
Oceanic Breeze

Nox and Lupa



3 Years
Extra large

01-03-2021, 01:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2021, 01:53 PM by Tavain.)
Light is easy to love,

Show me your darkness.

Ice now played it’s luminous song within the chilling wind’s, a song known all too well by a woman clad in tri-colored fur. For her many homes had been coated in such a tune, hardly moving or breaking from it’s own never ending stride. Though most lands would remained untouched by the impending snow’s grasp, that was until the earth they walked upon had almost frozen to it’s core to allow the tiny flakes of pristine ice to compact themselves upon the ground covering everything one used to know in a new wonderland that would be missing if not for the cold.

It was along these lines that the druid woman had thought, as she allowed her heterochromatic gaze to caress each sight that would bloom before them. Something that would be wonderful would be a new bit of happiness to flourish in her life if only for a bleak moment in time, before the ever consuming darkness would once more enter her mind. Though she would not lash out willingly, not when she was looking for the one wolf who she so carefully followed from the second land she had been forced to call home. This time though she was willing to think that this one would be at least a semi willing place to call home, if all would be fruitful in the end.

With these thoughts playing about in the proud woman's head she looked down from the perch she had made herself known upon. The ocean was beautiful, it’s waves crashing against the shore disheveling the beach that it was covered in grains of sand that could be so sturdy yet be pushed aside with enough force. It had interested her before she found a way to the overlooking cliff she was looking down from. If she looked closely enough she could still see the paw prints she had left behind before they were eaten away by the sea. If she was still a pup with innocence for the world like her child Daeali she would have rushed back down and remade each step before rushing back up to see them disappear once more.

The thought had made her scuff before she moved to sit upon her rump, whilst thinking of her darling little pups. She did miss them ever so much but she could not longer stay within lands that held such trauma from her own past. If she did eventually she knew her mind would snap, a thing in which she did not wish her own children to see, nor witness for she knew she was a violent wolf when she was truly enraged. A blood lusting hunger would take over, one that she would in turn take down all that she could not care about who she was hurting until her rage broke. If she had allowed herself to be taken blindly her children could be harmed so when the time came and Nox announced her leave there was no doubt she would follow. Not just for herself but to have yet another trusted friend in the fallen empresses life.

The women did care truly for her friend, and would offer what she could to the women in ebony who had to leave almost everything behind. ’I wondered if others will see her like the rest of us do.’ was a simple kind thought as a smile flashed across her face as she looked to the newly forming waves that would soon crash against the shore.

⊰- Moves || Sings || Dances -⊱

image is by Yeshi Kangrag upsplash

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-04-2021, 08:41 AM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

Winter took control seemingly over-night. Trees were left naked, leaves drifting down into mass graves of intricate and warm colors. The wilds cried in outrage and then came a bitter breeze. Before she knew it the lands were smothered in white and autumn left to exist in memories alone. Such swift and ruthless winters were not uncommon, but it never ceased to surprise. Unfortunately, with winter came an excess of responsibilities and urges she had not the means nor resources to fulfill. It also brought with it a certain sense of dread that she was not used to. Without children or even a partner to spend the season with, she found herself feeling terribly lonely. The sensation of loss returned with a vengeance and she fought constantly to keep it at bay. At the very least, she was not left to her own devices. She still had Lupa, and until the rest of her party returned, he would more than suffice.

As she often did, Nox tamed her emotions with busy-work. While she waited for the others to return, she scouted far-away lands taking in every detail as though it might be her last. Though as she may have tried, she could explore until she turned gray and feeble, and still not touch every corner of these boundless lands. New faces came and flittered out of sight. While she hoped those fun little meetings would amount to something, she had reason to doubt. More than anything though, she missed the friends and family she already had. A portion of her felt inclined to believe that none of them would emerge again. Iza had gone to scout and bolster their ranks, and while Nox believed that duty would bring her back eventually, the harsh wilds were bound to hold some dangers.

Eclipsie and Astraea, however, were nowhere to be found. Eclipsie had stormed off in a fit of mindless rage, intent to punish her for even daring to leave Diaval behind, like it was somehow her fault he chose not to join them. What was she to do? Carry him in her jaws like he was a puppy again? No, he made an adult decision and she respected that. Every day she pondered over those same choices, and despite the pain and hurt, she still believed it to be the right decision. Astraea was a different story. Nox had faith that Eclipsie would manage, if but out of sheer stubbornness. However, she worried for the more delicate Astraea, born out of a soft-heart and will to heal rather than hurt. If neither of them would come home, she at-least wished that her girls had somehow managed to find each other. The desperate hope for them to return home far outweighed the resentment she felt for them leaving in the first place. Nox missed her daughters terribly, but if they had each other, she would be content to let them live their lives even if it did not include her. Children grew up and wandered off to write their own stories: As was the nature of life.

When her mind became too cluttered to bear, she set off on another adventure with her faithful companion in tow. She had a spot in mind though it was not one she had visited. Anywhere by the sea would do, so long as she could stare across it. Whether that be to feel a little closer to her son, who lay somewhere beyond the waves, or to toss a wish into it and hope that it came true. They skirted near the edge of the continent, careful to avoid certain territories that smelled heavily of those that occupied them. It was clear that they were not alone, and these areas were heavily populated. She had no desire to anger the locals so she treated their borders with care. Eventually, they found a stretch of land nearest to the seaside. Nothing but snow covered the ground, and few trees dotted the far landscape. Though in the distance she could make out a mountain-like shape though it were blackened and seemingly untouched by snow. She ignored that for now though it piqued her curiosity, and pushed further toward the sea, following the scent of salt that hung in the air.

Harsh cold stripped the land bare of its flora, but as she carefully pressed each paw into the snow, she could feel the frigid stems beneath. It must have been quite the spectacle in spring but for now, it was nothing but a bland vision. When Nox could hear the gentle lap of waves, she knew they were close. However, as they neared the ocean, she noticed a pale figure on the horizon. They were hard to make-out at first and if not for the strip of gray jutting out from the snow, she wouldn’t have even noticed. Nox shot a curious look back at her companion. She had come across a few strangers since arriving but unlike them, this stranger felt familiar somehow. Warm amber eyes scraped over every downy curve as she dug into her memory. Nox halted a few paces away and decided the only way to tell would be to get them to turn around. “Lovely view of the sea from here, don’t you think?” She remarked taking in a deep breath of fresh oceanside air.

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.



3 Years
01-04-2021, 12:17 PM
Get up off your knees girl

The world slumbered locked in an icy grip. Dreams of birds and wild flowers long since passed. The weather had begun to turn, and the first icy embraces of winter was now at their door. Lupa walked beside his best-friend the sorrow radiated off her like a storm. It threatened to spit thunder and lightning at every turn. She did her upmost to hide away the cloud but Lupa could still see it. The memory of the argument and upset when Nox’s children ran off weighed heavy on his thoughts. Lupa had ran after Eclipse that day and he remembered the words that he said. “You may be upset and angry at her but she is still your mother. She will always love you no mater what. I may not be your father, but I will always be there for you.” The phantom touch where he embraced her still tingled, even though it had been weeks ago. Lupa had turned, walked up the hill, and watched her walk off into the horizon while he sobbed like a baby. He missed Eclipsie, but she was an adult now and it was not his place to stop her. When she worked through her emotions, he hoped... No, he knew she would come home. The first few weeks were the hardes. Nox barely ate and they hardly talked. Nox would vary from staring at the sea, to yelling at the sky. Then come the second week she began to eat and talk again. Since then they had been exploring the new lands and meeting new people but Lupa still missed his friends.

The first sign of winter had come the night before last and dusted the ground with the caress of snow. It created an icey wonderland where icicle’s hung from every tree. This was different than the snow of the mountains. Instead of big fluffy flakes it was meager and smelled of the sea air. Lupa’s grandma used to say that “snow was a bandage for the world so it would clean the wounds of all things and heal them. No matter how bad things got, every spring, life would be reborn anew.” That phrase seemed oddly fitting with the events of the past. Over the last few years Lupa had began to find himself and he now had a purpose. A familiar scent floated on the air. A figure appeared in the distance but he couldn't quite place who or what the scent belonged to. It reminded him of the children and of better times. A spark of recognition appeared in Lupa’s mind as his companion spoke to the stranger. After Nox’s call Lupa smiled wide and said, “Hello Tav."

And stand face to face with your God.



3 Years
Extra large

01-04-2021, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2021, 12:57 PM by Tavain.)
Light is easy to love,
Show me your darkness.

The winter winds carried by the sea had crashed against the Irish women's thick fur covered chest, a soft chill beaming over her bringing back the times when all was simple and right in her world. The times where she could wined down with her pups nestled at her side giving their voices a try before they could form words that would follow freely from their mouths. Oh how she longed for those cold winter days once more, but alas she would be putting her heart on hold for many months it needed time to recover from the deviant men who wanted to consume her life.

With a gentle sigh she closed her dueling eyes as her nose took in the scent of the sea, it burned her nose slightly but made her feel at ease. Though she could not breath in the source for long, as it would soon offer a burn to her lungs, something she did not need at the moment in time. More so as two familiar scents had drifted in on the next beat of wind. Slowly her eyes opened as an all too familiar voice had spoken aloud, making her smile at her friends' confusion. ’she would not recognize me for last we meet my coloring hadn’t been the same’ the thought lingered in her mind as the second wolf she knew as Nox’s shadow and fellow friend had spoken. He knew her scent too well if he could place her name, then again the ever present scent of mint had ensnared her allowing all that knew her an easy way to find the women of ice.

Silently she turned her head to look upon the face of her dear friends, the mother who would one day have the world under her paw, and her companion who she would assume to slay all that would try to wrong the ebony fae be it in battle or their shared love for poison’s. ”It is a lovely view but so are you Nox as beautiful as ever” came her Gaelic touched accent. Oh how she missed it when she spoke, it reminded her of her roots from her own time as a pup with her loving parents before their fall. It had made the woman give a wolfen purr. ”Its a pleasure to see you as well Lupa, how have your travels been?” she genuinely wished to know if their travels had been well upon them. And if the trip was what Nox needed to get her mind to stray at least for a little while.

⊰- Moves || Sings || Dances -⊱

image is by Yeshi Kangrag upsplash

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-04-2021, 01:59 PM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.
Nox didn’t know what she expected to see. There was an itch that lingered near the base of her mind until a single word scratched it. Tav. As simple and sweet as that abbreviated name be, she recognized it instantly. Although the memory of the woman that name belonged to must have been distorted from their distance apart. There were few in the world that understood and accepted her just as she was. Not even the brute whom she had called her mate for a time understood her as deeply. It was that aspect of their relationship that had eventually tore them apart. How could love ever to be true without trust? He may have accepted her, but he never understood, and now he never would. One of the people that truly understood her was Lupa and the other...Tavain. Nox had her doubts it was truly her until she spoke. That sweet and exotic accent made memories come flooding back.

Warm eyes the color of hardened maple shifted over her face. A spark of realization made them ignite with various emotions. The Tavain that stood before her was nothing like she remembered, but that hardly mattered. This was the woman that had made her feel welcome in those first harsh months in Candenta. The same one that had cultivated her own love for children and allowed her to visit, despite not knowing her very well, not to mention had guided her through the months of pregnancy and aided in the delivery of her children. Nox could have written a novel about her deeds and read them to the world. Emotional as she had been the past few weeks it was a tremendous relief to see not only a friend but a fellow mother.

Unlike most situations, she did not give that one much thought. Instead, she marched forward and draped her head across Tavain’s shoulder. It was the closest thing to an embrace that she could manage, given she had to stand on her toes to do so. Nox was a stain on the bleached meadow, a splotch of color an already bleak place, yet it felt as though she could have disappeared entirely into those tufts of monochrome fur. She was as soft and light as feather-down. Nox might have gladly embraced her forever, maybe even taken a nap, but she did not want to ruin the moment. “You are the real sight to behold, my friend.” Nox pulled away, eyes blurry and glistened with sentiment. “I do not think you can begin to imagine how happy I am to see you.” She spoke from within, unconcerned for once as her feelings spilled forth like water from a glass pitcher. Her only concern was that Tavain shared the feeling.

As she took a step back, she felt that something was missing from the picture. It did not take long to realize what that might be. “While I am happy to see you,” Nox’s eyes wandered, seemingly looking for something that wasn’t there. “I certainly did not expect to see you here, and alone at that.” At last, the missing piece revealed. They had always felt like-mindedness within each other, especially regarding devotion to one's people and family. So that was why it struck her as odd. Where were her people… and her children?

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.



3 Years
01-08-2021, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2021, 07:57 PM by Lupa.)
Get up off your knees girl

Times long past washed through Lupa’s memory. He fondly remembered playing with Tav’s children. As Lupa watched his two friends, a phrase the littlest of her children taught Lupa popped in his memory. Lupa looked at Tav and with a slight bow he said, “Dia dhuit.” with a smile and a wink and sat next to Nox. “You’re the last one I expected to see out here. I hope you have been well Tav, it’s been far too long. Time has been kind and cruel.” Lupa approached Tav and looked out over the sea. “Gods its beautiful, no matter how messed up the beach gets the sea always soothes it out and makes it anew. Don’t you think?” Lupa slipped a kind smile to Tavain. He sat and watched the sky and the sea. Its glorious white caps crashed on the base of the cliff and smoothed the beach far below. Gentle clouds lofted across the sky. A hint of an approaching storm danced on the horizon. At this moment, he missed the good times at the cave with the children and the rest of his adopted family. His smile slipped to a look of longing.

Lupa turned to Tav and with a halfhearted smile. “Your youngest said something one time that always stuck with me the last time we were at your burrow. We were getting ready to head out and she said, ‘May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home, may good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world, with joy that long endures, may all life's passing seasons, bring the best to you and yours.’ It was such a beautiful phrase and I always wondered were a little one like her heard that, but it touched me and reminds me of you and yours.” With that, Lupa turned back to the sea to let the lady’s catch up.

And stand face to face with your God.



3 Years
Extra large

01-10-2021, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2021, 01:31 AM by Tavain.)
Light is easy to love,

Show me your darkness.

The druid woman sat tall as her tail wrapped seamlessly around her hind paws, while they softly pushed against the gentle coating of snow. Oh how she missed the ebony woman while she had traveled from her forced home. Whilst they were there it seemed like life would finally be worth living, to be able to push along a path that was forged many times over. Though it seemed life had just wished to dangle false hope in front of both of their faces. For the druid it was that of a happy life with a male who had ensnared her heart, blessed her with pups then dispersed many times over. But for Nox? She had assumed the father of the adorable pups was willing to get over his life from where he had hailed from, but it seemed like his ties had vanquished any forms of kinship between them, and the love that had once bloomed for many moons had faded away into nothingness. ’At least she got three good things from their union, and the first better take heed around my daughter.’ she had thought to herself as she allowed memories from their past home flutter lucidly in her mind.

As she sat there looking into the warm eyes of amber she had come to admire she could see the sparks start, she was recalling the woman before her and it made a smile split upon her face. Yes she was quite happy she left good memories with her friend ones that could bring back times that would surely fade from place if they had not seen another for a good while. And as she marched forward with no ile intent insight the druid woman sat with open arms for whatever may come, though she did not expect the warmth of her friend near her neck as she draped herself upon the women of tri-tones of monochromatic nature. It was a setmanet that she returned as she gently nuzzled into the ebony woman's neck before she had pulled away offering kind words that would make her eyes give way to a nature of watery depths. ”I believe it's as happy as I am to see you alive and well Mo stór.” she had replied happily while allowing her favored language filter through the air.

It did not take long for her friend to take notice that her children nor her sole sibling had come with her from the far lands. They had known where she was heading and could take their own path, she would not force their paw, they would be free to always make their own choice, ones that she was not allowed to have until she was finally free. ”They are wherever the soft breeze can take them, I would not force them to give up all that they have in order to follow me afar.” came a sad reply, though it was a statement that would always ring true. Though she would not allow herself to sink into the depths of depression, not when there were two faces she longed to see once again. And the second had spoken her sweet native tongue, making a smile brim past the sadness as she looked upon his face. Oh how she missed them both. ”Dia duit chomh maith le Lupa” the druid woman could not help but to reply in her own favored language. One that would always make her beam with pride for it helped define the woman she had become.

Silently she listened as he spoke, his voice like forgotten strings of music almost forgotten from the world for he seemed to remain a quiet observer most times they would meet. Which had made his voice all the more sweeter when he would open his maw. It was after he had finished his speech that she looked back to the fading sun as it caressed the sea. ”The sea loves to treat those who are patient to a blissful scene.” came a soft reply. Yes the soft waves would come and crash against the shore to renew each mark, no matter how messed up things on the shore line could be it would always be brought back to a peaceful state. With a turn of his head she had caught sight of his half hearted smile before he once more spoke this time of one of her youngest children blessing him with parting words. ”My daughter always wishes to give her own words of happiness to those she cares for. Though as to where she had learned it, I do not know if maybe it was said in passing or from the lessons she had received.” she had replied while the thought fondly of her children and their bright minds that would surely grow with each passing day.

⊰- Moves || Sings || Dances -⊱

image is by Yeshi Kangrag upsplash

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-30-2021, 11:27 PM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.
Life, it seemed, had not been kind to either of them. For Tavain, it often played cruel jokes in the form of the men… or in her case a singular man who frequently entered and disappeared from her life. There was no creature more beautiful or angelic on the earth and Nox would have seen anyone flayed alive for their transgressions against her friend. Nox looked deeply into the duel-set irises, one of tarnished silver and the other an icy blue. She furrowed her brows, unable to disguise the concern that she felt. Before she even spoke, Nox could feel the sadness that had taken root inside her soul. It seemed they shared in one another's struggles but for one of them, it felt there was no other choice but to take the more difficult path, and it left her wondering why Tavain had chosen to walk it too. Often she did not reveal her true emotions and instead chose to harbor them. However, for Tavain’s sake, she stripped her defenses and allowed the vibrant colors of emotion to flow freely onto the page. There were few she would do that for but Tavain was one of them. Nox only hoped that she would not find herself regretting that decision as she had many times before. The damage would be irreversible and the slow process to repair herself would once-again be delayed.

Slowly Nox lifted a paw and gently pressed it against Tavain's left cheek. Waves of sympathy radiated from behind her eyes and showed in the gentleness of her touch. "I am sorry." There was little she could express with words. Nox knew how Tavain felt even without the longing that occupied her voice. It was something only a fellow mother could understand. It was something she had experienced herself and knew the agony associated with it. Loss, loneliness, and grief all sometimes shared a face. It was at that very moment she saw those emotions reflected in the depths of her friend’s eyes. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could say to ease that pain, but sometimes simply being there was enough. Beneath the soft slated down, she could feel the definition of her cheekbones. True to her maternal nature, she fretted over Tavain’s current state… It had been so long since they’d seen each other, and something had surely changed other than her appearance. Darkness hung over them both along with a sense of instability. Other than that, she worried about trivial things like if she’d been eating or sleeping properly, and other concerns of a similar theme. Nox had not the answers for either, but if she knew anything about grief, physicality often suffered along with a weakened mental state. Maybe, if Tavain decided to stay, they would find strength and healing in each other's company.

After some time, she lowered her paw. Her claws caught on strands of fur which she carefully detangled before once-again moving away. “It seems all of us hurt in the absence of those we love. Wherever they might be, for their sake, I hope they do not miss us as much as we miss them.” She blinked slowly, her gaze gradually pulled out to the ocean that Lupa drew attention to. She was glad that he did because the sight brought her great comfort. The scene was like a reflection of their lives. There was a false pretense of peace on the outside but on the inside… chaos. A cold breeze drifted from across the ocean. Salt and rain lingered in the air foreboding the storm that loomed ahead. Befitting for a somber landscape, Lupa recited some sort of foreign blessing or poetry. "How beautiful." She whispered. The words radiated hope and light in times where both were lacking. Now that she really thought of it; Discovering Tavain there on what felt like the edge of the world? It seemed far too good to be true. “She inherited that from her mother, I believe. A strong and defined will to help others and show compassion to those she cares about? Sounds very familiar to me.” She said and turned back to face Tavain. A tender smile lifted either corner of her face. If Tavain were to look closer, however, she would find it bittersweet with a twinge of guilt. “I do hope you did not come all this way just to see us. I am overjoyed to see an old friend but certainly, those you parted with must miss you dearly?” It was Nox's way of indirectly asking why she was there and so far from home. Maybe it was silly to assume responsibility for such a thing, but if her concerns were not misplaced, then she would have much to atone for.

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!

Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.