
Ice Cold Like The Depths Below


06-04-2014, 02:24 AM

He had returned again. Back to the place that caused so much hurt within his heart, but it was a place he could not leave. He was unsure why he clung so hard to the past, or why he strived to make himself miserable day in and day out, but the male just had a knack for being miserable. It had been hard to smile, for isolation was his only companion. Even so, he ventured from his cove residence. Black painted legs were soaked, though slowly drying in the cooler air. Winter already? Where the hell had he been? What had he missed out on? He was unknown to the information of the epidemic sweeping the lands, perhaps it was a good thing.

Some time went by, the afternoon sun was in and out among the clouds that ventured across the sky. Aqua blue gaze scanned the beach, and yet it remained empty as usual. It wasn't often he came across other wolves here, for he was in a more isolated part of the lands. He had thought about going to one of the islands, to live a life of solitude...but he was not a solitary creature. His mind craved the attention and conversation of another wolf. Would today be any different? Or would he finally begin to leave the isolation and the silence for something...more? He would continue his walk across the shores, slow and without purpose. The water lapped at the shores beside him, the gulls silent for they seemed to have taken off for the winter season.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



8 Years
06-04-2014, 02:31 PM

. . .

Oracle was back, after being gone for so long, to the place she belonged. Brown paws carried the yearling easily across the snow, her golden gaze glinting as if she could melt the snow and make it Summer. She wanted to see Galahad or Odette, to apologize, to hear their voices as they told her it was alright, if it was alright. Bubo, flying overhead, obviously had no such worries as she did. Without him, Oracle was sure to give up, because he was the only company she had, even if she did carve for the attention of other wolves at times. Even if he didn't talk much, Oracle wasn't as shy, so she smiled and moved along the beach, pausing as she saw a black and white male. The girl's black and brown tail began to wag before she began to run. She knew it wasn't Galahad, but perhaps this wolf knew about her brother? Perhaps Galahad was nearby, waiting for her to come and find him, or maybe he was living with this wolf. This would couldn't be his son, could it, because Oracle didn't think they were at that age. Maybe they were, and she had just missed it.

After a few moments of running, Bubo behind her. Oracle stopped, and looked into the wolf's aqua eyes. Wait.....In her excitement, she had forgotten something very important. If this was Galahad's son, why was she so young? There was only one thing; this wasn't his son. Oracle spoke anyway, her jaws parting for just a moment. "Hello there." Tail would wag in happiness at seeing another wolf.



06-10-2014, 05:44 PM

She missed him. Although it was hard to admit, even to herself, she missed the pale boy with bright blue eyes she had met when she was a child. Something about him stood out to her, which was rare seeing as she barley cared about anything anymore besides Ramses and her pack duties. Perhaps it was her curiosity that brought her back to the beach on this warm afternoon, paws sinking into the blackened sand with each step as she and her companion traveled across the beach. There was hope in her mind that if she returned he might be there, a hope she kept alive despite the numerous times she had returned only to find no trace of the man she so desperately wished to pursue. It was discouraging, especially with her mixed feelings toward her feline companion- but how could she blame herself? How could she find a wrong in wanting the companionship of another wolf? Ramses would need to understand that they were star-crossed lovers, and she could only hope that he would accept their differences and back away when necessary. She was a beautiful woman, no doubt desired by many, and should the right man walk her way she would not think twice to pursue her desires.

The oceans salty waves would lick at her heels, Ramses staying on her left side and away from the water as they traveled. She could not smell them yet, completely unaware that Drake had finally returned and another woman was hot on his heels already. Ramses would be the first to point out their presence, Liberty's mind lost in thought as she struggled to keep herself sane during these dark times. (referring to the plague) "Liberty... That wolf you are looking for... I think he is here. I think we finally found him." "Wh-what? You mean..." The babe would stop in her tracks, her muzzle raising toward the sky as she inhaled their surrounding scents. Sure enough his musk would waft across her nostrils, and she would close her azure eyes momentarily while releasing a relived sigh. Finally... he had returned.

Her eyes would snap open as she burst forward, taking off in a full blown sprint toward his direction. She was so excited she did not catch the females scent who had joined him, and she would not become aware of the girl until they both came into view. Instantly her pelt would bristle, jealousy coursing hot through her veins as assumptions swarmed through her mind. So, this was the reason he left huh? Another female? She would quicken her pace, aiming to walk directly up to the pair, Ramses hanging close to his companions left side. "Leave." Venomous words dripped from her open maw, lips curled to expose her rows of fangs as she glared frigid daggers at the stranger. She did not want her here, she did not need to be here. Drake belonged to her, and if this female had any ideas to sever their ties, she would sever her head from her neck.



07-07-2014, 05:45 PM

An unfamiliar scent would waft it's way towards the australian boy. He would turn at the sound of a voice, a young girl he had never met before. With her another creature, but he would pay no mind to it as he stood and stared at the dual toned girl. "Uh...Hello there, lass." It was all he had managed to say before something ripped free in the winds. Startled, he whipped his head up to see something hurtling towards them, and instantly the boy would freeze. Black dipped tail would sit stiff, eyes frozen upon the figure that hurtled towards him. She sounded pissed, angry. But why? She had her life with her glorious king, why was she suddenly being hostile? He glanced at the younger girl, aqua blue eyes apologetic before turning confused. He had no idea what was going on, and Liberty had been the last person he had expected to see here. She knew this was where he lived, why did she keep coming back?

He would turn to Liberty, confusion and barely contained hurt within his gaze. He became guarded, his movements stiff as he made no motion to close the distance between he and the grey toned girl. Was this all a game to her? Did she think he would keep allowing himself to get hurt by her? She didn't even know what she wanted! But alas, he simply could not let go...he had confessed his love to her some time ago, and he could hardly remember that day. He was sure she didn't love him, for all she talked about before was her devotion to a man who was no good for her. Why didn't she see that? His heart would pound within his chest, the wind from the beach blowing across him, sand flying about his feet as he stared at the ghost he thought he'd never see again. "Liberty...what are you doin' here?" Familiar australian accent was present as ever upon his tongue, breath catching in his throat as he tried his hardest to remain calm.

With Eyes Wide Shut by Blessthefall on Grooveshark




8 Years
07-24-2014, 07:08 PM

. . .
Oracle turned her golden gaze to the gray female and the creature walking beside her. When the female turned and told her to leave, Oracle rose to her paws, a rumbling growl escaping her jaws. "I did nothing to you. Why should I leave? I was simply trying to make a new friend before I went and tried to find my family." She thought of Galahad and Odette, but she had no idea where they where. She continued to glare at the female, who was apparently named Liberty, and finally continued to speak again, her voice a low growl. "I was planning to leave anyway. I wanted to see if this male has seen my sister, Odette, or my brother, Galahad." With a glance at the male, she relaxed, and sat down. She wasn't going to leave until she had her answer.

She would never openly challenge a wolf, or challenge them at all. All she needed right now was her family.
