
Kassander Xanilov



5 Years
06-06-2014, 05:11 PM

Hello Alacritis!

Unfortunately, circumstances have arisen that are forcing Ala Member Kiara to go inactive. As this means freezing one of Raisa's pups, Kassander, we are recalling him and putting him back up for adoption! This will be a fairly short process, hardly as extensive as the first. All I will require is a short description of how you would play him and an RP sample! The new player will be chosen a week from today, on Friday the 13th! (:

His profile can be found here --> LINK!

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


06-06-2014, 05:53 PM
-ahem- SQUEEE i want him!

Basically, he will be the same. Super reserved, shy, looking at things and ruling options out before acting. He will be a perfectionist. He is not very talkative and loud and boisterous people intimidate him. But, as he gets older he will be a little more confident, but still shy as ever. He will take up a hobby of sorts, maybe he will become a medic. He will continue to be reserved and very quiet. Though, he upholds the family name and would hate for anything to happen to anyone in his family. He loves the night and animals. He will be kinda the odd-ball but still a joy to be around if he is not being a shy turtle.

rp sample:

His weary paws touched down on the forest floor with caution. His fluff of a tail was raised and his ears perky as ever. Kassander was wandering from his normal secluded home within the cave. His tender pads were enveloped in the moist dirt below with each gentle step. His two toned eyes feasted upon the colorful sights all around. It was twilight, the beautiful transition between day and night. The trees were illuminated with a blanket of pinks and purples above. The thick clouds above complimented the lovely tones. The light colored boy allowed himself to move further and further away with each delicate step. Though, as he moved on the pup heard the sound of a branch snapping. His head instantly turned to the right to see what it was. His oddly colored eyes danced over the thicket the snap came from. He had a mild panic attack. The boy inhaled the air surrounding them in a flurry to find out what creature invaded his peace. Though, he did not a smell a thing. His nose twitched from the quick influx of air. But, as the thicket began to rustle the boy backed up a few steps. His eyes were wide as can be. He shuddered softly as he braced for the worse. Though, when a baby Fox came tumbling from the bush the boy merely blinked. He observed the russet creature with a tilt of his two toned head. Kassander took a single step forward as he observed the creature gather its reigns. The baby Fox stared at him with its own very wide eyes. The pup took one more step and sniffed the kit with curiosity. "D-do you know the common tongue?" He tilted his head in the opposite direction. The Fox nodded and backed away a few steps, into the bush. But, he stopped. Kass frowned softly, "I will not hurt you.. please do not leave." His light voice squeaked through the air in a soft murmur. But, the Fox heard. The smaller animal sat down and sighed softly. The Fox emitted its own vocals, bringing joy to the pup. "Wolf will not hurt me?" The little Fox tilted his head as well. Kass let his little lips form into a smile as he sat as well. "Never, friend."



4 Years
06-06-2014, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2014, 06:12 PM by Elli.)

How would Elisandra play Kassander? I'd love to play Kassander as a sweet and innocent summer child (oh my sweet, sweet summer child) who wants nothing more than to learn healing as he had while Kiara played him. I'd probably aid in the recovery of his relationships with his siblings and as I stalk threads I understand he might be married to a Covari pup? I'd play him to his profile written personality as somber and inquisitive. I'd also get him a fox companion once I accumulate enough crystals!

RP Sample: The boy of the age of one curiously stalked around the den where he knew the sick to be resting with the hopes of recovery or a cure. Oh, if only Elsa were still here! His mind had been troubled as he tried to find the right herb combination to heal them or the right thing to say to ease their minds. It caused him great pain to know that his sister was in there, ill with the mysterious sickness of the bleed eyes (as he had come to call it himself) and that there was nothing that he could do about it.

He had to figure it out.

Kass had been known to be an extremely determined character as he ran off to search the old stores, a place he had not gone to since the passing of his mentor. He had been focused on two things recently. One was how proud his mother would by if he was the one to find the cure and the other was how his sister might forgive him if he could cure her. His heterochromica eyes fell upon the alfalfa and agrimony as he slowly removed them from the narrow slits within the cave walls. He could do this! He just had to.

The boy rushed back with a new sense of determination in his eyes. It was the determination not to make his mother proud but to do something more important with his life. If he could do this then it would surely secure him a place as a Sola healer, perhaps even the master if his mother allowed it. He'd do it for accomplishment and he'd do it for Elsa.

The boy with the crescent moon back and mostly red face approached the den as he let out a soft call to them. "Kailos, Tahlia, Val, Kaala, Fili, Callisto, Fugue, and Sif?" He called out his arrival softly before entering the den and laying the herbs at his paws. "I have some medicine for you.... to help with the symptoms." He explained to them as he started to dish them out with the instructions of what they were supposed to do with them.



3 Years
06-09-2014, 09:49 AM
What would I do with him: For the most part his personality would be the same. Quiet, reserved, and not as likely to put his heart on his sleeve these days as he once had been, his shy and serious demeanor doesn't make for the best playmate. He would prefer to sit on the sidelines and observe, learning from his siblings as they played. A perfectionist, he must be the best at everything he does do, working at it obsessively over and over to get it just right before he can move on to anything else. His shyness and low self-confidence has him convinced that to be worth anything at all he has to be the absolute best and most in control, which is why he had such a strong reaction to not being the heir despite being the eldest. He believed - and part of him still believes - that he wasn't good enough, and that no matter how hard he worked he still wasn't as good as Val, and he misplaced that self-destructive feeling on his family, resenting them for what he secretly thought of as his own short-comings.

It took Elsa's death - and the soul-searching that followed - and his sister's terrifying illness for him to realize he was allowing his obsessive quest for personal perfection to force him away from his family. He has set his mind to mending those bridges he attempted to burn, but as in all he does he would be careful and methodical in the way he goes about it, and may once again allow his obsession with perfection to take over and he may go a little overboard in his big brother role - because if he's going to do it, he's going to do it perfectly.

He would still harbor some resentment towards Raisa for abandoning them in her madness, but he is trying to view it as a learning experience, something that has made him stronger and smarter, so he is trying to move past it. Part of him resents her for taking care of Elsa's children when she hadn't even taken care of her own, but for the most part gratitude that his mentor's children would live because of her drowns it out. He wants to make the effort to repair things with her as well, and would probably use Elsa's babies as the excuse to do so.

His interest in herbs has become obsession since Elsa's death and the disease had begun ravaging the pack. He is almost constantly with Ebony's remaining healers, watching what they do and asking questions. When he's not with them he's practicing, working on memorizing the seemingly vast amount of herbs and uses. He is absolutely determined that no one else he loves will die because he doesn't know enough.

Eventually he'll get a fox companion, though IC to him friends aren't as much of a priority as taking care of people so the relationship would probably start our more as him healing the fox and the fox following him around and serving out of gratitude before they finally actually get to the friend stage.

RP Sample:

Kassander trudged down the snowy path with strongly mixed feelings. Before him, the trail that led to Elsa's den where he'd learned so much from her, where he'd felt accepted and loved in a time when he'd most needed it - the den where she'd died giving birth to her pups. The den where his mother was now, keeping them alive. His breath hitched painfully in his chest, and Kassander had to stop, gulping air until the threatening tears receded. Even with everything that had happened, or maybe because of, it felt like his grief for her was as fresh as ever. She'd been more than a teacher to him. She'd been a surrogate mother to him when Raisa had abandoned them - and now she was gone too. Maybe he was just cursed.

Finally he continued on, but his progress was once more interrupted. This time, by a young voice giving a soft, pained cry from the woods. He hesitated, glancing between the den before him and the place where the sound had come from. He'd really only meant to check on the babies, so he didn't have anything pressing waiting for him... and what if one of Elsa's puppies had wandered off and gotten hurt and was calling? And though he wouldn't admit it, he didn't mind putting off the emotional maelstrom being in Elsa's den caused, not to mention his mixed feelings yet concerning his mother. Mind made up, the Xanilov pup turned away from the den to begin methodically tracing the sound. He'd find the hurt pup and help them - that would be a start to proving himself anyway.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 01:01 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 02:26 AM by Esti.)
How I would play him: (Subject to changes as he grows up, of course)

Kassander is very driven, for his interest in healing only strengthened after seeing the suffering of the plague and experiencing Elsa's death. He is frustrated that he doesn't know even more about healing or why the three chosen herbs where the cure to the sickness.

He isn't fond of things that don't make sense, even if they don't make sense only to him. He also has a habit of over-complicating things. Why is the heir chosen by some stupid chance? Why don't people just see and know what's right? Why can't he understand everything all the time? He dreads in the unexplained and it is easily a pet peeve of his when he feels someone is hiding something from him. Sometimes he gets so absorbed in his project that he'll forget almost all other things, but when he finishes a project, it is usually well worth the effort.

When in intense thought, Kassander can get a little stand-offish and tense until he finds the answer. When he gets too much pressure built up, he reacts sometimes physically, shaking himself, going for a run, or sometimes, doing absolutely nothing until his anxiety can calm down. A perfectionist, even to a fault, though he may never realize it. He loves learning, though, and so looking back on his struggles, he feels that if there is something to be learned from it, that it was worth it. Even his social interactions could be seen as experiments if he plays them right, and though he is reserved, he takes enjoyment in watching others interact.

Sometimes he questions whether or not he would choose learning over everything else, and whether his curiosity is truly an obsession that consumes everything else in his life, but then he remembers those close to him. Though appearing more distant, Kassander feels strongly towards those close to them. As a side affect, they can see all his flaws, all his frustrations, and get under his skin.

As much as he hates it, the ones closest to him are the ones who will inevitably hurt him the most, and because they are close to him, he will let them know it. Any negativity he gets from them, he'll mull over for longer than necessary. Even when they hurt him, and even when he blows up on them, he knows he loves them. He has built up a severe fear of losing those that he loves, which may make him more protective over them, or it may make him draw away from them, afraid to get hurt. With his closer relations, he can pour out his feelings and findings, anything from excited ramblings to feverish rants, though he mostly tries to keep it short.

Kass is quick to excite, but also quick to cool, often feeling like being in control of his feelings is part of being intelligent. "Only fools react on the impulse of emotions" he'll think, of course those close to him see his emotions from time to time. He only sees it as discipline, others may see it as being broody, closed off, or even cold. He is prone to over-thinking and often grits his jaw when stressed, leading to headaches, making his anxieties worse, which causes him to sometime be snappy. He really does at least try to be nice sometimes, if only he could relax a little and let some of his projects go.

When his projects go well, he can be quite chipper, even occasionally humming, or finding a trusted partner to ramble about for a short bit. He thinks these behaviors are a bit silly, but when he's actually happy, it's hard for him to contain himself as well as he usually does.

Motivated || Curious || Self-contained || Disciplined || Tense when pensive || Perfectionist || Sensitive (to those closest)

Sample Post:

It took a while- longer than he expected- but he was finally coming to grips with some of the facts in his life; the cold, hard facts. They hurt, but he knew they were true. He couldn't save Elsa, and he couldn't save the plague. Both were failures and Kassander couldn't find a meaning or reason to either of them. He tried to take comfort in the fact that the sickness was cured, and that if it came about again, they would know how to cure it. Horsetail, Alfalfa, and Valerian Root; the three herbs that he would keep in stock always, having their scent and image burned into his mind so fervently that occasionally, when he closed his eyes to sleep, he would see their stalks swaying in the wind, all together. He would name them each in his head, and list off what each did, pondering how they were the cure to the sickness.

He was getting back to his pack. He never really left, but he had drawn away to find a cure for the sickness. He drew away from even Val, terrified that he may lose her. That was the wrong choice. He knew that was the wrong choice. Why had he done that? He told himself that it was all to find the cure, but he knew that at least a part of it was because he was scared. Kassander never claimed to be brave, but he expected himself to have better control over himself than that, yet when he wanted to visit his sister, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Maybe she hated him now- that would make sense. The thought still hurt though.

Kassander found himself gritting his teeth, though only after his head started pounding. He had in good mind to just go back to his den and sleep. Silently, he wished he had some lavender, but he had run out long ago. A multitude of herbs whisked by in his mind, but none of them helped headaches much. The disease trio kept coming up in his head. Alfalfa, Horsetail, and Valerian Root. Again, Alfalfa, Horsetail, and Valerian Root. He almost couldn't shake the thoughts, but he did, through shaking himself physically. He tried to force his muscles to relax, this whole journey would do him no good if he was tense and snappy.

Still, Kass's heart beat faster and faster. What if his family really did hate him? What if they held a grudge against him like he did against his mother? He told himself it didn't matter; he needed to get back, to see if everyone was okay. He wanted them to welcome him back. He wanted them to say they needed him and for him to never leave again. He wanted to feel needed. Kassander knew he was being selfish, but he found that he wanted their acceptance. In his time alone he closed off to everyone. The walls around his heart grew stronger and drew closer until it hurt for his heart to even beat anymore. He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't need to let the others know how badly he needed them, but he really did need them, he had decided. Even though he liked his solitude, he was no good being completely alone. He needed his family. He needed to go home.



5 Years
06-14-2014, 07:07 PM

So I got ahold of Fox over the phone and we've been trying to make up our minds for like the past two hours I kid you not. Competition was crazy tight and you all did very well. I was seriously tempted to have Baldur visit Raisa again this was so hard, haha. xD <3

But after much deliberation we are awarding Kassander to Tea!

CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you everyone for your interest.

Naturally we expect him to be kept active! I don't want to see his furry butt back up in this board. xD However, should you decide you can no longer play him please let me or Fox know and we will decide what to do from there. :3

Thanks again guys!