
Fading memories

winter prompt healing



3 Years
Extra large

01-07-2021, 02:32 PM
Light is easy to love,

Show me your darkness.

The cold winter nights had been blossoming into effect, chilling all that was around with it’s ice like grasp. Though that did not bother the large woman born of the seasons itself, though not many wolves had been blessed with the knowledge of her birth. She adored to stay a mystery for it made her ways seem more than strange, it had made her glimmer with new light though for now she knew the light was dimmer than before. There were so many things broken deep inside that she hid away from all, for they did not need to know the torment she had endured within her first year of life. The piles of bodies of her natal pack still lay fresh behind closed eyes, but that had not bothered her not since she was a bab shy of becoming four months of age. For that was when her true torment had begun.

The memory of the pack that had taken away all that she had loved had danced in her face, the pair of ebony alphas had haunted her memories as they dragged her dear departed sister away kicking and screaming for her to help her from their grasp. How she wished she was strong enough to push past the brute that had pinned her down to rush to her sisters' side and bring their brother into their grasp only to escape from a new fate. The memories had haunted her ever move, every patch of land she walked upon seemed to wish to free her from a past that she thought she could once escape, but not any more no longer could she hold back the memories that had torn her once proud family apart. Something she wished for in life that she could have fixed, she should have been stronger, or as strong as she was now.

If she was back then would they have endured the same fate but far worse or would it have been better? Those were questions she could never answer now for Tovah belonged to the realm of the deceased, by a false king's paw from lands she had left behind to follow a dear friend into a new life, one that she did not see her children in. Ones she had missed dearly as well, her chilled Griffin as strong as his father but with a mind like her own ruled with vengeance for those who would do them wrong. Her sweet Daeali, an angel in white that was her little shadow ever since she was a wee little lass trying to keep up with her steps. The thought had made a delectable bit of laughter fall in a tune unknown to the woman, before she thought of their lost brother who had been stolen by a wolverine before he could even gain his name.

Though the lesson her eldest ones had received upon that day was ever so sweet, they had been taught to enact their primal instincts to tear apart the flesh of another before consuming it whole. It was one of her more pleasant memories of her pups that brought her to a happier time in her life. Though with the thoughts of her next litter were a bit josled from place as she could vaguely recall their tender pup faces all squished up, she had been busy gathering herbs for an upcoming war in the second home she was forced to be in. Though she could recall their growing shapes, her young Asira, a strong woman she would be, and by the gods of whichever wolf could tame her wild daughter! That would be the day, though it did seem like she fancied the sole male child of Nox the last time they had been together. If she was happy with him then she would bless their union, though he best be loyal to her daughter and not wander like her father the waste of a space he could be. Then there was her little Moon, a rival to Asira in almost every way to the point it was charming to the druid woman for when they would follow her to the meetings she held they would tussle about fighting in a playful way.

Alas she could not recall what her ebony touched child had been up to last time she had caught a glimpse of her, she had at a point made herself quite scare so much so that she prayed that her child had not perished from the earth. Then her mind flickered to her youngest of their litter, little Jager who had at a time been shy hiding away in the books she had carefully collected with knowledge of herbs the thought in itself had made her laugh a bit while she thought of her little boy following in the ways she wished to teach. Oh he would be a wonderful healer if he could make himself stay in one place long enough to gain the knowledge he seeked before rushing off to follow his elder brother. It was with a small sigh she let her head fall upon snow covered paws, she was lost in the past she had to leave behind with high hopes of her own children to follow behind. Though as she thought of each one of her children being out in the world living and falling in love in their own time had made her brim with happiness for they would become a Lylis worthy of praise, so much so that she assumed that their fallen grandparents were looking down upon them. It was with these hopes that something that was weighing down her mind seemed to lift as she thought of a life that her pups could have and maybe happening across her own path. That was a day to look forward too, one that she would strive for. It made her give a soft smile one that only those dear to her could see, before she moved to sit upon her rump. There was not more sullen thoughts that should happen across her mind, no now she had to find her way back to her dear friend to see what help the aspiring empress would need, before she would once more set out to grow a collection of herbs to brew potions and poisons that could aid them in the many years to come.

⊰- Moves || Sings || Dances -⊱

image is by Yeshi Kangrag upsplash