
Children of the Aurora

Aurorion Sibling!



3 Years
Dire wolf
03-01-2021, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 07:54 PM by Aurorion.)
Alright so forgive the lack of prettiness to this, but here we go!

I have one sibling of Aurorion (played by me) and Alsephina (played by Bones) going up for adoption. If we like more than one app I may work on throwing in another design, but we'll see how much popularity this gets first since I didn't originally intend on throwing up an adoption at all.

So these siblings are supposed to be pretty carefree and nomadic having grown up that way. Their parents were loners who'd move place to place so they don't have a good concept of home. Aurorion is pretty selfish and thinks of how situations can benefit him. If they don't do so then he's 9 times out of 10 not gonna have anything to do with it. Long story short he's a bit of a conceited asshole, but I'll leave the personality up to you. I'm mostly just interested to see what people can come up with.

Without further ado here's the dreaded rules.
  • I reserved the right to take the character back from you should you fail to make a post in 1 ooc month. Some leniency may be given under certain circumstances but communication is key. If I don't know what's going on and you fall off the face of the planet then I'm gonna assume you quit the site and take the character back.
  • You must use the provided design. It makes taking back the character much easier. If you have art commissioned with real money though then obviously that's yours. No one can use that without your permission, but the design itself will go to the new adopter for convenience so the design won't have to change.
  • Should we choose someone to play a fourth sibling you can use your own design but by doing so you agree that the design can go with the character should you fall inactive.
  • Not exactly a rule, but I'd prefer it if the family didn't hate each other's guts for no reason. They're meant to be siblings after all. They can bicker but I'd rather not have the siblings start by hating one another right out of the gate. If it develops like that later on then it's whatever.
  • If you've read the rules then the keyword is stargazer.

Here is the lovely design, made by Bones and purchased by me.

Keyword: Did you read the rules. Prove it!
Name: Creative freedom here. Aurorion's name is derived from Aurora and Orion and his sister's name (played by Bones) is going to be Alsephina.
Age: (it's 3, this is for your reference later if you get the character)
Gender: Up to you
Appearance: 100+ word description
Personality: 150+ word description
RP Sample: (This only applies if you're a new member without any characters on the site just so we can get an idea of your writing.



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Lesbian
03-01-2021, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2021, 07:09 AM by Voodoo.)
Keyword: Stargazer
Name: Artraxium, "Aka" Art, Trax.
Age: 3 years
Gender: Male Afab

36" Light

Born female.

Trax is a vision, a ghostly image of a dark sea that is his body. His own base coat consist of a dark blue color, of the night sky that blends in with that of a shaded tree. There is no easy way to see where his markings begin and end, their beautiful marine green glow proving to be a center of attention for himslef and for others. Gorgeously thick fur sits on his body adapted for colder weather. His front as well as his pack paws are dipped in a ashen gray that blends into the dark blue of his base coat. The very tips of his front paws are lightly splashed with the light blue color. His back paws consuming the gray color is a vibrant blue green color.

The same brilliance comes from the first row of markings. His face on the bridge of his nose sits the same blue green color as his back paws. Leading three small stripes just beyond this bridge marking in a trickle of rain drop markings that tick the rest of his coat. His ears solidify this color, then sitting underneath his eye curving like a wave. A darker turqoise sits upon his back, stretching all the way to the tip of his tail. It is the light blue green that accents this, like light shining through the water the light color splashes on his back down to the top of his tail. Trax's own eyes glow a brilliant yellow, shining in the sunlight and gleaming in the darkest of nights. Smelling of nature and the world around he is ready for anything.

Chaotic Good

Selfish | Playful | Easy-going

Vain is a simple word to describe Trax. He paws a lot of attention to his outward looks possibly too much for his own good. There will be times the male will want to stop and take a look in a reflective surface in order to make sure things are in order. Blood and dirt are not something that terribly concerns him, but scars and other blemishes break his heart. With the easy way that he flows and moves with everything that is around him.

He has a problem staying in one placed. As how his family before him was raised and himself he prefers it this way. Going from place to place and seeing new faces. Trax' playful energy is something that he likes to make of himself. Often his loyalty lies with his kin and family. Loving his siblings very much he tries to entertain the group when possible. Jokes, stories, maybe just a nice conversation making Trax concentrate on his charismatic skills when he can. For his love of trading and hunting may come in handy.

Vain and playful, Trax is also horribly selfish. Something that he considers just a survival tactic. He doesn't care much for rules and he values his independance. Being able to walk where he wants, hunt where he wants, and flirt with whomeever. As long as it gives him pleasure it is a sure way to get himself interested. He is not the kind to stop and help a stranger, a wolf's own problems are just that. If there is no gain for him - he isn't interested.

Despite all this Trax is still a easy-going wolf once you get to know him. There isn't much that he likes or dislikes, with an open mind and an open heart he values being free spirited even in others. The selfish man has an easy time connecting with others and a harder time making enemies since he never stays for too long. While not easily trusting as long as nothing is coming to harm him or those he cares about he doesn't mind. Violence doesn't seem to be on his to-do list, but he somehow tries to understand the wants and needs of others at times though he may not always care about it.

RP Sample: n/a



3 Years
Dire wolf
03-09-2021, 05:08 PM
You already know this, but for character application purchases, Pedle, you get Artraxium! Thanks for applying c: