
know this life [birth]



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-14-2021, 09:48 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2021, 10:39 AM by Poem.)

Poem was uncomfortable all evening and getting to sleep had been an arduous chore. Hours passed as she listened quietly to Sparhawk’s steady breathing. She was curled up close beside him, thankful for his warmth on cold nights like this. Peace covered the pair of wolves like a blanket, snow was falling outside and all the world seemed silent. Poem eventually drifted into sleep, but it wasn’t near as soft and peaceful as the weather outside. After what felt like only a few moments Poem was woken by a sudden pain like waves from her abdomen.

The feeling was somewhat familiar, she’d experienced with more frequency over the last couple of weeks. This one was different though, and she knew right away that the time had come. Hours before dawn in a heavy snowfall, Poem and Sparhawk would become parents. A little panicked her eyes fluttered open and she grit her teeth through the episode. It wasn’t very long but she gasped lightly for breath at the end of it.

She pressed into her husband’s side, they were laying comfortably over the nest they’d worked on. She pressed her muzzle to his cheek and squeezed her eyes shut as she faced the next step. Poem was about to give birth and she was scared. ”Sparhawk,” she whispered, the emotions lingering in her voice as she woke her husband. It was time. Once he was conscious she’d ask him to call for Theory, and soon enough they’d get to meet their new puppies.

Sparhawk -- Poem



6 Years
Extra large
02-14-2021, 10:11 AM

Sparhawk was on high alert these days. Every single day it seemed like Poem came closer to giving birth. He was almost worried that she would pop, she'd become so round. The man loved it though. He loved seeing his wife swelled with their children and he couldn't wait to welcome them into the world. He'd been doing his research too. Sparhawk had taken advantage of Rhythms years and experience. He'd picked the old woman's brain in his charming manner and had filed everything away. He felt more prepared and more at ease after talking to Poem's grandmother.

When the soft voice of his wife met his sleeping ears, Sparhawk was instantly awake. Lifting his head, he visually inspected his lovely woman. He placed a gentle paw on her side. Is time? In his anxious state, all semblance of the hard work he'd been doing to improve his language dropped away. Breathe. Deep breath. Who you want me to call? They'd discussed, but he wasn't sure if Poem had changed her mind or not.

The man was anxious and excited and nervous and terrified, but all he showed in his deep red gaze was love. Peeling himself gently from Poem's side, Sparhawk stoked the lazy fire, feeding it more wood so that they might have warmth and light. He made sure that the furs were ready so that they could receive and clean each pup. There was plenty of water. All they needed now was a healer or two.

Sparhawk -- Poem
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-14-2021, 11:02 AM

Poem wasn’t forced to try hard to wake Sparhawk from his own well deserved sleep. As soon as his name left her lips his garnet gaze was blinking open and wakefulness surrounded him. He placed his dark paw over her heavy belly as it rolled of its own will. Poem grimaced as her body worked of its own accord and she felt another contraction take hold of her. She didn’t know how long this might take, but the hint of what was to come made her pray the birth was swift and uncomplicated.

”It’s time,“ she whispered through the pain, her fright peeking through again as she clung to him. Sparhawk coached her expertly, reminding her to breathe and asking again who it was that she needed here. Poem took in a deep breath and tried to relax, ”Theory, and don’t be alarmed she might bring my cousin Lyric with her.“ The second part was rushed through clamped teeth as she weathered the contraction.

He held her until it was over and lifted himself to stoke the fire they’d welcomed into their home for warmth. As much as she was thankful for her husband she was glad to have harnessed the power of flame. Their pups would not freeze this wintery night. Poem shifted and tried to make herself more comfortable but she had a feeling that achievement might be impossible. Blue and lavender eyes looked up to her husband, they’d spent their last night alone. The new day would make them a family. ”We’re about to be parents.“ A bit of awe, and unconditional love filled her sweet voice. This was it.

Sparhawk -- Poem



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-14-2021, 11:18 AM
It was no surprise that Theory had been lurking near Poem's den. The pups were due any day now and she was absolutely terrified, maybe more so than either parent. She longed to protect and defend them from any worry or hardship, that they might never feel even the pain of a splinter - but at the same time, she knew this was impossible. Theo had begun to perpetually carry a go-bag of birth aid herbs and supplies beginning probably three weeks to early, but she wanted to be prepared no matter what. Thinking she'd stop in for a cursory check, she could smell what was happening before anyone could tell her. Resisting the urge to panic, Theory simply entered the den slowly and smiled winsomely at them both. "I can't wait to see their beautiful faces - here, chew this," she said, her words coming out all at once. Theo shrugged out of the makeshift sling that held her supplies and offered Poem some herbs to stay the pain of labor before turning back to the entrance and calling out shortly for Lyric. They had agreed that he could observe and help if necessary - the more paws the better, as far as Theory was concerned. But this was special and she wanted to keep it as intimate as possible for Poem and Sparhawk.



2 Years
Extra large

ExplorerPride - DemisexualHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-15-2021, 08:27 AM

Lyric was nervous, nervous as he and Theory discussed he was attending Poem's pup delivery and this was going to be his very first experience in such a situation. But he trusted Theory was going to be there with him, that he could trust in that she was going to guide him for whenever his help is required if not he would just observe n¿and learn hopefully his presence won't be an issue for the future parents.

And like that upon Theory's call, he walked forward with ears a bit pinned, and as he went to her cousin's den he saw Theory first, and then before entering he would announce his presence. "Greeting, I am Lyric and I'll be here for assistance should you need it." There he took a seat beside Theory in complete silence, just ready to follow any instructions. His expression was calm and serene, and his posture relaxed, hiding any hint of fear.


[Image: lyric.png]

Lyric has a female Perrier's sifaka named Lola she is with him all the time unless specified otherwise.



6 Years
Extra large
02-15-2021, 09:40 AM

Again Sparhawk kissed his wife's forehead. She confirmed that Theory would be attending the birth and surprised him a little when saying that someone named Lyric would be there as well. The redwood man didn't really like the idea of another male observing the birth of his children, but if Poem was okay with it, then he wouldn't complain. He wouldn't like it, but he wouldn't complain.

The worried excitement in Poem's voice brought many more kisses peppering her face. "You be the best mother." A little humor entered his features and he shrugged. "I be okay dad." The man squeezed his plump wife to him. "So much love." Their children would soon be here. He couldn't wait to meet them. Couldn't wait to see what they looked like. Couldn't wait to name them.

Theory ducked into the den and almost scared the daylights out of the already nervous man. Red eyes went wide for a moment before he moved around behind Poem. He would lay behind her, being as supportive as possible. The rest of the work would belong to Theory and of course, Poem. When the male arrived, Sparhawk spared him a nod, but all of his attention was on his lovely wife.

Sparhawk -- Poem
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-15-2021, 11:35 AM

Poem wasn’t sure how comfortable she would be with her cousin here either, but he needed the experience and that was worth more than a little discomfort at his presence. Poem found it easy to dismiss the thought from her mind, she had Sparhawk here to look over her and keep her focused. He assured her, as he kissed her forehead, that she would be the best mother. She appreciated and loved every moment of his tenderness. She closed her blue and lavender eyes as she reveled in his affection. It wouldn’t be just the two of them for very long. ”You’ll be the best Dad.” Even though he was joking she had to assure him of her feelings. He would be the perfect father to their children.

Their time alone was swiftly cut short as Theory ducked into the den and nearly scared the life out of Sparhawk. Poem giggled softly as she was given herbs by Theory and started to experience another contraction. They were steadily becoming more intense. Sparhawk made himself comfortable behind her, cradling her gently and offering his physical and moral support. She turned to give him one more kiss before doing Theory’s bidding. The herbs were bitter and unpleasant but they’d make the experience smoother.

A strangled cry left her lips as the intensity increased and she could barely acknowledge Lyric as he slipped through the entrance. She pushed into her husband’s side and grit her teeth but he held tightly to her pale paw and she managed through it. She panted slightly as relief flowed through her and she could relax. ”Thank you,” Poem spoke softly as her eyes lifted to each of the healers that would be attending to her.

She wasn’t sure what to expect in how long the experience would be. Everything she heard seemed to depend on the individual pregnancy. She was in luck though, and their very first puppy would arrive not long after everyone was settled and set up. After struggling, pushing, and an inordinate amount of pain their first child entered the world.

Poem cried when she put eyes on her for the first time, she had help cleaning her but she took the majority of the work. Once she was fully revealed Poem thought her heart would burst from her chest. ”Shae. Her name is Shae.” Poem’s voice was broken with the emotions that poured forth, but she saw her mother in this tiny child, and she knew that was her name. She wasn’t done yet though, and another contraction swiftly took the place of her attention as Shae was put to her belly.

The second was born with similar struggle, but Poem was beginning to feel the exertion she was putting into the birth. She did the same with their second daughter, eager to help clean her and see her to her belly. The child looked much like Sparhawk and Poem looked up to her husband, ”What’s her name?” Her voice revealed the exhaustion but they weren’t through yet.

Three more times they repeated the process with Poem growing more tired with each child. The third was another girl, and this one Poem would quietly name. ”Vilanelle.” Despite how tired she was there was a smile on her dark features. The fourth was their very first boy, he looked just like his mother. Poem looked up to Sparhawk sleepily and asked him to name this puppy as well. When she thought that she couldn’t keep going the final struggle was the most difficult. Poem needed much more help with their last tiny daughter but Poem had enough in her to name their final baby. ”Satire.”

Sparhawk -- Poem



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-16-2021, 09:26 AM
Poem was a natural. Most women were, Theory was slowly discovering. Unless something traumatic occurred (and she had prayed quietly in the dead of night that nothing would), they were quite able to guide themselves through this process. She was simply here in case of emergency. Of course her heart was beating riotously and her stomach was clenched at the thought of emergency, but Poem's labor went completely by the book. The only thing that really surprised Theory was the sheer number of children that slowly worked their way into the world. Her eyes were wide at it all. No wonder Poem had been so round. There was so much life she had to bring into the world. Even Theory's rudimentary predictions at litter size weren't close to this. "You're doing incredible, Poem," she whispered words of encouragement. Theory beamed at Sparhawk expectantly when her sister gave him the opportunity to name some of their children. The man was a stilted speaker of their language, but his heart was true. She was sure he would pick excellent names.



2 Years
Extra large

ExplorerPride - DemisexualHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-16-2021, 08:13 PM

He was about to sit down when Poem's sudden charge at him, and that made him back away a bit with his ears pinning in the moment but soon the relief also came to his chest as he sat down beside Theory, being as silent as he could, looking away as all occurred. He felt shy and a bit embarrassed for breaking into a birthing den, but a healer at some point would have to go in. Healers were meant to assist in births and he would have to get used if he wanted to be the best healer out there and thus taking a deep breath he sat there looking at Theory from time to time, in order to be ready should she need anything from him. But either way he was internally nervous, but in his face, he only showed serenity.


[Image: lyric.png]

Lyric has a female Perrier's sifaka named Lola she is with him all the time unless specified otherwise.



6 Years
Extra large
02-20-2021, 08:32 AM

Rather than the world slowing for the birth of their children, time seemed to speed up for the redwood man. One child entered the world and Poem called it Shae. Then suddenly all five were born and he had named two of them. A girl; Fable. A boy; Poetry. Sparhawk kept repeating their names over in his mind like a mantra. Shae, Fable, Vilanelle, Poetry, Satire. Shae Fable, Vilanelle, Poetry, Satire. These were the names of the lives that he and Poem had created together and by the gods were they perfect.

Sparhawk had stayed curled behind Poem through the whole birth, holding her paw and giving her his big body to push into during her contractions. Now he loosened his grip so that he could sit behind her and stare down at the five glorious children as they fed at their mother's belly. Tears filled his ruby gaze and he placed a kiss atop his exhausted wife's head. I love you, Po-em. We will be best parents. His voice was thick with emotion. He never thought in all of his years that he would be deserving of a family, yet here it was.

After many moments of awe, Sparhawk remembered that there were two others in the spacious den with them. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he looked to Theory and Lyric. Thank you for being here. Already his mind was working, trying to figure out what to feed Poem. She was going to be hungry and their voracious brood was going to be hungry as well. He would have to bring and make her all the food. Whatever she desired.

Sparhawk -- Poem
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-22-2021, 07:36 AM

Poem was exhausted. She had expected the pain along with the indescribable feeling of love that gripped her as she was finally able to look down and adore her children. She knew the moments would be brief as her body begged to be able to sleep after the ordeal of giving birth to five new puppies. Sparhawk remained supportively behind her through the whole birth, and his comfort and presence just as important or more than the healers beside them.

He named the other two children perfectly, their son Poetry and their second girl Fable. Poem relaxed into Sparhawk as the excitement dwindled and she realized the reality before her. ”I love you, Sparhawk.” She smiled, the expression was tired and dreamy but she felt every ounce of adoration for the man who held her and gave her this perfect little family.

Theory remained supportive beside her, just in case something happened. Lyric was there to learn from this experience, in case his presence was needed somewhere in the future. As the new parents gazed at their tiny family Sparhawk reminded her of the other two wolves to experience the birth. ”Thank you both.” She echoed sleepily, moving very little as she tried not to disturb the nursing puppies. They were as eager for a nap as she was and already the strength of their nursing was subsiding.

Sparhawk -- Poem



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-22-2021, 01:42 PM
Poem's birth, thankfully, passed completely without event. A breath that she had been holding for the entire ordeal (and nearly Poem's whole pregnancy) finally escaped her lips. She hadn't realized that she'd been so tense the entire time she'd been observing. Theory beamed and slowly stood up, stretching out each leg. Her muscles were sore and tight from being clenched - the alpha had spent the last few hours on the verge of an anxiety attack, poised for everything to go wrong. Blessedly, it hadn't. Did this whole praying thing really work? "Let me just take one more good look at you before I leave you be," Theory murmured, taking in the sight of her sister with her infant nieces and nephew just one last time. They'd never be this small and lovely and innocent again. Already she could feel a torrent of emotions brewing but she swallowed them down for Poem's sake. This was a joyous day. "And Lyric, as you can see - " she exhaled heartily again, glad that the incessant worry was slowly escaping her, "this was a perfect example of a natural birth. Mother and babies, all healthy and happy. We can leave knowing that sometimes, when nature takes its proper course, a healer isn't even necessary." She grinned at him and bowed her head again to the new parents. "Take whatever you need to feed her from the stores, Sparhawk. If you'd like something fresh, track Brandr down - he usually knows where the herds have been recently." Turning away from the den, Theory beckoned Lyric to follow so that the new family could have some privacy.



2 Years
Extra large

ExplorerPride - DemisexualHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-22-2021, 01:52 PM

This for being his first time attending a birth came up quite well beside Poem's initial aggression toward himself. That scared him quite a lot but he managed to pretend nothing happened. But despite that, he felt like he learned a bit, and he guessed in his path as a healer, more births could come his way. And he had to be ready each time. When the time of the pups to arrive started he looked away to give them space, he was a bit anxious about being snarled at again. As time passed all were ready.

"this was a perfect example of a natural birth. Mother and babies, all healthy and happy. We can leave knowing that sometimes, when nature takes its proper course, a healer isn't even necessary."

He nodded upon hearing Theory's explanation about natural births. And catching Theory's expression he nodded and giving one last nod to the new parents he walked out of the den feeling how his lungs expelled the excess of anxiety that was left. "Thank you Theory, for letting me learn. I'll go ahead and keep with my herbal lessons. See you around." Then he nodded and left. -EXIT LYRIC-


[Image: lyric.png]

Lyric has a female Perrier's sifaka named Lola she is with him all the time unless specified otherwise.