
the making of bamboo island

int and healing skill thread!



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
01-31-2021, 12:46 PM
(OOC: 5 Healing points can be claimed for planting the bamboo with tori.  
10 Intelligence points can be claimed for crafting the reed/bamboo fences and other things for the island)

This is a skill thread-mostly- so you'll need 3 posts each to claim. No posting order, post when you're ready, if people are slowing it down, etc etc

Location: Rekaru Island

Simply put, Rekaru island was a mess.

It was barren with scarce a tree in sight and had stone tear that ripped the land in two, separating the east from the west. Knowing this, Hattori hadn't been all that surprised to learn the land was deserted, disused, and thus overrun by lizards. It didn't sit well with him knowing that there was a whole island going to waste and so he took it upon himself to reforest the land, to make some use of it and what better way than to plant some bamboo and make it seem a little like home. Reptiles of all shapes and sizes, some he didn't even have names for, skittered out of his way as Hattori moved inland, pulling along a cart of full bamboo saplings, sprouts and various bits of pieces gardening equipment. He'd procured several carts worth of supplies from a travelling salesman and though the price had been inflated to say the least Hattori believed it to be worth the cost.

And now it was time to get his paws dirty. The bamboo all needed to be planted and fences, walkways and shelters needed to be put together. There was lots of work to be done but with assistance he was certain it could be completed in a timely manner. Tipping his head back Hattori let out a call for all Ashen wolves to hear. It was time to work and to make something of this forsaken lizard isle.

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Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
02-01-2021, 02:53 AM

From the areas around the Shrine proper, the boy heard a booming call echo through the trees. He wasn't familiar with the voice, but he had learned well enough to recognize the different kinds of summons that rang out periodically when he was outside. This was an open invitation! It was time to collect his wits, and beg mama to let him play with the big kids request that mother let him go make himself known to more members of the pack. The charcoal youngster plodded into the area where he'd spent his earliest moments, searching for the familiar bulk of his mother. She wasn't hard to find, this was her domain, and she was usually busy enough to make noise. He tended to track her down through the sounds of prayer, the clinking of jars and bowls, or the scent of her perfumed fur through the halls. Today, he sniffed her out with his head high, an attempt to display the regal carriage he'd been mimicking from her own comings and goings during the day. Heart hammering in his chest, he hesitated only briefly around the corner from where she was. Drawing a deep breath in, he stepped around the corner. "Mother?" his soft vocals rang out against the stone walls, almost too loud for his own ears.


Off he went, guided by a canine that his mother assured him was safe to be around. Evidently he couldn't be trusted to find his way around on his own yet, and an escort was mandatory. Not that it bothered him, he kept finding himself glancing towards the.. Akita. The dark markings of the canine were not unlike some of the relatives that lived nearby, though not quite the same. He was rather bulky, and his tail curled up over his back. At first, the boy had thought the canine was trying to assert dominance, or display aggression. However, as they walked quietly together, he was beginning to wonder if that was just.. how his tail went. The akita moved a little faster than the boy was used to, but he didn't make a peep of complaint. What if he was sent home? The pair moved further and further through the woodlands around the shrine, passing through ivory trunks until they broke through into an open area. The snow petered out as it met an unfamiliar soil, and the largest body of water he'd ever seen. Mother had mentioned the lands of their Empire included some islands out along the coast, but he wasn't prepared for the sight that met him. There was so much water, and the looming shapes of the islands in the water was so unlike the familiar trees he'd lived in so far.

Before he could take up any real time marveling at the beach, the akita moved onward. He scampered to catch up, following the canine along a strip of shifting soil towards the looming form of the island ahead. He'd been told the names of them all, but it took a moment to remember. The big one was Inu, he remembered that. The closest one to home was.. Nephilim. There were little caches all over, but the akita skirted by them without a care. Where the heck were they both headed, anyway? It felt like they'd been walking forever, and his young paws were beginning to feel sore already. Maybe mother had been right, and he wasn't ready yet. No! He wanted to see what this was about, he was going to see it through- he was descendant of divinity, and he wouldn't let sore feet stop him. Quickly as they'd arrived on Nephilim, the pair were gone, onto the next bridge. As they approached the next island, the soft soil began to become more rocky, and he found himself sliding around on it even more. Spreading his paws out, he did his best to stay on his paws as he skittered along after the akita. So much for being refined and elegant, like his mother. He moved as quickly as he could behind the dark canine, who skirted the edge of the looming island. He'd heard this was where the Empress lived, but he hadn't gone inside yet. He wasn't sure he was allowed, even if the Empress was his aunt. He could smell a strong, recent scent trail along the coastline he was walking. Was this the male who'd called out earlier? It felt like hours might have passed by now, and he briefly found himself gripped with the realization that he might be too late by the time he got to wherever he was going.

All of the sudden, two toned gaze caught on a figure nearby. The mottled figure was familiar from his naming ceremony, and the name sprung up in his mind. Hattori. He was very important, and very big. As the akita broke away from his lengthy escort, the boy slowed his pace to look around. There were plants all around that he didn't recognize, but their earthy scents brought him some comfort when they mingled with the overpowering scent of brine. What was going on? He lifted his head to gaze balefully up at Hattori for a moment, blinking owlishly before he remembered what he was here for. He dropped his head and bent his elbows in a small bow, tipping his auds back as his mother had taught him was proper. "Mother said I can be.. at your.." he hesitated. What was the word she'd used? "disposal. As long as someone is around, and someone can help me get home again." he did his best to mask his disappointment at that notion. He wasn't stupid, he wasn't going to do dumb baby stuff. However, he was very aware that he would probably get lost if no one helped him get home again. He chanced a quick look around again, wondering where the strange canine had gone. No one had told him what his name was. Pallid violet gaze snapped back to the Shogun. "What are we doing?" he finally questioned, fluffy tail sweeping slowly across his heels as he tried to contain his burgeoning delight.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.