
Dinner time



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-12-2021, 09:13 PM
Drachen rose with the sun, the morning light was just starting to chase away the darkness of the night and set the horizon a blaze as he left his den and shook out his pelt. His hawk companion hopped passed him with a small coo of greeting before she took flight and circled off deeper into the plain in search of her own meal and his oceanic blue eyes watched her for a moment before he glanced around him. He had joined Valhalla to repay his debt to the Spirit by help with hunting during the winter season and he had every intention of making do on his promise. So Drachen turned and trotted deeper into the plains and began searching for tracks on the ground and occasionally lifting his earthen nose to the air to draw in the scents deep into his lungs. It took him about half an hour before he found a promising trail, the scent of was fresh enough to suggest the herd of mule deer was still within the territory. Drachen paused, his eyes following the tracks in the snow and earth before he turned his dark face to look over his muscular shoulder back at the dens. He could probably bring down a young or weak deer by himself but if he had help, maybe they could bring down a large buck. The black and tan male turned half way around and tossed his head back to the sky and howled long and loud for the hunt, his voice surprisingly melodic for his size and structure. He had yet to meet any one else of Valhalla besides the Spirit and Ardyn so he was interested in who would answer his call to help him with a hunt. He then stood patiently, although brimming with excitement for other pack mates to arrive.

~A hunt for medium sized prey for skill claim~
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-14-2021, 05:23 PM

Cairo’s patrols often included keeping an eye on the prey, especially as the winter had been a rougher one than usual for the west. Aurielle would be calling a meeting soon enough, as well as the kickoff for the raid she planned. Perhaps he’d get the Hunting Circle together to bring down a moose or bison to store.

Well, it seemed someone agreed with his entirely unspoken thoughts of hunting. An unfamiliar voice sang for the pack, extending a wish to hunt, and he nodded to Chrystal. The owl would continue the border patrol while he hunted, and should any issues catch her eyes, she’d fetch him.

He trotted briskly through the snow, bi-chocolated tail waving easily behind him. He wore full armor, and his bear-clawed bracers helped him keep traction on the icier patches of snow.

He spotted the man and woofed softly in greeting, his easy natured grin on his features as he drew close enough to greet him. From the look of him, this must be the newest member of the pack, Drachen. Aurielle had informed him of the man’s joining, and he swept a quick glance over him, assessing quickly.

“Hello. I’m Cairo Adravendi, Sentinel of Valhalla. What did you have in mind?” His eyes cast toward the mule deer herd—out of sight, but they were creatures of habit, and had their favorite spots and times of day to be there.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-14-2021, 09:38 PM
It wasn't long before his sharp blue eyes picked out movement out on the plains and heading towards him, the wolf's tail waving behind him as he approached with a woof of greeting. The warm welcome brought a smile to Drachen's lips and he found himself so far enjoying life here in Valhalla. Maybe I should consider staying longer than winter.... He thought to himself before he put his focus completely on the hunt and the other male. Drachen dipped his head in a respectful greeting, his oceanic blue eyes scanning over the other male's impressive armor before he rumbled "Nice to meet you, Sentinel Cairo. My name is Drachen." He introduced himself to the earthen male, judging by the Sentinel's non-aggressive greeting, that Aurielle must have already informed him that he was the newest member. Quickly, Drachen scanned the plains behind the earthen male but so far it seemed it was only Cairo to answer his call for a hunt.

Drachen followed Cairo's gaze to the mule deer herd out of sight in the distance and replied "Instead of a young or weakened deer, maybe with our combined strength we can bring down a large buck?" I noticed a heavier set of tracks in the snow and mud." Drachen then pointed with a dark paw to the tracks between them, the Vaekhal male being careful not to disturb the tracks. His eyes then flicked back to the Sentinel, observing his face for any indications of his thoughts and remained silent to see what the other male had to say. If the male had a better idea for prey, Drachen would be more than ready to follow the Sentinel's lead. Drachen did not have a big ego that was easily bruised or prevented him from following another's lead. His khaki tipped tail wagged softly behind him as his heart already began to speed up at the promise of a good hunt. He had a good feeling that they would be successful in this hunt, even if it was just the two of them.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-14-2021, 09:58 PM

Cai grinned, tail waving as Drachen introduced himself, nodding, and as the older wolf cast his suggestion, Cairo cocked his head in thought, bending to study the tracks. The set that Drachen pointed out was easy to spot. Cai took in the scent, analyzing it.

“Smells like an older buck. So, taking him down shouldn’t mess too much with the healthier, younger stock. You like coursing or the take down?”

He tipped his head to study the man, eyes twinkling as he waited to see whether he’d be taking down the deer or running it ragged. He liked either role, though he often took the take down in pack hunts.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-15-2021, 10:21 AM
The sentinel's happy personality was infectious and Drachen was not used to wolves of higher rank being so open during planning. In his old pack it was either follow their lead or get out of the way, even if their plan would cause potential harm to the subordinates. It was certainly a refreshing change, one that made paying off his debt even easier than he thought before he arrived here. Cairo commented on the scent of the buck and Drachen nodded in agreement when he said it was an older buck so it wouldn't mess with the health of the hoof stock much. The buck was probably just leaving its prime and soon a younger stronger buck would challenge and take its place come Spring. Drachen scanned over Cairo when the younger male offered to let him pick which role he wanted, taking in the male's heavier size and armor clad body. He didn't know how heavy that armor was but he figured just the extra weight would make the Sentinel have to spend extra energy in the chase. Drachen was the same height but had a less bulky frame than the Sentinel, perfect for the chase. "I'll take the chase and leave the honor of the take down to you." He rumbled happily in his soft tones, his sand tipped tail wagged softly behind him.

Once they were in agreement, Drachen set off after the tracks, his pace swift and graceful as he trotted along with his brown nose to the ground. It wasn't long before the black and tan male slowed to a stop and crouched in the grass when he heard the hooves and snorts of the deer ahead. Quickly his oceanic blue eyes found the large older buck near the edge of the herd, the animal a quick an impressive size and would make a nice meal for the pack. His pink tongue swiped over his sand colored lips in anticipation before he looked over at Cairo to make sure the Sentinel was ready. Once Drachen got the nod of approval, he sprung swiftly from his hiding place and charged the buck cutting it off from the rest of the herd, snarling and snapping at its front legs to get it moving back towards the way they came. At first the buck snorted and reared, hooves flailing in protest but with a savage snarl and a lunge at the deer chest with a sharp bite to the base of its neck, the prey animal relented and started running deeper into the plains. Drachen followed suite, nipping at the buck's heels, driving it faster and faster, trying to wear the creature out before Cairo came in for the kill. Soon the creature began to tire as it tried to run and keep from slipping on the snow covered ground but Drachen allowed it no rest as he again growled at its heels and placed a bite to its hind quarters.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-15-2021, 01:24 PM

Cairo nodded with a grin at Drachen’s response, tail answering the companionable man’s wag with its own.

As the hunt got under way, Cairo broke into a long-legged gallop, stretching out with surprising speed. He’d had a long time to get used to the weight of armor, and this set now fit like a second pelt. The bear claws gave him extra traction as he bore down on the tiring buck.

In three more bounds, the Adravendi launched himself into the buck’s side, staggering it as he grappled a foreleg over the buck’s back, the other slipping under its neck as he twisted himself, clamping his jaws around the thick, winter-shagged neck, canines sinking in and ripping free. He was experienced enough by now that he rarely missed his target, and by the blood that spattered the ground he’d gotten the jugular.

He dropped free as the buck slowed, and quickly, he rammed it, sending it floundering to the ground where he sat on it, humming to the buck until the light died in its eyes and the spastic kicks slowed.

Once the deer was dead, he smiled at Drachen. “Good hunt, Drachen. Have you skinned a dear before?”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-15-2021, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2021, 03:19 PM by Drachen.)
It wasn’t long before Drachen caught an armored blur flash passed him and slam into their prey, sending it stumbling. It was just enough for Drachen to latch his fangs into the hock on the deer and pull back hard while Cairo quickly made the killing blow. The Vaekhal male was honestly surprised with how fast and well the man moved in the armor and while the Sentinel calmed the dying deer, Drachen took the time to study the armor. One day he wanted to try his own paw at making himself some armor, maybe starting off with something small like the bracers on Cairo’s forelegs.

Soon it was over and the deer passed on, Drachen eyes flicking up to the Sentinel’s face as he congratulated their hunt. Drachen smiled warmly and dipped his head in thanks. “Thank you for your help, you are a very skilled hunter.” he replied and meant it. His compliment wasn’t some kiss ass thing to say to a higher rank. He throughly enjoyed the hunt the the chocolate colored man. “If it is anything like skinning a bear, I will manage.” his hushed tones passed over his tongue. Good thing he had got some experience with skinning an animal with Ardyn . It seemed like skinning was a popular thing to do in this pack. Drachen gracefully moved towards the other side of the animal and make a small opening in the deer’s neck just at the base of the jaw with his teeth. He paused then and almost sheepishly looked at Cairo “You wouldn’t happen to have one of those fancy knifes like the Spirit would you?” he asked. He probably could get the skin off without it but he doubt it would be anything near as precise as the knife attached to the bracer Aurielle had. “I’ll have to make one of my own one of these days.” he mumbled mostly to himself, setting aside yet another thing he wanted to try and make.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-15-2021, 03:27 PM

Drachen’s compliment brought a humble nod and smile. Cai had been training hard since he’d realized he wanted to be a hunter as well as a warrior, and while he was highly modest about his skill, he knew a good kill when he made one.

He grinned at Drachen’s remark about the bear, having heard the story about the out of season bear that had attacked the Destiny. The meat now hung drying in one of the back caverns in the cave system, smoking over a fire.

At Drachen’s query, he chuckled, lifting his left paw and removing the bracer that encased it with clear, practiced ease, tossing it to Drachen.

As he moved the deer onto its back, he said cheerfully, “The loops should fit over your toes. The fit’s ambidextrous, so it’ll work on your dominant paw. The claws are sharpened and the loops are individual so you should have some good precision. Took me a while to master the technique, but once you have it down, these bracers are quite multi-purpose.”

He took the cuts on the legs, slicing through the tender hide of the inner legs to the sternum and abdomen and around the legs to the outside. “These are actually the first pair of bracers I ever made.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-15-2021, 05:07 PM
Cairo was kind enough to lend him one if his bear claw bracers and Drachen caught it easily as the other male tossed it to him. A black and tan ear twisted towards the Sentinel, listening intently as Cairo told him how to put them on while Drachen looked it over. What a clever thing he thought to himself as he quickly put them on his right front paw as directed, giving his toes a little wiggle and watched as the large bear claws moved with them. "Huh." passed by his tan lips as he marveled at the contraption before getting back to work a moment later. Just like last time with Ardyn, Drachen watched the cuts Cairo made in the deer and copied them on his side and then set to work removing the pelt from the muscles. One dark paw held back the pelt while the bear claw cladded paw sliced away the connective tissue freeing the layer of skin.

It might be weird of the male but for some reason he began to find removing the pelt to be rather relaxing. His oceanic blue eyes widened slightly as Cairo said the bracers were the first he had ever made, causing Drachen to pause in his work to look at the male and then look at the bracers a bit more closely. "That is impressive.... We didn't have things like this in my birth pack...." His soft toned voice replied, his eyes lifting from the bracer to Cairo and then make to the pelt. Only the slightest twitch if his sand colored lips turning downward was the only indication that he did not have fond memories of the place but it soon passed as he focused again on carefully removing the pelt from the legs.

"Did it take you long to make them?" Drachen asked, genuinely curious. He was tempted to see if he could find the bear claws that he had help take down and make those claws into something to help him skin animals. It seemed like this was going to be a common occurrence and it certainly made the job easier. Even if he made something small that he could carry in his mouth while on the hunt and come back to retrieve it when he made the kill would be better than nothing. His tan brows furled together as he tried to think of some way to create such a tool.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-15-2021, 10:40 PM

As Drachen took the bracer and began working, Cairo, having finished the legs on his side, curled his toes, presenting the smooth tops of the bear claws in a fist and began working the fisted paw between the side of the deer and the flesh side of the hide, holding it in his teeth to keep it taut.

Releasing his grip on the hide to move to the haunch, Cairo grinned at Drachen’s question. “About… three hours? It passed pretty quickly. I was making a new best friend while I was at it.” Some of the cheer left his eyes, and he added, “Nolan was the first friend outside my own family members I made. But he’s gone, now. Fell off a cliff earlier this year.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-17-2021, 02:55 PM
Drachen was truly impressed when Cairo told him it only took three hours to make the bracer for his first attempt. Drachen was sure that when he tried to make something of it's like, it would certainly take him much longer to craft. Perhaps it's easier to craft such things when you are born with it around you. he thought to himself. Drachen then moved to the deer's lower ribs and  began to remove the pelt from there, the bear claws easily slicing the skin from meat. The dual colored male stopped soon after Cairo began to speak again, telling him of the friend that had passed not too long ago. Drachen's oceanic blue eyes met Cairo's gaze as he rumbled genuinely "I am sorry for your loss... It is never easy losing a close friend." The pain that briefly flashed in the Vaekhal male's eyes showed that he too had lost someone dear to him. Drachen's eyes flicked to the ground a moment later as he tried to push down the feelings of sadness and guilt. His friend was very much alive, but he did not get to say goodbye to him before he fled for his life. "I miss my friend too." he mumbled softly.

Then the male suddenly shook our his pelt and cleared his throat and got back to work, perhaps working with a little more vigor as he tried to get his mind on something else. "Is it common for the wolves of Valhalla to have armor? Are there that many battles to require it?" So far nearly every wolf that he had met in Valhalla, though that list only consisted of Aurielle, Ardyn and now Cairo, had armor covering them like a second skin. So far none of the wolves he met seemed to have such a personality that suggested that Valhalla sought out trouble with other packs. Perhaps there were many loners and bands that roamed around Boreas that needed fending off. Would he be willing to fight such a battle for a pack he was only supposed to stay in for the winter season? Drachen flicked a black and tan ear in surprise when he found that he would actually be willing to fight for Valhalla if he was called upon.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated