
elegance is over rated


06-06-2014, 03:18 PM

Latalia was an odd one. She enjoyed things most would not. Her tan paws carried her into the crashing waves without a single care. Sure, it was winter. Sure, it was snowing. Yet, the woman flew into the waves without a second thought. Her body was slammed up against a rushing rave, she got tumbled back a few feet but she shook it off and slid in further. The woman began to run around, hopping over the waves. Her tan fur became a thick mop around her. The usually thin coat was slightly shaggy due to winter. Though, the tiny lady, ravaged the water as if this was the last time she was gonna be able to experience it. Her paws sunk into the sand with each lopping stride. Her tail flopped around aimlessly upon her rear before a giant wave came forth and flapped down onto her. It carried her to the shore in a sandy, tangled mess. The woman sat there for a few moments. She got up, caught her breath and flew back into the water. It was a good day for waves, they were rather large and frequent. The girl dove into one wave before coming out the other end in elegance before another wave took her under. She paddled back up to see she drifted slightly, but she continued to play in the waves as if she were a fish.


06-07-2014, 03:46 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

the babe wasn't going to lie. alacritia was a pretty place...pretty than her old home, really. and after the big fuss she made about coming here- it was all a regret once she arrived. how the light of the sun stretched so far and fleetly across the land, how the many lands were nothing but pretty. but this unique place was her first stop. well, the first place she would spend time at. and right when she came, admiring the black obsidian that littered the sand- she spotted another woman. this one had a unique look to her. she was a wisp of golden with stripes like a tiger that were but a shade of ivory. then she could spot pretty emerald gems, like her own. but the fur palette of the babe did not worry her. the fact that the woman was prancing around the icy cold water and swimming around like a fish did. brows arching upward, the painted woman neared the Oceanside, her shimmering jade sapphires peering into the water where the she was swimming. large ears pushed forward, the babe inhaled the wet, salty air and allowed soft words to drive her maw open.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" was the only thing she could say through her inky black lips, fur sticking up as water moved it's way over her paws. she took a smooth step backward and made a hissing sound, like an irritated cat. her elongated tail folded itself behind her hind legs as she arched her neck to get a better view of the golden woman. the woman was either crazy, or high on something. it was not normal for someone to bound into the freezing cold ocean and flail around like she was simply flying in heaven. wren's brows arched upward with concern as she took a closer step forward...while the waves weren't crazily high.

user posted image


06-07-2014, 09:03 PM

The woman with the tiger stripes danced with the waves in such a crazy manner. Her fur flopped about each time she jumped from the water. Icy cold water enveloped her very small form with ease. White water crashed down on her time and time again before salt water got into her magnificent teal orbs. She cried out as she moved slowly to the shore with her eyes half shut. Her tan lids lifted and closed with such urgency. Lat groaned as her eyes stung with salt water. Though, as her messy body got further up onto the sand she noticed a form in front of her. The woman leaned down and brought a sandy paw to her head. She tried to wipe her eyes with her paw but she merely managed to slathered a thick coat of wet sand on the right side of her head. The girl shook her head, making her wet fur stand on end. When she looked back up to the figure before her the girl huffed. Lat looked like a complete mess. Her tan fur was everywhere, coated with gross, wet sand, and her eyes were half shut due to the salt water. The Carmel princess looked at the Wolf before her as her eyes began to unfog. She smiled and sat, merely not phased by the messiness of her fur. "Oh! Hello!" The tiger striped Wolf licked her nose quickly before tilting her head.


06-08-2014, 12:19 PM

The once pretty gold and ivory lady was now a big ball of wet golden fur, with streaks of white here and there around her body. Wet sand tangled in with the long fur, and the tricolor babe could tell that this crazy stranger was struggling to get a good look up at her with. Even through the bunches of wet sand and salt around her emerald eyes. Finally, the small striped woman refocused her gaze on her. She just smiled at her and leapt to her paws, acting as if she was as dry and normal as she had ever been before. It was amusing, but creepy. What the hell was this woman thinking?

Wren shuffled back and sat firmly onto the ground as the woman spoke into her happy, cheery little voice. Very strange. Stranger than the cave she went into with all the glowing shrooms. "Oh! Hello!" She licked at her nose casually and just stared at her for a moment. The golden babe never answered her question- but it was practically already answered. Yes, she was crazy. The masked girl shifted to the side and allowed her long tail to rest gently on her hind paws as she fought her mind for words. Finally, words drove her maw open. "Hi...why were you just bounding around the freezing water like that...?"


06-11-2014, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2014, 04:32 PM by Latalia.)

Was the woman crazy? Perhaps. More or less she was just off a bit. The girl had left her family to find her own way. The family had been made of colorful wolves with their ways set. Yet, Latalia always wanted something more. She had found herself coming one with nature. She enjoyed the simple things. Water, Sand, Animals, the sky, you name it. The little girl was not insane, she was more silly with a spice of crazy mixed in. The girl could never bring herself to hurt a thing nor be mean. She was an odd one, but nothing to worry about. The gold and white babe stared at the much more clear girl before her with a little smile upon her inky, wet lips. The taste of salt water in her mouth made her thirsty, but the nearly shivering girl would sit still and smile, watching the tri toned fae before her with curiosity. A question would be emitted from the beautiful girl in front of the Tiger lady. Latalia tilted her head again, pondering answers. "I love the water! Do you wanna try?! It is so very fun. You feel one with the waves! The sand is the only downside." The little lady shrugged with a giggle, her face still covered in sand and her fur looked awfully ridiculous. But, none of the such worried her.