
Pocketful of Fireants


06-05-2014, 12:59 AM

Slender legs would bring the traversing she wolf to a large lake of shimmering beauty, her thirst needing to be quenched. Walking towards the pool, Valice would allow her neck to lower and maw to hover over the reflective matter, tongue lapping quickly as the cool and refreshing beverage would sooth her needs.

Soon, the young dame's head would lift and head would turn in all directions only to search for nearby wolves. She'd pull in a few scents that wouldn't seem dangerous in anyway, and would trot a bit away from the lake, her posture regal and calm as usual. "Quite boring, quite boring," the silky voice would escape from jaws that would hold sharp and new fangs. As her body would rest in a comfortable position, a few flurries would begin to dance around her slender frame, emerald eyes following them with fascination and joy. There seemed to be peace in this area, although Valice was on a quest to solve this illness that had struck the realm like a massive hammer. She could only hope for the best as the damsel of greys and whites would remain seated upon her position.

Your Speech,



7 Years
Extra large
06-05-2014, 01:16 AM

When Quelt had first come to this land, it had been struck with an earthquake. And while it hadn't been so bad, now a plague was surging through the land like a meteor. Even his own sister was sick in Valhalla, and as much as his heart felt constricted with worry, he was no healer so there was not much he could do about it. The large slate blue boy would come to the travelers lake seeking a little bit of quiet time from all of his stresses, his oddly bi colored orbs both of them blue with red around the pupils came to rest upon a white lady near the lake. The quiet of the air didn't do anything but place a small barrier between the two.
At first he didn't want to approach, with everyone sick, and the fact he had been in contact with his sister, he did not want to get anyone else sick. His darkly colored ears flicked, as he sighed with worry filled in his tone. Maybe some company for the beast wouldn't be so bad? The larger wolf would come to rest a few feet in front of her. "Hello." he said, offering a kind smile on his masked maw.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


06-05-2014, 01:27 AM

Emerald eyes contained by the white dame would look up to see an incredibly large brute whose smile would end up relieving the thought of being slaughtered. Hearing a "Hello" from him as well would cause her to sit up and look around before smiling in return, her gently face and slightly wagging tail being used as a sign that she was not a threat in any way.

"Hello," the dame would pause before standing and allowing her tall legs to nearly reach to his height, her tall and slender frame almost meeting his eye level. "Valice, loner of pretty much everywhere." As she would casually introduce herself, a small bow would be added to show her respect to an obvious courage to approach her, with the plague and all, she was surprised that anyone still stayed in contact with one another. It was a terrifying time, and as she'd begin to think of all that had gone on, the fur on her spine would raise before Valice would turn to the real world and look at his strange eyes, her head tilting in curiosity and amazement. "Your eyes are gorgeous," she'd state in awe before smiling again sitting to perhaps continue the conversation.

Your Speech,



7 Years
Extra large
06-05-2014, 01:52 AM

Of course Quelt was afraid, but he didn't want to just seclude himself in all this. He had heard Tortuga had almost found a cure, bringing hope to his heart that his sister would be alright. Valice seemed so polite, something that was hard to catch these days, in both men and women as of late. He sat down on his haunches with a thump. While she was still shorter than him which was something he was used to. She was rather more slim than his bulky fluffy frame was. "Quelt Arrow, I'm also a loner, though I've been staying near Valhalla for my sisters sake. She's sick with the plague." he said with a stiffed sigh.
With her comment about his eyes, he blinked for a moment. He had been flattered before, but usually it was about his coat, not his eyes. A smile rose on his face as she said this. "Thank you, I like yours as well, I've always liked the color of green." he mused, hoping that she would accept his compliment also. This was nice to enjoy some normal company for once.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


06-05-2014, 03:18 AM

Hearing the brute speak once again, her ears would perk as the intent listener would follow along with his sentence. "Quelt Arrow, I'm also a loner, though I've been staying near Valhalla for my sisters sake. She's sick with the plague."

"What lovely name as well, however it is a shame to hear that you sister is sick with this illness, however I am relieved to hear that Tortuga is near to finding the cure," she would say, looking a little glum to remember her family as well. "My family took the hit of the plague around the beginning of it. My do not suppose they linger in this world any longer, since it was quite a while when they first showed signs of the dammed symptoms. I was told to leave them so I would not become contaminated as well, and my hope is to join a pack and assist with this disease for as long and as much as I can." Finally stopping to take a breath from her background, Valice would begin to show signs of worry. What if I'M sick and I don't even know it?

Shaking the thought out of her mind, she'd go ahead and hear of how he'd thank her for the compliment about his eyes. God, his marvelous eyes. There hasn't really been anything else that had intrigued her, despite his gently and kind personality."Thank you, I like yours as well, I've always liked the color of green."

The returned compliment given to her from Quelt would also shock her, since her whole family had similar eyes to hers, she never really felt significant for them, and would give a bashful smile before lowering her gaze to the ground below the two. The breeze would begin to pick up as her head would turn in it's direction before looking back to Quelt so they could continue their conversation.

After a bit of a silent pause, Valice would begin to speak more about the plague, her worries finally breaking through. "It's okay if you are afraid to be near me, I'd understand...I-I fear of becoming contaminated and hurting others around me. If I die, it is fine, but it's the fear of causing others to die because your body cannot handle it. Funny, the thought would probably destroy me before the disease could even do it's job properly, she'd say in a slightly jokingly manner, except worry would remain in her eyes and the huge feeling of responsibility would begin to crush the she wolf's soul.

Your Speech,



7 Years
Extra large
06-06-2014, 02:51 PM

Quelt shifted his massive body as he watched her, in these times they were all so tense. No one knew weather they were dead or dying, or if they would infect others just like himself. Though he knew fear at times could be very controlling, so with the benefit of the doubt they all needed to stay calm until a cure for this disease was found. He had already lost one friend, and he was determined to not lose his sister. "I'm sorry to hear about your family. My friend also died of the plague, and I'm determined to make sure that my sister lives through it." he said. "I just hope tortuga gets to a cure soon, or even one of the other packs." for once he was worrying sincerely, but he always did. Just not this much, he usually kept a certain level of happiness.
His black tail came to curl around his side, his eyes would sensitively look over the woman. She looked genuinely afraid if that meant anything. A smile would bring to his face, and a soft spoken sigh as well. "To be honest, I don't know what to think, weather to be afraid or not. I already had to carry my sister who was infected to Valhalla. So I have no clue weather I am carrying the plague or not to infect others." his eyes shut for a moment, fluttering open to look at her. "It's best not to worry about such things Valice. Fear can be just as controlling as any physical aspects can be, I've spoken once with the alphess of Tortuga I am certain you'd do well there." he tried to comfort the girl even if it was mild.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


06-06-2014, 07:48 PM

The white dame would view how Quelt would shuffle, and would notice that he too was getting uncomfortable with this conversation, which she would understand completely. Soon, Valice would hear the masculine figure in front of her begin to speak, in which she'd respond by perking her ears in attempt to hear his voice to her best ability, and would quickly lower them to hear the bad news about his friend and sister. "I'm sorry to hear about your family. My friend also died of the plague, and I'm determined to make sure that my sister lives through it." he said. "I just hope tortuga gets to a cure soon, or even one of the other packs."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I had your determination,and yeah, I really hope one of the packs come up with something soon, and if we do go down, we go down with courage, am I right?" she would say, in a poor attempt to bring up their hopes. Unsure of it would work, Valice would lower her ears slightly and would look up with a soft smile, her calm demeanor also soothing. (Hopefully.)

Eventually things would begin to quiet down as the dame's head would turn to view the landscape around them, green eyes following leaves picked by the gust. Alas, she would turn her head back to see Quelt looking at her, in which she'd look at him like "What?", or as if there was something for her to notice, however, Valice was terrible at reading other wolves.

"To be honest, I don't know what to think, weather to be afraid or not. I already had to carry my sister who was infected to Valhalla. So I have no clue weather I am carrying the plague or not to infect others."
Hearing what he would had gone through, Valice would lower hear ears sigh at the bad news regarding his sister, and it really bummed her out. "Don't worry, I wouldn't run away from you or anything. To be honest, I;'m not I was before," the dame would say, head lifting with spirit as the gears in her head would churn. "Contact or not, consider me your friend, meaning if you get sick I will help you and take care of you as best as I can. Promise," Valice would speak in a determined way, never really seeing anyone strange as a friend until now.

And soon conversation would end to hear the silence and whispering of the cold winter gust that would carry plague around the landscape, however bold and green eyes would look to him with determination, something that would have sprouted with a new future, unlike leaving her family at such a young age, because all four of them knew their fate and would have said their good byes from a distance.

"It's best not to worry about such things Valice. Fear can be just as controlling as any physical aspects can be, I've spoken once with the alphess of Tortuga I am certain you'd do well there."
Nodding her white and grey hued head, Valice would agree with him, her trust for that pack strong enough for her to return without worrying about issues there. "I know, and good point. We'd get ourselves sick worrying about this issue, rather than trying to live life as normal and living to the fullest, even if our time is more limited that usual,"[/B] the she wolf would say as she'd stand and eyes would glint.

Your Speech,