
a few inches shorter on the nose




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
12-30-2020, 01:25 PM

The Ademre had not expected the terrible weather to proceed what had, not too long ago, been open skies. The sudden downpour of rain gave the earth beneath him a muddy texture, and his claws skidded in the slick as he chased down the rabbit through the undergrowth. The rumbling of the sky had started the creature moments before he could make his pounce, and he knew his chances of reclaiming the prey was slim. Still, he wasn’t one to give up easily, and his paws pounded the earth beneath him. As it neared its barrow, he dived, skidding in the mud, and his teeth clicking shut on the very last tuft of fur of its tail.

It barely slowed its mad dash, leaving the warrior with a mouthful of fur, and little else to show for it. He climbed back to his feet with a long sigh, shaking out his coat. His reds were muted with a coating of brown, and he could feel it sliding down his rump and sides.

He leaned his head into the rain, letting it make some efforts to wash him clean, even if it did leave him chilled and soaked. As he stood there, a rattle of thunder shook the sky, and a few moments later - lightning. The storm was closing in. He should find shelter before lightning decided red-toned wolves made a good landing spot.

He recalled seeing a cavern to the south of the Gulley he currently occupied, and fell into a steady trott, paws pounding wet earth again as he made his way towards the ocean. He found the large rocky territory, and noticed a small opening in the side. Not the main cavern entrance by any stretch, but it would do in a pinch. Bringing himself closer, he tried to sniff the entrance, but the scent of rain and wet earth dampened his sensors. He poked his head cautiously inside. He just about lost his nose to the angry groundhog that launched itself at him. With a cry of surprise, the Ademre reared back.


seasonal w/c: 345



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 02:25 PM
Hikaru was racing the storm, his pale paws carried him swiftly over the landscape but it seemed no matter where he went that he was in danger of a storm. Thunder pushed him forward and the boy knew it was only a matter of time before the lightning followed. He pushed himself as he always did, even if he was tired from his travels onward he had to go. He wouldn’t be caught out in this mess without shelter again. Not if he could help it. The wind began to intensify and whipped his ivory, ebony, and gold fish orange fur all around. It wasn’t long after the first gusts of wind that he began to feel the rain fall on his pale pelt.

The young koi made his feet move faster as his stormy gaze searched out anywhere he could hide from the lightning that was practically on his tail. Had he been a full fledged shinobi instead of a dishonored drop out he would have scolded himself for jumping so high as a huge peal of thunder cracked across the sky. Hika managed not to squeal in surprise as he raced along faster. He was becoming desperate now, and his time limit was quickly approaching. He didn’t want to get struck by lightning, not when he’d only just grasped his new life.

He about wept with relief when he saw the caves. None too soon either. Not even half a mile away an old dead tree was struck, and Kaiyo jumped in surprise again as his paws practically flew over the landscape. What he didn’t expect was an encounter with another wolf. The man looked similar to some of the koi in the Iga clan, and Kiaru hoped that maybe he’d run into a friendly face. He didn’t see the small creature he was fighting at first.

The rain was pouring by the time he managed to reach the wolf, and his pale fur was soaked through. The cold was already becoming intense, and more than ever he needed to retreat into shelter. First though… Kaiyo raced forward to the stranger’s side as he reared back. Easily slipping in to help someone in need. ”Watch out!” He warned as he came in for a quick nip to the groundhog’s rump to distract from the fire marked warrior. Hika was relatively light on his feet and after he scored a nip he danced away to avoid the creature’s retaliation.

Total: 757



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
12-30-2020, 02:53 PM

Rearing back did little to save him. His back paws slipping in the slick gave him little purchase and cost him precious seconds. He gained a new face ornament as the small but very vicious creature leaped and latched on. Lament had only wanted a safe place to wait out the storm! If he had realised this cave was so much work, he might have looked for another.

Pinching the Ademre’s nose and clawing at his face, the groundhog was working hard to make him regret his choice of action. Snarling in surprise and anger, the fighter scrambled at his face. It might have cost him a nose, if some timely help didn’t make an appearance. The groundhog opened his mouth to cry in alarm and pain as something scored a nip on its rump. It fell from Laments face, and the Ademre continued backing up. Shaking his head vigorously, and ignoring the droplets of blood that flew free.

The slodge of rain and mud gave everything a dull appearance and moving about a torturous exercise, but even that couldn’t fully hide the brilliant white of his helpers coat, and the hints of red along his body. Another Ademre? He didn’t have time to assess if this was a friendly face or a total stranger. He hoped for the former, he missed his people and would have grasped a chance to see another Admere with all four paws. But even if it was the latter, he seemed a decent sort. No hesitation, just leaping in to save the day. He had the spirit of an Ademre at the least, no fear, no hesitation. Only action. The thunder peeled above them once more, and a flash of lightning lit up the world in sharp relief. He wasn’t imagining it, the storm was getting closer.

The distrubed groundhog was swearing up a bloody storm in chittering angry tones that sounded something along the lines of ‘chuck chuck chuck’, and whipping about to attack the wolf that had gone after its rump. Lament dove in, grabbing it by its scruff and tossing it forward. It flipped in the air, accidentally changing its trajectory, instead of landing in an open space, it was set to land right in the strangers path. Lament could only hope he would manage to snag it with his teeth, before it latched onto his face as it had Lament’s.


seasonal total w/c: 1159



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 04:00 PM
Hikaru raced forward, rain hitting his face and mud getting slung up on his white fur as he did. That would take some time to get out later, but right now he couldn’t begin to focus on aesthetics. The little brown creature that had leapt up at the stranger’s face was ferocious for its size, something Hika wouldn’t have ever guess. He wondered if the fire marked man was just as surprised as he was in seeing such an attack from such a small animal. Hikaru knew that he had to act fast, and thankfully he’d manage to get there before the groundhog could manage to take Lament’s nose off. The little thing was bitey and growly and a menace to society. Hika had no qualms as his teeth found flesh.

Blood splattered lightly over the ground and Hika’s white coat, but it wasn’t dwelled on as he backed away and the groundhog turned back on them. Unafraid and nearly spitting venom as it chittered and squealed in anger. For a moment Hika was alarmed that the creature had been infected with rabies. Being bitten like that was a death sentence. Stormy eyes widened as he searched for tell tale signs, but there didn’t seem to be any foam around the mouth. Hopefully that meant they’d lucked out. Still, Kaiyo wouldn’t be eager to let himself fall victim to those potential jaws of death.

By now his wet fur was holding much more of the dirt that was getting kicked up in the excitement. At this point Kaiyo was completely unrecognizable and if his family saw him.. Well they couldn’t be any more disappointed in him than they already were right? Kaiyo wouldn’t and couldn’t focus on his regrets or what ifs, there wasn’t any time now. His tarnished silver gaze took in the mad groundhog even as Lament made his charge first. Hika stood back so he might get a better handle on his next move as the creature was tossed forward. With his joints bent and his mouth open and ready Kaiyo surged forward to catch the beast.

As careful as he could he managed to grasp it at the middle, and with all of his strength Hikaru shook his head until the bastard no longer moved.
