
Daughters of the Moon and Sun [Readoption of Redielle Daughters!]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
01-24-2021, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2021, 09:29 PM by Aurielle.)
Alright! So, I bring before you two daughters of Red and Aurielle in need of new players!
Meet: Amorielle and Laoise  (“Aim-mor-eeyell” and “Lee-shah”)
Amorielle is the third-born child, firstborn daughter, and Laoise is the second to last born. Both daughters have less than ten posts.
We’ve been playing them as though they’ve been present, perhaps with colds, but they will not have missed much of their IC childhood lessons (history, etiquette, languages [Old Tongue, (we’d call it Irish Gaelic)], fighting, hunting, healing, navigation, etc), and will have had lots of attention from parents and family, despite a lack of threads.
I’d like to keep their names as-is, but personalities can change. Perhaps Lee's grown to understand Aoife may be small, but is just as strong as the rest of them. Perhaps Amory's decided after all to study harder, pay more attention, perhaps has become more devout in her father's loose beliefs, etc. . No alignments below Neutral, please. If you wish to keep their prior alignments that’s great, too.
What I’d like to see is active, close-knit siblings for Ardyn, Coran, and Aoife.        

For an overview of our rules, see The Original Adoption thread!
To learn about the pack they were born into and live in, see Valhalla's Pack Page!

Have some Links to the family! *Keep in mind: Your pups could have Somnium threads with any in this list who are deceased, as long as the player remains and is willing to have a Somnium thread (Erani would be thrilled to meet her great-great grandkids)

Mother: Aurielle
Father: Red

Ardyn: Eldest Brother!
Coran: Brother!
Aoife: Little Sister!
Regulus: Grandfather (Present, and will have much influence)
Solveiga: Grandmother (Deceased)
Surreal: Great Grandmother (Deceased)
Falk: Great Grandfather (Deceased)
Erani: Great Great Grandmother (Deceased)
Aramis: Uncle (Currently Missing)!
Baine: Great Aunt (Present currently)
Tornach: Great Uncle (Present-ish)
Laisren: Great Uncle (Missing)
Faite: Great Aunt (Deceased)
Zuriel: Great Aunt (Deceased Offsite)

And that’s only a few of them!

Now, to the really fun stuff!


I’m leaning toward keeping their current designs, however if there’s one that really, really screams at you, give it a go. (Amory’s current design comes with art already, j'sayin' ?)

·         Designs By KatG6 (Thank you darliiiiin'!!):

[Image: one.png]

[Image: two.png]

[Image: three.png]

[Image: four.png]

[Image: five.png]

·         By Me!

[Image: HQ0ITyS.png]

[Image: ybaC72g.png]

3 [Currently Coran's Design.]
[Image: 0giFf1t.png]

[Image: nBe3x0q.png]

[Image: NsTAmDN.png]

[Image: XVgCylm.png]

[Image: 5uMKVhe.png]

[Image: 8OK3000.png]

[Image: 0BZ4qq5.png]

[Image: qrViBNc.png]

[Image: G60yWfQ.png]

[Image: lTUJSaa.png]

[Image: cBI4MLA.png]

[Image: P4GvkdF.png]

[Image: FWtWlBr.png]

[Image: RavJkkz.png]

[Image: JDbTFnE.png]

[Image: WqjYNGg.png]

19 Currently Taken By Lala as Amorielle
[Image: 4BwPQUZ.png]

[Image: ISq4Qao.png]

[Image: eQDEkiR.png]

[Image: a3JRl7b.png]

[Image: YDyEM7h.png]

[Image: dpl3NCJ.png]

[Image: 5p2x6Ly.png]

[Image: CSyY3YY.png]

[Image: uqyDTZq.png]

[Image: 6AarDfe.png]

[Image: F2sqQgr.png]

[Image: SLD3MPg.png]

[Image: 69zMdTq.png]

[Image: WVHTHVS.png]

[Image: UMlKJjl.png]

[Image: Oaul7v6.png]

[Image: 79g6rzY.png]

And now, we toss the ball in your court. Please fill in the form below. Please do not center the form, as I have a difficult time reading centered format. Applications not completed within two weeks will be considered as you lost interest.

[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Physical Sex:[/b]
[b]Height and Build:[/b]
[b]Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:[/b] 150 words please (Since there are several people contributing to the designs, note by whom your pick is by :P
[b]Personality:[/b] 150 words please.
[b]Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:[/b] Be very aware that rape plots with your character as the victim will have heavy consequences that do include death-matching the rapist. There are better avenues for drama. Trust me.
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
01-24-2021, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2021, 01:08 PM by Recluse.)
((WIP Because late-night grilled cheese)

OOC Name:Lolaf

Name: Laoise Helene Adravendi
Gender: She/Her
Physical Sex: Female
Height and Build: 35" and Heavy
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:
Choices: 1- by Lyra or 2 -by Bri
Laoise is a mishmash of her heritage, landing solidly in the middle of her
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Hunting and Healing/Fighting (undecided on second skill)
Mutations: Fangs/sabers for either
Personality: 150 words please.
Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: Be very aware that rape plots with your character as the victim will have heavy consequences that do include death-matching the rapist. There are better avenues for drama. Trust me.
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-24-2021, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2021, 07:41 PM by Dragon Mod.)
OOC Name: Dragon

Name: Amorielle Rosemary Adravendi
Gender: Female
Physical Sex: Female
Height and Build: 28" - light
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description: Design 1 by Kat
Amorielle is a decent cross between mother and father when it comes to her coat colors. She has a base coat of alabaster white that can be compared with the pureness of newly fallen snow. The only other thing that breaks the purity of her coat is the rust-red markings that adorn her. The rusted markings rather accent her quite nicely in fact. She has rustic red brow dots between her eyes resembling drops of water. The color also nearly outlines her eyes, however, it lines the bottom and outer corner like reverse cat eyeliner. Beneath that, another line of red that arches upward. She also has a small spot of red just slightly above the corners of her eyes as well. The marking that lines her eyes extends down her face, curving at the muzzle until it meets the red on her chest and paints her lower jaw. Lastly, the feathering on Amorielle's tail has her father's rustic markings as well as mismatched socks on her hind feet. Her eyes are a mixture of ocean blues and lavender, giving her an inquisitive yet soft look to them.

Amorielle is built fairly well, with slender but strong legs and a fine head on her shoulders. She's more tuned for quickness than she is tuned for brawn. She has a well proportioned, slender frame that fits her nicely, especially given the occupation she intends to pursue. Her ears are nicely pointed and her muzzle is slender as well. She appears fairly dainty and very feminine, though she wouldn't have it any other way. She's a girly girl, after all, but not one that will shy away from challenges should they present themselves. Her fur is soft and plush as she keeps herself carefully groomed as much as she can, especially after digging for herbs.

She smells like lavender and vanilla with a hint of mint and sometimes tangerines depending on if she's indulged herself (she loves tangerines). Her voice is like that of Helen George
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skills: healing x intellect
Mutations: None
Personality: Amorielle is an incredibly curious child, however, she is also a quiet one. She finds entertainment and fixates her interests on knick-knacks that she finds (or perhaps from those that her siblings find). She likes to spend her time studying the unknown and mysteries especially. She enjoys studying the mysteries left behind from the human days and enjoys daydreaming and speculating what they might have used their creations for. She will develop an affinity for healing and wanting to help others, however, something that may potentially hold her back is her tendency to get highly insecure or self-conscious, especially under pressure. That's not to say she'll never get over it, though during the times that she is still learning, her confidence might have the tendency to wane until she's absolutely sure that she feels capable without supervision. She takes her studies seriously and very much prefers to speak in the old tongue and will more than likely speak it with her family more than she will with outsiders considering they might not be as fluent as her let alone know how to speak it. She's a very polite individual, generally sticking to the use of pleasantries and honorifics when she speaks to others. She takes her work seriously but she'd stop what she's doing in a heartbeat to help anyone who might need it, or even if they just need an ear to listen.

As she grows older and more confident in her abilities, she will become more bold and sure of herself, rarely backing down from a medical challenge. What she does appear to be drawn towards most in the medical field, however, is helping to bring babies into the world. She finds herself leaning towards midwifery. She absolutely adores pups, and eventually wants to have many of her own to raise and dote over.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: Definitely no plans for rape plots or anything like that though so no worries! Definitely would like for her aspiration to be climbing the ranks to either be a diplomat or one of the packs high ranked healers or, as mentioned in personality, she'd love a rank that revolves around midwifery or something similar (if chosen, I'd adore lots of threads with Paladin or the like to teach her me) about herbs and healing!)



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-03-2021, 06:07 PM
OOC Name: Lioness

Name: Laoise Rune Adravendi
Gender: She/Her
Physical Sex: Female
Height and Build: 30" Light
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description: 1st choice #28 by Brie if doesn't cost gems - 2nd choice #34 by Brie
Taking after her father, Laoise base color is a deep russet that fades into a coal grey around the middle of her back and flows over her hips and down her tail. She has a slight brindle markings to her thick pelt mixed with this deep russet and lighter tawny color. Her eyes are a stunning mix of deep sapphire at the outer edge and icy blue around the pupil that stand out against the russet of her face and the tawny brown of her cheeks. Her nose is refined and sophisticated and her build is long and slender but toned. Laoise is built for grace and speed but has a surprisingly amount of lean muscle to her delicate frame. Her fur is always groomed to perfection and is almost appears to be satin-like in texture with how her pelt shines in the sun.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Skills: Healer and Intellect
Mutations: none
Personality: Laoise is good natured at heart. She loves to help others and finds great satisfaction in helping other feel better through healing. She is determined and has a thirst for knowledge that keeps her mind busy for the most part. However she loves a good challenge and is not one to pass up a chance at a friendly competition. At times she can be a bit reckless and occasionally does not think about the consequences her actions have but it never causes great harm to herself or others. Laoise is bold and speaks her mind, though she is very polite about it as her mother and father instilled in her. She adores talking about different herbs and their uses and sometimes will talk another's ear off even if they are not listening. A bit naughty with her siblings, Laoise is not above playing small innocent pranks on her littermates and maybe even her parents if she ever builds up the courage for it one day.
Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?: I like to let things develop in character but she does aspire to become a Cure and will be studying hard to earn that rank. I am up for any plots though!
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
02-11-2021, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2021, 03:13 PM by Koby.)
OOC Name: Kingpedle

Name: Amorielle Rhiannon Adravendi
Gender: She/her
Physical Sex: Female
Height and Build: 34" Medium
Design Choice(s) & Physical Description:
Keeping Design she already has.

Amorielle will not be the biggest nor the smallest of her family. Sitting at a comfortable 34" at the shoulders when she has fully grown she will sport a medium build as well. Not fit for fighting but knowing full well how to defend herself. At the moment the pup is small and fluffy, her fur overly soft and soaking in sunlight making her a heater for others to come cuddle up to. The young pups scent will match that of her parents and siblings until she grows older to have a more individual scent to identify her under.

Her base coat is a gray color, at first she may appear that she is being splintered with sunlight. All around her body patches of silvery white hair curl around the back of her neck, shoulders, and the back of her body almost bleeding out onto her stomach. Amorielle appears to be a dark gray wolf with sunlight patching her fur. A darker gray almost black covers her muzzle, fading out onto her face as it bleeds into the light gray the sports the base of herself.

This same black color covers the tips of her paws and the tip of her tail - signifying the dark nights as the pup can easily hide herself unless the moon is out. Amorielle also carrys a light brown and tan tint to some of her markings. On the very top of her head fading into her more darker coat colorings. The same coloring also accents the middle of her back, the base of her neck, almost near her shoulders and the top of her tail. The base of her tail also sports some of the dark color that sits on her face.

The last thing about her appearance is her eyes. Amorielle sports deep blue eyes fading into a lighter blue on the underside. Her eyes are the center of her personality and appearance. Never betraying her emotions it will almost always be difficult to hide her feelings. The beautiful eyes will stay into adulthood, glinting brilliantly like the rest of her family.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Intelligence, Healing
Mutations: n/a
Passionate | Loyal | Curious

Sometimes, it feels like Amorielle is in a world of her own. Always stopping to daydream and stare at the clouds above. One of her favorite things to do is contrive stories in her head which at the moment are tales woven by a young mind. Monsters, dragons, princess' and more. Amorielle will stop to tell everyone of her findings! Many may see it as her being annoying but she genuinely enjoys sharing what she has learned with others and to ask questions. Curious by nature the pup is like a sponge when it comes to information. Hanging on every word her dad and mom say, soaking in the lessons like she would bathing in the sunlight. Knowledge is power to her and it fuels her ability to be imaginative along with trying to fulfill her want to make her mother and father proud.

Amorielle is very fond of her siblings and family in general. Her loyalty is ingraved in her and she seeks out to support and comfort where she can. The loyal pup will look to peaceful solution before moving to more aggressive ones even if it is a spat between her siblings. Of course, she's going to argue and get upset sometimes. Frustration will be a part of her life when learning how to comfort others. Amorielle loves the idea of healing others aside her story telling and knowledge of heritage, culture, and language. In fact she as a pup will have fascinations with trinkets and whatever which way things are created. Especially how plants interact in ones stomach to make them better, or the top of their skin to heal wounds.

She tends to react to the situation in front of her. Easily adaptable Amorielle is ready to make things go right. She wants to make sure everyone is okay and she is passionate about protection. Though much like her mother and father she will sport the restraint she will need to seem like a proper lady. Thinking before she acts Amorielle will assess the situation, but if something goes wrong she won't beat herself up to harshly about it. She will admit the mistake and try to move on with her day. Amorielle hates harming others and while she will rough house with her siblings she simply doesn't like the thought of doing harm.

Despite her bright and bubbly personality, Amorielle is a quiet and shy pup. Strangers are something she avoids and if she doesn't know a wolf very well she'll look for her family for support. As she grows she may grow out of this shy nature due to her curiosity. However, it seems she'll always be healthily cautious of the world around her. Amorielle wants to know as much as she can about nature, connecting with others, and respecting the spirits that are around her.

Plans and Plots and Rank Aspirations?:
Given her upbringing and her family I plan on Amorielle to be very involved in her family. Any plots will be centered around her wanting to grow with her family and possibly become a well known story teller/healer. I want to see her grow and let development decide her views but she'll always have a love for teaching and learning.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
02-26-2021, 06:59 PM
Lioness and Dragon Congratulations. The girls will go to you. Thanks to those who applied.
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.