepared for such things, now she only had to put her will into motion. Being down with her leg for the season had given her the drive she needed, idle paws damn near driving her further into madness.

Kefka and his daughter had been helpful in their own way, the pink man had been seen on several occasions patrolling the lands near where they settled. She was a bit worried about Relm, as it seemed she was blind on her right side. Lurid was unconcerned about something so easily overcome, but she did worry enough that she thought maybe she could help the child. Learning to compensate for partial blindness was no big problem, if she had been completely blind Lurid might have suggested a more merciful existence in the beyond. Of course, it wasn't her bloodline to dictate. Things were coming together, there was a soft smile on her face as she sat in quiet contemplation, meditating on her year. It had been a busy one, but a fruitful one. She had sealed her bond with Alastor, and with that had claimed her Dread Father. Lurid opened her bright white-lavender holographic eyes, a strange smirk sitting on her lips. While she had been delayed recently, her year had been a good one and she found herself satisfied with her progress. The next year would find her on a throne, with her family and new friends surrounding her, the north would ring with the song of true demons. Next year, Mirovis would rise.

Word count: 1,036 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: I am super in love with this table!
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
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