
playing in the (early) snow



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 02:00 PM
The pale boy waded through the snow, he wasn’t sure how long he’d been walking but at this point he knew he was done with snow and cold. He’d been walking for a long time, at least since he’d left Nippon snow hadn’t been in the forecast but here he was in the storm. Hikaru didn’t think he was going to miss home, but in that moment he really did. Kaiyo was a young wolf, had he stuck with his training he would have been a full fledged shinobi today.

Thankfully the blizzard didn’t give him much time to dwell on that thought. Wind and snow whipped around him, and he was starting to really feel the fatigue of his journey as well as the cold. His white, orange, and black pelt protected him but even his fluffy coat couldn’t keep going forever. Hikaru could feel shivers starting in his legs and it would only be a matter of time before it moved to his whole body. Despite how beautiful the storm was, he was in real danger.

His bright stormy eyes looked up and around, but there was so much snow that he could hardly see more than a few dozen yards ahead of him. Hopeless wasn’t an option, and now that he had the addition of worry in his gut it was time to put everything in overdrive. Kaiyo Pushed himself harder, and trudged through the snow drifts. Eventually he’d find a copse of trees or a cave. Right?



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-30-2020, 02:38 PM

The winged heir had gone to sleep in the prairie, belly filled with rabbit, and a small string of them under his paw for the Armada stores. It must have been a good sleep, for when he awoke he was half buried in a layer of snow. His wings tucked tightly against his body still didn't stop him from shivering. The blizzard continued on around him, quiet and beautiful... and cold.

Where has this come from? It had seemed a sunny day when he had decided to be venture out here. He rose, battling against his white blanket, and kicking out his wings to shove himself a space and pull free. Little dark head rising above the snow, and then the rest of him. Free, he sat shivering for a moment and contemplating his situation. If he stayed where he was, he would only get buried again. Who was to say he would be able to pull himself out next time?

Throwing his string of rabbits over his shoulder and fluffing up his wings, he began to walk in the blizzard. Which way was up? Let alone which way was east. Home, he had to go home.
But wait, where was Saph? The little bird had been hunting with him. Suddenly frantic, he launched himself forward, and then to the side. Digging in the snow. "Saph! Saph! Can you hear me!"




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 02:52 PM
He was pretty sure that at this point his toes were completely frozen, and he wasn’t sure if he was relieved or alarmed that he couldn’t feel the cold in them anymore. He refused to let the thought of his demise occupy his mind, doing that was like admitting defeat. He’d push through this just like he pushed through his banishment or his inability to finish his training. Admittedly neither of those scenes were graceful, dignifying, or easy but what in his life had been? Soft, incapable, and girl were common insults from his schoolmates. For longer than he realized they had seen the truth behind the mask that he failed to keep up. His emotions were felt too strongly to ever be a shinobi koi like his forebears. Once he’d realized that truth leaving hadn’t been such a daunting prospect.

Regret wasn’t something Kaiyo felt very often, but now as he shoved through the snow drifts and tried to ignore the fact that he might freeze to death it tickled the back of his mind. At least until he heard the frantic voice over the wind and snow. Hikaru pointed himself in that direction, and after longer than he expected, the massive dark frame came into focus. He was very tall, but what made him even bigger were the huge limbs protruding from his shoulders. Kaiyo had seen some incredible wolves in Nippon but he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen someone like this.

His good nature was quick to sweep away his surprise as he noticed the frantic digging and he couldn’t forget the worry in the other boy’s voice. His own frozen feet were forgotten as he rushed forward, finding an adrenaline rush racing through him at the sudden urgency. Without thinking Hikaru began to dig near where the stranger was working. ”Hello!” He called out as he moved the mass of snow.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-30-2020, 03:30 PM

He was almost a phantom against the blinding white of the snow. A ghost the prairie had sent to him in his time of need… but no, that was foolish. He was flesh and blood, and evidence by his shivering, and his paws hitting against earth as he helped Mortis dig. Grateful for the sudden intervention, apparatus or otherwise, Mortis worked alongside him. Digging, until he unveiled a sodden green bundle of sadness. The cold bird peeped at him, breathing heavily in the fresh air, feathers bristling and body shaking.

"Cold, she's too cold!" Mortis said, grabbing the bird and turning to his unknown helper. Without a word of warning he collided with the white wolf, pushing Saph into the space between them. So she was nestled between the two boy's chests. His wings, he spread forward, covering stranger and Saph both. Creating a blanket away from the snow where their body heat could collect.

The Fatalis was cold and shivering too, but Saph came first. Safe, and this stranger who had jumped in without a second thought to help him. Mortis crouched down on the ground, curling his back end around them. "Stick your paws in my belly fur before they get frostbite." He wasn’t a healer, but he had been around healers all his life. Even he knew that much.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 03:31 PM
Hikaru wasn’t one to give up hope, and even if he had no idea who or what they were digging for he wouldn’t stop until his efforts were proved fruitless. He dug and dug, his paws long numb but his fight far from gone. Relief, despite not knowing the sad looking bird or her boy, nearly overwhelmed him as Mortis dug her free. Kaiyo suddenly felt light headed as the dark winged boy was much quicker than himself at taking the next step.
Swirling stormy eyes widened in surprise as he was suddenly very close to the bigger wolf, but it seemed almost instant that their body heat began to combine and the blizzard became easier to withstand. He didn’t know how a wolf had wings, but in that moment he thanked all the spirits they were there. Hikaru sighed heavily and leaned into the warm body and soft fur of the other boy, all while doing his best to hug the poor little half dead bird called Saph.

However, he wasn’t about to disregard an order like ‘warm your paws’ and he slowly shifted his frozen toes into Mortis long warm fur. Slowly the heat began to build under those well insulated feathers, and instead of numbness the pain returned. He hoped that was a good sign. Once his paws started to warm so did his brain. ”I hope you’re warmer than I feel.” He told the winged boy softly, though the chill was still audible in his voice. ”I don’t know where you came from, but I’m grateful you’re here.” The last thing he expected was to find shelter in another wolf. He didn’t even care about the social pleasantries he should have been following, he was beyond cold and more than appreciative of his presence.

”My name is Hikaru,” He offered his surname with a polite grin and tilt of his head. As was appropriate in his homeland. They were so close so suddenly though, he wondered if he should also give his first name. ”Or Kaiyo, my first name, considering our informal meeting.” Despite the danger to their lives he managed a good natured chuckle as his silvery eyes returned to Saph, hoping she was recovering better than he was.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-30-2020, 03:33 PM

Mortis had never hesitated to wrap paw, wing, or whatever was handy around another wolf. Cuddling, leaning, and otherwise invading personal space was second nature to him. It wasn’t until after the fact, that he considered the stranger might not appreciate the sudden and very close proximity.

He glanced down at the slightly shorter wolf, who huddled beneath his wings. Saph peeped again, but otherwise didn’t move. Grateful for the sudden warmth. “you're going to have to peel my rump off the snow after this.” Really what they needed was shelter. Even huddled together as they were, this wasn’t idle. The snow still fell, and he couldn’t feel his ears or toes.

“I’m grateful for you. I don’t know how you managed that timing, but thank you.” he said sincerely. “Kaiyo. That’s a nice name, is it foreign?” it was good to talk about something. Something other than their impending death. “I’m Mortis. What say we brave this storm and see if we can find a better shelter?” preferably before his toes fell off.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 03:34 PM
Usually Kaiyo took a bit of warming up before he jumped into another wolf’s arms but it seemed like in this situation he would easily be forgiven. His new friend didn’t seem phased by how close they were, so Kaiyo wouldn’t either. He was slightly warmer than he had been by himself, and Mortis had very soft and warm fur. Even with those incredible wings and plush pelt, the weather was still very much dangerous and intimidating. If they didn’t find shelter this could potentially be the end of them. Hika was not in any way shape or form ready to give up yet. They were young and capable, the two of them could figure this out together even if they’d only just met.

Kaiyo hadn’t thought about his actions, he’d just thrown himself in to help a stranger, and Mortis had gone and done the same form him as he curled around Kaiyo’s smaller frame and protected he and the Kea from the storm. Mortis spoke softly and managed to direct both their minds to something that wasn’t the merciless cold that threatened them. Kaiyo smiled up at the dire wolf boy, despite the threat staring at them Mort did perfect in putting the koi wolf at ease.

”It is,” he answered sweetly, not completely surprised Mortis picked up on it. ”It’s a.. Long story. I’m from pretty far away.” Mortis continued, mentioning the need for shelter. Maybe he’d get a chance to explain his history better once shelter was found. ”It’s been great to meet you, Mortis. I think my toes have enough feeling to make it to real shelter. Do you know where we are at least?” He’d feel better knowing Mortis had a real direction in mind, instead of what he’d been doing hoping for a miracle. Even if he agreed, he wasn’t going to be quick about releasing himself from Mort’s warm embrace.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-30-2020, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2020, 03:35 PM by Mortis.)

Mortis wondered what it would be like - to travel so far from home the people called you foreign. Where none knew his name, and did not look at the grown boy and expect to see his father. Would it be exciting, or terrifying? He would be afraid that he would never see the people he loved again. Hana, Resin, Deathbelle, Magnus. His mother. The people that had been there so long he took them for granted.

Was Kaiyo lonely and alone? The boy tightened his wings a little further. Feeling oddly protective of this sweet stranger. Perhaps it was because he had fifulled some of Morts secret wish - to go far, far away.

Not that he should be dwelling on this now, Kaiyo was relying on him to have a sense of direction. Mortis was local, it was on him to find shelter. "I'd gone to sleep in the northern end of the prairie. The world looks pretty weird now, but… me and my dad widened a burrow in the side of a small hill when we were hunting. If its still there, maybe we can cram inside. It'll be off ground level, and keep the snow off our heads." But other then that it wasn't much of a shelter. It would barely fit the dire warlord-son. Perhaps he could stash Kaiyo in there and block the wind with his body. "Anything better is further, and I can't guarantee I won't get turned around. What did you want to do?" He didn't want to make the decisions alone.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 03:36 PM
The young not quite shinobi had been through some very intense lessons and trials before he’d finally given up and his family had had enough of him. He was too soft they said, he’d been called velvet around his edges. Not worthy of the shinobi title. He didn’t have any time to worry about what would happen to him in a land unknown, he didn’t miss anyone because no one missed him. He was very much alone though, he was sent out with nothing but the fur that covered his back. Into a world he only experienced through the harsh lessons of his schooling. He was lucky to even be so fluent in the common tongue. That had been one of his strong suits, and honestly at home it had been nearly worthless. Maybe Hika was lonely, he’d always been more social and friendly than a shinobi should.

Maybe Mortis could sense that, because the comforting feeling that washed over him as those huge wings pulled tighter renewed the life in him. Despite all the odds stacked against them, Kaiyo smiled through. Mortis returned his answer, mentioning where he’d thought they were, and a place they might be able to go. He didn’t expect much, but hopefully this burrow was enough to keep them alive through the storm. ”I think you’ve answered your own question,” Kaiyo started as he pulled back pale lips to reveal his pearly teeth. ”The burrow is likely our best chance, if we have to I have more energy to dig.” It didn’t sound like there would be much shelter, but they could figure it out. ”Alright, I’m ready if you are.” He already felt himself shivering preemptively. Kaiyo stole one more deep snuggle into the dark warm fur before he allowed himself to be let go.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
12-30-2020, 03:42 PM

He could - if only just - see Kaiyo’s smile at this angle. Despite the cold, and the danger to their bodys, the man grinned at him. Mortis could do nothing less then answer it back. Finding something good in a sticky situation. They sat huddled in the snow, freezing their toes and ears off - he could no longer feel his bum. A miserable bird sat huddled between their chests, and they smiled at each other.

Mortis couldn’t help it, he began to laugh. Perhaps it was the cold short-circuiting his brain, but he wheezed for a moment before getting himself back under control. Right, time to risk themselves in a mad dash. “Stay close to me” he told Kaiyo, knowing he would do his best not to outpace the smaller wolf. Cautiously, he rose, grabbing Saph again and tucking her behind Kaiyo’s head on his shoulders. It was easier than trying to twist his head and reach his own shoulders.

Rising to his paws, shaking off the layers of snow that had settled on him, he began to run. Leading the way to what he hoped would be their safety.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-30-2020, 04:17 PM
He didn’t know how or why but smiling through this intense trial made it seem easier. Like the two of them really would get out of this ridiculous mess. Maybe he’d even be able to keep his toes and his ears in the end. Despite everything the boys could find a grin on their maw as they battled the elements together. If Mort’s brain was misfiring so was Hika’s. The sound of the winged wolf laughing only brought the same to Kaiyo’s lips. Sure they were facing certain death, but why not go out with a laugh? It certainly brightened the koi colored wolf, and encouraged him further. They could do this. The two of them could weather the storm. They had to.

Kaiyo caught his breath as they prepared for their next step. It was a harrowing plan, but they would be better off the sooner they began. He took in a deep breath and steeled himself. The corners of his pale lips pulled up, but now there was a seriousness to his expression that hadn’t been there before. He didn’t know what he had to do, but he’d make sure to come through for his snowy friend. No one was going to die. Not on his watch.

He nodded firmly at Mort’s command, but still felt the chill and more as he pulled away from Hika’s much smaller frame. Saph was placed on his neck, and then the real journey began. Kaiyo was light on his feet, and with Mortis clearing the path he had no trouble staying on the other boy’s tail. He couldn’t do this forever though, and he prayed their shelter would come sooner rather than later.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-02-2021, 10:00 PM

There was something about laughing side by side into the face of danger that brought strangers closer together. He might have known Hikaru for the blink of an eye, but somehow… it felt like longer. He inherently trusted the red-dotted man, though he could not say why.

Mortis broke through the snow, and let him on a slightly round-about path to the burrow. It was hard to orientate himself when there was little in the landscape to help him. He followed the scent of the ocean, and saw the tip of time’s cavern in the distance.

He was able to find his way, and led them to… a snow covered hill. He froze, staring at the little hill for a moment, thinking he had made a terrible mistake. Before realising… he got to work, digging, unsurprised when Kaiyo joined in. After a few errors, he finally found the right spot, and they unveiled their little hideaway, tossing away the snow that had blocked the entrance. He turned to his white friend with a grin, and indicated forward with a wing. “You first” he told his friend, it got narrower the further in you got, Kaiyo would be able to go further then the winged giant.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-02-2021, 10:07 PM
Hika pushed onward, even if the outlook was bleak there was no point in pouting or giving up. There was still breath in his body so he would keep trying. The young koi wolf was worried for a moment when they paused, but in no time he and Mortis were digging again, for their lives and for Saph. There was a welcome relief when the overhand was finally revealed, he heaved a heavy sigh and his breath trailed in the air as mist.

Mort turned to him when the entrance was big enough and instructed him inside first. It made sense, he was about half the size of the winged warrior he could squeeze into a tighter space. Kaiyo thanked the gods he wasn’t afraid of small spaces. With a nod he ducked into the earth. At first the space seemed somewhat roomy for what it was, but there weren’t more than a couple shuffling steps before he was crouching and wedging his back against dirt and roots. Saph already dropped from his shoulders, and would likely cuddle up when the bigger wolves were settled.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-02-2021, 10:16 PM

He waited well Kaiyo settled himself into the small den, watching him squish himself in as far as he could get. It didn’t look like either of them would be particularly comfortable. His new friend looked small, and almost vulnerable, hiding from the storm. It rose some protective instincts in the Fatalis boy. He took a breath, and then turned around, shuffling in backwards first. He did hope he was able to turn around after this, and poor Kaiyo wasn’t treated to the sight of his rump for the whole storm.

With his wings as tight as they could get to his sides, he managed to scurry backwards inside, and then using his front paws, he pulled some of the snow forward, firming it under his paw, and rolling more on top, until they had a small barrier blocking most of the entrance. He made sure there was plenty of space left for fresh air.

That just left the turning around part… he dropped down full to his belly, and did an awkward crab-shuffle until he was rotated towards Hikaru. He offered his storm-budy a wry grin, and collapsed his feet, resting full on his chest, before propping one forepaw under his head. Trapped, together. At least for now.

Saph hopping into the crook of his elbow, and snuggled in there, content to close her eyes and let the time pass in sleep. Mortis, however, had other ideas. “I think we have time for a long story - if you feel like telling yours” he offered, remembering the mans earlier words.




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-02-2021, 10:28 PM
As soon as Mortis blocked up the entrance with snow and his massive frame, the tiny cave seemed to start getting warmer. Hikaru could relax after Mort finished shuffling around, for a long moment he’d been nervous the other boy wasn’t going to turn around and face him. The storm would rage on, he wasn’t sure for how long. Eventually the two of them would be free, but for now they were snowed in. Hikaru was able to stretch one leg out so his pale features were resting on one arm. His other paw was curled up into his chest and his tail was wrapped tightly around his hips. He was suddenly quite cozy in here with Mortis.

”I think you might be right.” He certainly wasn’t prepared for a storm like this, nor to be holed away during a storm with another lost boy. ”I will if you want to hear it.” Kaiyo was always terrible about keeping his thoughts to himself. Another reason he never became a shinobi. ”I was born in Nippon, to a couple who were a part of the Iga clan. I trained for most of my life to become a shinobi to honor my parents and our family.” Hika didn’t have to speak loudly. There was a calm quiet outside, and the two of them were practically squished together. All the better for warmth. ”I couldn’t complete my goal.” A guilty confession, his stormy eyes averted from Mort’s bright blue gaze. ”So I had to leave. Now I have to find my own path.”



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-02-2021, 10:45 PM

It was a relief to be out of the bitter cold, and his toes began to itch as life slowly made its way back into them. At least his much smaller bird-friend was safe and warm. All of them where, now. He was glad he had remembered this small overhang. Keeping his head on his paws, he looked up at Kaiyo with his expressive, colourful features.

“I do,” he said softly, interested in what the other wolf had to say. After that, he fell silent as Hikaru gave him the highlights. Shinobie Where had Mortis heard that word before? It took a moment, and well he contemplated it, the other wolf looked away, as through what he had said was shameful. Not to Mortis, never to Mortis. Hikaru had had the courage to do something Mortis had never been able to bring himself to do.

He reached over, placing his paw over the gentle-eyed yearlings. “That’s incredible, finding the courage to make your own way. Knowing no one outside the world you knew, and doing it anyway. I envy you, Kaiyo. Come back with me, to the Armada. My dad leads there, he’d let you stay.” Especially if Hikaru was a fighter, and he certainly moved with the grace of one. It had been hard not to notice the lean, sinewy build of his legs, his lithe balance, even in the snow. This wolf might be small, but Mortis had no doubt he could give a showing in battle.

He didn’t know why he made the offer, if he saw some of himself in this gentle warrior, or just wanted to look out for someone who had made the plunge. Either way, he hoped Hikaru took his offer. But, before he did, he realised where he had heard the word ‘shinobie’ before. He realised he had to give his friend a heads up, even if it meant he declined the offer. He wouldn’t trick this gentle wolf into something without all the information. “I think one of your people might be living in our sister pack”




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-02-2021, 11:02 PM
Mort didn’t stop him so Hikaru continued and gave a brief version of his life. He wasn’t specific about his training, or the events leading up to his departure, but it was enough to satisfy curiosities. Silvery kohl lined eyes turned up to Mortis as a dark paw rose up to rest on his paw supportively. There had been little physical comfort during his life, but Hikaru was different. He wanted the affection. The corners of his lips managed to pull back into a shy grin. He couldn’t and wouldn’t give up, no matter what happened to him in the past.

No one had spoke about him like Mort did then, telling him he was incredible and courageous. The young boy felt his cheeks flush with a blush, he’d never amounted to much in his homeland, but here was a massive winged wolf saying that he envied him. He blinked back his emotions, taken aback at the sudden invitation. ”You want me to join your pack?” He’d definitely be able to use the foothold, maybe carve out a place for himself. He’d already made a friend in Mortis, at least he would have someone to count on.

Not all was roses and sunshine though, and Mort followed up with a mention of another shinobi. Who could it be? One of Hattori’s loyalists run off? ”It wouldn’t surprise me. There was a bit of an upset not long before I left.” His smile turned into a concentrated frown as he both pondered who it could be and if this was the right choice. ”I’d like to join you. At least for a while to make sure I fit.” He was a little cautious, but then again he was trained to be.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-04-2021, 02:05 PM
It didn't sound like another Shinobi around was a deal breaker. That was good news. If Hattori decided to give his friend grief, then Mortis would intervene. Diplomatic incident or no. If Hikaru joined the Armada, then he belonged to the pack. It was Morts job to help protect the pack, right?

The white wolfs cheek stained red as he double checked Mort’s certainty that he wanted to join. Morts tail swished behind him, running up against wall in half a motion. The winged boy grinned. The white fur on his friends coat was no friend to hiding blushes. The faint tinge set off his dot marking, and Mortis wanted to hug him and tell him not to worry. "I do. Can you fight?" Mortis had suspected so, but it would be good to be certain.

At his agreement to join, Mortis danced forward. It was more an awkward shuffle then anything else, but he managed to wrap a paw about thr man and squeeze in a friendly hug. His wings didn't have room to move, so he couldn't use those as he normally did. "Thats good, I'm glad. I think it'll be fun to have you around" he woukd just have to keep Hikaru away from Azure. He was Morts, and his brother couldn't steal or hurt him. Leaving thr Armada wasn't easy, but if his friend wanted to leave, Mortis himself would fight for his right to do so.

He pulled back, and tilted his head. Listening. "Do you hear that?" He said, indicating the quiet. "I think the storms stopped."



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-04-2021, 02:23 PM
Hikaru honestly felt no worry about another Iga being nearby, if they really were part of the clan more likely than not it wasn’t that was anymore. All the way out here… They wouldn’t bother Kaiyo in the least. Mortis agreed that yes, he definitely wanted the smaller koi to be a part of the pack. Having a greater purpose, like serving a pack, would help bring him on his way to whatever path he belonged upon.

”I can fight, yes.” His voice interrupted with surprise as Mortis suddenly pulled him closer into a tight embrace. Hika felt a flutter in his chest, but leaned in to Mort’s warm embrace. He hadn’t even joined the pack yet but already Kaiyo felt more like he belonged than he ever had his whole life. Maybe this pack thing wouldn’t work out, but it sounded like he’d found a friend for life in Mortis.

They weren’t going to freeze here, Hikaru was certain about that, as Mortis held him the boy felt unnaturally hot considering where they were. He hoped that his skin wasn’t too flush, but Mort had already seen the way his cheeks lit up. None too soon though, the sound of the wind was gone. Not that Hika could hear it over the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.

”Did we make it?” Had they weathered the storm with all of their ears, toes, and tails?



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
01-04-2021, 02:43 PM
He released his little white friend, and awkwardly shuffled backwards. Instead of trying to turn again, he kicked out with his back leg a few times. Crumbling the snow wall he had created. He shuffled again, wiggling his butt until it free of their tiny cave. When he could, he turned around. Executing a little flip, his wings unfurling at his side and spinning in a sudden array of blue-black color. He grinned dancing a little on the spot, and extending a paw to his friend. "Its safe" he promised, looking out at the world of white. Quiet and calm after the sudden absence of the storm. Beautiful, a perfect picture, yet undisturbed by the world.

It wasn't long before Mortis dashed across the snow, like a puppy caught with a serious case of zooms. Saph had shuffled out of the cave by now, and taken to the air. Her green feathers flashing against the cloudless sky. Her sharp cry piercing the air.

Caught up in the excitement of the moment, Mortis dashed back to his friend. Skidding to a stop in a spray of snow. His nose quivering, freezing, an inch from that of Kaiyos. His tail moving side to side behind him. "We made it. Let's go find my pack, you can meet my mum, and get you settled in." He suggested. Wanting to sweep his friend into pack life and make him a part of home as soon as possible.