
I don't wish to be buried alone, but I will be


06-03-2014, 08:33 PM

The tension was unbelievably overwhelming, while she had convinced herself she would be okay her body was not holding out on her. After the constant barrage of seizures, and the pain aching in her joints, she had just about given up. She knew deep down everyone was working hard to find a cure, she knew deep down that probably after all of this Valhalla would still not be the place for her. But if she died with this sadness inside of her, her mother would send her straight back through this hell for a second time. The wolf would lay quietly in her den, her red eyes looking towards the stars that dotted and marked the sky. She didn't want to die, it hurt so bad, and she could feel herself struggling. Vahva would attempt to cry, but only tears of blood would run from her eyes, already covering her snout from the previous bloody tears that she had shed. At least her vision was a bit better, and she could actually see if that counted for anything at all.
She could feel her chest beginning to fail, breathing was becoming more of a task rather than a way of life. Vahva had to remind herself in constant strokes to breath in and out, that way if anyone happened to pass by. Anyone at all, she'd be able to say her last words. Paws splayed out in front of her, with her last bit of energy she actually threw her head back in a howl, possibly for Erani or for anyone who would heed to a dying girls call. Dropping her jaw against the floor of the den, she wheezed and prayed to herself that someone would arrive her in time to take in her words. One thing she was glad about, is she would finally, finally get to see her mother once more. And that would make her at peace if nothing at all. Once someone arrived, or in the hope that she thought someone arrived, she would begin to speak.
"I wish I could have done the world better, I wish I could have been to use of anyone, even my own children. For Erani a long friend of my mothers and myself, I want to thank her for everything she has done. For even caring for a sad soul like mine that was destroyed in a fire lit by kings. I want to thank Azalea, Chrysanthe, the two of them were friends dare I say in the least. I wish I could have done Valhalla better, and that I wished I wouldn't have been so weak. If this is god punishing me then so be it, at least I will be able to see my mother again. And my bastard lineage won't be able to be mocked anymore among those of my walker heritage. I love you all, Valhalla, even if you haven't known me. I want you to forgive me for all that I have done. I bid my farewells to this world. And dare I say, Goodbye." she mustered up the last of this energy to pull out the words she said. Her body would grow weaker within the minutes, her chest would stop, her body and heart would give out stop beating as she slipped into the oblivion. But one thing she would see before she left, was the crystal clear figure of her mother, Night, welcoming her into the light.

-Exit Vahva by death-




6 Years
06-03-2014, 09:05 PM

Azalea sat with her head hung. Death was a dark cloud that rode low over her pack. She couldn't imagine that was going on in the other packs, already too consumed by her own.

Illness was everywhere, wolves were dying.


There was an unpleasant lump in her throat, she felt so useless. When a howl sounded out Azalea's eyes grew wide and her amber eyes scanned the sky like she might see the sound travel. Lately howling or any noise had seemed to bad news and right now that sound was coming from a friend. Vahva.

She didn't think, she just ran. Ran and ran and ran. Azalea had never been to Vahva's den but she found it easy enough though in her blind haze was tripping over everything. Of course she was in the den, Azalea cringed at the thought alone. Fuck dens. Fuck holes in the ground. Fuck everything, actually. This was not the first den she had jumped down recently and honestly she was starting to feel like a harbinger of death.

She found Vahva wheezing out words on the floor, her coat a mess. "Want to thank her for everything she has done. For even caring for a sad soul like mine that was destroyed in a fire lit by kings. I want to thank Azalea, Chrysanthe, the two of them were friends dare I say in the least. I wish I could have done Valhalla better, and that I wished I wouldn't have been so weak. If this is god punishing me then so be it, at least I will be able to see my mother again. And my bastard lineage won't be able to be mocked anymore among those of my walker heritage. I love you all, Valhalla, even if you haven't known me. I want you to forgive me for all that I have done. I bid my farewells to this world. And dare I say, Goodbye."

Azalea choked on emotion as Vahva spoke, even mentioning her specifically. Damnit, Vahva, don't go. Don't go." The words that came out felt cruel to say, with her friend suffering as she was. Her words did not halt though and when they finally did it was with a final sigh of breath.

"God damnit!" She leaned over her lifeless friend, a paw stroking her blue mane and eyes full of water. Her ears pulled back. "You're released from the horrors of this world, Vahva. Live long with your mother, become another star in the night sky. The brightest star in the whole sky, all blue and red and black and white. Everyone will notice you, appreciate you, admire you. I only wish there had been more time."

Azalea sobbed openly, a terribly broken sound before she turned and fled the den. She sat outside of it with her head still hung, tail curled around her. Was this the story of her life? So much sorrow and pain. Her stomach twisted, throat growing hot. Azalea stood up and walked a few steps before relieving herself of her last meal after a few good "hurp" noises.



5 Years
Extra large
06-09-2014, 08:45 PM

No, no, no, no! The boy ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He plowed through snow laden bushes, tripping and falling over obstacles he would have normally avoided. Nothing was going to slow him down. Vahva's howl hung in his ears; he couldn't rid them of the sound. She sounded..she sounded...he didn't even want to think about it. It couldn't be true. It was the sickness talking.

As he neared, the boy called out, letting her know he was coming. "Vahva! VAHVA!" Please! He flew over the snow, moving fast enough to create a vortex of flakes in his wake. Although he wasn't aware of it, Azalea was right. Now that there was sickness the only time you heard someone lift their voice was to announce bad, sometimes terrible news.

He arrived too late.

Sliding into the den, Laufey nearly tripped over Vahva's body. Immediately he was chilled. His voice soft, he queried, "Vahva?" Gently, the boy nudged her shoulder with his paw. This was the wolf who had taken care of him when his had mothers failed to and she was so still. Louder, he called again, "Vahva, please, no! Somebody, help! Help me! Please!" What could he do? What was there to do? Was there herbs? Something, anything! Think you idiot child! Placing both front paws on her shoulder, he shoved her hard. Wake up. "Pleeease..." And then, because deep down he knew there was nothing to be done, Laufey began to cry.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


06-14-2014, 08:34 PM

A weak howl. That was the only warning of what he was going to come across. He would be the third onto the scene, the scent of a female there, and a younger male... He would approach, having heard the boy?s cries, though when he saw the femme he knew that it was too late to do anything for her at all. The boy smelled of another pack, but Arwel had recognized him from one of the previous meetings as one of the children with the healer. He would give a soft sigh, looking down to the now deceased healer. She was gone... And there was nothing that could be done for her now.

The sigma would sit, back end sliding down as a soft sigh escaped him. ?I am sorry...? Vahva must have seemed to be a mother for the child, when his true mother was not there for him. The brute would look down to the woman. She had a uniqueness to her, especially with her blue mane, and was surely a figure that would be missed within Valhalla. Arwel would glance to the younger male beside him. ?...She will need to be buried. Will you come with me to do so...??
