
On The Other Side




3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-24-2021, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2021, 05:34 PM by Muzet.)

Location: The Wall

Muzet had started to get out more now that her leg had healed completely, though it was still hard to get used to especially with the harsh winter that came over Boreas. But she needed to get out more and explore. She felt like she had to step up for her pack, and now that the cold swept the lands she needed to search harder for that needle in the haystack for either herbs or where prey traveled through.

She went north for some dumb reason really, it was colder here than the East which was common sense. But she could have just got it out of the way for exploration and intelligence purposes. No hurt in trying at least, if she died in the bitter cold it must have been meant to be. She found her way to The Wall, a strange structure she wasn’t exactly sure what the purpose of it was, but considering the pack nearby it could have been a structure for safety and defense. But did the pack build it? Or did something else? She may never know. She stood for a moment just scanning the horizon over the wall, wondering what the pack was like on the other side.

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
01-24-2021, 03:43 PM
This winter had arrived rapidly, and only seemed to be intensifying. Snow was something that she was accustomed to, but the previous winter she'd spent here - when she'd first arrived in northern Boreas - had been considerably milder. Not that she minded, of course. She was comfortable in these harsh conditions, fully capable of supporting herself no matter how difficult it might be. Kiela wasn't really one for leisure time anyway, so spending all her time focused on the fight for survival and to secure herself the most basic of needs was fine by her. Such a life was humbling, reminding her of how carefully she fit into the cycle of life, and gave her reason to value her life even more than she already did.

The grey and red furred female let out a grunt as she gracefully maneuvered herself onto the wall, lucky enough to have happened upon a section of it that was crumbled into a nice little ramp. The rubble was frozen solid and offered the perfect staircase up onto the structure, not to mention the hard-packed snow drift that accumulated against this section. The wall itself gave her a slightly better vantage point to scope out the lands around her. She knew exactly where she meant to end her day, but in the mean time she wanted to get a better idea of her general surroundings, and what better way to do just that?

Kiela wasn't sure how long she walked, but eventually something unusual up ahead arrested her thoughts and brought them back to the present. She'd been thinking of her parents and her siblings, wondering what they might be doing at this very moment. They were no doubt putting their efforts into enduring the harsh winter of their homelands, though she wondered if some of them had left the tribe to embark on their own journeys by now. She'd probably never know, but she enjoyed imagining it nonetheless. Her pace slowed as she closed the distance between herself and the stranger, just barely catching herself on a particularly slick section of stone before regaining her balance. The midday sun had largely melted away any ice that had accumulated on the wall's surface, but a few sections were deceptively slick. She let out a little bark of greeting before she got any closer, content to redirect herself if the stranger wasn't receptive to her approach. Unlike some of her more stubborn family Kiela had little interests in brawls and theatrics, though she'd defend herself if the situation called for it.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-24-2021, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2021, 04:08 PM by Muzet.)

Muzet was lost in her own troubling thoughts but of nothing really. Wanting to make up the loss of her time with the healing of her broken leg, wondering if she would ever be able to show her worth to Recluse and her pack. But though she was very eager and willing to do her absolute best towards Habari, she would honestly just pick herself up and move on if she ended up being booted. Kicking her to the curb was not what Recluse had in mind though, no matter how hard Muzet dwelled on those thoughts.

The sound of a the woman slipping would catch her attention, and her gaze would move to meet the quick scrape noise. Once she made eye contact with the stranger, and they called out, she would greet them with a very welcoming coo until they closed the distance between them. Muzet would take a few steps toward them from the ground, but had no interest in climbing the wall because slipping and breaking her leg again was not an option.

The woman was massive compared to her, the height escalated from her paws on top of the wall. And though it was quite intimidating, Muzet would show otherwise and not even really feel fear of the giant wolf. She loved the company of others, so testing the waters with everyone was natural for her regardless of their size or alignment.

”Hello there. she raised a brow, her words dragged a bit through her coo, ”My name’s Muzet. I don’t suppose you know much about the pack ahead or maybe just about the land here?” She was a bit of a chatter herself, which could have come across as annoying or nosey especially to wolves that cared little for social interaction with strangers. ”I was born and raised in Auster, so I don’t know much about the lands up here.” if she was honest with herself, the woman was quite beautiful. But that wasn’t much of a shocker coming from Muzet. She was warm, welcoming, and flirty for the most part.

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
01-24-2021, 04:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2021, 07:35 PM by Kiela.)
Kiela wasn't sure she'd even be able to properly greet the stranger from her position on the wall. She'd explored this structure a bit before and she knew she'd seen far more than just one section that was crumbling and able to be traversed. The snow that had accumulated in the region might provide another option for her to find her way down, if not now than later. Until then she'd continue to traverse the length of the wall and close the distance between herself and the female up ahead. "Hello," she returned the greeting after a short pause. Small talk wasn't her strength and she was still getting used to speaking properly to others. Her shaky grasp on this continent's native language and her thick accent certainly didn't help any. "I am Kiela. Kiela Jarvela."

Her question earned a shake of her head as she loped a few steps closer, now standing more steadily on the stone after collecting herself after her previous near-fall. "I like to avoid packs, so I do not know. I have been traveling in these lands for.. many moons though." Her accent was clear, cutting sharp across the frigid air. "But I was not born here, but far away. I am still finding my way," she admitted after a moment of thought. She didn't know what Auster was but it sounded like this stranger wasn't from here either. Briefly she tilted her head to gaze into the distance - toward the north, where she'd caught wind of a pack's borders, at the edge of a thick pine forest. She would gladly steer clear of those lands if she could help it. As big of a believer she was in personal freedom and that no piece of land could ever truly be claimed by anyone, she wasn't interested in the drama of what would come of trespassing. Kiela was content to keep such things out of her life, finding enough thrills in the natural world and its exploration without needing to involve the dramatics of other creatures.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-24-2021, 05:59 PM

The woman would speak in return, Muzet discovering her own unique accent that would only make her interested more in the woman in many ways. She seemed friendly enough too, so there was no reason for Muzet to turn and run. At least her company didn’t seem too bothered by her sociability.

Muzet would turn to walk along with the woman down the wall, she was awfully tall but still the jump from the wall was questionable and risky. The thought that she wasn’t familiar with the land either wasn’t too disheartening, after all Muzet wasn’t opposed to spending more time with any stranger for that matter. ”That’s okay, maybe we can learn together? It’s been pretty harsh this season but I’d still like to discover more about this continent with any time I have.”

It was pretty useless to look for herbs buried in snow. If there even were any, only a healer could could label them just by the stem and very few noticeable characteristics. The cracked bricks at the bottom of the wall could have harbored some lucky plants in the warmer months, but certainly not now in this brutal winter not-so-wonderland.

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
01-24-2021, 08:57 PM
Kiela, ever-vigilant, found herself slightly glad that she had an advantageous position over the stranger. Well.. sort of, though it wasn't like either of them had any way of getting to each other without risking quite a bit of bodily harm. It wasn't that Kiela tended to be a terribly paranoid thinker, she was simply cautious when it came to strangers, interested in self-preservation above all else. That was more important to her than seeming friendly or polite, neither of which she was all that concerned with. "That will be fine," she agreed, yet another example of her rough grasp of this land's native tongue. She was beginning to understand that there was much to be learned from interacting with the wolves she encountered, even if she'd often rather keep to herself.

"Ah, yes - this winter, it seems more... worse, than the last." Kiela welcomed the snow, no matter how deep; it reminded her of home more than anything. Her earliest memories, other than that of the reindeer and her family, were of snow - snow so high that she quite nearly could get lost in it. Those memories were quite fond to her and elicited a warmth deep in her chest, despite the chill that hung heavy in the air. "What do you think the purpose is, of this?" Slowly she continued walking the way she'd came, hoping up ahead there might be a route for her to navigate off the wall and speak to Muzet properly. Surely this structure had once served its purpose, but now any creature with a bit of patience could find a way to traverse it, eventually at least. Alongside the wall grew bits of sparse foliage, long since withered and frozen over, no different than the land surrounding this place.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-27-2021, 08:57 AM

Muzet was thrilled when Kiela didn't refuse her offer. She tried to contain her overall excitement but would be obviously over joyed to have the company of the new stranger. Was it a little weird? Alarming? Maybe, but Muzet didn't think so. At least she hoped she wouldn't scare the beautiful woman off, and didn't expect to either.

Muzet couldn't really speak for the change of winter since she spent her time in Auster up until a few seasons ago. But still, she was certainly not a fan of the brutal cold and snow. She would have much rather been laying on the beach soaking up the sun and listening to the waves. Maybe a little cliche, but she wasn't too original herself.

Kiela would ask what Muzet thought the purpose of the wall was, and looking down the long distance that was the wall, she could only say what came to mind and what she had originally thought. "Well, I thought it was to protect the pack north of here. But it doesn't seem like they are taking patrols around here." She'd watch as the woman continued to scale the wall noticing she was looking for a place to come down carefully and would only stop if and when she found a part of the wall that would suffice. "I mean, maybe that could have been it's purpose before anyway? What do you think?"

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
02-07-2021, 05:44 PM
Kiela wasn't accustomed to showing much outward emotion; being too forward with your feelings could put you in a vulnerable position. Her default state was slightly guarded and calm, alert but not overly so, and though she clearly felt favorably toward her company she hardly seemed what anyone would classify as excited. Still she'd gladly walk alongside the stranger until she found a place to navigate down, though even then she'd maintain her distance. "Maybe long ago it could be used for protection. Now, just a nuisance." At least, that was her personal take. It was an interesting structure and helped provide a decent vantage point of the surrounding lands, but beyond that it seemed it served little purpose, since it could be easily enough traversed with a bit of persistence.

"Not made by wolves," she speculated thoughtfully. The structure was far sturdier than wolves would be capable of making, at least in such a vast formation. Surely something had come before them that had crafted such a thing, long ago. She'd heard tales of creatures who walked on two legs from her family members but such stories didn't hold much interest for her. Kiela preferred to focus on the present, rather than the past; to know the world around her as it was, rather than how it had been before. "I do not know. I wonder how far it goes," she mused as she loped forward. Up ahead seemed a suitable place to descend, and after another minute of striding forward she deemed a small crumble in the top of the wall a good point to make her way down. Carefully she navigated into the dip in the wall, bracing herself for the impact of the jump. A soft thud sounded as she landed near Muzet, their sudden proximity making it all the more obvious just how much taller she was than the female opposite her.



3 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
02-08-2021, 03:18 PM

Muzet couldn't disagree with what she believed the wall was for, or that it wasn't made by wolves. They could both have their thoughts and opinions and Muzet wouldn't go on a rant. She couldn't figure out how, as herself, could build such a thing, but what else could have? Kiela may have had some background knowledge on the matter, or at least an idea of the two legged creatures that made it, but it was still a large mystery and wonder about the things that made the wall and how and why.

As Kiela would start to trot down the wall more to her own questioning, Muzet would take off behind her rather delayed. She wasn't expecting the wolf to take off while on the wall, but she proved worthy of balance as she came to a crumbled spot and jumped down. If Muzet was honest, she was a little intimidated by the woman's size, but she tried hard not to show so. Muzet was pretty good at hiding most of her emotions, mostly because she wanted others to like her and stay close. But what she had a hard time hiding was her desperation for attention, not that it was noticeable right now in this moment.

"Did you want to explore some more today? We can see what's a little east of here if you'd like. I heard there's a waterfall that falls into the ocean." She raised a brow, hoping the not-so-stranger would accept her offer. Perhaps the waterfall would peak her interest, if she didn't already know about it at least.

Check out my absence here (Yes this is still active)

!Mature! For language and sexual themes.

(Mu-zah-ay Air-eh-bah)

Scent: Chocolate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Season: Spring
Status: Single (Pansexual?)
Height: 34 inches
Home: Habari - Redbud Nook
Maims: Muzet has a blotchy spot across her muzzle from an acid tongue. The skin here is black but it is clearly visible that she is missing hair. Looks kind of like a large snoring nose strip.

Important Details:

Plotting Thread



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
02-15-2021, 09:13 PM
What had or hadn't occurred to make this wall mattered much less to her than the simple fact of its existence. She appreciated the view as she traveled along the top of it, but likewise she was glad when she found a path to descend back onto solid ground. The section she'd been traversing was a little slick, and though she wasn't opposed to taking risks in life she wasn't necessarily looking to break a limb today. It took her a moment to regain her balance as she leapt down, but quickly she stood and stretched her limbs again, ready to keep walking.

Kiela was caught slightly off-guard when Muzet invited her to join her in a little more exploration. The wolves here generally seemed friendlier than she was used to, at least compared to the ones back home; oftentimes showing too much openness was a sign of vulnerability and weakness. Staying slightly closed-off was a far safer alternative in the harsh lands of the north. She wasn't opposed to a bit more company though. Perhaps Muzet had some insight she lacked? Kiela nodded approvingly. "I would like that," she agreed after a moment of thought. She'd never been further east than this, but she wasn't opposed to getting a better grasp of the surrounding lands. "I have never been. Lead the way?" Letting another take the lead wasn't something she did often, but she had little idea where said waterfall could be found and trying to find it herself would likely waste a significant amount of time.