
You could have it all



4 Years
06-01-2014, 01:23 AM

After meeting with Helios the spotted girl's paws would carry her forward, onward into the seemingly endless knolls. Trees would become more plentiful as soft grass passed underfoot, subconsciously the girl would search for familiar scents. Loneliness would offer her no discomfort, however she would long for her family's presence. Form would pass over knolls upon knolls until mountains began to jut up from the earth. Attention would be caught by the brilliant sounds of wind and whistling. Bright gaze searching for the source as rusty paws drew near an entrance to the caverns. Delicate features turning curiously, taking in the odd formation. Breeze would tousle her silky fur. The cold wind would cause her a slight shiver, as well as the otherworldly sound.?


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5 Years
06-02-2014, 02:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The pressure of the epidemic had been weighing on the young girl rather heavily. She hated seeing her mother and brother in the states that they were in, plagued by fevers, hardly able to keep the food that was caught for then down, not to mention seeing things that were not there. That had possibly been the scariest of all. No matter how she tried, Anais could not see what the illness gave vision to, and she had no way of fixing them so that they all saw the same things again. Never had she felt so helpless, and it bothered her more than she let on.

But keeping up her smiling, optimistic face had been hard today, and not wanting to let her family see she had slipped away, sneaking out of the pack lands and seeking a secluded spot for a little while. Her place of respite had come in the form of a cave. It was dark inside, very chilly as the shade accentuated the wintry weather, but she hung close to the entrance, lying curled up within the shade and abandoning the bright looks she typically wore to one more suited to her disheartened mood.

She was not sure how long she had been there, worrying over her family and whether the pack would be able to find a cure for them and the other infected wolves, but she realized soon enough that she was not alone. The quiet approach the speckled wolf took brought her near the cavern Anais hid in, and though she did not move the grey-gold girl tensed. She might not have been inside Ebony territory but she was not outside of their reach; if one of her pack mates found her here she would have felt guilty for disappearing as she had to take some time for herself. Her yellow-gold eyes watched the entrance to the cavern closely, but part of the figure that she could see did not match up to any wolf that she knew. A stranger then?

Even in her sadness Anais could not help herself from asking, bringing attention to herself as she lifted her head and asked without her typical spunk, "Can I help you?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



4 Years
06-04-2014, 02:03 PM

The russet girl would stand before the cave entrance curiously, tail knocking at her hocks as she debated on her next move. Dar she go in and explore the uncharted caves on her own, or should she simply ignore the temptation to enter and continue on her search for the parents she craved to see. Her decision would be partially made up for her, a delicate scent would waft from the earthen structure. A she wolf she had no knowledge of, Appaloosa marked form would tense as a voice would accompany her aroma. The opposing girl's head would rise as she asked her question, "Can I help you?" Isolde was unsure if she should take the compliment as rude or sweet, the underlying emotion seemed stagnant. Marked features would turn curiously as her gold rimmed eyes took in the other young she wolf.
Dark paws would pull her near, eyes searching the other girl's face, she wouldn't return the gesture with haughtiness yet. "Perhaps." Lyrical words were strung out before her, "I'm looking for my family, actually." from the perfume given off by the golden girl Isolde could make the assumption she found residence within a pack. Maybe she found herself well connected? "My name is Isolde Adravendi-Mathias, you don't know any others of that crest?" It could have been a long shot, but she couldn't help but hope. Maybe she recognized the similarity between herself and Maverick? Tilted features would boast a hopeful smile, small but certainly there.

touch the stars

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
06-05-2014, 11:02 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The speckled girl wandered nearer as Anais questioned her, and in doing so she gave the grey-gold girl a better look at her. The peculiar coat pattern, the pale dapples, struck a cord in her memory, drawing a puzzled sort of frown to set upon her curious brow. She knew she had seen it before, with clear certainty. The old king of Seracia - what was his name again? - had sported a very similar pattern, so striking that she wondered if there could have been, or was, some relation between the two...

Maverick! The mention of the once-king's last name jogged her memory, bringing with it a flood of memories from that time. She may have been young but it felt like ages ago that her family had resided there, within their large, cozy den protected by her father's favored marking carved into the surrounding trees. The red barn that housed the Sharp Tooth - which she now knew to be a tale and nothing more, the shed with its strangely shaped, stationary inhabitants, and all manner of creatures that were seldom seen elsewhere. This girl... She had to have been one of their once-king's children, surely? Even as the recognition dawned across her face, Anais could not say that she had met this girl there. Maybe she had seen her at a meeting in passing, but if they had not met before maybe now was a second chance for them to do so.

"I do, actually," Anais answered, surprised, just beginning to forget of her current troubles as the past came back to her. "I used to live with them, in Seracia. I think," she added, reflecting more recently back to the meeting that had been called in Ebony, "I live with one of them now." Not Maverick, no. He had not been at the meeting, at least not that she remembered seeing as he was a hard one to miss. But the white wolf with the pretty russet markings, the blue-eyed lady that she could remember always seeing at his side, she had been there. She was sure of that.

Realizing she had yet to introduce herself, Anais quickly drew her expression into a little smile, feeling better now that she had something and someone to distract her from diseases and helplessness and feelings of sadness. "I'm Anais."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



4 Years
06-13-2014, 07:03 PM

Isolde could see the recognition that would appear on the other girl's face. Had she met one of her family for real? Did she have any idea where they were? She would confirm her words easily, the sound bringing a wag to Isolde's tail. "I do, actually, I used to live with them, in Seracia. I think, I live with one of them now." The appaloosa marked girl would grow excited, her feet dancing slightly beneath her, tail wagging like made. Her gold rimmed eyes would widen at the thought. Could this girl show her the way towards her family? "I'm Anais." Her head would shake unbelievably. "I haven't... I haven't seen my parents in months. Where do you live? Where can I find them?" she would twirl around, her innocence obvious in her child like manners. "Thank you for telling me! OH.."


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
06-18-2014, 08:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was obvious Anais's word of knowing something about the Adravendi-Mathias family was good and welcome. The other girl wagged her tail with eagerness in her golden brown eyes, hanging on everything that the Ebony yearling had to say about them. Anais wished she could have been more helpful. Just saying she knew of them, had seen them before inside pack lands, felt lacking in retrospect, not as helpful as saying she knew them and had spoken to them and could find them again would have been. But perhaps, for the time being, it would do, as a place to start if nothing else.

Isolde seemed to agree, even if she said nothing just yet to confirm it. She could hardly keep herself still there appeared to be so much excitement coursing through her body. Encouraged by the behavior, the grey-gold girl smiled brighter and found her own tail wagging in a more subdued version of the fanning the Adravendi-Mathias wolf was doing. It seemed she had made a difference after all.

And suddenly the excitement, the girl's behavior made perfect sense. "Your parents," Anais echoed, everything that had yet to fall into place doing so as she looked at the girl anew. Yes, she could see it now. The spots, those were Maverick's, and the lay of her coat, maybe even the look of her face, that was similar to her mom. She could see it now, the resemblance that she had not known to look for earlier, and the earlier sting of wishing to be more helpful returned. "I live in the pack Ebony. With them," she added quickly, and felt a slight twinge of guilt. She had no way of knowing for certain whether Maverick still remained, but she did not have it in her to mention it, not when Isolde was so happy.

The girl's thanks was enough to get a grin stretching across her face, her yellow-gold eyes showing kindness and happiness. "I can take you to the pack lands," she offered, seeing nothing at all wrong with the suggestion. If she seemed as excited as she did at the idea of seeing her parents again, then Anais could only assume actually being reintroduced to them would only make her happier. But, because she did not want to seem pushy or potentially ruin the potential joy for the young russet wolf, she added more quietly and understandingly, "If you want."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.