
Nowhere To Turn




2 Years

Christmas 2019
02-17-2021, 12:23 AM

Beat was a father. He was a father and this sweet, innocent boy was his son. It wasn't just something that Recluse was trying to make him believe. Beat felt it in his soul that this pup shared his blood. As quickly as she'd shown up, Recluse had disappeared. Their interaction had ended on a sour note mostly because Beat's mind was reeling with the prospect of being a father. With his mind a'whirl, all diplomacy had gone out the window. He'd spoken his mind and let his thoughts show in his eyes without any consideration to Recluse's side. The man felt a little bad about that, but there wasn't anything he could do about it right this moment. Maybe when she came back... if she came back...

"Alright, Soul," Beat used the boys name along with a gentle touch of his nose atop the pups head.
"Can you walk or do you want me to carry you? We have a little ways to go." So many thoughts bounced off the inside of Beat's skull. It was a good thing that he'd crafted his own den. He no longer stayed with Twig, though his own den was very near hers. He would have to prepare a place for the boy. He would make a point to make things accessible for him since he couldn't see. Food. Water. Bedding. He would teach the boy where everything was so that he could be comfortable as possible. But first... he had to tell Theory and Twig.

As the pair moved off, Beat released a howl, calling Theory and Twig to his location. He would continue to walk to meet them, but there were things that they needed to discuss. He doubted that Theory would deny him his son, but if she did for some reason, the two-toned man was ready to leave Abaven right then and there though he didn't know the first thing about raising a child. Beat would heavily rely on the knowledge of his aunt Twig. She had helped raise him and his brothers, afterall.

"Chatting." & 'Thinking'
[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
02-17-2021, 12:51 AM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2021, 12:58 AM by Soul.)

Beat was gentle in a way that reminded him of momma! The boy leaned into his father's touch and when asked if he could walk nodded enthusiastically. Whether he could easily keep up with the man was another question entirely and not one that crossed his mind, far as he was aware he'd only been asked if he could walk, and while he'd never been as good at it as his siblings he could in fact navigate space, even if it was a little unsteady. "I can walk!" He said with only the self assuredness of a child with no real life experience could muster.

So he stumbled after his father for a bit, tripping over his own paws, tripping over every dip in the ground, and he must had've tripped a few too many times because eventually he found himself being carried by the man. Which was all the same to him, gave the boy more time to adjust to all the new sounds and smells.  "Woooow, that's a lotta wolves." He said, drawing in the unfamiliar smells. "D'you know all of em?"  He asked, a million other questions already starting to form in his overactive mind.

He was set down and Beat called for... someone. While he waited Soul set about sniffing at his immediate area, but it was almost overpowering the smell of all these strangers. There was also a loud noise that pounded in his ears. "What's that noise?" He asked, moving his muzzle towards the rapids he could not see. Then another more pressing question popped into his mind. He toddled over to his father, and pushed into the man's paws, tipping his head back to ask: "I call momma, momma... what do I call you?"  The boy did not have a real grasp on what it meant to have a father, afterall he hadn't realized he even had one before this morning (evening), but Beat was his and he already was very fond of him!


Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: j3sinrG.png]
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-18-2021, 08:57 AM
She hadn’t told anyone but Corvus what she’d experienced. What they had experienced. The wound was fresh in her mind every day, and she knew that time would not be so easy on her. The reminder of what could have been weighed heavily on her shoulders, but she’d experienced tragedy before. Sadness was a part of her now, and if there wasn’t some kind of grief at the back of her mind then was she even really alive?

Twig was trying to go on with her usual responsibilities, the familiarity and routine helped to keep her grounded. Her thoughts weren’t always drifting to the painful blow that she and Corvus had been dealt. With Corvus, and her nephews, she knew life would go on. She was surrounded by love, and because of that she managed not to blame herself. Twig would hold out hope that she and Corvus would be allowed another chance to raise a family.

The thoughts touched her mind as she heard Beat’s call. She had no clue what he could be calling for her and Theory both but she rushed forward all the same. When she reached him Twig froze as her bright purple gaze fell on the barely weaned boy Beat was carrying. She ignored the clenching of her heart and willed the tears not to well in her bright eyes as she forced her paws forward.

”Beat?” She questioned softly, adoration in her expression as she tentatively shuffled forward in the snow.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-18-2021, 10:34 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2021, 10:41 AM by Theory.)

Theory had always had a particularly soft spot for the orphans. Tempo had fled, trying to escape a curse that she believed didn't exist... but every wolf had to come to terms with things in their own way. She wouldn't object to that. Theo was no more a prison warden than she was able to fly: every wolf in Abaven was free to leave if their heart pulled them elsewhere, but she still missed every last one of them. Beat and Lyric had stayed on and for that she was grateful. Lyric was a promising healer and Beat was a strong hunter: both assets to the pack their parents had loved so dearly. Once she heard his summons she wasted no time in answering it. The last time Beat had called he had been injured, so she hoped that when she arrived on the scene there wouldn't be any blood. Winter was a difficult season to recover from injuries.

Of course, the sight that greeted her surprised her completely. A small pup, just barely old enough to be away from his mother was tucked away by Beat's side. She slowed her approach, nodding to Twig as she joined the tight-knit gathering. "Beat! Is something wrong? Are either of you hurt?" It wasn't typical to announce comings and goings unless a wolf was making a particularly long journey, so this wasn't some routine hello or goodbye. And who was this little thing? "And... what's your name?" she asked in a friendly tone as she leaned down to greet Soul.



2 Years

Christmas 2019
02-28-2021, 07:31 AM

Soul assured him that he could walk and Beat didn't want to discourage him, so he let the boy walk for a while before gently picking him up in his jaws to carry. It was amazing how light he was. Beat used these jaws to end the lives of his prey almost daily and how they cradled the tiny body of his child. It was a very sobering thought. This was all really happening. He was a father. It still seemed so much like a dream. Beat had the idea that some day he might meet a nice lady and settle down to create a family. He hadn't planned having a family so soon, but was it really all that bad? The boy was... perfect. It didn't matter that he couldn't see. To Beat, there couldn't be a more perfect child.

Placing his son gently on the ground between his paws, Beat called out for Twig and Theory. As he waited, Soul questioned him. "That is the sound of the rapids. Fast moving, dangerous water. Make sure you stay far away from it." He was sure to warn the boy. The idea that he would need a companion popped into Beat's head. Something to steer him away from danger. "As for all of the wolves, I do know them. You'll know them too." He hoped. It all hinged on Theory's decision.

Again Soul questioned him and Beat wrinkled his brow, dumbfounded. What... should the boy call him? Beat hadn't had a father long enough to come up with any paternal names. "Uh..." he thought about it for a moment, seating himself and looking down at the boy. "Well, if you called her momma, you could call me papa. Or dad."

Twig arrived first and Beat tucked his white ears back against his skull as she drew near. She gave him a questioning look and he was about to explain, but Theory arrived soon after. He would tell them both at once. The alpha asked if either of them were injured and he shook his head. "No, we're okay." As Theory crouched and asked after the pup, a slightly bashful look crossed Beat's features. "This... is Soul." His blue and purple gaze rested on Twigs face. "He's my son. He's blind and his mother can't care for him, so she left him with me." The unasked question hung in the air. Would Theory let the boy stay? His gaze drifted to the woman, a pleading look in his eyes.

"Chatting." & 'Thinking'
[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.



3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
03-02-2021, 12:56 PM

The world was so much bigger than Soul would have thought, it was hard for him to grasp the exact scale but his whole world had been his mother's den only a few hours ago and now he was aware of how little he'd known. His father explained that he was hearing something called rapids, water he was supposed to stay away from. The boy nodded, and he gave a big, lopsided grin up towards his father, it was super exciting that his dad knew so many wolves, that he promised Soul would know them too! His final question would also soon be answered and the boy pushed into Beat's paws, his whole body shaking with the force of his wagging tail. "Okay papa!"

The boy immediately turned towards the sound of approaching paws, he waddled towards them a bit. Tipping his head back towards where he thought he heard the woman ask after him, bumping slightly into her paws and falling back onto his butt, though he seemed unharmed, jaw parting and tongue lolling in a wide grin. Names... names were hard for him to grasp still, he'd never really had one before today. Beat stepped in to help and the boy nodded. "Papa calls me Soul!" He barked, as if to help his father, also just happy to get more excuses to use his new name for Beat.


Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: j3sinrG.png]
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-06-2021, 04:40 PM
Twig could focus on her not quite nephew instead of herself, it was a welcome relief to dwelling on her own head. Soon she would tell him, once she thought she could form the words on her lips. Theory appeared quickly after, before Beat could explain, and her attention was swiftly drawn to the child at his side. Once Beat spoke her purple gaze shifted to the tiny boy as he was introduced, as Beat’s son.

The Memoire woman tried not to allow her jaw to hit the floor as she welcomed the surprise. It was an easier emotion than what she felt bubbling up inside. Twig looked back up to Beat, willing the tears not to fall as she grinned and swiftly returned her attention to the small boy. She tried not to allow her own ‘what ifs’ to cloud this moment. Beat had a child, a beautiful little boy that was obviously full to the brim of love. She felt her heart break and melt.

”Hello, Soul.” She offered warmly, pushing closer to stand beside Beat but also offer the boy one of her paws to smell and touch since he could not see her. ”I’m Twig, I’m your um..” She looked to Beat for a moment as she contemplated the relationship between her and the boy’s father. She wasn’t truly his aunt, but she was his aunt. ”Your great-aunt.” Then she really did start to cry, mostly of joy. Overwhelmingly of joy. But part of her felt the pain of loss like a fresh wound.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-07-2021, 04:30 PM
Theory was stumped but for the sake of the small (he was so, so small) child she managed to take it quickly in stride. Alright - Beat had a son. Did that mean there were more children somewhere else? And who was their mother? She'd have to save the questions for later. Beat clearly seemed repentant. "Yes. Well, of course I have some... questions, but we can discuss all that in private. Let's get your son" - was everyone around her going and having kids behind her back? - "into the pack and acquainted with all of the other children. I'm sure now that he's here he'll be thrive." Was he small because he was malnourished or just small because he was small? Truly, Theory couldn't tell. Pups were difficult to get a feel for. They were so tiny until suddenly they weren't any more, and Soul seemed only barely weaned.

She turned to Twig and smiled encouragingly. Another member of the family was a welcome, wonderful addition. "Yes - this is aunt Twig, and I'm Theory. I help look after everyone here, now including you!" She leaned down to sniff him and also present herself for sniffing. Blindness wasn't something she'd encountered recently and she wasn't sure how Soul would like to greet her.



2 Years

Christmas 2019
03-16-2021, 01:47 AM

Beat watched, already severely protective, as Soul wandered forward at the approach of Twig and Theory. He would have to teach the boy to be more cautious. Not everyone in the world was as nice as the wolves of Abaven. The idea that someone might try to harm the child filled the new father with fury, but he tamped it down. There were things to attend to now.

Theory seemed accepting but he knew they would have to talk things over in detail once the introductions were over. He was still trying to make sense of the whole situation himself. A father. A child. It was still beyond him. The boy would grow up without a mother. Perhaps... he should find a woman and settle down? Someone that would be willing to help raise his son and provide companionship for himself? Ah, it was all so much to think about. One thing at a a time.

Beat's eyes moved to Twig's face. She cried and his brow creased. He knew her. These tears weren't all happy. Concern flooded him and, without realizing it, he moved forward and placed a kiss on his aunt's forehead. They would have things to talk about later as well. What was going on with her?

Looking to Theory and Twig, Beat spoke. "I want to get Soul settled in. Teach him his boundaries for now so that he doesn't get hurt. Show him his new home." This was serious business. He had a child; a life that depended on him to continue. To thrive. "I'm going to get him a companion to help him navigate." That was something that he would have to do immediately. Again he brought his gaze to the two women, blue and purple eyes shifting back and forth between them. "Thank you for being understanding." He was still a little sheepish about the whole situation, but there was no helping it now. He had a son and he would do what he needed to do so that the boy wouldn't have to grow up like he had.

"Chatting." & 'Thinking'
[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.