
Azarak [Up to 5]



6 Years
06-04-2014, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2014, 08:21 PM by Azalea.)
user posted image

The long awaited babies arrive at the end of the month (28th to be exact) and so they will need dedicated people to play them. I really want them to be active and not fall off the face of the earth so if you adopt one and then disappear, Bri and I will retain rights to put the pup back up for adoption.

There can be a total of 5 puppies, all will be paid for by myself and bri (only approved for 1 puppy)

Parent details: Azalea is 32 inches to the shoulder and Sarak is 34 inches (so puppies can be taller but nothing unrealistically huge)

OKAY so puupppieesss: (puppy order shows birth order)

Puppy 1
Name: Raziel
Gender: Male
Pictures:ref, manip
Taken By:

Puppy 2
Name: Vallis
Gender: Male
Pictures: ref, manip
Taken By: Briena

Puppy 3
Name: Sarka
Gender: Female
Pictures: ref, manip
Taken By:

Puppy 4
Name: Dahlia
Gender: Female
Pictures: ref, manip
Taken By:

Puppy 5
Name: Azael
Gender: Male
Pictures: ref, manip
Taken By:

nnooowwwwwwww one of these will be taken by Bri so once she chooses I will edit this to reflect that.

Needed from you?
Puppy Name/Number:
Personality: 200 min
Appearance: 150 min
Health: Nothing too crazy wild but due to the epidemic during pregnancy Azalea will be pretty stressed out
Alignment: None can be evil so chaotic neutral is as bad as they can be
Sample: 350 min

Nocturne I


4 Years
06-04-2014, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 08:27 AM by Nocturne I.)


06-05-2014, 02:25 AM
Puppy Name/Number: 5, Azael
Personality: During his young days, Azael will want to follow his Father around and learn everything he can from him. He will want to be as loyal as his father and possibly be more on the silent side. He is quite observant, and though he tries to think rationally about everything he encounters, due to the epidemic his mother had been infected with, he has acquired an aggressive trait and a possessive nature. Don't get him wrong, for he can also be the friendliest guy around until his mind forces him to see red. He will have jealousy issues, for at a young age he will squabble for attention with his siblings and even strangers. He has a sort of dry sense of humor, and often will take jokes literally. He can hold a sarcastic tongue within his mouth, and he does like to tease from time to time but generally, he is an all around good guy to be around. Paranoia is another thing in his mind, but even that can be deterred unless provoked. He will be a natural born fighter, and will always seek to perfect his skills. And no matter who he is up against, he won't back down from the challenge. Stubborn as hell and very prideful, he will not take a loss quietly. He will keep trying, no matter how many times, until he wins. He is ambitious, and it will show as he grows older. He will learn leader like qualities, though as he grows he already begins to show natural borne leader like abilities. He is possibly the tallest of the litter upon his full adult age, and he will not tolerate any misconduct among his peers and siblings.

Around his siblings, Azael is quite possessive and extremely protective of them, always eyeing and scrutinizing those they come in contact with. And when it comes to his sisters especially, he will often do something like 20 questions and will always watch, and sometimes, meddle in the affairs and business of his sisters and the male trying to woo them. He wants to ensure they are with males who will treat them right, and if one toe is out of line he will not hesitate to correct the males mistake if they ever break his sisters hearts.
Appearance: Standing at 36" and potentially weighing up to 136 pounds, Azael is quick of wit and fast on his feet. He is both a hunter and a fighter, and he will always keep himself training to get the muscle tone he so desires. He walks with purpose, always. And he will never show submission even if the odds are against him. Sporting a top coat of charcoal black atop his pelt from the base of his head all the way down to the middle section of his tail, and along midway upon his shoulders, thighs, and covering the back of his ears. Light and dark browns make up the rest of his base pelt, along with a few bits of white here and there. The main attraction being upon his face, where he holds a white mark that covers his chin and runs up the front of his muzzle till it reaches a point upon the crown of his head like a muzzle of sorts. The white also runs down his chest where it stops between his front legs, then there's a small patch in the middle of his underbelly and finally the last portion of it is on the end of his tail. His oculars are two in color, a fiery deep coal red and the other a calming deep ocean blue. Perfect contradictory colors for his contradiction of a personality. He will grow to be lean and muscular, never sitting in one place for too long and always looking for something to do to keep him in shape.
Health: Azael will possibly have an aggressive tic in his mind due to the disease. He can be the nicest guy around and suddenly grow violent in the blink of an eye. There may be a way to keep him calm, though what it may be would have to be discovered.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Snow shifted under his feet, the young male racing after the scent trail of his father. Though what he was about to encounter would both surprise him and make a new discovery for him. He stopped as soon as he smelled it, a scent he had never smelled before that belonged to a creature of which he never laid eyes upon. It was musty, though it smelled of grasses and the wind all the same. Creeping forward, he would hear laughter and the dull pounding of something upon the ground. Rocks? No. It was something else. He would peer around the tree from which he was creeping towards, and there in a small field was a creature with stilt like legs and much taller then he was. Nearby, an even larger creature that was as black as night with a white star upon her head and a mane of hair cascading down her powerful looking neck. A tilt of his head depicted curiosity. What was this creature? Why did their feet look like rocks? He watched on as the buckskin girl trotted over towards the larger creature, and as he shifted his paws a leaf would crackle underfoot. He glanced at his feet for a moment, and when he looked up the buckskin girl and the black creature were looking at him. After a moment of staring at each other, the young girl would make his way over to him. Her long legs stepping one after the other in a movement somewhat different then his own way of walking. Her short tail wagging behind her. She would stop in front of him, and his own hackles would rise slightly as he was unsure what her intentions were.

"Hello! My name is Rikku, what's yours?" She would greet him in a friendly and polite manner, and he would simply gaze up at her in wonder and guarded curiosity. "A-Azael...What are you? You're tall!" He inquired, though not in the most polite of ways but he was extremely curious. She didn't look like a wolf, and he had never seen something like her before in all his short little life. She would giggle, tail flicking behind her as she pawed at the earth a bit. A snort escaping her nostrils. "I'm a horse silly! Have you never seen anything like me? Momma says i'll grow to be much bigger when i'm older!" She giggled again, nickering a bit. Sounds he had never heard from a creature before. Hackles would lower again, and he inched closer as the pair inched their noses to near touching as they scented each other. " Will I grow to be that big too?" He wondered. For his parents weren't all that big, and he had never seen a wolf as tall as the girl, though he hoped he would grow larger and perhaps be that size too...then again, she said she was going to get bigger. But just how big? "Wanna be friends, Azael?" She would distract him from his thoughts, and slowly he would nod. A smile spreading across his face. He was friends with a horse! Now how many kids got to say that? "Yeah! That'd be cool!"

The girl giggled again, trotting in place as she looked back at Obsidian. She turned towards him again, a grin upon her face and a twinkle in her eye. "Let's go play tag!" Without waiting for a response, she spun around in place and ran off in the opposite direction, laughing all the way. Wagging his tail now, he was less apprehensive, and so would give chase. "That's not fair! I'll catch you though, just you wait!"



6 Years
06-05-2014, 09:08 AM
Azalea actually isn't sick or going to get sick during the epidemic :) She's just been under stress with everyone being sick and her friends dying


06-05-2014, 01:19 PM
Ooohh okay xD well then, I'll play it out by stress as opposed to sickness, sorry I thought she was gonna contract the disease lol


06-05-2014, 02:42 PM
Puppy Name/Number: Raziel

Raziel is a playful brute, he tends to be calm and observant most of the time. When he is around his siblings and friends it's a different story he is playful, likes to play small jokes sometimes, and is also sometimes called funny. He enjoys being the oldest of his siblings but never really bullies them instead he is confident, friendly, kind, and nice. He is defiantly someone you can tell a secret to and it not be spread to anyone the next morning, he likes to keep it to himself. It takes a lot to anger him, unless your threatening his family and friends which means most likely he will attack you without hesitating, he takes all threats seriously. He likes to take responsibility into his own paws and always tries to do whats best for his self, family, and friends. He respects everyone however he respects his superiors much more and tries to please them when ever they ask something of him. If Raziel doesn't know you he can be very shy and struggle to think of the right words to say, which almost always are very low words that you can barely hear. If you anger him and he doesn't know you then his seemingly shy behavior will surprise you however sometimes his position may seem sheepish, since he doesn't really know the wolf.

Appearance: Almost all of his coat is a snowy white except his face which is a totally different color, like his mother's. Instead of orange it is black-like his father's coat. However he has cinnamon around his black nose with white at the beginning below his nose. He has a white stripe from his nose to the middle of his muzzle, like a snip but longer. He also has two cinnamon spots near his eyebrows, he has thick fur and has not yet gotten any scars. His optics(eyes) are a stunning bright emerald green like his father. He will soon grow to be greatly built like a fighter, with a well muscular body and and long sturdy legs. His height to the shoulder will reach 35 inches, his tongue is dark pink and his paw pads match his nose, which means they too are black. His nails are also black and never to long, his teeth are white. (Sorry I couldn't think of anything to put so I added teeth and stuff xD)

Health: Healthy

Alignment: Good

His white paws padded gracefully across the winter landscape. This was his favorite season finally he had reached the age to join the pack in a hunt. The bright sunlight seemed to reflect off of his stunning white coat as he now trotted happily toward his pack his attention drifting off now and then across the snowy landscape with few trees in view and those where evergreen pines which held snow like a brawny buffalo. His ears perked at the sound of his father calling the pack in for the hunt that was about to take place, throwing his head back he too joined in the howl to let others know that he was already there. Soon howls seemed to echo all around him reassuring his father that they where on their way.
His almond eyes glanced over toward his father, who stood proud and tall. His black coat stood out in this terrain but when in the shade it seemed to make up for it, his orange eyes seemed to stare down any challenge with a fiery spirit. The white brute laid his ears back submissively as he crouched to greet his father with licks and a few wags of his tail before his father moved away to greet the rest of the pack who knew all too well then to defy him and stand. He was the only white wolf in the pack the rest had darker coats some had light grey others held white coats but with black or brown markings. Now sitting the white brute sighed he missed his mother, she blended in as good as him however she had blue soft eyes that where caring and always worried.
Seeing that his pack had started the hunt and was now tracking a elk he followed closely behind with a rage of excitement pulsing threw his veins and at the same time sadness that seemed to stab at his heart with every pace forward he took. The wind blew his face and he knew they where downwind, suddenly the pack stopped and lowered themselves into the snow, it was then that he knew the herd had been discovered. His father walked quietly toward him and smiled, "You will lead this hunt. Your time has come to prove yourself." His father's words flowed smoothly and as he looked into his eyes he knew that his father was proud.

400 words

(Sorry if you wanted me to use Raziel in the example post)



8 Years
06-05-2014, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2014, 02:23 PM by Oracle.)

I'll be your ghost, your game, your stadium

I'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one

And I feel ALRIGHT
Cause I worked it out

[Image: line_of_fire_by_trynxie-d7kxniz.png]

yeah i worked it out


Puppy Name/Number: Pup 4, Dahlia


Dahlia will try to be very quiet like Senka as a pup, as her sister will be her favorite littermate, but the only thing that she will succeed at is just becoming very quiet, and not very outgoing at all. Dahlia is curious about the world outside of her pack, and her heart races with excitement and she thinks about all the animals and wolves she could see when she goes outside of her pack, if she ever does. Dahlia looks up to all her siblings except Azael, who she will try to boss around, because he is younger than her; she wants someone to boss around herself. If any of her other three siblings ask her to do something for them, Dahlia will, because she doesn't really care about what they ask of her as long as she can do it. The pup is loyal to her family even at a young age, and she doesn't really like them to fight. She doesn't like fighting between her family, even if she starts it herself, because she has a fear that her family will fall apart whenever they begin to fight.

As Dahlia growls older, about two months old, or three, this is when she will begin to twitch, and she will change very suddenly because of this. She will be very scared of going outside, and she will become very shy, staying away from her siblings in case her twitching is contagious. She will not move a lot, and overreact her twitching, until she finally calms down and begins to adapt to it, in this time will make her slowly become friendlier with her siblings, especially Sarka. She will have a huge rivalry with Raziel, and try to compete with him all the time about being the first to do something, and constantly trying to outdo him in "fighting". She will be the one to lead her siblings in fights against creatures called dragons, as tall as a tree, or goblins, who waited in the water to snatch you and pull you under.

Dahlia will have an active imagination, and will be very good at storytelling, although most of them will be about a female wolf who defeated the dragon king by herself, or a whole tribe of goblins by herself. If they act it out, she will always demand to be the female wolf, and for Raziel to be the dragon king or him to be the head of the goblin tribe and the rest of her siblings to be the rest of the tribe. She is always a little sad that Sarka isn't like the rest of them, but she always shakes it away the best she can, and she plays with the rest of her siblings as much as she wants to. As she begins to twitch, or even as she gets used to it, Dahlia will always jump a little whenever she twitches, making her seem very jumpy.

Dahlia dreams of climbing rocks that are larger than dragons, and see strange rivers that flow off an edge and fall into a pond, maybe even jump down from the height and crash into the water. She has no idea that jumping from that height would probably kill her, and if she did the almost impossible feat of surviving, she would end up getting badly injured by the water. She wants to feel the water on her back, and feel the water flowing over her back, making her fur wet and dripping when she gets out. She wants to tell Raziel what she did, more than anything, and watch the pup make a horrified face as he realizes that she finally won the rivalry.

{Her personality is open to change, depending on who gets her brothers, and as I roleplay her, if I get her.}


Dahlia will be large for her order of birth, being 36 inches tall, and very skinny for a pup her height, although it is not determined how much she'll weigh. Her tail will be raised in dominance, along with her head, and her legs will take large steps, showing that she isn't afraid of anything that threatens her family. Dahlia will grow to be graceful, but as a pup, she will stumble over her paws, but this will go away completely as she gets older, only leaving a tall wolf with a graceful walk and her head raised like she's a queen. Her fur is sleek and shiny, the strands seeming to be together in her pelt when she licks it down, but it is slightly fluffy otherwise. Her eyes, although mismatched, show a bright intelligence that seems to outmatch any of her siblings', although this may not be so. Dahlia's fur is meant for swimming, and she will be seen twitching and jumping a few times, but she isn't the afraid wolf most will think she is.

Dahlia's base color is the color of most of her siblings', and her mother's, a milky white that makes her seem almost normal. But she takes after her mother more than just having her base color, as she has the light brown her mother has as her marking color. Around both of her eyes are brown patches that make them both stand out, although one will actually stand out more than the other with the darker brown around it. The brown comes back again, at her back and then stopping further down her back, although this will be the only other marking beside her eye spots. The brown stripe starts at her shoulder blades, but not coating the fur, instead staying right in the middle. The stripe goes down her body slowly, and ends at her tail base, where this is the last of the markings that she has ends. But her eyes finish off her strange, but beautiful appearance, by being mismatched with the color of her parents' eyes.

Dahlia will have two very different colored eyes, although they will both be beautiful, and perhaps the only thing that will remind Azalea of Sarak. One eye is the fiery orange brown mix of Azalea's mix, although it will seem more orange than brown. The other eye is green, the color of her father's eyes, only they seem a little darker around the edges, flecked with orange.

Health: Maybe some slight twitching as she gets older? Nothing too serious, but it'll happen a lot.

Alignment: Neutral Good


"No, no, no, Raziel! No, no! You can't do that do a goblin! Not the King Goblin! You'll just make him angrierer, and then he'll drag you underwater so he can try to drown you! Oh, great, no he's angrierer. No I'll have to deal with him!" Raziel looked up at her and narrowed his green eyes just a little. "Well, if you know how to get rid of him so well, then why don't you do it yourself?" He growled, and Dahlia only had time to bark out a warning before the imaginary monster swung his fist at Raziel. "RAZIEL! Look out!" Raziel whipped his head to the left, and barely jumped out of the way, while Dahlia sighed. "He was coming from the right. When you jumped out of the way, or tried to, he hit you." She growled, and Raziel paused, then flopped down on his side. "He killed me." He said, and Dahlia bunched up her muscles. "Fine. I guess I'll have to deal with him myself, like I was going to." She muttered, before jumping back into character.

"Oh noooooooo! Raziel! Nooooooooooooo! My dear brother! How could this happen?" She howled the words a few times, then was about to jump off the rock she had climbed, when she twitched. It was sudden and strange, and she jumped. Raziel raised his head, and tilted his head. "Dahlia? Are you okay?" He asked, and Dahlia managed to shake her head a little. She twitched again, and she was barely aware of Raziel running over to her through her panic. Suddenly, he was in front of her, and Dahlia pulled back, jumping a little. "Raziel......" Her voice was cracked, and she managed to continue. "Raziel, I'm scared." She twitched again, and let out a small whimper, tears running down her face and making her fur wet. She twitched again, and Raziel pushed himself closer to her. "It'll be okay, Dahlia. You'll be okay. I'll get mom and the rest of them, okay? You stay here." Dahlia closed her mismatched eyes. "Raziel.......I don't wanna stay here. What if I'm sick? What if I'm gonna......What if I'm gonna die?" She said, and Raziel let out a soft growl.

"Dahlia. You're not going to die. We'll get one of the healers, and.....And you'll be fine. I promise." Even if he had promised, his voice was cracked, and that made the pup whimper even more. "I'm not gonna be okay, am I?" She opened her eyes and looked up at her brother. She noticed that he wouldn't look at her. Dahlia twitched, a few more tears flowing from her eyes. She spoke again, and whimpered when she did so, knowing that it was true. "I'm not gonna make it through this, am I?" Raziel stared at her, then shook his head. Finally, he spoke, then waited for her to respond. "I could carry you to them, but you wouldn't like it, would you?" Dahlia only managed to nod her head before she spoke. "I think.......I think that being carried wouldn't be so bad. I.......I wouldn't like it, but I think it would be okay if it meant getting back." Raziel struggled onto the rock and grabbed the smaller girl's scruff, and jumping off the rock, landing just as Dahlia twitched.

The older brother began to run, and Dahlia twitched her paws like she was running. She hadn't been used to being carried all that much, but then again, she wasn't twitching. Finally, she spoke, and struggled from Raziel's grip. "What if I can spread it? I don't want anyone to get it. They might get angry at me, and then I might make them angrierer." With that, she left her brother, her tail raised as she walked away.




4 Years
06-05-2014, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2014, 01:26 PM by Warja.)
Puppy Name/Number: Raziel (Mortal Instruments, anyone?) #1
Difficult, argumentative: He's headstrong and tends to disregard the commands of others if their wishes conflict with his. As he grows older this tendency will be soundly rooted in reason, but as a child it will lead him to do whatever his heart desires. No amount of punishment will break him of this habit, instead it'll encourage him to think of smarter ways to get what he wants.

Intuitive, adaptable: Raziel is as changeable as they come. This adaptability stems from a desire to find the best strategies to implement his ideas, not naivety. Problem solving is his thing, and although he's usually rather quiet, when the wheels start spinning it's not uncommon for him to break from reality and muse aloud in incomplete sentences as his mind is too quick for his mouth. He lives in a world of ideas and strategic planning, valuing intelligence, knowledge and competence, with high standards in these regards, which he continually will try to meet (but never will, because as his understanding expands, the standard bars will raise accordingly). To a lesser degree these standards are applied to others.

Deliberate, long-range thinker: His interest in dealing with the world is to make decisions, express judgments, and put everything that he encounters into an understandable and rational system. Consequently, Raz is quick to express judgments. Puzzles are his passion and he enjoys gazing into the future, finding no difficulty in imagining things that haven't take place yet. Life, to Raziel, is the greatest puzzle. He finds beauty everywhere, not just in the physical sense, but in the quiet harmony that makes it all possible. He'll go through life with his eyes wide open, testing and marveling at the impossible rhythm that surrounds him. Understanding that there is an order to everything, he'll sift through the chaos and confusion, searching fearlessly for the clockwork that makes all things tick.

Sensitive, acute: With his strongly opinionated, sometimes judgmental ways, it's possible that others will mistake him for a creature with a thick-skin. As a child, this won't be true, but if he is wounded enough because of his personality it could become a reality in his later years. Raziel, though not prone to tears, can be easily hurt by others. In eagerly sharing his thoughts and opinions he'll be baring his inner workings for all to see, leaving him vulnerable to attacks. What others may not realize is that he longs to be understood and any attack on his character will be received with extreme shock. Immediately, Raziel will shut down, drawing into himself in an attempt to staunch the emotional blood pouring from his very soul. Once he is wounded, it's difficult to win him over again. In this regard, he has a one strike policy and it's doubtful that whoever hurt him will ever get back in his good graces.

Easily awed idol-worshiper: Raziel, because of his constant need to better himself, will recognize the traits he holds dear in others and try his hardest to emulate them. As a pup it wouldn't be uncommon to find him trailing behind one of his older brothers with an awed, almost starstruck, look on his face. Blinded by their superior knowledge and wisdom, their flaws will go unnoticed for much of his puppyhood. Any with the desired characteristics will be added rather quickly to his list of idols, but those in his family will be given the highest regard. Any malice or rejection from his beloved idols will cause him pain and for these few will his tears readily flow. Rejection is one of his greatest fears.

Appearance: Standing at 36" tall, Raz is one of the tallest members of his family; a fact he is rather proud of. He's built lean and wiry. His build is like that of a great dane, with long limbs, a sturdy back and a wide chest that glides up to broad hips. He's big but not bulky, giving the appearance of strength without looking like a hulking monster. As a child he'll be exceptionally fluffy, like a big squishy teddy bear. It's hard to say if the fluffiness will follow him into adulthood, but his coat will always be on the heavier side. Much like his mother, Raziel's coat is largely white; the only color being found on his head. Starting just behind his ears and along his jawline and throat, is a black mask that covers his head completely. He has red/brown brow spots, a thin white blaze on his nose, and the tip of his muzzle is red/brown with a thin line of white connecting his philtrum to his lips. His eyes are his father's eyes, the brilliant color of new leaves.
Health: Healthy; no issues.
Alignment: Neutral
Sample: BOOM! Raziel hit the bottom of the hole hard, sending snow and sound billowing up into the air. He lay still, stunned and breathless. The boy wheezed, trying to make his lungs work properly. When at last he was able to draw a complete breath, he sat up and shook his fur out. Slowly the snow began to settle, peppering him in flakes. He sneezed, then coughed, sending little puffs of warm air swirling away. For a second time he shook himself, trying to clear the fog that blanketed his mind.

Finally, once he was sure he wasn't dying or something, the boy dared to look up. Looming above, cold and gray, was the sky. It was all he could see. No trees, no plants, just dead roots hanging from the hole's yawning mouth. No faces looked down at him either. No one to pull him out.

Getting to his paws slowly, the boy walked over to one of the walls and jumped up on it, reaching for the sky. He tried climbing, digging stubby claws into the frozen surface, but his hold wasn't strong enough and his center of gravity was too far out, every attempt was met with failure.

He stepped back to eye the wall. It was at least two body lengths tall--a distance that wouldn't be daunting for a bigger wolf, but for Raziel, it could have been two stories. He couldn't reach the lip. "Ma!" He cocked his head, straining his ears to pick up the sound of movement above. "Ma!" A pause, then, "Mooooomma! Mooomma!" More silence. He hadn't wandered too far from the den. Maybe volume was his issue... "MOMMA! MOMMA! DADDY! DADDY?!" Raziel jumped up against the wall, clawing at it with his front paws. "Momma! Daddy! Kissy! Sory! KISSY. SORY. Momma? Help?" Pushing away from the wall, the boy moved to the center of the hole and sat down. "Help! Help! HEEEELP!" The last word turned into a quavering howl before trailing off, leaving him once more in silence.

Defeated, he collapsed and turned baleful eyes to the sky. Where were they? Where was everybody and why didn't they hear him? Not for one second did he entertain the idea that he'd been abandoned. No, that was a silly, useless thought. But where were they? He hadn't wandered too far away, had he? Quietly, so quietly that the sound barely made it to the surface, he called once more, "Momma? Daddy?" Silence settled once more.

Alright, fine. If no one was gonna get him out, then he was gonna have to get himself out. Getting to his paws, the boy began to pace the length of the hole. He needed to think. Raziel pinched his eyes closed, nearly running into a wall before realizing his mistake. Think, think, think. His pacing grew frantic, each step keeping time with his racing thoughts. He wanted to plan something, some form of escape, but worries kept seeping in. What if he was never found or there was no way out?

The snow had been falling thickly for days and a fair amount had collected in the hole. There was at least a foot built up in the center and possibly two along one wall where the wind had pushed it. Raziel had followed the same path from wall to wall each time and steadily carving out a path of hardened snow. He didn't realize what he was doing until he misstepped and almost plowed into one of the snow walls. "Oh..." This was important. He didn't know the 'why' of it, but he could feel that it was. His eyes darted from the wall of snow to the trampled snow between his paws. Why, why, why? Raz pushed some of the still soft snow onto the packed snow and pressed it down. Excitedly, he did it over and over until there was a small mound of hard snow.

Gleefully, but no too gleefully because he didn't want to get his hopes up, Raziel moved to one of the walls and began to dig into it. He dug until there were mounds of loose dirt all around and then he set about pushing them towards another wall. Once there, he jumped on it until it was packed down. Then the process started all over again. The boy worked tirelessly for who knows how long, digging, pushing and packing until his handy worked towered above him like an uneven, lumpy pathway to heaven. It didn't reach all the way to the top, but it got him close enough that he was able to hook his paws over the lip and kick his way up after a few attempts.

He was cold and shivering, muddy and soaking wet, but as he stood looking out over the terra, at the cold sky that still seemed so far away and the vast land that went on until he could see no more of it, Raziel had never felt so good.



7 Years
Extra large
06-05-2014, 11:42 PM


baby you're so classic


[Image: paradise_by_trynxie-d7l1o0c.png]

pick you up in a cadillac

Puppy Name/Number:Sarka
"Don't expect me to bow down to you baby because you aren't a prince to me."

At a younger age Sarka will automatically be assumed a mute, she doesn't speak very often and if she does it's within softer tones. Her shy nature is mainly because of her fear of the world, instead of curiosity her heart races at the thought of bad things happening to her. She would rather stay close to her mother and father than explore with her other siblings who she looks up to in awe. Sarka is afraid that she will get hurt, and in the process of being saved others will get hurt as well. In that little head of hers she dreams of being someone who is able to protect everyone but never has the courage to do it.
While she fears the unknown, she loves the things she does know. New things are something Sarka won't want to try unless she see's mother or one of her siblings try it first. Her trust is completely within them, all her dependence centered around her family in the hopes she can surround herself by them and never let go. Sarka won't be much of a fighter, she just wants to relax and cuddle up with someone that she knows well. Though this might change as she grows older.
As she grows older Sarka will grow more active, also being flexible depending on those who affect her world. Though one thing that won't change is her fear of the world, though it will become more concealed. Sarka will want nothing to do with the outside world at most and will want to stay within her family and pack lands. She will speak more, play more, and probably be able to learn a thing or two but with a delicate mental state she tries to keep herself calm.
Sarka will be subjected to various anxiety attacks if she is exposed to situations she dislikes. These being the thoughts of those she loves being hurt and she being unable to do anything about it since she is more on the weaker side of things. While she will try her best, pushing herself might become a habit and deliberately making herself often sick because of it. Sarka will try to strive to become stronger, and this personality is of course subject to change as her world moves around her. One thing that won't change if her love for her family.

Sarka won't be as large as either of her parents, growing only to be 27" in height and weighing in at 75lbs being a small and lean girl. Her body will be well taken care of despite her nature of not wanting to go out often. With beautiful white locks of fur covering most of her body something that she would take pride in. Sarka's head being a grayish blue color and the insides of her ears brown like that of her mothers head. Her eyes are a brilliant cyan blue color that just add to the soft demeanor that Sarka gives off.
Sarka is soft spoken, her voice is something that doesn't travel very far and she doesn't like to yell. Much like a cotton ball, her voice it much like that of a echo off in the distance. Exactly like her gait in which carries slightly lower than others even with her small stature not wanting to cause any trouble. Though she will always carry herself with confidence around her family, and with a playful manner as well.

Health: Anxiety Disorder due to stress during pregnancy.
Alignment: Neutral Good
The feeling of cool air was nice, specially if you had been laying in a blazing hot den all day. Though that was a feeling that the small pup didn't mind, it was better than being outside where all sorts of things could happen. Suddenly the feeling of cool air was sucked away, and her eyes opened as she realized the feeling had only been a result of the dream she had been having. Her eyes shining brightly started to adjust to the dim light of the den as she pressed up against her siblings who were all moving about in her sleep. Her head would pull to look outside, realizing that it was still in the later hours of night and her dream had been somewhat disturbed by the kicking of the others in their dreams. It made Sarka think why was she so different from them, they were all so bounding and different, and she was so reserved and scared of the world along with new things.
The girl opened her small jaws, and yawned, she was better off not worrying about these things anyway. She was small, and all she cared about was the warmth of her family. Shutting her eyes again, she fell into a dreamless sleep this time, only to wake up to the sound of her brothers and sisters screaming and playing with each other. Sarka, as she rose every morning, would do it slowly, pulling her small puppy body to the edge of the den squinting her eyes as they came in contact with sunlight. Harsh compared to the darkness she had welcomed earlier. Blinking she looked around for her mother for a few moments, before trudging out of the den a little more. Sneezing, but only smiling when her brother looked at her. She gave him a nod as to say that she was alright, before sitting again to watch them play happily from her spot near the den. Maybe one day she wouldn't be so afraid of going out.
Sarka got bored after some time though, and with the absence of her mother who was probably nearby there wasn't much for her to do. She suddenly sprawled out on her stomach, and rolled onto her back, keeping her paws stretched out as she looked at the sky. She simply had been wondering what it looked like from this angle, and everything was upside down as she flicked her tail back and forth from underneath her. Any adult looking at her would probably chuckle at her odd position, as she decided to tuck her paws close to her fluffy body. Oh, how one day she wanted to see what a jellyfish looked like. Instead of just listening to the stories, it must have been nice, just floating along in the water like it was air.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


06-07-2014, 08:52 AM

As much as I would love to be considered for a pup, with the new alpha requirements I'm dropping over half my wolves to focus on trying to meet those. Therefore my app was deleted. :C Very sad roamer is very sad.



6 Years
06-17-2014, 07:47 PM
bump! These get chosen this weekend!!


06-18-2014, 05:57 AM
>D -is apping for Dahlia-



6 Years
06-23-2014, 02:50 PM
these babies are due this weekend. Will be talking to bri soon and going through aps. Thought I would have time over the weekend but I didn't and now I am sick D:



6 Years
06-26-2014, 09:55 AM
Dragon, Lazuli, and Seimei get pups! I have not gotten managed to talk to Bri but I'm sure she won't disagree. Please make their accounts up ASAP! They are born this weekend.



4 Years
06-28-2014, 10:36 AM
I am so, so, so sorry, but I've decided not to take Raziel. With all that is happening in RL plus my current charries and the one I'm bringing in, there's just no way I can justify taking Raz. You guys want someone who's going to be super active and I feel it would be very selfish of me to subject you to my activity roller coaster. Again, I am so sorry, but I feel me backing out is best for everyone ><