
No fear allowed



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-03-2021, 01:47 AM

What was Asla’s problem?  All Naiche had done was get a little bit of distance as she’d been right next to him! It wasn’t like he tried to go far, he just, it just, it had been the thing to do.  Oh well, it was hardly the first time Asla was annoyed with him and he didn’t expect it to last long.  Honestly, he had first known the Asla that annoyed him before he’d ever learned he could even like her.

Naiche followed along behind her at first and eventually moving along next to Asla as they got farther away from the pack lands.  He let her lead, ears raising up a bit more as his nose alerted him when he caught the scent of the bear she had found earlier.  Once the scent was captured his mind left thoughts of Asla behind with his attention fully focused on the job.  

Time passing and he was surprised to find themselves just about to the base of the sunset falls.  Farther ahead, still a small shape he spotted the bear.  It was only his nose and movement that didn’t match the winds that assured him of what they had found ahead.  The snow had changed the landscape here as well. It was actually a rather pretty sight but that didn’t matter.  The cold, wet snow, that refused to hide paw prints and was terrible for blending in destroyed any of its beauty appeal right now.

Naiche didn’t speak but just glanced at Asla.  It had nothing to do with her being reaper, it just seemed natural enough to let her make the decision of how close to get or when to attack.  So often Naiche had fought bears with strangers, this should be considerably easier.  Then again, the snow would likely make it harder than on dry firm ground.  Well, it would be harder on the bear also.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-03-2021, 03:50 AM
Nose to the ground, Aslatiel and Naiche followed the scent of the bear. It had left the Armada lands, but pair wanted to be absolutely certain that it wasn't going to return. There was no room in the Armada for bears. Or any other large predators for that matter. Up ahead the dark form of the bear was moving up the parh beside the falls. It had seen them pursuing it. Was it headed towards Abaven? Looking towards Naiche, she motioned towards the bear with her nose. "It looks like it's headed towards Abaven. We should try to cut it off and send it west." They were allies with Abaven. It wouldn't be neighborly to chase a bear and let them deal with it.

The cream and grey young woman threw her weight into her paws, as light as she was. Dark toes danced across the rocks as Asla cut her way up the falls. She closed the distance between herself and the bear quickly since she was considerably smaller. The beast growled a warning but Asla wasn't having it. She released a growl of her own and leaped up from one rock to the next. Her foot slipped and she stumbled a bit but managed to keep from falling.

The trio continued to move upwards. Once they hit the top of the falls the wolves would be sure to push the bear west. They would have to cross the river up top, but it should still be mostly frozen. She doubted they would have much of an issue. Boy... was she about to be proved wrong.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-03-2021, 11:51 PM

Naiche enjoyed the silent companionship on their way.  Asla felt no need for talking about unimportant things while they tracked the bear, focus being kept where it should be.  No idle words were needed to say what either was thinking anyway, focus was on the bear.  

Now that it was in sight Naiche watched the bear dubiously as it climbed upwards.  With all the water next to it the way was bound to be slick and going up a thing to be done with caution.  He’d slipped on enough rocks in that cave months back to last a few more seasons.  Not to say Naiche wouldn’t chase the bear but his senses were warning him not to charge through recklessly.  The higher they got the more dangerous a fall would be.

Naiche followed behind Asla as she ran up, wishing she’d slow down a bit.  He wouldn’t let her leave him behind but the water and the ice that caked everything made the land potentially more dangerous than the bear.  She wasn’t ignoring it right? Naiche’s heart lurched for a moment when she slipped, relief following when she refound balance.  “Slow down,” Naiche suggested up at her, “We can speed up once we are at the top and catch up to it easy.” Yes, he was telling her what to do and yes it was giving her advice most of the time he would dislike also.  He’d nearly killed himself and Pan once already in a fall, no more making that mistake.

It was Asla though, she had those cat-like calls and excellent balance.  Naiche knew she could take care of herself but that dreaded itch wouldn’t go away.  

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-04-2021, 12:46 AM
A snort was given as Naiche told her to slow down. The bear had a head start. They needed to catch up. She didn't slow down but she also didn't speed up which was her initial reaction. Even her ego could realize the mistake in that course of action. She wanted to scare a bear. She didn't want to be dead.

Up, up, up they went. She could still faintly smell the old scent of the Hallows wolves as she passed certain rocks. They were so far away now. Indy was so far away now. No. She couldn't think about that. Not now. She had a job to do. Sad thoughts would have to wait.

They'd made it to the top of the falls. Asla looked back to make sure Naiche was behind her. Only then did she begin to pick her way across the ice floes towards the brown bear which was simply wading through. The young wolf didn't have time to be wet and cold. The path of the bear was veering to the west so their job was almost done. Hell, they didn't even have to finish crossing the river, really. Standing on a chunk of ice, she looked back to Naiche again. "If we keep going, there's a path down on the other side. Or we could turn back." She'd leave the decision up to him. In the meantime she watched the bear disappear into the trees, heading west and away from Abaven.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-04-2021, 01:05 AM

Naiche didn’t mind being wrong in this case.  Asla made it up safely and Naiche continued at her pace, however much he distrusted it.  It was like the nerves in his paws were tingling with how much attention he gave each step.  The slickwater and ice guaranteed an easy fall and right now that was an intimidating thought.  At least Pan wasn’t with him this time.  Just Asla.    At the top he glanced back down the way they had come, it wouldn’t have bothered him normally but with the current conditions, he felt his stomach roll a bit.  Had he picked up a fear or was this reasonable respect for nature at this time?  Did Asla think him a coward? Damn, her thinking him a coward might be worse than a fall in a way.

Which path?  They had made this one up but down would be even more tedious.  Would she at least take her time more?  What was the other path like? His bruised pride didn’t want to ask that right now and show any more signs of insecurity.  Naiche didn’t want the decision she’d offered but he couldn’t say that either.  Fortunately, Naiche had learned to be quite good at acting formal instead of unsure or concerned so he wouldn’t appear weak.  His eyes looked to the bear, a desire in his blood to chase the creature and fight it, vent out his frustration.  Fighting dangerous animals was fun after all.  “We can take the path if you think it's any better.” Naiche eyed the ice they were on shifting his weight on it, at least at this point it felt solid enough.  Hopefully going down felt solid also.  He hated winter and fake winters.  Right now Naiche loved the idea of being in their den curled up, warm, safe, no snow and no risk of her falling.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-04-2021, 02:14 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2021, 07:08 AM by Aslatiel.)

"Path it is." He'd made the decision. It didn't matter if he'd tried to make her choose with his wording. Carefully, she picked her way across the icy river. It was easy to tell when they'd reached the other side. The bank was mushy and the snow was melting.  The ice crumbled beneath her paws and the striped lady hopped onto the squishy bank. It was a little muddy and she wrinkled her nose. "Gross."

Asla led Naiche to the path that would wind back down the falls. It kind of seemed like a waste of time, this whole thing. She enjoyed the trek though. It was nice getting away from the familiar Armada lands for a bit. "Still wanting to patrol when we get back or have you had enough walking for today?"Asla shot her companion a grin.  Of course he would want to patrol.  Duty should have been the man's middle name. She'd done her good deed for the day and she had patrolled that morning so Asla would much rather just catch some lunch and curl up in a pile of furs.

The trek down the falls was fairly uneventful. It was slick in places,  both with melting ice and running water. Going up had been much easier than going down.  Gravity was working against them,  but both wolves kept their footing. Two thirds of the way down,  however, the melting ice took its toll on the partially frozen river. Great chunks of ice broke off of the waterfalls overhang. Down,  down,  down it went,  crashing onto the various stone shelves as it went. Just Aslas luck,  the shelf that she was on was struck. The ground beneath her crumbled and suddenly she was falling.

Time slowed as she fell. Or was she sliding? Here and there,  her body touched stone,  snow,  ice.  At least she didn't have too far to fall.  They'd been so close to the bottom. Asla landed in a pile of snow,  the blow cushioned by the wet powder. Then she was buried beneath snow,  ice,  rock. Panic struck and Aslas heart started hammering in her chest. She pressed her body against a large boulder to her right. There was enough space for her to breathe but her lower half was trapped.

Was Naiche okay? She hoped so. She would gladly take the injuries if he could escape unharmed. "Naiche?" She called out. She didn't feel any pain, but shutte could very well be in shock. There wasn't any blood. Not that she could see very well in the dark. Taking a deep breath,  the young wolf tried to focus. She pushed against the stony debris with her front paws but it wouldn't budge. And then... she felt the water.

If Aslatiel had been upset before,  now she was in a full panic.  See... Asla didn't like water.  She had almost drowned as a pup and since then,  she wasn't a fan.  Water from the break in the ice trickled down and was gradually filling the space where the girl was trapped. The ice cold liquid was already past her hips. It took her more than one try to speak,  but when she was able to produce sound,  she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Naiche!" He was her only hope.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-04-2021, 09:51 AM

Naiche was feeling grumpy by this point.  Between his normal dislike of the snow and ice it also included his dislike of the scenario in general.  So his mind was also irritated she had put the choice on him to begin with when she knew the area better than he did.  Maybe it was a petty thing to be annoyed at but he was tired of the sense of danger he was feeling.  The threat of danger from a bear he could fight and have fun, but nasty terrain?  Maybe once it would have been a fun challenge and maybe on its own it would be a fun challenge but Naiche was worried about Asla.  He was annoyed at himself for that too.  It had been a little bit since he’d felt so irritable, that had been about Asla as well in fact.  Naiche smirked at himself, amused in a fashion but not enough to get over his irritability.

Naiche didn’t gripe at Asla though as he followed along.  No lashing out at her but just buried it within even as he eyed the shape of the bank.  Damn it would be good to get back to the den.  Did he still want to patrol? Not really.  He would of course, but that didn’t mean he’d be in a great mood while doing it.  Maybe once they got away from the falls he’d be able to enjoy the walk back and get in better spirits.  Half of his irritation was mostly just stress anyway. “It’s not as if we actually fought the bear,” pity they hadn’t, “taking a little jaunt isn’t a reason to not patrol.” Ignore the distance of their walk or the amount of effort the walk took with muscles working harder on the falls.  Damn it, his next training session would either be a spar or finding a large dangerous predator to fight with someone.  Naiche wanted to vent and since he wasn’t targeting Asla it would have to be in a fight.

Naiche really did have good footing.  There was a lot he had missed out in living the first year of his life in a roaming band, but all that traveling had helped him grow quite sure-footed.  Still, even a sure-footed wolf could fall over this.  The farther down they got the more relief he felt as it seemed things were going to work out.

With horror, Naiche heard a sound that seemed to freeze his blood and stop the heart.  His head jerked up where the sound came from, “Asla mo-“ it was all too fast, the ice had already collided with her self.  It was like a vision from his nightmares, seeing the ice strike, the ground crumbling and what really happened all so fast seemed to go slow in Naiche’s mind as he watched the ground give out and Asla fall.  Certainly, it was a picture locked away in his mind forever. Sprays of ice had coated his muzzle and the fur coat that protected his back, shattered chips had bounced along his ledge along with a few larger pieces but not enough to do real harm.

Naiche had been so cautious before now he leaped from step to stop, he didn’t question the best route now as sure as a mountain goat hops along rocks he took each stride and the kindness of luck was on his side as he reached the snow and rocks that hid her form.  “Asla!”  He heard her voice calling for him which at first was a balm to help calm his panicked mind but it only took a heartbeat to realize the fear in her own voice that was so contagious.

Naiche was digging at the snow before the thought to dig had registered in his mind.  The spot where he started to dig a hole was quickly filled with more snow from above.  Naiche stopped digging to force himself to look more carefully at the snow, ice, and rock all about her.  Rocks slid from their location and the wolf imagined if he dug the wrong way they could fall on her instead of harmlessly off.  Naiche was panting from the stress, looking around waiting for help to show up.  Damn, they were nowhere near the pack to call for aid in digging her out and too far to run for help and leave her there also.  They were on their own.

Calm.  He had to be calm for Asla.  That was worth a moment of stillness instead of digging or even talking.  Once he’d found some center, a wall inside of him to force away from the terror to a back part of his mind where it raged and screamed at him Naiche looked with a fierce focus at his problem.  “Asla, can you see in there?  How much is it rock or just snow around you, can you move?”  Heart hammering, but his voice lied with that calm tone he’d found so shakily inside himself.  “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out.  Are the rocks in their stable enough and do you have enough air for me to go slow and carefully?”  It was important.  Naiche could rush and dig fast of course but that meant more risk of sending rocks to fall directly on her.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-10-2021, 08:20 AM

Water continued to pour through the ice and rock as more of the icy waterfall began to slough away up top. The trapped girl was soaked to the bone. Panic was slowly sending her into a shocked state. Only the voice of Naiche kept her from blacking out. What was he asking her? One question at a time! Aslatiel fought to pick apart his sentences. Number one. Could she see in here? "I can't see much." Number two. How much is rock and snow...and could she move? "There's rock on one side. My legs are trapped beneath it." Very trapped. She could wiggle her toes, but her legs were somehow crossed and trapped. Her paws would fall asleep soon. She could already feel them tingling, though she wasn't sure if it was from lack of blood flow or sitting in the frigid water.

The trapped fae's teeth began to chatter. Naiche assured her that he would get her out. She believed in him. Or at least she hoped that he would be able to follow through. The water level was slowly rising higher and higher. Air wasn't the problem. There was a ton of air between snow particles. She would drown or freeze first. "It's filling up with water." Ah, there was the shock. Panic fled and a sort of icy acceptance took its place. Teeth still chattered, but it seemed as though Asla floated above her own body, watching the scene play out. If he said anything else to her, she didn't hear it. All she could really hear was the steady drum of her own blood in her ears and the trickle of water as she was slowly submerged.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-10-2021, 09:30 PM

Naiche was struggling with his own sense of calm.  Ironically he was on verge of panic because Asla could die but it was because Asla needed his help he was managing to keep a false sort of calm to himself.  Necessity can help one do more than they realized apparently.  The main thing he got was that things were bad, they were short on time and she was just as scared as he was, or more.  The idea of snarky, biting with Asla being scared didn’t fit well in his mind.

Naiche hopped up on his back legs, front paws throwing off a bit of snow that was hiding the crevices around the chunks of ice and rock.  His paws clicked against the surfaces and at first, it seemed no progress was going to come from it.  For a moment he imagined the worst and the spike of inner-pain it caused was enough to force away emotion.  This was business, he could think on the future when it came to pass, sure as hell not now.

“You know,” the sound of digging through snow heard as he talked, “I imagine this is one of those times you are supposed to try and talk to someone to keep them calm.” A small rock fell off and could be heard splashing in the water.  “That’s not the sort of thing I’m good at.”  Making up words or soothing things over? That definitely wasn’t a skill Naiche had ever picked up.  “Besides, one thing you made absolutely clear day one is that you're tough as hell, right?”  Yes, he was trying to do what he’d said he wasn’t good at, talking.  “So, this is probably a waste of breath talking to – help.”  It was a stupid concept, right?  The thing was he didn’t want Asla scared.  It wasn’t a thing that should happen.

More snow flaked away, Ice broke down and he could see Asla’s shoulder.   “Asla,” the words were soft and seemed like they might lead to more but then Naiche was grunting as he tried to push aside a heavier rock.  He had found his way from front shoulder to where her back legs were.  The golden wolf was struggling to move the dumb rock off without grinding it against her.  “So,” pause as feet scrabbled to make the rock start to shift, “Damn, ok this stuff is stupid.  I’ll talk after I save you.”  Sure enough, the wolf gave up on emotional help.  

After a few more minutes of tedious work, Asla’s back legs were cleared.  Rocks and ice and snow and water were everywhere.  “Can you get up on your own? Do you want me to carry you? We need a spot to rest and let you dry off, and warm-up.”  Warmth in all of this?  They could curl up but there was sure no nice sunny spot today to help out.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-10-2021, 09:53 PM

Shock shifted like the waves. One moment she rested in sweet oblivion and the next she realized that she would soon drown. Her lungs would fill with water and that would be the end of her. Would it be so bad? She would no longer feel this biting, stabbing cold. Fear would fade. She wouldn't have to worry about training her father's stupid children anymore even though she sort of didn't mind some of them. There would be no responsibility. She could be free. But then she thought of Naiche. She thought of Indigo. Would they miss her? She hoped they would.

Naiche spoke and she could hear his voice, but she still couldn't quite make out the words. The caliginous world slowly began to get lighter and lighter. It didn't register that this was because Naiche was slowly pulling away rock, ice and snow. The basin that she rested in continued to fill with water. Hips. Ribs. Shoulders. Neck. Cheeks. Instinctively, she turned her muzzle upwards so that she could still breathe out of her nose. Ears and eyes were still above the water when he unearthed her and the young woman's galaxy gaze rested on his golden face momentarily.

As Naiche carefully pushed the rock off of the slab of ice that was holding her legs down, Asla felt a little pinch of pain, but it was soon replaced by the aching pins and needles that returned blood flow brought. He spoke to her again and Aslatiel furrowed her brow, trying to figure out what he was saying. She was freed from her trap, but being so long in the freezing water had taken its toll. Still attempting to focus on his face, the striped fae slowly drifted completely below the frigid, murderous water. Ah, there it was. The end. It had taken two tries, but in the end it was the water that got her.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-10-2021, 10:40 PM

It was going to be ok.  He had dug her out, he had found her.  She looked up at him and then she went underwater??  Naiche admittedly took a second to stare in shock before his mind chided him that staring was taking up time.  

Naiche felt fear sinking into his heart as he dropped his own head into the water to grab for Asla’s scruff.  The golden wolf’s eyes squeezed shut when he felt the biting cold water touch them.  Damn it this water was horrible.  It could suck the life right out from, well, a thought for another place.   Naiche forgot he was tired and sore.  With her scruff in his mouth, he worked at dragging her out of that horrid little basin. Naiche had her head and throat above water, her coat soaked with water made her feel heavier than planned.  Backing up Naiche fell,  jaw cracking on a rock and Asla slipping from his grasp.

Naiche snapped at her scruff before she could slide all the way back underwater.  They were running out of time!  Despite that Naiche stood still a few more seconds to get his heart rate and mind back under control.  Suddenly he wished they weren’t so alone.  Admittedly Naiche wanted help but, there was no time to get it now.  Guess he didn’t need to worry about anyone seeing him look weak.

Naiche started pulling Asla back onto the ground again, praying she was still breathing when he got her all the way up.  It needed to be fast, it wasn’t fast but it was completed.  They needed to move somewhere warm.  First, though Naiche just dropped down next to her.  Pulling her in next to him to try and give a little warmth as he got his breath back, and to make sure she was alive.  Naiche was staying active at this point only out of necessity for her, so what if she wasn’t alive? “Asla,” Naiche’s tongue swept across her forehead, “Asla, are you ok? Please?”   Another lick across her forehead.  He’d never forgive her if she died.  Naiche would never forgive himself either. Please, he inwardly begged.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-10-2021, 11:02 PM

It wasn't the pain of cold water entering her lungs nor was it the teeth in the back of her neck that roused her. It was the venomous bite of the icy winter air as it slammed into her soaking wet body. Spring would be a fickle thing this year. Though somewhere it had been warm enough to get the water of the falls flowing, a chill breeze blew down from the north. It felt as though ice was forming in her very soul from the culmination of water and wind. Only Naiche's radiating heat kept her from giving up.

With a hard cough, Aslatiel expelled the water from her lungs, soaking the ice and stone beneath them, but it couldn't be helped. She sucked in a ragged breath and let out an exhale that was mixed with a desperate desire for oxygen and a sob of relief. There was still the idea in the back of her mind that she was going to die. She was too cold and that would be the end of her. The water would still claim her life, though not in the way that it had planned. "N-Nai-ch-chee..." she shuddered, her teeth once more chattering as her body shivered in an attempt to warm her body. "C-co-oooold," It seemed that she couldn't manage much more than a single word at a time. Man, she must have sounded like such a dummy.

Curling her body against that of the golden man, she tried to sap his warmth but there just wasn't enough of it. By touching her fur to his, she was soaking him as well. They would both be icicles at this rate. What could they do? What could they do? Oh. Oh, why hadn't she thought of it before? "Hot s-springs." With her shaking muzzle, she pointed to an area below the falls. She could see the steam of the springs rising through the foliage. "W-warm." Surely he could understand her cavewolf speech, right?

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-10-2021, 11:27 PM

It was a relief when she spoke, but only to a degree as it helped prove what bad shape she was in.  Naiche was beyond feeling his own body's warnings at the moment.  The body knew it was wet, cold, and in bad condition from these but it was battling against his senses of fear, adrenaline, and focus on Asla.  He stared at Asla for every word she managed to get out.  Hot springs!  Somehow putting her in hot water also sounded bad but getting her near the water for its warmth sounded perfect.  She got a somber nod as he stood up again.

It was about that point he felt his legs warn him about his own current weakened state.  Ah hell.   For a moment he considered saying they should wait and let him rest but looking at her condition he swallowed the words.  What if she died?  What if she died regardless of what he did? What if she died because he didn’t do something fast enough? What if, what if, what if.

Getting her down to the springs was going to be a monumental task on its own but it was doable because it had to be done.  “It’s going to be a bit bumpy, but we’ll get there.” Whether by his carrying her or them falling, one way or another it would happen.  The sick bit of amusement came to him that if they fell gravity would surely make for a faster trip and if it didn’t kill them it might save them.

It felt like an eternity as he lifted her up and helped her get on his back.  She was heavy and wet and it was hard to get her balanced right.  The cold coat of hers was going to soak into his muscles when he needed them not cold the most.  Well, this figured.  Newly-made reaper and general, as well as Sirius daughter, would both die here.  How long for the pack to find them?

Naiche started heading down the path with his eyes shifting from the steps he took to the final destination of the falls.  It was true, they did slide and stumble more than once, she nearly would fall off of him more than once.  It meant Naiche having to stop frequently to readjust her and when stopped he had to take a few breaths and remind himself that to lay down was to kill them both.  “Hey, Asla?” His words given to her at one of those stops.  Might as well admit it now, just in case.  It took a few more breaths as he wondered if this was close to saying that he gave up or if she’d take it that way.  “We’ll be warm soon, I just need to breath more.” That hadn’t been what he’d intended.

Another few skidding steps, legs shaking and trying to rebel against him.  There was nothing in him for stubborn willpower.  “I love you.  Just, you know…” It wasn’t a dying thought!  With shaky legs, seeing they were so damn close he continued on their downward descent.  Would she die before he got there?  Would he fall down and they both die?  Naiche was tired, it was hard to be optimistic when his body wanted to give up.  Giving up was failing her.  He took another step to continue.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-10-2021, 11:48 PM

It seemed that she'd been able to make enough sense, for a moment later Naiche was assuring her that he'd get her to the springs. Then he was helping her onto his back. Gods... did her body hurt. The cold of the water was dying away and was being replaced by the cold of the winter air. In the interim, her body throbbed both hotly and icily with each beat of her heart. Each throb was like a thousand teeth bit into her flesh and ripped her asunder. It was excruciating. By far the worst pain that she'd ever felt. With her broken leg, she knew pain, but that was one leg. This was her entire body, inside and out. Even her eyes were cold. They couldn't make it to the springs soon enough. Aslatiel knew that the descent would be treacherous, but it had to be done. Not only for her, but for Naiche too. He'd gotten soaked while saving her and continuing to save her was soaking him even more. They'd be lucky if they weren't frozen together by the time they made it to the bottom.

The waterlogged fae was cold. Yes, we know she's cold. She was tired too. So tired that her eyes kept drifting closed. It was difficult to keep them open. Difficult to keep herself alert so that she didn't go sliding off and careening down the mountainside. Internally, she chastised herself. They should have just let the bear go. Abaven wasn't their pack. She had wanted to do what she thought a Reaper should do, but she should have just thought it through more thoroughly. It hadn't been her fight as soon as the bear left Armada lands. She was an idiot. Her stupid, stubborn pride was going to kill them both. Had she been able to cry, tears would have pricked her eyes. As it was, she was just too damn cold.

More than once they slid, forcing Aslatiel to sink her claws in to keep from flying off of Naiche's back and out into the wild blue yonder. She was sorry for it, but it was instinct. He was doing well though. He really had saved her back there and he was saving her still. The lower they went, the more stops he had to make. She fully understood the need to breathe but her teeth hadn't stopped chattering since she'd left the water. Again he assured her that they would get to the bottom and she didn't doubt him one minute.

On his back once more, they continued to make their way down. Then, out of the blue he spoke three words to her that changed her life. Something that she would have never expected from him. It was a shock to the senses. Not a shock like the water, but an entirely different kind of shock. He loved her? Her? Naiche? Pee fur? Hadn't she tormented him enough? Didn't he hate her? She tormented him daily by touching him, making him den with her, giving him kisses, fighting him for kisses. And he loved her? Perhaps the water and ice had addled his brain. Surely he was joking or at least not thinking clearly. Either way, Aslatiel wrapped her forelegs around his neck, gave him a squeeze and stilled her chattering teeth long enough to give the golden man a kiss on his ear. She had the rest of the way down to try to muddle out some sort of clarity to the bomb that he'd dropped on her. Gods...

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-11-2021, 12:07 AM

Each step-down Naiche felt more sure they wouldn’t make it.  Despite getting closer his body was threatening to ignore his decisions.  Willpower didn’t matter if there was truly nothing for it, and his determination leaked away as well with the weakness.  He feared each step if she was still even alive, but whenever he claws dug in it allowed for some hope.  However, no response to his words was scary.  Shouldn’t she have been able to say something if she’d live?  Surely his words might?  Maybe she just couldn’t hear him well and she was asleep.

They were going to make it, a few more steps and they’d be on solid ground.  Snow and weakness mocked him and the two took the rest of the way to the ground with gravity leading them.  Naiche’s feet had finally given out.  His body hit the ground, and they skidding sideways down the slope.  For a brief second on his belly, then his side with his back facing the ground.  Thankfully they were on the ground a moment later.  No jutting out rocks or pointy pieces of ice where they landed.  The warmth from a spring was nearby.  It was just a bit less cold more than warm but it was a bit of hope that maybe, just maybe if Naiche could get up and get Asla up they could get warm.

Honestly, for a good minute, Naiche just wasn’t sure he had anything left in him to get himself up and that much less Asla.  A weakness in him that he detested, dully, wanted to just quit.  Close as they were he still just wanted to stop.  Naiche recalled faintly in his mind telling Sirius he would fight till his dying breath should it happen for the good of the pack.  That meant for the good of Asla as well and his own wish to give up wasn’t allowed.  His muzzle dragged across the ground to look at Asla’s body.  Her life was in his paws.

Every part of him hurt, every part of him was cold, and sleep kept demanding he give in. Slowly Naiche got up, carefully as his feet shook beneath him.  Too close to stop and to give up was to let Asla die.  That couldn’t happen.  Naiche could live or die after Asla was saved.  “I love you,” he whispered again to her as he tiredly looked down at her.  He could fall on top of her and they could die curled up together.  It sounded good. Lowering his head he bit into her scruff one more time.  Not far.

Naiche couldn’t lift her, it wouldn’t help her feel any better.  He dragged her form closer to the spring, it was growing warmer but in time?  Naiche continued scooting her until finally, the warmth soaked up the rest of his energy.  He slid down, head on top of Asla.  “I’m sorry.” The words whispered out.  There was nothing in him to get back up.  They’d live or they’d fall asleep and never wake up, either way, it would be over soon enough.  Naiche closed his eyes, a deep breath and he fell into a deep sleep.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-11-2021, 12:41 AM

They had reached the bottom a little roughly, but they had reached it nonetheless. She hadn't even felt the thud of her body hitting the ground. She was over it all. So tired. She just wanted to sleep. Again he uttered those three words and again she couldn't stop her teeth from chattering long enough to answer. Teeth found her scruff again as he began pulling her across the snowy ground. The sulfur of the springs was overwhelming. It seemed even more so in the chill of the winter air. She didn't mind it one bit. The smell promised warmth. It promised life. Aslatiel willed her limbs to move but they simply wouldn't listen. She couldn't help them get to the springs. She just couldn't.

In time she could feel the warm of the hot water pouring into her frigid frame even though she wasn't touching it. The yellow wolf collapsed on the ground beside her, apologizing for something. Apologizing for what? They were near the springs. She could feel the life slowly seeping back into her body. Naiche had saved her life without question. He was tired and exhausted, but he'd done it. With his collapse, Naiche's eyes closed and sleep conquered his body and mind. Somehow, Aslatiel stayed conscious. She had to. Something told her that she shouldn't sleep yet, so she didn't. Slowly she began to regain control of her limbs. In time her teeth stopped chattering. Digging her claws into the damp earth, the cream and grey young woman pulled herself closer to her savior. He was asleep and she was ready to sleep as well. Aslatiel pulled her upper body over Naiche's neck and shoulders. She curled into him, her nose next to his ear, and quickly fell asleep. Not having death knocking at her door was all it took to lull her to sleep.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-11-2021, 12:54 AM

For a long time there was nothing.  No dreams or sense of self.  There was a point some part of his mind acknowledged there was a change outside as the darkness felt less dark beyond his closed lids.  A moment later there was once again nothing but a deep pool of blackness.  He was too exhausted.  Had a predator come along then they would have been its meal for they were defenseless.

Soft sounds were eventually acknowledged, and more light beyond the closed lids of his eyes felt.  He still drifted in and out of awareness, then the reminders of pain throughout his body brought him more awake.  The warm sense against one side of his body reminded him of the springs.  He almost drifted again but the sounds refused to stop.  Snow that would occasionally drop from its location on the cliff higher up as the sprints heat would melt bits of it that got to close, and some bird that refused to stop its occasional kaw to who knew what.

Asla.  He felt her next to him before he even acknowledged seeing her.  It was strange waves in and out of consciousness as he grabbed at reality.  She was next to him, and he felt her body rise and fall with breath.  They weren’t dead.  Dead shouldn’t hurt after all.  They were both alive and for a bit that was good enough.  He simply remained pressed up against her, enjoying every breath he felt her take, it was worth all the many aches and scrapes he had gained.  They were both alive, though admittedly he still felt weak and tired.

“Asla,” the word spoken softly, a lick to her cheek that was so close to her face. “We made it.  We’re alive,” the words whispered, a statement as much to her as himself, if she even heard.  The annoying sound of the bird was quickly turning to a good sound no matter how demanding it sounded.  It was all the more proof they were alive.  They had made it.  Naiche imagined he should get up, look them both over for injuries and even find some food.  Yah, he’d do all that, later.  He was comfortable here, and each breath of hers was a wonderful sensation.  

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-11-2021, 06:42 AM

Sleep slammed into the young Reaper like an avalanche although she would rather not think of that analogy when awake. She'd had enough ice and snow falling on her for one lifetime, thank you very much. The point was that she got the much needed sleep that her body craved. She could use a lot more of it, but a gentle voice caused her to stir. Her name on his lips followed by a lick to her cheek. Naiche wanted her to wake up. "," she murmured and buried her face into his golden coat. Too tired to wake up. Way too tired. The warmth of the springs had done wonders even though they hadn't been in them at all. The chill was gone and her fur was mostly dry except for where they had been plastered together. She was comfortable and wanted to stay right where she was. Wrapping her forelegs around Naiche's neck the young lady pulled him into her, intent on finishing her sleep.

Being conscious for that short amount of time had also made her aware of the bird screeching in the trees. What in the hell was there to even yell about? Stupid pigeon. Stupid turkey. Whatever the bird was, it was stupid. Asla tried to go back to sleep, but every time she began to drift off, the raucous sound of the bird sliced through the air until eventually she raised her head and snarled at the trees. Her pelt bristled and her lips pulled back from her teeth. Finally her plum colored gaze opened and she glared daggers at the trees. She couldn't see the bird in question, but she hoped that it dropped dead.

With a groan, Asla dropped back to the ground, laying flat on her side rather than pressed up against the golden brute. Her brow furrowed as she went over the events that they'd both gone through. Naiche had really come through. He'd saved her life. There was no doubt about that. And had he... no... but why would she imagine him saying that? Twice, no less? Well... unless he said it again, she would feign ignorance. She had been more than halfway dead. Who could blame her?

Stretching out her toes, Asla wiggled them again Naiche's back just to make sure that they were in working order. In fact, she should really try to stand and see if everything else was working. Rolling a bit, she managed to get her legs beneath her. Slowly, she stood. Her legs wobbled and threatened to buckle, but she managed to keep her paws. Hey, would you look at that. Standing up and not falling over. Little victories.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
03-11-2021, 08:32 AM

Her response was no, but she was able to make a response.  She had heard and understood him, it didn’t matter if she agreed or not.  With a slow deep content sigh, his mind finally could focus on moving forward versus stuck in a moment.  Almost, the betraying thing finally recalled all of the ‘what if’s’ he had to push aside yesterday.  At least now they were past tense.  What if she had died or they had died?  He listened to her growl at the bird and smiled a bit, yes she was going to be just fine.

Lazily he dragged his head to watch her as her toes tickled at his back.  Then she actually got up!  Naiche eyed the wobbling legs and imagined neither of them were ready for the long trek back.  Asla had managed to get up, which probably meant it was his turn.  Naiche imagined how good it would feel to be back in their den and just to go back to sleep for another day.  Naiche really didn’t want to get up.  He was stronger than yesterday but still felt the physical and emotional drain.  He had almost given up on life yesterday.  It was a terrifying thought to think he had just laid down ready to accept death.

Slowly he stretched his own legs out and stood up.  They were quite the pair, his own legs wobbly but working.  Yeah, they weren’t going far yet.  He almost shared his fears of how he thought she had been going to die but decided those were unnecessary words for now, maybe ever.  What was there to say? Had she heard him last night?  Had his words been spoken only to nature around them?  Naiche had no words, emptied of anything meaningful to say.  So all he could do was step up next to her.  He had feared her dead, Naiche stared at her before giving another lick on her cheek.  He could never, never let her die.  Naiche made a silent vow once more to protect her.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-12-2021, 08:06 AM

She was up. It felt like she was going to fall over and like her legs were made of nothing more than grass in the wind, but she was up. The next thing would be to take a few steps. Asla breathed and lifted one paw. The rest of her legs shook, but she stepped forward. One after another like a pups first steps, she walked. Each successful step made her feel stronger. She could do this. They could make it home.

Shuffling from behind her brought Asla's neck curling around. She watched Naiche stumble to his paws as well. He seemed a bit better on his paws than she did, though he also wobbled. He wobbled towards her, stopping to place a lick upon her cheek. Oh man... he was serious about this. It hadn't just been a 'we're going to die' reaction to tell her that he loved her. Gods... She didn't know how to feel about it at all. Did she love Naiche? What was love, really? Aslatiel knew without a doubt that she loved Indigo. The feeling that she had for her giant, purple brother were intense and eternal. She didn't have those feelings for Naiche... but she also didn't have those feelings for Mort or Azure or her father. Would she care if something happened to the golden wolf? Very much so. Ugh, it was all so hard.

He'd kissed her cheek. She couldn't just stand here forever, so she nudged him and laughed softly. "Let's go, you sap." Maybe she would be able to sort things out on their long walk back. Either way... she felt like she eventually had to tell him about Indigo. Since he'd shared his feelings with her, it was only right that she be transparent with him as well. How he would take it, she didn't know. what she did know was that she'd eventually have to address the issue. For now... it was time to walk.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]