
Children of the dark arts



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
01-27-2021, 09:36 AM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2021, 10:47 AM by Magnus.)
It is finally time for Deathbelle and Magnus to have some kids! These pups will be raised in Habari but will be making frequent visits to the Armada as well as Magnus coming to see them, so there shouldn’t be any worry about plenty of father-children time! I fully intend on purchasing a full litter and I myself will be taking one of the pups myself, leaving four? available for adoption! I don’t expect the most activity out of everyone, but I do expect the pups to be active enough to partake in family threads, growing their skills, and be perfect little habari members! If they want, when they’re old enough, Magnus will not have a problem with them choosing to join the Armada, though he might have a few choice words to say about other packs. He wants to keep his family close as he’s never really had one before! These puppies will be loved and cherished! There shouldn't be any outright evil pups from the start, but I'm definitely open to growth.

If at any time the pups haven’t been posted with in at least a month, we reserve the right to reclaim the pup, design, and any art made for the character. I am pretty lenient, however, so if you give a good reason or a warning in advance, we can talk about it!

I am going to be a little picky with names, so please choose from the list below or find a similarly themed (magic, wizards, etc) name. I will (likely) be using this or this design with a possible name of Soothsayer, Fortune, or Mythic! There is also a 25% discount on height up to 41" From Magnus!

Soothsayer, Wizard, Witchdoctor, Prophet, Augur, Auspex, Warlock, Sorcerer/Sorceress, Necromancer, Mage, Conjurer, Fortune, Magician, Exorcist, Voodoo, Shaman, Genie, Spellbinder, Alchemist, Oracle, Magic, Enchant, Mythic, Hocus, Jinx, Spirit

Designs should have an eye color on the purple to pink range of colors, so if a design below has an other color, assume them to be the right color!

designs bought or made by me

designs made by kat

*(feel free to format this code to your liking as long as everything's included!)*
[b]Design:[/b] choose two unless providing your own
[b]Appearance:[/b] site minimum
[b]Personality:[/b] site minimum
[b]Plot ideas:[/b]
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



3 Years
01-27-2021, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2021, 11:06 AM by Jane.)
Name: Necromancer or Sorcerer
[Image: gh4bY0w.png]


[Image: kdbEDXd.png]

Sex: Male
Height: 38in
Build: medium
Alignment: Chaotic good
Skills: Healing and fighting
1st choice : Preffered of the two.

Sorcerer's appearance is a combination of both parents, both in color and in those small details that certainly put him as their son. His coat is basically white, and black. The black is found adorning his face, upon his muzzle, around his eyes, and covering entirely his ears. It also goes through his scruff, neck, back , underbelly and on his tail. The rest of his frame is snowy white.

He will stand at 38 inches and weigh over 150 lb. He will be tall but not to the point of being a giant as his father. Being closer to his mother's dimisensions. His eyes will be both of two different tonalities. His left will be pink and his right purple. His skin is dark grey almost black. His voice is calm and barely sounds concerned or too loud.

A wolf of dark and light colors. Both borrowed from his parents and that is all he needs to tell everyone who his parents are. Manily his pelt will be black, not entirely but dark enough to look like a shadow under the sun's light and almost unseen under the darkness of the night. But the white is also present but not in a big proportion comparing it with the blackness. These white only takes over his head, on a tiny section of his upper neck and on his hind paws. On his face the right he}alf of it is white, including his ear, cheek and scruff. His eyes are purple like his father's and both nose and paw pads are black. He will tall with 38 inches to his shoulders but not enough to match that from his father, staying closer to his mother's instead.

Name will be at most be benevolent and servicial, specially to those who earned his trust, family and friends apply. He wont force his believes in others nor be the dominant type of wolf. But he will have a hard time trusting in authority or those in power, he will come to judge their choices or ideals, but he wont do it for ill, he just wants to be sure they wont represent a risk to those he loves in a future or immediate time.

He is independent, he wont or will try to not wait for others to do his stuff if he knows he can do it. This would include doing his chores, hunting or making the first step upon starting something. He will show a mild selfishness but only when it comes to choosing the good for his family and those out of it. He will always be thinking about them first, on his family. Even if it sounds selfish from his part, he only wants to ensure his family will have the best chances or they are the first to gain any goods or benefits. He will loyal to both parents and whichever pack or group he end up living in. But his first loyalty belongs to his loved ones. And should any or all of them be in danger he will fight to the end of the world if necessary. And he wont care who he would have to fight, he will destroy those who dared to touch a hair of his loved ones.

He is honest most of the time, never hiding what he thinks. But will come to understand those moments in which he must be silent.

His interests will fall between being a good fighter in order to defend what he loves and healing to heal those he loves. He wants to be in both so he is ready for anything.

Plot ideas: I want him to join The Armada at some point(parent's choice), work on his skills and pack/family bonding will be common from me. Character growth and development is a big yes, I wont mindlessly risk his life nor be will be evil in any mean.



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (275)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf
01-28-2021, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2021, 02:12 PM by Raijin.)
Name: Prophet
Sex: Female
Height: 23"
Build: Light
[Image: one.png]
[Image: six.png]
(second one preferable, will require a small bit of editing to match imagined idea)

Appearance: Prophet was born as the runt of her litter, struggling to enter the world and struggling to keep up with the growth of the rest of her siblings. It's clear from the beginning that she'll be tiny and of a weaker disposition than her other siblings, but her strengths won't lie in her physical prowess anyways. Her pelt is soft and plush, arranged in a patchwork of black and white that makes it seem as though she's walking through moonlight. Her right eye is the same vibrant Amethyst as her mother, but her left is a much lighter and softer lilac. In this eye it'll become apparent that she's partially blind, only being able to see the general outlines of the things around her. However, when it comes to animals and other wolves, she'll be able to see an 'aura', a certain color outlining them that gives her insight into the core of their 'true' personality.

Personality: Loyal - Selfless - Spiritual - Quiet - Kind - Timid
Prophet is quiet and timid, much preferring to watch and listen than actually partake unless specifically asked a question. She's the type that hears and sees more than she lets on, both literally (because of her eye) and figuratively. She is loyal and selfless to a fault and loves her family with her entire heart and soul. This girl is not generally considered brave in many senses of the word, but she would gladly throw herself in the line of fire to save those she's pledged to help or those that she loves. She loves to help others in any way she can, whether through her remedies, through her spirituality or by simply lending an ear, but she has a hard time taking advice from others towards herself. She has a low self-image and feels bad that she's so weak and has to be 'taken care of' and feels more like a liability than anyways. This may change as she grows and matures, especially once she begins to tap into her peculiarities. From a young age she'll be prone to visions that take the form of sometimes soft and sometimes violent convulsions, images flashing through her mind of past, present or future events in the form of prophecies, hence her name. She'll be closely tied to Somnium and will spend a lot of time breaching the void to speak to those long dead.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Skills: Healing and Intellect

Plot ideas: I would love for her to become a priestess. She'll be very eclectic in many senses of the word and honestly is just a soft bean that wants to make her family proud and happy



01-28-2021, 02:06 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 10:04 AM by Visitor.)
I withdraw from this character.
Please delete this post.



02-03-2021, 10:40 PM
Name: Exorcist
Design: or
Sex: Male
Height: 39 inches
Build: Heavy
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighter, Navigator
Appearance: Exorcist greatly takes after his father in terms of height and weight, for as he grows his body will fill out and shape nicely with muscles and strength. A darker coat covers the majority of his frame, while his undersides hold an alabaster marking to contrast against the darker colors. His eyes are a deep purple, ones that can often be found peering through the shadows and observing. Both his Mother and Father are mixed into this brute, leaving little to no doubt of just who his kin is. (will change/ go in depth when the design is official for him !)
Personality: Quiet, observant, tempered and harsh, these are just a few of the many traits that Exorcist has inherited from his family. He is not one to talk for hours and hours on end about topics that are worthless to him, as he'd rather save his breath and preserve his own energy for his selfish needs. He is always watching, always on guard and aware of his surroundings; trusting few and rarely any outside of his own bloodline. His temper is short and can easily be set off if the right, or rather wrong, words are spoken to him or actions are taken against him. He is loyal, but only to those that have earned his trust and have given him something to show worth in his eyes. Confident in himself, he aims for the sky with his goals and has high hopes for his future- wanting to leave a mark on the lands he walks. The one thing about him is that he is honest, brutally so, and sees no value in lying. His word is his gold, and if it is given to another he does everything in his power to keep it. Oppositely, when lied to or his trust test, he is sure to make his distaste known.
Plot ideas: Plan on developing him as a warrior, would like to see him grow up with his family/train under his parents until old enough to possibly venture off to Armada or on a path of his own- though he'd always keep in touch with his parents and siblings. I don't see him being 'evil' per say, but I can see him possibly making enemies/having fights a lot just because of his temper and how he hates anyone/anything going against him or his family. I can see him having a soft side to a sister if there is one in the litter, and always trying to earn pride and respect from his mother and father.



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
02-06-2021, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2021, 02:56 PM by Magnus.)
Pups will be born on Feb 25!. That means that applicants have until the birth date to apply and get their applications finished!
2 of the pups are free, but I am still hoping for a full litter of 5 so get those apps in!

Also - Magnus will be a loner now while Deathbelle is pregnant and while the pups are young, but he'll be sticking close to zhabari. the pups will for sure be raised in Habari for the most of their young life! Ic events will decide whether or not Magnus.
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (275)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf
02-11-2021, 12:20 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2021, 12:20 PM by Raijin.)
Hey guys! So, I'm withdrawing myself from this because I have too many character commitments, but! I'll leave my character concept up in case someone wants to snag it because I think it's a pretty cool concept. If someone does want it, please send me a DM on discord and I'll edit the post to show who's applying with her.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
02-12-2021, 07:26 PM
Name: Spirit
[Image: 5CPL0mI.png]
Height: 38"
Build: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Fighting, Healing
38" Medium

Growing up to be taller than her mother but shorter than her father, Spirit will grow to 38" at the shoulder. While wanting to be a well seasoned warrior, despite her fluffy fur today. Her body type will remain in a medium range. Sleek muscle for speed but only a bit of bulk against her enemies. Her pack scent matches that of Habari and her mother, but will soon be the smell of the very herbs she loves to work with.

Spirit is the bleeding of night into day, sporting the front half of her body under an ashen gray coloring. This makes the first half of her coat, the other half being a gray outline that fades into a darker eventually black back including her tail. Spirit believes her namesake is that exact of who she is. The gray bleeding out into the dark - the pup will often boast about her appearance. The first set of markings she has starts at her eyes. Black outlining them against the gray tones of her pelt, they then split off creating a stripe that carrys down her cheek nearly to her jaw. The rest of her gray pelt is littered with black stripes along her neck stopping before her gray pelt fades into the black.

The same goes for the light colored stripes. They outnumber the darker ones, starting at the base of her back and scattering downwards even across her tail. It takes away from the fading marks she has and gives her some flare. The stripes end at the tip of her tail, the silver completely covering it in a completion of her markings. Lastly is her eyes, strikingly purple seemingly shining violet in the light. Her eyes are bright but can hide her emotions well.

Prideful | Joyful | Curious | Loyal

As a young pup Spirit will be a prideful little bundle of joy. She likes to flaunt who her parents are and sometimes annoyingly so. Despite this though she won't ever let anyone tell her otherwise. Her love for her family is great and she wants to grow up to be both just like her mom and dad. Spirit's pride will obviously sometimes get in her way of course. The small pup having a distaste for things go wrong hating to admit that she is anything but the best she can be.

Spirit like many other young pups her age however, is joyful. Unless told she needs to be serious her favorite thing is to joke around and play. Looking forward to basking in the sunlight and wrestling out in the mud with her siblings. Spirit isn't afraid to rough house and most certainly will not grow to dislike things dirty. Considering herself strong Spirit wants nothing more than to be in control of things when she can.

Wanting to have her way with the world Spirit's goals are curious to the bone. It isn't just with fighting though, she loves plants. She loves the idea of poisoning enemies and having the power to heal as well. To have someone else's life rely on your skills. Somehow the idea fascinates her and drives her to be the best healer and fighter that she can be. Even if she is told she can't do both, she'll make an attempt.

Loyalty is a given for a wolf like her. Spirit doesn't take kindly to those who are disloyal to even her own family. She wants to have others backs and the same to her. This goes for those who betray as well. Spirit will not tolerate such behavior and she's prone to holding grudges and never forgiving those who have harmed those close to her. She has an attitude towards those she thinks deserve it.

Plot ideas:
I see spirit wanting to become a master of fighting and healing all the same. Being able to heal the wounds that she herself may have created. Deep down though she'll be an ambitious loyal member of the family. I want her to be devoted to her mother and proud to be her fathers daughter. Anything else I want to see flourish through rp and development, her decision on weather she wants to remain in Habari or go to the Armada is undecided when she's younger. I don't plan her being evil, just more connected with her family and her own loose morals.



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
02-15-2021, 08:12 PM
10 days left until we pick players! Get your apps in!
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-18-2021, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2021, 06:39 PM by Dragon Mod.)
Name: Necromancer (Aka, Necro)
Design: choose two unless providing your own
Sex: Female
Height: 28"
Build: light
Alignment: starting off True neutral(?) (will likely change depending on ic stuff)
Skills: Fighting x intellect or hunting
Appearance: Click
The first thing that anyone notices about Necro's appearance is that she resembles the night sky when it's pitch black and glittering with stars (or a snow flurry). Indeed, her base coat is pitch black with no other color marring it save for the white flurry of snow that is strewn across her fur. Lightly dusted from head to foot, the markings aren't distracting to the eye, but rather making her a simplistic beauty. Her face bears a white marking that wraps around her muzzle and extends in a single stripe up between her brows and over her head until it comes to rest over her shoulders. Eyes of red (or a deep magenta, whatever is preferred) peer out from the darkness of her cloak. Her ladylike, feminine appearance is enough to likely make any man's head turn when she grows older, though despite her feminine look, she's a viper waiting to strike. She's fast on her feet and quick with her tongue, the babes light build making her quite agile and formidable against larger creatures.
Personality: Necro is a refined woman. One of her pleasing qualities is her elegance, the babe moving with an air of grace and respectful authority. She takes pride in her lineage and her appearance and does her utmost to ensure that she is someone who shouldn't be messed with. As mentioned before, she takes pride in her blood, so she carries herself in a way that shows who she is and where she's from, and that her family isn't to be messed with either. Head held high, tail carried at or above waist level, her steps confident and her gaze sharp. She has a hawkish stare, a vibrant gaze nearly piercing those that stand before her. Despite her elegant air, however, she tends to look deadpan. Always appearing bored and disinterested, but in reality, she's absorbing everything around her and calculating her next word or move. It's incredibly hard for her to show any emotion. You won't really know if she's angry or upset, happy or sad, since she tends to act aloof. The only time you'll know if she's angry or displeased is when she's already trying to rip you apart, but even her fighting style boasts elegance as she tends to dance around her opponents using her speed as opposed to flat-out brawn. She is a confident and poised individual, self-assured as her upbringing has left little to no room for lack of confidence or weakness. She lives for herself, though she wouldn't hesitate to come to the aid of her family if necessary. In this regard, she can be quite protective of her blood. Ready and willing to fight to defend her honor, or that of her mother if need be.

She loathes laziness and irresponsibility. She doesn't really like to play games or act in a childish manner. She's pretty much the definition of all work and no play, seriousness a big trait of hers. While yes, she is capable of trickery (and quite good at it), it's generally her last resort in trying to get someone to do what she wants. She's incredibly intelligent, though that's a given considering she takes after her mother. She analyzes every situation she's in, always looking for an advantage that would work in her favor. You see, she can be pretty selfish, too. She craves her parent's attention like no other, practically putting them on a pedestal and always looking to please them. Around her mother, however, she's Well-mannered and nearly soldier-like. Whatever it takes to remain the apple of her mother's eye. And around her father? She boasts strength and unwavering egotistical confidence, willing to do whatever she can to show off that she is just as strong as everyone else if not stronger. Loyalty to her mother and father comes first and foremost, everything else is a far second. She cares not for love or childish dreams. She is ambitious, always seeking her next step to the top and achieving everything her greedy heart desires.
Plot ideas: Idk man, do bully puppy things and work her way to the top. I suck at coming up with plots, i tend to just let things happen as they come


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
02-25-2021, 11:28 PM
So Kat and I have decided that we're actually going to go with a smaller litter versus a full sized litter since Magnus is now a loner and will be unable to join Habari. With that said we have decided on Cloudy with Sorcerer and the first design and King with Spirit! Unfortunately there is already a character named Spirit active onsite so we will need you to pick another name. With my pup Fortune, it'll be a litter of three with the birth order being Fortune, Sorcerer, and finally (King's Pup)!

Both Cloudy and King will be getting the free pup passes, I'll choke out the extra pup pass for myself :)
Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-26-2021, 12:59 AM
Thank you, if its okay od like to go with Voodoo


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
02-26-2021, 01:01 AM
That's fine!
Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex