
Tough Nuts



02-25-2021, 12:55 AM

He was grateful for the shelter that Ashen had offered him while he sorted things out for himself. And in turn, he opted to go and hunt for the pack today. He headed a little further south, following the shores until he reached the briars that lay across the water from the pack. He probably could have swum here, but given that it was winter, he opted for the safer, somewhat warmer route despite it being longer. He was trying to track some prey, though, given the season, he wondered if they had headed further onto the mainland in search of warmer weather or perhaps they went to the other continent he had heard about but had yet to visit. He continued his search, remaining quiet as he put his nose to the ground every so often in an attempt to find a trail.

As he reached the briar, he paused. Ears moving as he tried to pick up the sounds of prey. Straining to listen, it was only a few long moments before he heard rustling in the brambles several feet from him. Lowering his body to the ground, he slunk forward, trying to keep as low to the ground as possible and trying to avoid the bulk of the bramble bushes while he skirted around them, making his own path through the snow. To his luck, he managed to find a hare, nibbling on the few remaining leaves of a bush no more than a few feet from him. Steady on his paws, Blitz waited until the hare was distracted, and once the opportunity presented itself to him, the male struck. In a flurry of snow and speed, Blitz managed to grasp the hare by the skin on its back and flipped it into the air before it could tear itself away. In one quick snap of his teeth, he broke the creature in half and secured his meal.

WC: 321/2500




Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
02-25-2021, 02:09 AM

Benson had been watching the wolves for some time in the Briar. There was a pair of them standing in what seemed like a clearing in the place. The striped wolf wiggled his hind quarter's trying to get a feel for the earth underneath him. Winter was hard on them all and with his bones sticking to his body it was clear that the loner was hungry. Benson didn't know how he got like this, another gap in his memory prevented him from remembering. The trapper was exceedingly frustrated, but of course he didn't have the guts to admit that. Even now, it would be a great idea to sneak into this pair's stash! He could take that piece of deer and perhaps a bit of the herbs that were sitting into a closely knit box of some sort. A satchel if he would describe it, one of the wolves must have been a healer.

Then in a sudden jerk of his head he heard off in the distance the scream of a rabbit. It didn't take him much thought to realize that it was another hunter nearby. An idea popped into his head, the meek wolf would have to show at least a bit of courage. If he wanted to steal from these two wolves he was going to need a friend to help him. At least then they could split the supplies they needed and with how Benson looked - skinny as a twig- hopefully the other didn't reject thinking he wasn't going to carry his own weight. Benson took a deep breath, tucking his tail between his legs, he turned and trotted towards the sound lowering himself close to the ground.

The boy got closer, raising his head to look at the other male. They matched each other in height and it seemed the hare had been his kill. Benson whined wagging his tail slightly as the young male bounced a bit. "Sir... there are a pair of wolves nearby nesting. They have a satchel with food and herbs in it. I was going to raid it on my own b-but I don't think I c-an." he stuttured at the end of his sentences. Making sure to keep his distance as the striped male twitched the end of his tail. Normally he was smart enough to be submissive in these situations. But, with a memory problem like his sometimes he wasn't even sure how he was supposed to act.

WC: 411

Word count: 732/2500

Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner


02-25-2021, 02:55 AM
He stood there for a few moments as he contemplated heading back to the pack with what he had, or if he should try to find more. Just as his cousin had said, the pack was full to the brim and one measly hare was hardly a meal for a couple of pups, let alone one. He supposed he could eat this one and try to find something bigger, but what if he didn't find anything else around here? Something was better than nothing right? Maybe he just had to widen his search a bit further, maybe check out Auster to see what he could find there. Surely there would be better opportunities and bigger prey he could bring back to the pack. Yes. That's what he would do.

Nodding to himself, he was about ready to execute his plan when sound caught his attention and a moment later, someone had approached him. Sir... there are a pair of wolves nearby nesting. They have a satchel with food and herbs in it. I was going to raid it on my own b-but I don't think I c-an." Blitz sized him up for a moment, a quizzical look in his eye. The guy didn't think he could take them on? He matched himself in height...he did sound like he lacked confidence, or maybe the other two were bigger and likely outmatched the guy. Blitz dropped the hare between his forepaws and licked his lips before answering.

"You are big guy, what is problem?" He asked with could be a trap for all he knew, but he was strong enough to fight and still close enough to his cousins pack that he could probably outrun them and make his escape...But...then again...he did say there was food in the satchel, no? Perhaps this could benefit him, too...then he'd have more than just a hare to show for his efforts today. "If you need help, Blitzkrieg help. But on condition that I get half of food from bag. I don't care about herbs, only food. Show me?"

WC: 344
Total: 1,076/2500



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
02-25-2021, 03:19 AM

Excitement seemed to rippled through the boy as his tail sparked up in delight. Benson tried not to make eye contact, despite his skill he could hardly stand up for himself. Not to mention he was starving at the moment. The normally well muscled male had his bones sticking out. Ribs poking against his lean frame. It would be about time he fattened himself up and he was desparate enough to steal. Hunting took time and energy, something Benson hadn't had in the last couple days since he came to in front of everything else. Even though there was a tickle at the end of his mind, like something telling him he needed to go.

Quickly Benson nodded his head then, turning he led the wolf through the undergrowth. Crouching low to the ground he hid himself in the bushes against the Briar. Even with his dark pelt he could easily keep himself out of sight, at least he was hoping he could. "Over there." Benson flicked his head. The bundle of herbs and food was there. The satchel contained a large portion of deer leg, as well as two rabbits and even what looked to be another shoulder portion of the deer meat. Benson wasn't really a healer he was more interested in the food and the excitement as well. However he knew enough to heal himself because of the amount of danger he usually put himself in. That's what he had learned to do.

"They're sleeping together, must be a mated pair. But they're definitely alone by the scent." Benson lifted his head trying to take in the damp air around them. It definitely only held the scent of the two sleeping wolves. Curled up underneath the tendril bushes they had dug out as a den. It must have been difficult to be all alone like that. Benson wished he had companions. Then maybe then they could tell him what to truely do. But for now, hunger was what drove him.

WC: 333

Word count: 1409/2500

Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner


02-25-2021, 03:53 AM
The male seemed to perk up when he offered his help, but also seemed to be trying to avoid eye contact with him. It made him curious about the stranger, and the only wolves that he knew that did that were slaves and prisoners. He used to be like that once upon a time. So he wondered if this guy had been through a similar tale. Before following the stranger, he quickly buried his catch in a shallow hole and covered it with snow since he planned on returning for it when they were done. He then followed the other male towards their potential targets, keeping low behind the stranger. At first, he didn't notice how thin he was until he was behind him and noticed that his hips were practically sticking out along with everything else. Suddenly concerned, the Klein male wondered how this stranger could have gotten that way. He seemed to be about the same age as he was, maybe he was just not a good hunter? Whatever the case, he was brought back to focus when they stopped and the male spoke.

Blitz peered out of the briers and observed the situation for himself, double checking to make sure there really wasn't anyone else around. But, it seemed his skinny companion was right. It was just the two sleeping travelers and the bag of food. He moved until he was nearly shoulder to shoulder with Benson, a plan formulating in his mind. "Only two of them and two of us, so will be easy if instruction is followed, hm?" He glanced at Ben and winked before continuing. "No worry, it is easy. You move to bushes a little bit away and make sound like injured animal. Wolves wake up, they investigate, and leave bag on ground. We hope, eh? I go to other side of bushes and wait for them to look for imaginary injured animal, they discover it is you, and by then, I have food."

He glanced back at Benson before continuing, "I know you are not in shape for fight, so when they find you, I will draw attention and get them to follow me. Maybe we fight, maybe we don't. Whatever is case, you find safe place if you must or wait where hare is and I will find. I am excellent tracker, and thorn bush will make it easy to lose them, and get away with prize, eh?"

WC: 407
Total: 1,816/ 2500



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
02-25-2021, 04:14 AM

He was a child, that is what his mind told him. Not only did he turn a year just a season ago wasn't it? Benson couldn't remember, sometimes he woke up and his body was fit, sometimes it was skinny, then again the gaps he had in his memory did not help. That didn't matter, given the right direction the listener was great at execution. He was observant and only he could be so crafty to make traps with his paws. A dying animal though? It seemed like a fun game, making him smirk his eyes glowing with ease. He knew that this wasn't the time for a game, but that's almost what it felt like in the end.

Benson was also surprised that the stranger trusted him. Benson could see himself stealing the food away, of course he would never do that. The funny manner in the way he learned was a quirk. He was equally shy as he was smart. The wolf would nod his head definitively. Moving his paws forward the purple striped wolf made his way to the left of the couple. He looked at the bushes, then began to dig a bit. Letting the cool earth fall over his paws as he made headway. Pressing his paws against the bushes he grinned. This was exactly like the game he wanted.

The male began to shake the bushes, then fell back on the earth he had dug out. Suddenly he let out a groaning noise, the ruffled grunt that loudly moaned throughout the Briar. Surely it was enough to disturb the couple. His moaning was coupled with the flailing of his limbs. Pushing against the bushes slightly as he bleeting out into the winter chill air. Benson's mind was on the food. He was looking starving anyway. Perhaps the couple wouldn't even notice that Blitz was even stealing the satchel. That was at least the boy's hope.

WC: 321

Word count: 2137/2500

Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner